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Monday, 16 May 2011

MAC Bloggers Event- Senior Artist Masterclass

Aloha Bloggerinos,

Now, I'm probably the last blogger out there to write about the MAC Style Suite Red Carpet Event last Thursday, but such is the nature of Baby Glitter- when she sleeps, I sleep!

Last Thursday I was very honoured to attend a MAC Masterclass with Senior Makeup Artists Lynsey Alexander and Neil Young in association with Philips British Academy Television Awards 2011.

What does this mean you ask? I wondered the same until it was explained on the night (I felt a right durrbrain!). Basically, for the BAFTA's which is on the 22nd of May this year, one whole floor of the ultra swanky Pelham Hotel in South Kensington, London, is turned into a 'Style Suite' for the presenters, nominees and celeb types. So one room will be where they can have their makeup done by the wonders of MAC, one room will be filled with amazing clothes from super designers and another would be full of jewels and bling- jealous much? I am!

The event was held in this gorgeous room with plush chairs lined up and amazing goodie bags on each seat. All the MAC PR ladies were so nice and remembered me from the last event (which you can read about HERE) and asked after Baby Glitter. I'm useless at remembering people I've only met once so when people remember me I'm always really impressed haha.

We were refreshed with lovely champagne (and after 9 months of not drinking this was VERY welcome) and cute canapes which I avoided to prevent any nibble related disasters like last time.

There's me on the end (pic above) sat next to Muhsine of Bubblegarm. I was really excited to be sat next to her because Bubblegarm is in my top 3 of fav blogs and I actually felt a bit starstruck at first ahahaha! We had a nice chat about pregnancy (Muhsine is almost 5 months) and then on the tube on the way back I quizzed her on all things blog and babies! Yay!

Anyway, both Lynsey and Neil had a beautiful bare faced model and got to work creating gorgeous flawless looks that we may well see on the red carpet this year. Yowzas!

Neil focused on the lips and used the infamous 'Show Orchid' (apparently favoured by the likes of Cheryl Cole), with a subtle eye look. I now MUST own 'Show Orchid' but sadly it's a pro colour and I couldn't get it at my local Debenhams- gargh.

Neil has a great rapport with Lynsey and included all of us like we were his chummies. I think he'd be an absolute hoot on a night out! Him and Lynsey used to flatshare together- can you imagine? You would NEVER leave the flat looking a mess would you?! Brilliant!

Lynsey worked on a gorgeous smokey eye using just one shade of paint pot but blending to create depth and variation- it was very impressive and something I shall be sure to practise. Lynsey created this lovely nude lip by applying concealer to mute the natural pigment on the lip and then overlaying 'Shy Girl', which is also on my lust list now as well.

Lynsey made the model's skin absolutely AMAZING and told us all about the importance of prepping the skin and applying in light layers, rather than slathering on thick strokes of foundation. This lovely model is wearing Studio Sculpt which is what I wear (in NW15 by the by) so I was pleased as punch. I noticed that she also used eyeshadow for eyebrow filling and definition which is definitely something I'd like to try. For this blondey/fair model, Lynsey used 'Omega' pressed shadow in case you were interested.

Side note- being the Palette Lover that I am, I was entranced by both Neil and Lynsey's palettes and asked all about them. They buy lots from Muji and decant the products themselves. For a minute I thought there was some special way to get my hands on MAC Lipstick Palettes but alas, there is not. DIY melty spoon over heaty jobby for me then.

As you can see, the models looked SUPERB! I mean, they didn't exactly look like gargoyles before, being profesh models and all, but if I can take away a fraction of the skill that was applied here and use it on my own face, I'll be doing 'reet :)
Here's me and the Master of Makeup! Woop woop! They could be models themselves couldn't they?!

And below is the lovely loot we were sent home with- I actually squealed on the train when I opened all this up. It was all products that had been used in the Masterclass, so it was great because now I know the best way to use them and how to get the most out of them.
I'm sure I'll be talking about these individually and will also be showing you them in an upcoming YouTube video.

I'm so thrilled to have been invited to such a brilliant event. I learnt soooo many great tips (which I haven't included because lots of the other bloggers that attended talked about them and I don't want to reinvent the wheel so to speak), caught up with lots of gorgeous bloggers and had a lovely few hours out of the House of Nappies/Bottles/Baby Sick (ahh bless little stinky Baby Glitter).

I'm really excited to review some of these new products and feel heavily inspired to try some new looks! Do you have any of the above products? What do you tink of them?

Now, I did actually post this last week but then Blogger went a bit dolally and deleted it. Luckily the BRILLIANT Katy from Rotten Otter saved the day and helped me get it back. Thank you clever Katy! xxx


  1. Wow, so lucky that you got to go to this, and even luckier that you got an amazing gift bag! Mouth literally dropped open! Haha good to see your lovely smiley face xx :o)

  2. I see Fleur and Ingrid in the photo too!! And you look great Louise!

  3. Awh, well I'm glad you've done the tag already. I was eating a McDonalds the other day actually and I was drinking a jingly jangly!

  4. wow you got some amazing stuff in the goodie bag :P
    i read bubblegarms post about this and the blonde model used to go to my school and its so weird seeing her modelling all over the place!

    hope you and your little family are okay! baby glitters looking so cute in your youtube videos! shes adorable!


  5. OMG Louise! Very Jel right now!

    Hope you and baby glitter are ok! Hope to meet for luncheon soon :-) ta ta xx

  6. Your so lucky! Glad you had a nice time.

    Pippa x

  7. wow sounds like an awesome day so jealous lol!

    shel xx

  8. hey, please check out my blog! i'm new and would love you to have a peak!x

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx