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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Whole Load o' Watsamabibbins

Aloha Bloggerinos,

I'm a bad blogger. Slap my wrists and sit me on the naughty step. I'm sorry. My poor little blog has been pretty neglected of late. I do have good reasons and I'm going to use this post to get everything out and then start afresh and with renewed vigour. Viggggourrrr. I love that word. I like to kind of shake my face when I say it. Haha.

As you know, I attended two super snazzy blogger events (Illamasqua and Glossybox) before jetting (yes, jetting oh la la) off to Florida for a week! I came back last week but felt it important to spend some real quality time with Baby Glitter, rather than the norm, which is to have her kind of fit into my day. So I took her on walks in the pram, to baby groups so she could play with other babies, to a special baby and toddler show where I bought her Christmas present (I'll do a post on this when it arrives) and to my chum's house who has a baby boy and a big trampoline- oh the fun! All that baby time, plus wifey time (I mean cleaning and cooking, not rudeytudeywifeyhusband time there!), sitting down time and sleeping time, meant there was very little Sprinkle of Glitter time. As well as all of the above, we have been out of town to a very glamorous wedding and then I came home to find I had been hacked (I made a video, you can watch it HERE if you are interested), so that took more time out. I feel busier than a bee on speed.

(Just a little snap from a chum's mobile of Baby Glitter enjoying some good old ballpool time. How can anyone tear themselves away from a ballpool for a laptop? Haha)

I usually put Sprinkle of Glitter time fairly high up in my 'important stuff' list, but seeing as I had just had a fabulous week away, I felt it better to let my things sit by the side for a time, whilst I gave Darcy my all.

I had a few little bibbits and boppits to blog about, but then I felt guilty that I hadn't written my GlossyBox and Illamasqua posts, had a tonne of things to review AND a giveaway winner to announce. It all added up and felt like a huge battle so I hid behind it.

(International Bouncing Team, here I come!)

So here's what I'm gonna do:

I'm going to breath. Then, I'm going to aim to have my Illamasqua and GlossyBox posts up asap and not worry that they are very late and just tell you what I thought and give you a bit of 'the world through my eyes' time (if that's alright? I hope so because I haven;t got any other eyes apart from my own, tehe I'm just too funny).

Then I'm going to blog about all the things I like lots, like Autumn and Baby Glitter and Crafts and Glitter.

AND whilst all of this is happening, my blog will slowly be having a bit of a makeover, to tidy it up and give it a bit of extra pizazz, aaannnddd my Dad has lent me his oh so fancyshmancy camera, so good photos, here we come!!
On top of all of that, I'm still doing my secret project with Zoe and I also have a very special interview lined up for you all. Any guesses on who it might be? I'll give you a clue, she's not a blogger and is in the beauty industry....
Phewf! That's a lorra lorra info for you all! Hope you're all happily updated and I look forward to getting back into the sparkly swing of things soon!



PS- Bubblegarm only has 2 days until her little baby is due- eeeeeeee! Excited!!


  1. i am so glad you are back because when i read your posts they just put a smile on my face and brighten my mood so thank you for always blogging xx

    my blog :

    Lauren x

  2. Glad to see you've been having a blast Louise! (Aside from the horrible hacking thing). I'm looking forward to your next blogs!

  3. Yay! You are back! You are so cute in the trampoline pic! I picture you saying "eeeeee!" :)

    Cannot wait to read the future posts. Have a great night!

  4. I'm glad your back. I felt like I was stalkerish for a sec. Baby Glitter comes first! but I am looking forward to your posts.


  5. Glad your back blogging :) Look forward to seeing some more posts now your back :)
    Lucy x

  6. I bloody love you Louise! Good to have you back and you don't need to apologise for not being around. I would take bubba cuddles over updating my followers anyday! Babies aren't babies for long huh! In your own time poppet. Tell us more about this secret project with Zoe, you lil tease! xx

  7. Hehehehehee, when i read "Viggggourrrr. I love that word. I like to kind of shake my face when I say it. " i could see you doing it lmaooooo .xx

  8. Darcy looks so cute in the ballpit!
    You totally deserve some time out, after being hacked and everything. And Baby Glitter and Matt should enjoy you more than we do anyways.
    enjoy your little break and we can't wait to read your blog :) xxx

  9. Love the photo's, Darcy is adorable and I love love love the photo of you on the trampoline :) made me smile lots and lots :) xxxxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx