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Monday 13 September 2010

Losty lost lost!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I'm back in my stride and have made 3 YouTube videos today and am feeling a bit more optimistic about life. Hurrah!

As one of my gorgeous wedding presents, my bestest chum Ceri gave us (well, mainly me!) a great big Lush Think Pink hatbox gift set. Well, I want to take a tonne of snaps and blog about it but can I find my camera charger? No, I cannot!

(Shoddy picture stolen from google images)

This isn't the first time I have lost it, so once again I am asking you to channel your psychic energies and tell me where you think it is! I really must find a designated place for keeping it! Grr!

Happy Psychic Hunting!




  1. Did it maybe fall down the side of your bed? Thats a classic for me xx

  2. I have lost my camera charger too! Maybe they went on holiday together?


  3. Gotta be in one of the drawers by your bed - that's where things always disappear to! My sister got the think pink box for her birthday and is totally in love. Even just taking the lid off filled her room with the most scrummy yummy smell :)

  4. love lush products! and i LOVE ur blog header.
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Sprinkleofglitter xxx