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Sunday, 13 November 2011

Amazing Advertisers

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As you will see, I have a few adverts dotted around this sparkly little place, they help keep things ticking over, and I wanted to tell you about the people behind them.

Each month, I give fellow bloggers and small business owners the chance to rent a little bit of ad space. I love the blogging community and love that everyone is so supportive- supportive to those who sell ad space (I've seen a tonne of bloggers who do and I take my hat off to them) and supportive to those who have little ads (I always click on those and have a looksie).

So let's see who has made Sprinkle of Glitter their home this month....

Rebecca is pretty, clever, talented and lovely. Her blog is easy on the eye, interesting to read and well written. Rebecca is also a freelance journalist and with many other publications under her belt, aspires to the bright lights of Vogue. When you get there, I'll have a free subscription please!!

It's very rare that I find someone surfing my wavelength, but Hannah is one of them. She's at uni and living the dream. If the dream is cut price fish fingers and living with porn addicted boys. I love reading her blog because it reminds me so much of my uni days. We had a great back and forth email chat about uni life and I'm really excited to share her journey with her.

Mary worked hardest on her had. It took us ages to get the image the right size and all that shibang and after many old school swearwords ('knob' and 'div' being two favourites) we got there. Give this girl a round of applause, she worked very hard! As well as her spangly blog, Mary also has a YouTube Channel. So if you're more of a watcher than a reader, you'll be reet.

Serline at Serache 
Serline is one half of the big cheese behind Serache, which is a site specialising in hair extensions. I don't wear these myself as I have unbearably thick hair, but know a lot of you lovelies swear by them. If you're an extensions kinda gal, check it out.

Ellie at Maydoll
Ellie is 19 and like me, has a love for MAC. She's a winner already, haha. Her blog is a love mix of hauls, beauty, fashion, swatches and self confessed, rambles. Ellie also has a little jewellery shop, which you can check out HERE.

You may have noticed that I also have Abbie's blog button there too. Abbie is the fabulous lady who helped me jazz the look and image of my blog up. I'm incredibly grateful so I wanted to give her a little spot for a while. She has a very cool blog and I heart her.

So that's them! If you are interested in advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, drop me an email. I will just say though, I had a lot of enquiries about it, sent back quite lengthy responses and then in some cases, never had a response. Even if you change your mind or after hearing the T&C's and don't fancy it, please do let me know and have the courtesy to respond.

Have you checked any of these ladies out? Do you love them as much as me?




  1. Ahh I may have to consider this advertising lark! my poor 8 followers are getting lonely! Now i've seen that pic I'm going to waste ANOTHER hour pointlessly looking at pictures on weheartit and pinterest :)


  2. I love the fact you give your advertisers a post aswell as many people overlook the ads.

  3. Ohhh, i loved this post, found so many good blogs!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx