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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

How To :: Vixen Red Lips

Aloha Bloggerinos,

For many a moon I was scared. Fearful of bright lipsticks and vivid shades that I thought would make me look garish and overbearing. I shied away from reds and magentas and stuck to softer pinks and coral glosses. Until now!

In the last few months I have discovered that in actual fact, the 'Red Lip' look, is a lot easier than I thought, and once I had given it a chance, actually looks very fetching...even if I do say so myself!

I've been wearing ruby red lipstick in a lot of my YouTube Videos and quite a few lovely YouTuberinos have commented saying it looks nice- thanking you kindly. I thought I would share my little lip routine with you and maybe help some of you out. I appreciate that some of you Bloggerinos may be very old hat at the vixen red lips, but if, like I once was, you are a tad apprehensive, this might be of use. I took this routine from the makeover I had at the MAC Blogger Even, so I take it on high authority indeed!

Step One

Prime the lips. I use a Boots own brand lipbalm which smells beautiful I might add, and my toothbrush to exfoliate off dead skin cells and encourage blood circulation. I used to use the Lush lip exfoliater but found it a bit messy so gave it a miss. It's quite important to have you lips in good condition (no flakes, well nourished) if you are going to make them such a focal point.

Step Two

Line the lips. I use a MAC lip liner in cherry. It's smooth, creamy and easy to blend- all you want in a lip liner. I tend to colour in my lips as well, just to give the lipstick a bit more base to cling to and hopefully last longer because of it.

Step Three

Apply the lipstick. I use a MAC prowear lipstick in prolong. Apply your lipstick evenly and all the way to the corners of your smile. When you have finished, put your finger in your mouth as if you are licking chocolate off of it and then pull it out, you will see a lipstick on your finger but not on your teeth- woop woop!

Step Four

Gloss yourself (sounds snazzy). Once you have your vixen red lips, apply a think layer of clear gloss to create that shexy vinyl effect. I find it better to gently dab on the gloss rather than heavily 'wipe' it as this can smudge the lipstick.

Step Five


And here's one I made earlier. Sorry it's a bit tit-tastic, I wanted you to see the cocktail- it's in a real life carved out pineapple!!! Also, at the time I thought wearing the little brollies in my hair all night was a good idea. Clearly this was the cocktail talking.

Looking a modicum more classy but still struggling to keep those post pregnancy puppies on board. NB- For all of you that will be horrified that I'm drinking and have a young baby- I'm not breastfeeding and she was happily tucked up in bed being looked after by my Husband :)

Lip Tips

Carefully apply a little concealer around the edges of your mouth with a brush, to prevent the lipstick feathering.

Choose a red lipstick with undertones of blue as this will help combat the oh-so-un-sexy yellow teeth look some reds can give you.

If, like mine, your budget doesn't always stretch to MAC, MUA have some rather lovely lipsticks that are creamy and non drying and best of all, only £1!! What a bargain!

Will you be sporting vixen red lips any time soon? What are your top tips? I'd love to know.




  1. Great tips and products mentioned for the perfect red lip!

    Thank you very much for this :) I LOVE MAC's 'Cherry' liner - Definitely agree 100%!

    Love Britt xx

  2. I love red lipstick! I'm planning on wearing it to work in the morning as I have an interview and red lips make me feel confident :)


  3. WOW. This lip look looks amazing on you! xx

  4. Hey, Mommies can have fun too! I learned to love red lipstick from my grandmother. And you look awesome with red lips too. :)

  5. Great step by step look which I have been dying to try and create but haven't found the right one for me, until I saw this on your blog, so thank you!
    You look lovely with red lips :) hope all is well with you and baby glitter xx.

  6. The red lips look beautiful on you :D Thank you so much for your tips - because of my colouring reds and dark colours are the only ones that I really sound (unfortunately its pinks I can't pull off) so I really appreciated this post! Normally I just dab on reds lightly - but with this tips I'll be sure to give a bolder lip a go :D Thank you very very much indeedy :D

  7. Gorgeous look! That Prolong lipstick has officially sparked my interest.

  8. love your blogging style girl! definitely checking out the MUA ones - only £1 what a bargain!
    also in regards to being a bit tit-tastic - if you've got it, flaunt it! xo

  9. thank youuu for this post! i was given a chanel red lipstick for my birthday and found it really hard to make it last, hopefully after following these steps it will last longer:) love your eye make up too!xx

  10. I love the red lip look! My lips are massively pigmented anyway, so it really suits me. I use nyx jumbo pencil as a stain, its really amazing!

  11. You look great with red lips - I've been getting more bold with my lip colours recently, I think I'm almost ready to go red with mine!

    Lois xx

  12. Ahh the carved out pinapple from hakamou's in Northants! I thought i saw u in there but didnt want to freak out some randomer if it wasnt you! Love your blog and youtube vids! :) x

  13. the bright red lip really suits you Louise.x

  14. lovely look thanks for sharing, I still haven't found the perfect red lipstick, I have kind of yellowish brown skin. Your skin is glowing, looks so pretty

  15. Ahh you look lovely! I love the red lip on you, I will be adding Cherry to my collection soon so will try this out! Great boobs! haha xxx

  16. Love your lips! :) I miss my post-pregnancy boobies, haha!

    Perfect timing for this blog as I had already decided to buy a new lipstick today to wear at the weekend and normally I avoid like the plague as I'm scared of messing it up! Will let you know how it goes! :) x

  17. You never fail to get a smile on my dial Louise. Thank you for being wonderful.

    Ps. Love the lips, you saucy minx.

  18. I really like your blog you have such a lovely style of writing and you always make me smile! Thanks for this post &the tips, the red lippie looks great on you!

    x x
    ps I really want one of those pineapple cocktails now :D

  19. I would love to wear lipsticks, just like nude ones, but im in one of them stages where I know im getting older and turning into an adult, but I still feel like a child and like im too young to wear lipstick... I also feel like my eye+face make up isnt enough to start wearing lipstick. Guess ill just have to buy one and try it out!
    The red lips look lovely on you (: And who cares if youre drinking alcohol while you have a wikkle baba! You deserve it! I couldnt go 9 months without some alcohol.
    Lauren xx

  20. I love a red lip! Your makeup in the pictures looks flawless and beautiful, love your blogs and vlogs :)


  21. Know the feeling! I've always verred away from seriously bright lipsticks and glosses cos my skin is ridiculously pale so I worry it'd just make my lips look cartoonish! :)

    Love the tips and the fact that the colour looks so stunning on your has made me decide to pick up a couple of bright shades... Though I'll be joining you at the MUA stand instead of the MAC counter ♥

  22. such a useful little post thankyou!:) your makeup is gorgeous in these pictures and very hollywood starlet!x

  23. BEAUTIFUL !!! Red suits you soo much! Wish i could do it too. I Can't pull of anything like this too strong for me. But you just look beautiful :) ♥

  24. Hi Lou,

    Just thought i would share the love and say you look BOOTIFUL, your confidence has even inspired me to take the plunge into the scary world of blogging.

    So thanks your videos really cheer me up!!


  25. I'm still too scared :/ I love your look, think it looks fantastic on you but me - I have large lips and I look like a street walker with red lips :( Great tips though, I've used the toothbrush trick for years (Along side my Clinique's All About Lips) and it works a treat!
    Mel xxx

  26. Omg I love that look on you. I am going shopping tomorrow, so i am going to buy those products and try it out for my self :)

  27. love the red. is it totally wrong that the thing i am most looking forward to on my holiday is getting straight to the Mac counter in the airport?!? :P xxx

  28. what a great blog! you are so inspirational! if you get the chance to check out mine i would really appreiciate your two cents on it! i would love to see what your opinion is!

    follow me?

  29. Great blog! :) I was wondering if you could visit my blog?

    it is about fashion & beauty! :)

  30. I'm way too scared to give the red lip a go... may force myself into it! x

  31. Love your red lippy!

  32. Why did you bother wearing a top when all your boobs are out anyway?

  33. Love the red lip look on you! I think red lips look gorgeous on fair skin. The idea of going out in red lipstick makes me quite anxious. But I guess the right shade wouldn't be so bad.

  34. that make-up is ON POINT! love it :)

  35. i have been umming and ahhing whether or not to brave the red lips look, i just felt that it was too bold, but after reading this, and seeing how a-maz-ing the red lips look on you, i will brave it ahaa, good tips :) and i loveeee your blog xx

  36. Thank you for making this post, can't tell you the number of times I've attempted to wear red lips then wipe it off just before heading out because I got self-conscious! Not anymore! Cheers and keep up the great blogging :)

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  38. I LOVE that lipbalm by boots its so nice and very moisturising i find, i also love red lips. You post was great and i would really really really love it if you could check out my blog, im new so only just starting and have no followers at all :'( You are a big insperation of mine and yur youtube vids are a joy to watch. :)xxxxx

  39. Thank you so much for the tip about the conceal as i am always finding bright lipsticks to feather

  40. When i saw the first pic in this blog i immediatly thought "Her name was Lola" I have no clue why it just came to mind haha! xoxo

  41. Do you want to know how to get 30-50% how to kiss lips? check that lip plumper gloss

  42. Im scared of red lipstick lol


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx