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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Darcy - 6 Weeks Old

Aloha Bloggerinos,

While my snazzy video about Baby Glitter's New Job is being watched, I thought I'd give you a quick update on my gorgeous little glitterbug!

As the title of this post suggests, she's 6 weeks old today- how time flies!

Obviously not loads is going to happen in 2 weeks at this stage of her life but I'll give you the lowdown (is 'lowdown' a cool word? I'm not too sure) anyway.

She is now 57cm long (she was 51cm at birth) and her head circum. is 39cm. She weighs a little over 10lb and I think she feels a lot more 'meaty' hahaha.

The little squidgybug smiles loads, is kind of making 'ooohhh' or 'ggaaaahh' sounds every now and again and is tres alert. I sing her little songs - except I never know the lyrics so I make random ones up and then realise I sound completely off my rocker!!

She's lost a lot of her 'baby hair' which is a shame but I know it will grow back. The milk spots on her nose have gone and so has her baby acne- Hurrah!

Now that she is a bit more aware of her surroundings, I have been laying her on her playmat under the baby-gym and she lays and stares up at the animal toys and looks totally fascinated, it's so cute!

More to come soon, thank you for all your Baby Glitter well wishes.




  1. shes so lovely !! and such a pretty little girl ! :)x

  2. Aww she is gorgeous! :)

  3. that top pic is a cracking picture shes get even more gourge every day


  4. Awwww, she is so cute! :D xx

  5. Awww she's so cute and gorgeous :) xx

  6. She's adorable!! That little smile is to die for! xxx

  7. She is so beautiful! She looks so happy all bundled up like a burrito!
    Super adorable! :D

  8. Awwh she's just perfect! So adorable! xx

  9. 6 weeks already. Wow. Great smile she has!

  10. Awww such a precious lil baby girl, love the first pic of her smiling, she looks so happy :) x x

  11. Oh Louise! She's so so cute! Love the cheeky little smile in the top pic! I'm loving these updates, thank you xx

  12. Aww she's gorgeous! You're making me quite broody! x

  13. She's got a beautiful smile :):)

  14. she really is gorgeous and her name really suits her and you...i'd love to hear you call her darcy in your vids...

    you know i did a sneaky one today...i work at clarks and it sometimes while i was alone i watched your videos on my blackberry...shhhh don't tell my boss...


  15. she really has grown! i still have to send the pressies i got her hopefully will get them off to the postie on payday (pennies were pinched this month cos i was away home for a visit)

    hope you are well

    shel xx

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx