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Tuesday, 12 October 2010

The Ring, The Bump and Me!

Aloha Bloggerinos,

It's been a while since I did a 'life' post so I thought we'd have a break from cosmetics and have a chat. Are you sitting comfortable? Then let's begin.

Well it's been over 5 weeks since my big white wedding and the bump is blossoming nicely.

Being married has been surprising for me. I was quite apprehensive before the wedding because I worried that I might feel trapped or old. I know, I know, why did I get married if I thought that? I only thought that a tiny bit at the back of my mind and the rest was joy that I was marrying a man who treats me with compassion, kindness, generosity and a great deal of love. He even let's me have a cat, despite not being a pet person! As far as spending the rest of your life with someone goes, I'm fairly sure I've got a good'un.

So, I digress, since being married I haven't felt old or trapped, I've felt proud and secure. I feel proud to say 'Mrs Watson' and pleased to tick the 'Mrs' box on forms. As for feeling secure, this is by far the best bit. I felt secure beforehand, but now it seems to be a much deeper version of it. Like things really are for richer for poorer (the latter being the present, urgh, spare few hundred anyone?), in sickness and in health, til death us do part. I like this. I like knowing that we made this commitment and are both keen on sticking to it. I'm not overly religious but I do believe in a God of sorts and saying the vows in church makes them more sticking somehow.
As you can imagine, being pregnant was the icing on the cake. We had always planned to have a baby when we were married, but we were blessed 12 weeks earlier than that and I finally feel good again. The first 14 weeks were AWFUL. I knew you were meant to feel sick and tired but this was ridiculous. It got so bad I ended up in my midwife's office crying that I was rubbish at being pregnant! Good old hormones eh?!

Now I'm 17 weeks along and blooming! I love it! I have a nice bump, cravings for roast chicken crisps and finding myself thinking what it will be like when I have a teeny weeny baby that will be all mine and Matt's to treasure.

I didn't have a nice childhood. My mum was ill with cancer from when I was 5 to 7 years old and sadly lost her fight 5 days before Christmas. Very soon (too soon) after, my Dad married a horrid woman who was physically and mentally abusive to me, until my Dad divorced her when I was 15. I haven't mentioned this before because 1) It's not nice and 2) I don't want you to think I'm some sort of victim. I won't go into too much detail but it was a horrific time for me. The one and only good thing that came out of all of that sadness and violence was my little sister who is a total gem, and will be a super duper Auntie/babysitter mwahaha! Please don't feel sorry for me or think I am some sadcase who sits rocking in a corner and crying over my lost youth, because I'm not, I am very happy. I'm not ashamed of what happened to me and if I can use it to enhance my life now, I will. I use this awful past as a tool to make my future better.

So with all that sh*tty childhood (sorry to swear but that really warrants it), you can imagine how completely thrilled I am to be getting the loving family I always wanted. I want my baby to have the life I didn't, with a mummy that isn't ill (fingers crossed) and a daddy who notices and cares.


I feel like someone has given me a giant present wrapped in sparkly paper with a massive bow and said "here you go Louise, have everything you ever wanted" and whenever I think about it like that, I smile to myself.

What makes you smile to yourself?



Image lovingly borrowed from


  1. Hey,
    ive just started reading your blog, congrats on the pregnancy! <3
    your post made me smile, even though you didnt have a nice childhood, you want to do the best for your child, i really admire and look up to you for that.

  2. This post was so interesting to read!

    Congratulations on getting married and becoming pregnant :) It will be good for you to make a fresh start with your own little family!

    Just knowing I have my Family, Friends and Boyfriend makes me smile :)


  3. Aww petal, I'm so happy for you- everyone deserves to have these wonderful things but I think you deserve it even more than most. I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better now and I hope you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. xxx

  4. I am always beyond excited when you have a new post or a new video.

    You are such a lovely person who's personality shines through in each post and video.
    Your little baba is gonna be a very lucky baby indeed! :)

    Its lovely that you are so happy :)


  5. Such a lovely post. I recently got married too well actually 24 days ago. I know what you mean about the whole Mrs on the forms part :) I definiately think that makes me smile! xx
    Glad you're feeling better about being pregnant. Bet you can't to meet your little one :)
    Angela xox

  6. I got married a couple of years ago, and before hand, i waas like "Its just a piece of paper, it wont feel any different", but it does. It feels fantastic.You are going to be such a fantastic mum. xx

  7. I love how you wrap everything up at the end :) made me smile!

    You have a way with words miss and i like it.

    Glad you're so overwhelmingly happy :):):) You deserve it xxx

  8. Hi, I'm new to your blog,and what a lovely post (apart from the childhood bit of course) its great to see someone actually posting about how happy they are in their lives, as its so easy to have a big moan! Congratulations on your bump and your wedding! At least you can say that everything that happened to u made you who you are today,and its nice to see you really appreciate what you have in life xxx

  9. A lovely post - I am so happy for you and how things have turned out. You will be an amazing Mum :) x

  10. Such a lovely post (apart from the horrid woman)
    Congrats on being pregnant, getting married and being lovely. :)


  11. Being married is wonderful. This is my second go at it!

  12. Ah man, I really want a bump! Well sort of - it's a tad scary and the bf might have something to say! :) Glad you're enjoying it tho. Make the most of it before little luxuries like sleeping through the night are a thing of the past! :)

    Random things make me smile to myself - like just wombling along outside and seeing pretty leaves on the ground and just getting that snuggly autumn feeling!

    PS: Was nice to meet you after the Eyeko event, I was the one sat outside who knew you had a bump hidden under your coat! xx

  13. Awww such a cute, positive end to your post! I don't know you but I can tell you're going to be a fab mum to your little one :-)
    Glad your feeling better now and can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy xx

  14. Aw this is lovely. such a precious little post. Did make me smile :D x

  15. Made me smile too! I know exactly what you mean, having suffered a crappy time of illness and whatnot when I was younger, and it's so lovely now to sit back and think "I am the happiest I have ever been", so I'm really glad for you! xx

  16. Aw Louise this is just so LOVELY. Honestly, THIS made me smile and it's something that I want too. I love that you can take something negative that happened and turn it into something positive in a completely selfless way. Honestly, this post makes me want to cry cos it's just so nice. :)

  17. What a lovely feel good post. Good for you :) Good luck in everything, you will be a great Mummy! xx

  18. aw your little bubba is going to be so lucky to have a mum like you. Congrats on the pregnancy and i hope married life is all you hope it to be.


  19. I think you will be the best mummy in the world. If i was your babba, i'd be so excited to get out into the world to meet you. :)
    Keep us all updated right up until the little Bebe makes an appearance, and afterwards too because lets face it, what will i do if i dont have your blog or youtube to watch?
    Love you xxxx

  20. Great read hun :) your a true star and so lovely- I think you will be an amazing YUMMY mummy!
    I saw you have twitter, you haven't replied to any of my tweets though? Hope you can see them & all is okay!
    loves xxx

  21. what a great post I know exactly how you feel your very blessed to have found what makes you feel !!! congrats on the baby such a life changing magical thing happening to you enjoy sweetie !!!

  22. I guess it's true when they say what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger :)

    Really nice post - I know it's probably a weird way of looking at things but I reckon all the cr@p that happened when you were younger will just have made you appreciate what you've got all the more.

    Glad to hear the worst of the pregnancy is over, apparently the first 12 weeks are the worst!

  23. Aww, you're soo sweet! I'm really happy for you, you deserve it! It's lovely to hear about someone being happy and excited about their future. :D xxxx

  24. Hey Lou! I'm really glad you opened up in this wee post! It's really touching to hear how your own childhood has made you appreciate your life now!

    I was catching up on YT videos yday after a horrendous day! Honestly your vids cheered me up so much! Hearing about the wasps nest/interview saga and you and your best buds giggling fits! You're a proper ray of sunshine! xxxx

  25. Wow, you get so many comments!!

    I am sorry to hear that you had a terrible childhood, You come across as a lovely and friendly and cheery person - long may that continue, I think you will be a great mummy! From a wife and mum of a 2yr old!! :-)

  26. this post put a really big smile on my face =) glad your enjoying married life so far and things are going well with the baby bump!! its amazing how a life can turn around and wish you all the success in the future xx

  27. A touching blog post =) sorry to hear that you had a rough childhood. Glad you have your feet on the ground now and expecting a little bundle of joy. Congratulations.

    Ruth xx

  28. I'm proud of you and you're going to be the best mother our child could ever wish for! xxxxx

  29. i agree with the earlier comment that your personality shines through in all your posts and videos. So glad to hear you are getting all the happiness you obviously deserve and that is one lucky baby in your tummy!

  30. This Blog Post Was Really Inspiring And Lovely, I Think Your Going To Be/Are A Great Mum, All The Best <3

  31. Dear Louise,
    Reading your blog was really lovely.
    I am sure your a great mum!
    I came across the ring bump and me blog and I can relate to you loosing your mum to cancer. My mum died of lung cancer when I was 7. She fought her way through it for about a year. It was a dreadful time for everyone, and to see someone you love become so weak is something no one can forget. After my mums death I had many very difficult family problems and my dad remarried a year after which was hard to cope with.
    You are a very inspiring person and best wishes for the future with you and your family! (:
    Emmily-Jane 16 xxx

  32. I watch your vlogs and read your blogs and it looks like you have a really lovely and happy life now which is really what matters. I would love you as a mum if I was 20 years younger!
    Poppy Elizabeth xx

  33. Been watching you on youtube for agggges! :) Great blog page too :)! really lovely! xxx

  34. i love this blog so much oh and i love you you tube channel aswell. XXX

  35. Wow I just read this and I thought you were great before but now I think you're amazing! You're my favourite blogger and I always look forward to your posts and videos :) xxx

  36. This was a beautiful post from the heart. Truly moving. I am glad to see that having seen your latest video with your dad that you havent held a grudge and remain close. You are an inspiration hun and your husband and daughter and friends are lucky to have you in their life!


  37. This is such a wonderful post. Especially the last paragraph. You deserve it all, Louise :)x

  38. Honestly shocked reading this. You are so pretty and positive and make me feel happy, I never once thought that things even could be less than rosy for you. I am happy that you have been blessed with a loving husband, beautiful baby and lovely family. You deserve it. You are such a role model and I really admire you.

  39. You want to know what makes me smile when I think about it to myself? My absolute hunk of a boyfriend who makes me feel like I'm invincible. He doesn't know it yet but I'm madly in love with him and showing him would be impossible because anything I would attempt to do would be an understatement.

  40. Look at you now! :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx