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Thursday, 8 July 2010

Lou's Reviews :: GOSH Nail Polish 'Rainbow'

Aloha Bloggerinos,

A few weeks ago, whilst wandering the isles of Superdrug, I was drawn like a magpie to the GOSH Nail Polish selection and felt it would be a crime to leave without this little gem- GOSH Nail Polish 'Rainbow'.

The varnish retails for £5 but currently Superdrug are running a '2 for £8' offer so that's a brucey bonus!

I applied this over the top of some pink polish (I think Avon Viva Diva) and LOVE the effect. The glitter in it is less 'flecky dots of glitter' and more 'tiny bits of glitter leaf' if that makes any sense to you? I like this glitter-leaf (like gold leaf) business because it means my nails feel smooth and not all gravelly like some glitter polishes do. Do you hate that too?

Despite looking greeny tinged in the bottle, it actually comes out coppery, which I think looks great over pink polish. I am defo going to wear this look on holiday (Gran Caneria, Anfi Monte, August- oohhh yyyeeaaahhh).

The bottle is a good size and so far, after 4 days, no chips- hurrah!

What do you think of glitter polishes? Fun or tacky?




  1. You can't beat a bit of glitter to cheer you up! The only thing I hate is what it does to cotton wool when you're trying to get it off! It makes me cringe so much! xxx

  2. Gotta have a bit of glitter. I have this one too, it's gorgeous, I love it over the pink, I've been told to try it over black as well but this scares me lol. xx

  3. Oohh Alex that sounds quite nice actually, perfect for Autumn!
    WarPaint- Urgh yes, it drags it all about and goes all weird and makes my teeth feel weird. Odd!

  4. I love this colour so much. Flakies are just so gorgeous. Also i laughed real hard at the 'Brucey bonus' line <3

  5. Ooh a bit of glitter is good for the girlies! I used to have one very similar (the flakes instead of glitter) from Lancome, it was an iridescent lilac, very pretty!

  6. Love gosh :) Im so happy we have so many stores with gosh in denmark :p

    That polish looks great on other ones :) Spices it up abit rather then having just a plain color.

  7. Cute mani! I love glitter polishes myself hehe

  8. ooh this reminds me of sally hansen hidden treasure!

  9. Currently making my way through your blog and I came across this post :)
    A fantastic dupe for this Gosh nail varnish is by the company 2true (which, as someone else from the UK, i know you have access to ;)) it's shade no. 9. and was probably in the region of £1-2, I can't remember for the life of me!
    It does the same as you say the Gosh varnish does, it leaves a nice glitterly coat over any colour. And its not gravelly or bitty, nice and smooth! mm! I'm a big fan of wearing it over pinks in summer and darker colours in the winter!

  10. Nice polish.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx