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Friday, 8 July 2011

Darcy - 3 Months Old

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I thought it was about time I updated you officially on Baby Glitter's progress, seeing as I mention her so very often.

Wednesday just gone marked her quarter of a year birthday and I celebrated by taking her to a big park near my house, where she promptly fell asleep and missed all the fun! I'm going to try and get some camera footage of us there for my YouTube Channel so you can see her little activities and such. Yay or nay?

It seems crazy to me that 3 months ago she was a brand new teeny tiny little dot (if you can call 9lbs teeny tiny) that could do literally nothing but suck milk, cry and poop, now she can do so much!

Baby Glitter can now:

Do great big cheery smiles when something amuses her. Every morning when I pick her up from her cot, I am greeted with a huge gummy grin and it really is the most wonderful start to my day.

Chuckle. I've only heard her do it 3 or 4 times but it's there. She does a huge open mouth smile, creases up her big blue eyes and makes a deep hearty 'hherrrrhheerrrhheeerrrr' sound.

Grab. You can give her toys and she will hold them and draw them up to her mouth. I have a few of those toys that have plenty of colours and textures on them and she seems to really enjoy squeezing and clasping the crinkly textures the most. She also gets a lot more out of her jungle gym now that she can really use it and bat all the hanging animals.

I'm not sure what her weight it at the moment because we haven't been to Baby Clinic in a while but she feels pretty hefty, we've started calling her 'Pudding Face'.

I'm sure there are more little things that she does but those are the least I think they're biggies anyway.

Looking forward to her next update for you! Lots more videos and posts on the way!



PS- Do you like these photos? Zoe of Zoella took them, I actually have loads and could put more up if you like but don't wanna go gaga if it's not what you want to see! Let me know! xx


  1. You can never have too many baby pics, I'd love to see more! She's gorgeous x

  2. I cant believe she is 3 months already! shes absolutely blimmin gorgeous xx

  3. Awhh glad she is well hun! Looking beautiful! xxx

  4. She's just lovely. x

  5. Love these pictures sooooo cute! You definitely have a gorgeous little baby :) xx

  6. The second photo is absolutely gorgeous! Love the lack of mutual excitement in the first photo :) She's adorable, little pudding face! xxx

  7. Go crazy gaga with photos! She's absolutely gorgeous! <3 x

  8. It must be amazing watching this little bundle of gorgeousness grow! She looks so animated, taking it all in. I don't think it's possible to post too many photos, they're wonderful.
    Z xx

  9. Zoe did a great job with the pictures!

    she seems like such a happy baby and you a wonderful mummy :)

  10. She is such a cutie! Lovely happy smiley baby!


  11. congrats! you have one seriously cute little baby! x

  12. awww she's so adorable, I couldn't get fed up of seeing piccies of her little face x

  13. The second picture is almost toooooooo cute to look at! shes so bloody gorgeous! xxx

  14. Love the photos, shes such a cutie... spitting image of her mummy. x x

  15. Aww shes gorgeous, bet it feels like shes growing up so quick :D x

  16. She is absolutely adorable, you must be one proud mummy! looks like you're doing a great job :)


  17. That photo of her gorgeous smile has just absolutely melted my heart, she is beautiful xx

  18. Aww she is so adorable! would love to see more baby pics, you can never show too many! :) xxx

  19. Aw so cute! Yes more photos! x

  20. awwww soo cute louise!! and yes definatly do some mummy vlogs on your youtube channel!! i loved watching your pregancy ones so much :) and definatly post photos of darcy on your blog :) xx

  21. Oh my, how sweet is she, look at her wee laughing face. you must be so proud xx

  22. Awww the photo's are gorgeous, Zoe did a great job with them :) me and my girlies would love to see more photo's of Baby Glitter please, you could never show too many! lots of love and great big cuddles for you and Baby Glitter, from, me and my girlies :) xxxxxx

  23. More photos! She is adorable!

  24. I would love to see more photos, she really is gorgeous. Both of the photos are awesome, good photo skills Zoe...But, I have to say, the second photo is absolutely beautiful, perfect photo for a frame :) x

  25. Oh please do put more pics up! She really is gorgeous! xx

  26. She looks so beautiful!! Absolutely love that second photo - yes definitely more pics! xx

  27. Bring on the baby pictures! She is really so so cute and Zoe done a great job of the photos as Darcys eyes look incredible! xxx

  28. aww she is beautiful! so cute :D

  29. That photography is absolutely beautiful!!! She is gorgeous. xx

  30. Soooo cute! That smile just melts my heart! Cant wait to see what you guys get upto xx :o)

  31. amazing photos! :D I love this baby!!!

  32. Congratulations! Darcy is adorable!

    -Candice :)

  33. Darcy is beautiful, she has such a cute smile. :) x

  34. These photo's are SOO ADORABLE!
    I love them!
    Props to Zoe, I just adore her!

  35. omg she is soooo gorgeous! My daughter is 17 days old today. I love her little but cant wait till she can do a little more x

  36. Aww she is so sweet! And thankyou for your video on blogging! I have made the giant leap to blog land! Taking a while to figure it out but im looking forward to learning and making discovieries! Im in love with your banner but im guessing it will take a lot of time to figure that out! Thank you :)

  37. I love the pictures - they're beautiful :D:D And I think extra footage on Baby Glitter would be amazing too :D Thank you :D

  38. She's so beautiful Louise, I do love that photo of you and her and the beginning of the post! I love all the photos Zoey kindly took while she was with you.
    Would love to see some clips of baby glitter :)

  39. What a fantastic blog! You have me hook, line and sinker! I recently discovered your blog, and I have not stopped reading all your posts! Of course, I do enjoy all the make-upy posts, but I especially loved the one in which you talk about your labour! I'm a medical student... oh wait, I just graduated last week. So now I have to say, I'm a doctor! One of my last modules was obs & gynae and you answered all the questions I've wanted to ask my patients without being nosey!lol well without sounding nosey because they would be nosey questions actually! I've loved reading all the posts about baby glitter growing up! I think you should post a few more pics that zoe took! because baby glitterina is beautiful!
    looking forward to reading more from you!

  40. oh my god she is absolutely adorable !!! <3


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx