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Thursday 15 September 2011

Florida Girl So Far

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I'm sat on a balcony, looking out onto a huugge lake, where people are fishing and mooching about on little boats and letting my hair air dry in the 28 degree heat, oohhh yyeeaaahh!

I know I still need to write about the Illamasqua and Glossy Box events I went to, but I just felt I wanted to have a bit of blog time, I missed you!!

So, I'm giving myself license to ramble on and on. I have no pictures yet because I have just been filming everything instead- it'll be vlog-tastic once I'm home! If long, rimblyrambly posts aren't your bag, I think it best you pop along to some other blogs you enjoy because that's what this will no doubt turn into.



I spent the day running about like a crazy chicken, packing, un packing, re packing, umming and arring, squishing Baby Glitter because I knew I'd miss her and cleaning my house for the in laws, who are staying to care for Darcy whilst Matt goes to work.


Baby Glitter woke up at 4am, but I was secretly pleased because the fatherman was picking me up at 6.30am to drive to the airport, so I had a little Mummy-Daughter time and felt a whole lot better about leaving her. She said, "Mummy, it's fine, you go and have a bit of well deserved R&R, I'll hang out with Grandma and Grandad, keep Daddy in line, and you just make sure to bring me home plenty of presents". Ok, so she didn't say that but in my head she did.

6.30am and we were off to the airport!! Now, at this point I ought to tell you something pretty nifty, otherwise the next few paragraphs will leave you thinking I live some sort of jet set life, which unfortunately, I do not. My Dad flies to America about once a month because a lot of his business is out there, so he has a frequent flyer card that entitles him to lots of lovely upgrades and swish treatment. Since I was flying with him on a companion ticket (another swishy thing, he gets one free ticket a year, and this year, I had it- hurrahh!!), I also got to shmooze around at Heathrow. Yay!

So, we arrived at the airport, checked in, had a quick look round duty free (I ummed and arred over buying a few bits restrained myself) and then we went to the Heathrow Upper Class Lounge. Oh me oh my it. was. SWISH. Think 1960's glamour meets James Bond meets luxury meets space travel. Yep, weird but good. If you fancy, google image it. I was dying to film it and take a tonne of photos for you all but everyone there was so "oh yes, this is perfectly normal and not in the least bit thrilling", that I felt I couldn't jump up and down with glee and joy and shout.

In the swish complimentary restaurant bit- yes, you could order everything on the menu if you so wished, and not have to pay a penny, we had a lovely breakfast and smoothies and then I headed off to the Cowshed Spa area for a massage. I won't go too much into that because I am actually doing a separate Lou's Reviews on that, which will be coming up in a few days. Needless to say, it was great!

Before I knew it, it was time to board our flight. I could have easily spent all day in the Upper Class lounge and one day, if I win the lottery or make a squillion pounds somehow, I will take us all on a first class holiday and we can go crazy in that place. The even had a table, with massive jars filled with tonnes of different types of sweets that you could just help yourself too!! It really was luxury.

On the plane we had the middle bank of seats, so we were both on an aisle and there was a spare chair between us that nobody had- very cool as we could then dump all our stuff there are spread out. We flew Premium Economy with Virgin Atlantic, so that's not upper but not economy, it's in the middle and very nice it was too! 

(OK, remember I'm sitting on the balcony by a lake? The lakehouse building is now blarring out a Dirty Dancing Techno remix- hahahaha "Cos I'm haaavv'n the time of my li li li li liiii-iife" hahaha)

On the plane I watched Bridesmaids (funniest film EVER, I actually did an outloud laugh and the woman across the aisle looked at me!), Dr Who, The Simpsons, TOWIE and Gullivers Travels. I'll be making a conscious effort to watch something a little more high brow on my return flight.

We touched down in Miami and as soon as I realised there was an airport monorail, I was excited! Whenever I see monorails, I think of the song in the Simpsons where they sing, "monoorraailllll". Anyone with me there?

The airport was big and hot and we were flagging a bit so I was really glad when we arrived at our hotel and freshened up a bit. By this point we'd been up about 20 hours and were pooped. A quick dinner and bed for Monday night.


Tuesday morning we were up bright and early and I accompanied Dad on a day of meetings. I actually rather enjoyed them. I'm really the mechanisms of business (how thrilling of me), so I enjoyed being a fly on the wall of my Dad's. Hopefully one day, I'll be hosting fancy boardroom deals and Baby Glitter will be at the end of the table listening and watching too. :)

Tuesday night we hit the Dadeland Miami Mall and I had my first Sephora experience. I went a tad mad in there and was putting things in my basket with wild abandon. I've made a huge haul video on my purchases, so I hope you'll enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed showing. We had dinner in The Cheesecake Factory, which is a cool restaurant where they do actual food, and not just cheesecake haha!


Wednesday we left our hotel at the disgustingly early time of 5.30am (urgh) and began our 4 hour drive up the coast to Orlando. My Dad tried to talk it down as, "a long drive", but clearly he wasn't aware of my love for roadtrips! I loved watching the word go by, seeing Miami skyscrapers turn into suburban houses, then huge trees draped with Spanish moss, and then eventually civilisation again as we approached Orlando.

As there was a little bit of time before his first business engagement, we went to a GORGEOUS little town called Celebration (please google it, you won't regret it). Celebration Town was built by Disney, but there isn't a mickey symbol in sight. Instead there are stunning ye olde houses painted white, pink, mint, blue, with porches and shutter windows. There are twee shops, with cute cafes and a huge lake and fountain thing that you can run through. I was so lovely that I stayed there for the morning whilst Daddio went off to work. I've filmed a little bit of it so with any luck, you'll spot it. It reminded me of toy town.

A few hours later, work was over and Dad came to find me and we went to check in. We're staying at the Marriot Grand Vacation Club and it's gorgeous. I'd love to bring Matt and Baby Glitter here.

In the afternoon my Dad wanted to go the Mall and I wasn't going to stop him! I didn't buy much, I actually didn't really see anything that stood out, but I picked up a couple of bits for Matt's birthday. I looked in OshKosh for Darcy but there was nothing that we couldn't get in H&M or Mothercare, so I just left it. I'd rather spend my dollars on her at Disney or something. My Dad on the other hand, treated himself to a few nice Ralph Lauren bits, so was pleased as punch.

In the evening, we went for a business dinner at a fancy little place who's name I've totally forgotten ahaha! It was a white linen table cloth and lady playing on the piano kind of place. I didn't really get too involved with the chithchat, so I had a lot of thinking time in LouiseLand haha.


Dad's gone to a really important meeting this morning which wasn't something I could attend, so I'm enjoying the Marriot complex. I had planned to have a wander about and enjoy the lake and pool but it's beyond hot and instead I had a luxurious long shower, read some of my book and watch Teen Mom. And here I am now, talking to you oh lovely Bloggerino!

Tonight I'm hoping we can go to DownTown Disney, so I'll try and keep you updated, time and internet connection providing.

I hope you're all having good weeks and you managed to read this exceptionally long blog post!!




  1. Awwww I am so jealous Louise, have a fab time and enjoy the sunshine XXXX

  2. I am very jealous!! Sounds like your having such a lovely time. Enjoy yourself and make sure you've got lots to show us when you come back! Xx

  3. I am so happy for you Louise! I absolutely love Florida - unfortunately couldn't go this year - maybe next summer... Can't wait for all the vlogs! Enjoy the rest of your stay in the US! :D Greetings! :)

  4. Wow sounds amazing! Cant wait to see the hauls and vlogs. Enjoy! xo

    P.S Im with you on Monorail!!

  5. I was in orlando last week :) make sure you go into the chocolate shop at downtown disney to get your free pumpkin spice chocolate xxxx

  6. Glad you're having a lovely time. I watched Bridesmaids returning from my honeymoon in Mauritius and tears were streaming down my face, never laughed so hard at a film! Can't wait to see your vlogs when you return xxx

  7. Sounds like you're having such an amazing time, I'm super jealous! Hope you have a safe flight home and enjoy the rest of your trip X

  8. Aww sounds great! I'd love to go there.
    Lucy x

  9. Loved the long blog post, was a good read during an oh so boring law class ... can't wait to see photos and vlogs!

  10. Sounds like you're having a while of a time! Enjoy the rest of your trip xx

  11. sounds amazing!!! Florida is my favvvvve place in the world!!!! Love this blog!!

    LoveFaye xoxo

  12. Sounds like you are having an amazing time, looking forward to your vlogs!

  13. So sad that you're right by me and not doing some sort of meet-up! I would have loved to meet you and show you around Sunny Central FL!


  14. Sounds great!!! I wish I was in the hot weather but instead it is freezing where I am. Also very jealous of the upper class and swarvy places you've been going! :D enjoy you holiday Louise, you deserve it! xx

  15. You are at the same hotel that my boyfriend and I stayed in when we were in Orlando! It is rather lovely isn't it, pretty good location for Disney too. Hope you have a fabulous time and looking forward to your hauls/vlogs.

  16. Hey Louise! Sounds like you're having a super time in miami, I'm so jealous. I recently flew Club Class with British Airways to and from LA - it was lush to say the least!
    And OMG the bit about the 'monorail' song from the Simpsons made me laugh so much, I'm not even joking. I always sing it in my head whenever someone says the word 'monorail' and I will officially love you forever that you do the same, haha!

    Lucy xxx

  17. sounds like your having an amazing time!!! was a brilliant update to read and made me feel all cheery and happy! enjoy the rest of your holiday =) xxx

  18. Sounds like your having a great time Louise!! I've never been to the States, but I will definitely go to Florida first!! (Harry Potter World will be my first stop :P)

  19. Wow wow wow!!!! It all sounds so amazing :) I can't wait to watch all your vlogs and read much more about it all. Have a fabulous rest of your trip, take care, lots of love xxxx

  20. Wow - sounds very posh and like sooooo much fun!! Can't wait to see your pics and video! Have a great time! Lexi xx

  21. It sounds as if you're having a fabulous time, I'm so jealous.
    Enjoy it, you deserve it :) x

  22. sounds like your having a fab time! you deserve it! can't wait to see the haul! x

  23. I love surfing the web and discover new places! I've found yours and I have become a time gossiping,

    reading and I love it! Besides, I really like to participate and support the bloggers, but we support each other,

    who would ?¿?¿? I follow you and give you my congratulations, I left mine, if you like and think I deserve it, I would love to be part of the "following"

    for girls / I like you make it possible and very special for me! a besin


  24. the jealousy i felt reading this post )': glad your having a good time Louise. enjoy :D x

  25. ahhh you are sooo lucky!! i'm really jealous!!
    Hope you're having a good time :)
    Lily xoxo

  26. wow x lucky you x wish i was there xx

  27. Awwww Louise it sounds like you had a FAB time. Im super envious. Also I LOL'D at bridesmaids too about 8 times but luckily I was in my own home haha. x x

  28. awww wish i was in the 28 degree heat xx

    loved your posts xxx

    keep blogging please xxx

  29. Slightly embarrassed to say that I nearly cried hearing you talk about how amazing this was! CAN NOT WAIT to see the Vlogs!!!!! xxxx

  30. Just discovered your blog - it's awesome!
    It's such a coincidence that I was in Florida over the summer too. And we did a mini road trip from West Palm Beach - paradise! To Orlando, and Disneyworld!! Make sure you go on The Forbidden Journey (it's amazing although my mum screamed all the way!) and Forever 21 = my paradise.
    Hope you have an awesome time and tan loads!
    Love Hannah xx

  31. suena super bien a disfrutar =)

  32. Glad you had a fab time! Can't wait for you to post more blogs! :) I just L-O-V-E them!!! xxxxx

  33. Hi, just saying hi. I found your blog via a vid you did with Zoe.I loved your advice on blogging and found what you said very inspiring. Thanks. xxx

  34. I like so much your blog, i hope you can check out mine.

  35. Ahh love this post Louise! It's brilliant! I'm mega jel, can't wait to watch the vid! xx

  36. It sounds like you're having a fabulous time Lou, I can't explain how jel I am. As well as you, my Mum and my brother and in Orlando right now and Disney World is just about my most favourite place ever! Keep having lots of fun, I can't wait to see photos / videos xxx

  37. Haha I love that you call us 'bloggerinos'. You must be have such an incredible time. America is such a cool place to visit, I went to NYC earlier this year and loved it. Looking forward to more updates chick!

  38. wow you must have so much fun :) cheesecakes are so delicious,love them

    join my small giveaway if you want to :)


  39. Ooo, i didn't get to go to Celebration, i don't think it's owned by Disney anymore
    Enjoy Downtown Disney and have a Ghirardelli's sundae :) xx

  40. Hey Louise!! So I recently found out the wonderful world of the UK YouTubers which led me to love Zoe and now YOU!! :D I was surfing around the net and this post caught my eye since I am well, a Florida Girl myself ^.^ I know it's quite a late reply, but I'm very glad you enjoyed your trip to Florida. I love your enthusiasm and girly remarks which if I was in your place I'd probably join you in them. When you were talking about the road trip from Miami to Orlando I'm like "Ahh, we could have been in the same road and I wouldn't have even known about it!!" lol. And when you mentioned Celebration, I died. I love that town!!! It is absolutely the cutest thing ever. It's perfect to live when you're old and gray and maybe we could be neighbors!! :D Now, I recently found out that the whole gang (You, Zoe, Joe, Marcus, Jack & #FINNFINNTHEBETTERTWIN and others) are coming to Orlando (where I live)and I'm sooo excited but bummed at the same time because you'll be so close but I can't go to the Playlist thing. :'( However, I wish you all the best, enjoy your trip to the fullest, which I know you always do, and as a small favor, document it all in YouTube so I can share the experience in some way. :) My best regards to you, your husband, and cute Baby Glitter
    Lia xoxo

  41. It sounds so amazing there! very hot though :)


  42. Do NOT tailgate


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx