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Thursday, 1 July 2010

Fun On The Underground

Aloha Bloggerinos,

As promised, here is my not-funny-at-the-time tale of the tubes for you to enjoy:

So, I caught the 7am Northampton-Euston train no problem. I was super sleepy on it and in a bit of a daze but was on it none the less. At Euston, I had to get the underground to Bank and then trot to my office. Simples.

(Image lovingly borrowed from

I wasn't really thinking and was just being pushed by the crowds down to the underground and before I knew it, I was a bit lost. Naturally, this panicked me I had to trek about going against the commuter crowds in a bid to find the Northern Line and get sorted. I found it, boiling hot and in a race against time and the train pulled up with six thousand and forty people all crammed on. I decided that I couldn't handle having my face smooshed into some man's sweaty pit and that I would wait another 3 minutes for the next train.

Three minutes later it became quite clear that I was going to have to endure a bit of face smooshing if I were to get anywhere. Delightful. Whilst on the tin of sardines train, I tried to get my phone out my handbag so I could check the time (mental note:wear my watch more!). I rifled around in there but to no avail so threw my bag back over my shoulder and thought no more of it.

Off I hopped at Bank and felt secretly pleased that I had gotten there (many a time I have missed my stop/taken the wrong line etc). I wandered through Bank towards the exit, up five hundred escalators, down twenty nine walkways, round four hundred corners, and then at the ticket turnstile, a really short weathered looking woman said, in a VERY cockney accent, "'Scuse me lav, your skirt's stuck to your baaag and is hitched righ' up!". Oh yes Bloggerinos, the hem of my skirt was half way up my back, revealing my knickers and only tanned-half-way-up-thighs to all and sundry of the London Underground. Thank you so much fate, you have humiliated me once more.

Still though, the man behind me on the escalator didn't complain! haha!




  1. Oh god! lol How embarrasing! At least someone told you before you got to work ay! Very easy to get lost on the underground too. x x

  2. This happens to every girl at least once in their lifetime! At least that lady was nice enough to tell you. Chances are noone else noticed. People on the tube are usually stuck inside their own head and not looking at anyone! I've had my skirt stuck in my tights before....I think that could be even more embarrassing! Eek! xxx

  3. Oh my! That would be mortifying! But thanks for sharing, I had a good chuckle! I have an award for you on my blog too...

  4. Yep, happened to me once! A girl's fate! It's as if some perv is out there using the force cuz it happens to everyone it seems, sorry lou!

  5. That sounds like something that would happen to me...
    Thanks for sharing- very brave- and it made me have a bit of a giggle :P

  6. I've just made you my very first blog of the week :-)

    Hope you don't mind I just really love your blog!

    Check it out!


  7. Oh no! For some reason I thought the story was heading along the lines of that you'd lost your phone/had it stolen or something.. So it could be worse!

  8. oh no!!! haha! i'm glad someone told you! i just found your blog and it's very cute!! i too love all things sparkly or glittery!! :)

  9. Oh no! That skirt hitching bag thing is one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to you! I have to commute through Oxford Circus and Notting Hill Gate everyday, add a sauna-like Central Line to this and you have a Vision of Hell :s
    Kat x Click&Make-Up

  10. I'm glad someone told you!:D Double check next time!:D
    Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
    & Life According to Marie.

  11. Janny recommended your blog. Bless you I totally feel for you. I LIVE in London and still get stressed out by the tube....and Bank is by far THE most evil station!

    Glad you managed to have a smile on your face about theskirt incident. Tis the answer to so many of lifes problems - smile about them!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx