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Sunday, 3 October 2010

Eyeko Bloggers Event- My oh My!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I'm in such a ditheration of excitement that I don't even know how to start this post!

After an uppy-downy week with some really good ups (more on these later) and some big downs (like not being able to attend the MAC Venomous Villains Event because baby-in-my-tummy made me all sick and dizzy), last night was the PERFECT remedy!

I was kindly invited, by Ling from Moonbeamstarlight, to the celebrate 10 Years of Eyeko Cosmetics, at a very swanky bar in London- switswoo! This was the first event I have ever been to and despite being really nervous about not knowing anyone, it was fantastic.

I figured the best way to tell you about the event was kind of in a story through my eyes and I'll try and slip the facts in as I go, if I don't, I'll put them at the end :). I tried to take lots of snaps but my camera works best in daylight and as it was dark is was either dim-with-no-flash or blinded-by-the-flash, super!

The event started at 5pm in Angel, Islington, so I hopped on the 3.25pm train from Northampton. The first carriage I sat in had some really loud girls in talking about their plans for NYE (organised or what?!), so I moved to the next carriage which had a guy with the loudest iPod I've ever had to endure. If he wasn't a great big bald body builder type, I might've said something, but the wuss inside me held me back. The train was delayed by 20 minutes so I didn't get to Euston until 4.50pm-eeekkk! I was literally dying for the tinkleywinkley department but there was no time so I ran down into the tube and jumped on the train to Angel. I like the Angel stop because I think it's a nice name and I believe in them too- ahhh.

In my stupid head I thought, "I'll easily find the venue", but then my eyes saw the situation and said "it's piddling with rain and you don't have a clue!". Being as I was late, about ready to wet my knickers and getting my hair soaked in the rain, I practically THREW myself in a cab and away we went. About 4 and a half seconds later (durrr) we were there and I pootled into the bar, attempting to look like a profesh blogger type.

As we went in there was a huge canvass to sign with Eyeko eyeliners (clever!) and have our Polaroid picture taken. I get all flumoxed so just wrote "Wowee! Louise xxx". Note to self- memorise witty things to write on giant canvasses.

And then I was in! There were amazing looking cocktails (booo, I wanted one!), beautiful cupcakes and canapes to keep us going and it was a case of mingling about and looking at all the products that were scattered all over the room. I thought it was a nice touch to have them dotted about because wherever you looked, there was something to try and photograph. Someone told me it was OK to take them and put them in our goody bags (more on those later), so I was like a kid in a candy shop!! I cannae wait to review them all, so far, so good!

(Look at the boxes the cupcakes came in!! Wowzas!)

I had a really good chat with Ling (moonbeamstarlight) who actually works for Eyeko and she signed me up to be an Eyeko Ambassador!! Yay! What this means is, whenever you would like to buy something from their website, which you can see HERE, enter my code into the 'Ambassador Code' box (E11341 ) and you will receive a free gift with your order!! Who doesn't like a freebie?!?! Mentalists, that's who! I plan on reviewing all my lovely goodies so hopefully that will nudge you in Eyeko's direction :)
(Ling and I)
Next up I had a little visit to the Tarot Card Reader who was freakishly accurate with my reading. I love things like that and really believe them so I thought that was a really cool add-on to the evening. By the Tarot lady there were makeup, hair and nail artists so there was an opportunity for a bit of pampering. I didn't actually take this up as I'd already groomed myself to within an inch of my life (thanks rain for ruining all my efforts) but did enjoy watching people been done-up. I sadly didn't get the name of the girl having her makeup done but if it's you- hello! Let me know and I'll link your blog :)



We then had a little speech from Nina and Max who own the company and that started it 10 whole years ago, about their top Ambassadors and a competition we could do in groups. The competition was to draw the best body art with the eyeliners. I was with Catherine from Perfectly Polished and Bettina from Beauty Swot and Catherine drew the most AMAZING doodle of the Eyeko girl on my arm! Jeez Louise it was good! I would've drawn a stickman with maybe a few hearts round it hahahaha. Sadly we didn't win the competition but as they say, it's the taking part that counts.

(Catherine doing my 'tattoo' for the competition, woop woop)

Being the blithering idiot I am, I got up a bit too fast and knocked my drink all over Catherine and Bettina and wanted the ground to swallow me up it was so embarrassing, I couldn't say sorry enough!! Soorrrrrryyyy!! Bettina did you camera survive it's little wash? :(

It was then mingling time again and I got to give Zoe from Zoella a big hug. She's so small and cute that I wanted to pick her up, put her in my bag and kidnap her. In my excitement I actually said that outloud to her. Smooth Louise, smooth. Luckily, we have been chitchatting via email and facebook, so I hope she won't call the police or anything.

(Zoe schmoee foe loe and meeee)

More mingling lead me onto a play with their new range of blushers and lipsticks that are soon to be launched, with Nina the co-owner, how cool is that? She was super friendly and approachable and we even had a little chat about my pregnancy and her children, which I thought was really nice of her, to take the time even though there were so many people there for her to talk to. I CAN'T wait for the new products to come out, they are outstanding in quality and tick all my boxes for price and quality, yippe!

(Me, Co-founder Nina, Bettina and Catherine)

(Co-founder Max et Moi)

(The new Fat Balms, for face and lips, that will soon be released)

(Looookk! Open it up and there is a secret mirror and brush!! Yippee!)

(Nina holding the soon to be released blusher)

As the evening drew to an end, we all sat about chatting and socialising. I was literally beside myself with glee when I found out that Sophie from Sophie is Made Up reads my blog!!! I've read her blog for AGES and felt like I was meeting a celeb and then to hear she reads mine, well that was it, I was dither stations! We had a chirpy little chat about marriage and suchlike, lovely :)


All too soon it was time to shlep back to Angel station with my new blog chums Stephanie from Topshopprincess0188 and two other really nice girls who's names have totally escaped me because I'm useless- please comment so I can follow you and whatnot! x

And it was home time, time to mill about at Euston and then catch my train with the array of drunk men who made leaud comments about me all the way home, aahhhh the glamour!

I will be doing a YouTube video on my goodie bag (a-mazing thank you very bloomin' much!), which you can find on my YouTube CHANNEL. Please do hit that subscribe button, it's lagging behind in the blog/channel race!

A few facts I didn't slot in:

1. Eyeko Nail Polish is made in France- oh la la.
2. Eyeko Products are not tested in animals.
3. Max was born in Russia but has also lived in LA and New York, yowzas!
4. Nina had previously been using Nars and BobbiBrown Blushers mixed together to get her glow and this is what the new blushers are based on. She wanted to create a product of the same high quality but at a more accessible price.
5. Eyeko products were once stocked in Harrods and Selfridges but are now exclusively online.
6. Kylie Manogue uses the famed Eyeko 3 in 1 cream!
7. Ling's Eyeko business card is by far the coolest I have ever seen! It's glittery for goodness sake!!!

I feel so honoured that Ling, Nina and Max invited me to the brilliant evening and look forward to trying my new Eyeko products out and keeping in touch with fellow Bloggers, yaaayy!!




  1. I was invited to this! But I couldn't go!!! :( London is too far and expensive for me to travel! And I have no money so although I would've had a great time. I would be skint! :( Glad you had fun!

  2. That's amazing! Wish we had events like that! :) The cupcakes look delightful and love the eyeliner tattoo! :) Looks like you had a great time! :)

  3. Lovely to meet you too!! Hope we can catch up at future events, don't worry about the camera, all is fine x

  4. You are just glowing! This events sounds like it was just an awesome time. I'm glad you were able to go :)

  5. This sounds like so much fun! I wish I could come :( You girls look lovely though!

  6. Wow sounds amazing and you look beautiful xx

  7. So sad I couldn't go to this it looks like you all had a fab time! All those cupcakes....I probs would have been stuffing my face all night!

    I have to say Lou....although you are having a little baby it looks as though you've lost weight! Not that I know much from looking at photos on your blog but you're looking rather svelte! Can't wait for the reviews!


  8. Glad you had a good time! I'm only just getting to know people who were there so I'm gutted I didn't get to speak to you hun! The gal in the make-up chair was my friend Leanne @ (: She was my plus one for helping to set up the event! xxx

  9. Wow sounds like you had an amazing time! So lucky! That drawing is so good and those cupcakes look YUMMY!! :) xx

  10. I had one of the red velvet cupcake, so yummy :)

    Loved Catherine's drawing! xx

  11. Wow, looks like you had so much fun! :)

  12. Cuute Blog! New follower!
    Please follow my blog too!!! =)

  13. Oh my, you must have had real fun! I have smiled reading this, so much fun! Especially your description of the pretty Zoe!
    You all look great in the pics,
    I can't wait to try the new products by Eyeko!

  14. Such a nice post...lots of great photos and enjoyment...thanks

  15. What a great event!! Very lucky!! Bless you and the cab-im like that, The Husband calls it my Bridget Jones moments. Dont worry i think everyone forgets witty things to say when you need to write them down on cards or indeed on a giant canvas!

  16. Hello hunny, thank you so much for the mention :) I found your blog, yippieee! I am now your new follower!
    Glad u had a lovely time, hope u are well
    lots of love

  17. Hi! I've just found your blog through Zoe. I was at the event but unfortunately didn't get to meet you, I was outside with Zoe for most of the night. Hope you had a good time xx

  18. Now you and Zoe are best friends and I don't thin she would mind if you do so now :'D

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Thx for been so nice to others around you and am your new follower xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx