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Sunday, 12 September 2010

Can you hear the pitter patter of tiny feet? I can!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Let me just congratulate you on your long enduring patience whilst I spent weeks hinting at a special secret. A lot of you guessed (naughty little things!) and some of you emailed me with your ideas and some of you guessed on my youtube profile.

Well the wait is over. That's right Bloggerinos, I'm pregnant! YYaaaahhhhhoooooooooooooo!

I'm now past the 3 month mark and looking forward to feeling a bit better because for me, pregnancy has been ROUGH. I do not feel glowing or blooming or doing what nature intended at all. I feel sick and tired and grumpy and headachey, hence the lack of posts lately (I really am sorry about that).

But here I am, married and pregnant and very happy indeed. I'm one of those girls that has ALWAYS wanted children and a family. I played with dollies and cooed over babies and when I was 14 was making about £100 a week babysitting in my local area (ahhh to be a minted 14 year old again!) because I just loved kiddlywinks. I even feel broody in IKEA at the cribs and baby stuff! So as you can imagine, now I'm having my own, I'm over ze moon and ze stars!

I shan't go on too much and I'll get on with showing you the 12 week scan picture but if any of you lovely mothers/careers etc out there have tips on surviving pregnancy, do let me know!

So without further adooo, here is the little one, all tucked up in his womby nest :)

Place your bets now- boy or girl?




  1. Congratulations! You liked to keep us all speculating at your secret! Hmmm boy or girl??? I'll say boy (purely a guess, Im rubbish at things like this!) xx

  2. Awwwwww congratulations honey!! Motherhood is beyond amazin, I have a little girl who just turned 3, when i was pregnant i had morning sickness everyday all day for 5 months :o( all i can recomend is plenty of rest if u can and try ya best 2 enjoy it xx xx

  3. aww congratulations :) xxxxxxx

  4. Congrats!!! :D I guess he will be a little precious boy.

  5. Congratulations, you're going to make a great mum! :) x

  6. Congrats...... Am the same as you always wanted a family and children, i cant wait to have my own xc

  7. Oh my god I am so happy for you!! What a lucky little baby to have you as a Mummy :) Congratulations lovely, such great news xx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congratulations!
    Enjoy your pregnancy time.

  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you! You will definitely be the yummiest of mummies! :)

  11. Congratulations xxx

  12. OMG!! You'll have to nip into Lush! Congratulations!! xx

  13. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you!!! xxx

  14. Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Your baby is going to be absolutely gorgeous and sooo lucky!
    I'm guessing it's a boy...? Haha I have no idea why lol

  15. Aw well done you sweetheart! All your dreams are really pulling together! Can't wait to hear more about your journey! xxx

  16. yay congrats to the both of you!so pleased for you!you must be so excited, and i bet you will be an amazing mummy! i'm going to say it's a girl just because i want to see some cute little dresses and stuff haha!

  17. Congrats on the BABY!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!

    I'm thinking the tadpole is a BOY!!!
    When will you find out for sure?

  18. ooh..u must be really happy^^ congrats and I'll pray for your health ,n the baby too =D

  19. Yay congratulations! SNAP! Me too x

    x hel x

  20. Huge congratulations! Amazing wedding pics too - you look fab!


  21. Congrats!!! Aw I'm so happy for you, I really am! I think you'll have a tiny little baby boy. :)

  22. We are so chuffed for the both of you.
    Z xx

  23. congratulations!!!! amazing news =) xx

  24. Ahh congratulations! Did your wedding guests know? Did you tell them at the wedding?! Aww im so pleased for you!

  25. aw, congratulations! i think it's a little boy blue! (not sure why, maybe b/c my fist one is a boy?!)
    thank you for following my blog!
    i love your background. those colors are so pretty just love it. wish I had a silk top in that vintage turquoise and those pink roses on them!

  26. woops! i honesty think i just made a mistake and thought you followed my blog ( ... and what actually happened is i think i found you through someone who just followed me)... oh well, you can follow me anytime. CONGRATS again! ultrasound pictures are so neat. my kids love looking at their baby pictures including the "inside mommy's tummy" kind!

  27. Oh hun , congratulations! I haven't seen this post until today so sorry I'm late but I'm so so happy for you xxx

  28. Aww yayyy!

    Im guessing a baby boy as i quote
    ''all tucked up in his womby nest :)''
    you said his lol

    really happy for you!
    congrats again xxxxxx

  29. hey congratulations, I'm 25 and me and my husband are trying for a baby now for about 5 months.. cant wait for the day when i get pregnant. its been a long journey Ive had treatment for endometriosis and that's what had delayed me on getting pregnant anyway love watching Ur blogs on YouTube cant wait to see one about Ur pregnancy..

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx