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Sunday, 20 June 2010

Home Corners: The Hallway

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Crikey Mikey it's been a busy week! Sorry I have been a bit lacking and just done short posts, I have been rushed off my feet, which I most unusual (I like to take life at a leisurely pace you see).

I gave you a little vote the other day and lots of you seemed peachy keen on having a Home Corners post, so that you shall have! I hope to do more of these too.

I decided to start with my hallway because that is the first thing you would see if you came to visit me, so it's like you are on a little virtual visit now :)

If you were to walk down my stairs, this would be your view (minus the Mindycat maybe!). The chair was brown up until about 2 months ago, when I could stand it no longer, sanded, wiped, painted and reupholstered (yes, I reupholstered that bad boy) and made it a lot more contemporary.

The picture frame closest to you is a pressed flower arrangement that I did with my Mum before she died, when I was about 6. I painted the frame to match the chair so that I ties in nicely.

The mirror is from ye olden times (only the 1950's actually) and belonged to my Gran, who has also sadly died. Gee wizz I sound morbid don't I?! I'm not, just that this little corner has a lot of Mummy/Granny things in it.

A little close up for you.

I love the simplicity of this chair, with a tiny bit of detail to make it individual. I made that little scented heart myself and thought it would look pretty there. If you would like one, let me know and I can whip one up for you for £3.20.

So on the little shelf I have a glass of peacock feathers (have I mentioned my peacock obsession? naaahh), a paperweight my Dad bought me years ago that I enjoy the colours of, a picture of good old gran and a little green glass dish with mula. I like to think Gran is guarding that little tray of coins. I don't know who from but I enjoy that she has a shelf role. Yes, a role on the shelf. Weird I know.

Here's the other side of the hall with a much longer shelf. The little shelf only has a phone on so not much to snap there! Pretty picture from Daddio, purple tealight holder, new IKEA vase with freshly cut flowers from the garden and mahoosive candle.
Do you like the sign we have? Ahhhhh.

The best flowers are the free ones you get from the garden.

Hmm can I just say, I despise the wallpaper. The old biddy who we bought the house off had EVERYTHING in a different wall texture. We've got most of it off but the hall needs work. Slowly slowly catchy monkey.

This is the hall from the stairs with both sides in. Those hearts on the door are on the other side and they say "welcome to our home". I shall show you some time :)

Halls are such an important part of a home but often not appreciated. I love mine so much. It gets all the evening light and I regularly change it about.

In spirit of my "homey" mood today, I went with a friend to Home Sense in Northampton- Penny Blossom- THANK YOU for introducing me to such a treasure trove. If I don't buy those silver drawers in the entrance, I may die. Fact.

Hope you liked my first Home Corners post! Where next?



  1. It all looks lovely i never think about doing anything in my hallway i'm not very good with decor and things like that.
    Very inspirational xx

  2. Oh Lou I love the chair, I'm so impressed that you even re-covered it! I have ideas like that but am always to lazy to actually do them!

    A brilliant idea for posts, everyone loves a snoop round someone else's house don't they?! I might even fancy doing this myself. Fab!

    Gem xx

    my blog - realfourteen

  3. Awwh my lovely louise this is so beautifull! You have such a cozy cute house, I especially love your sign! This is such a lovely post idear!
    x x x

  4. looks lovely! I love that green chair!! everything is so cute and lovely :) you should be really proud of this I would be haha :)

    My blog:Nicola-x

  5. I adore the chair and mirror!

  6. I love the star-shaped light in your entryway! Everything is very adorable.

  7. It looks lovely! Where did you get that sign? It's so cute! Gosh I can't wait to move out and have a gorgeous house! I love that you did a bit of DIY on the chair, it looks great! :) xx

  8. Yay thanks everyone! It gives me a warm fuzzy to know you like my homerrino!
    I must tell you, there is nothing of high value here, we have done the house up on a bit of a budget so it is all very achievable. I think the mirror might be worth a bit but that was left to me!
    Get your sand paper out and get painting!!

  9. Love this post!

    You have a beautiful hallway! It all looks so homely and welcoming and I love your accessories - well done with the chair too, it's so pretty. I have an old writing desk that I'd love to strip down and paint cream but I'm afraid that I'll ruin it.

    I wish my hall was as spacious - I have a really narrow hall to my front door!

    I hope you get to snap up those silver drawers too :)


  10. Love this post, lovely hallway! x

  11. I loved this post! Your hallway is so lovely! I am in the process of buying a housewith my boy atm (we had the survey thing on friday) and when we finally get in its going to need a lot of painting and updating! I've really taken inspiration from this post - I can only hope my hallway will be as lovely as yours! xx

  12. Sooo adorable. I love these posts!

  13. Wow, i love your hallway. The colour you painted the chair is really gorgeous, but my fave things are the sign, the hearts on the door and the vase of flowers..soooooo lovely!!

  14. Ahhh everyone!! You have made me all giddy and now I want to snap everything in my house and stick it up here!! Wooohoooo!! xxxxxxxxxx

  15. this is gorgeous, ill look forward to more of your virtual tour :D

  16. wow i love it, some might say its not posh or whatever but i think its perfect, very homey and cozy and would love mine done up similar to yours one day. please continue the series, and if u havent already maybe do a house tour video plewwwezze! xxx

  17. Gosh, just found this post! Many thanks for thanking me! It's good at Homesense, isn't it?!
    Z xx

  18. Great hallway, but I'm missing something. Maybe you should have bought in the store linen bed linen some rug or some pillows, that would improve the design of your hallway?

  19. I'm really in love with your tiny hallway and all those decorations - can't wait seeing next episodes of your home tour!

  20. Very careful layout. Maybe you need to buy a linen backpack from Fleurdelin to decorate the chair.

  21. Very careful layout. Maybe you need to buy a linen backpack from to decorate the chair.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx