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Friday 18 November 2011

Dragon Lipstick

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I know, this is a short post but I just HAD to share this picture with you!

I don't quite know how, but I have reached 25 and never eaten a dragon fruit. I picked one up today and when I came home and sliced it in half, I literally gasped. It's soooo puurrdddy. This picture really does not do it enough justice. I google imaged it but the majority of snaps portray the flesh of the fruit as white, any clue?

Anyway, being the makeup and beauty obsessive that I am, the very first thing I thought was, "I need a lipstick in that colour!".

So there you have it, my dragon fruit cherry (see what I did there) has been popped, and I have a new lipstick hunt on my hands. Hooray!

I was going to finish up the post with a question, and I was going to write, "Have you ever tried a dragon fruit?", but then I realised you're probably not under 5 and don't want to be asked such lame-ass questions!




  1. i actually HAVE already tried dragon fruit, and i don't remember it having any sort of special taste.. I believe i thought it was quite bad tasting actually... but the colours are just gorgeous!

  2. I have never tried a dragon fruit either! It looks amazing. What does it taste like? X

  3. it looks so so so pretty but i dont like the taste of it at all :( xx

  4. Then you should check this out! I had it a few years ago and it smelled just divine. And the colour was really nice as well. Not sure they´re still making it though:( x

  5. I had dragon fruit a lot when I went to Malaysia earlier this year. I think it's deelish, as well as being a gorgeous colour! It's really tasty blended into a smoothie with banana and yoghurt too.

    Thanks for reminding me about dragon fruit. I want to go out and buy some to bring back memories of my travels :) xxx

  6. i've never tried a dragon fruit! :) x

  7. I bought one once after seeing it on tv in this amazinnnn colour!!! rushed home from Tesco, cut it in half and it was white :(

    Stacey x

  8. Thats gorgeous! Never tried one myself - good luck finding a lipstick in that colour =] xo

  9. What a coincidence! The SortedFood boys just posted a video today which featured dragonfruit! I've tried it once and the flesh was white, I didn't know it could be dark pink. It was a few years ago though so I don't remember how it tasted. xx

  10. When I read the name of this post I thought it was gonna be about Chanel Dragon Lipstick! Haha That fuit is a gorgeous color! I'd love a lipstick that color too. The Chanel one is red.

  11. Ive never tried it either!!! xx

  12. I tried Dragon Fruit years ago, after disovering it whilst browsing Tesco at about 4am (as you do!). I remember being fascinated and buying it. Mine was white inside though :( and didn't taste that good!

    I bought a lipstick recently that looked like the colour of your photo...but before I have even had chance to use it, I have gone and lost it in my room :( Must find!!

  13. I have had one a long time ago and Ididn't like it much. The flesh can be pinky red or white depending on the variety, the pinky kind can make your wee or poo go abit pink though! Tis harmless mind :-) heehee

  14. I've never eaten a clear one before! Always the white ones.
    I don't really like it :p It's a bit plain, it just feels like I'm eating water ahahhaa
    But it is a gorgeous colour!@@@

  15. Barry M's green lipstick that turns pink when its on the lips turns exactly this colour on me! Its so pretty. Im yet to try a dragon fruit, me and my dad almost picked one up once but thought it looked abit too weird to eat! haha.

  16. I've never tasted dragon fruit, always wanted to though. Maybe next time I go shopping I'll pick one up to try :D


  17. ive never even heard of such a thing, oh dear hahaha, it is a lovely colour though!:)xxxx

    I'll join you on that lipstick hunt!.

  19. I'm 24 and never tried one. However have had a dragonfruit flavoured water drink in the States which is super scrummy!

    Good luck on the lipstick hunt :)

  20. Hey Louise, i'm 19 and i've never tried one either! I have a lipstick which I think is a close-ish match. It's by Lime Crime and it's called Centrifushia. Here's a link to a swatch that I found of it online, enjoy :) xxx

  21. I've drank dragonfruit in different juice blends, I really enjoyed them. Really rich magenta there, maybe Nars Funny Face or Nars Scarlet Empress? Good luck (and hope you enjoyed your fruit!)

  22. I've never heard of it before, where can you buy these? Looks amazingly bright and would make a gorgeous lipstick, eyeshadow or lipgloss :)

  23. OMG Louise you think your bad, this is literally the first time ive even seen/heard of this never mind tasted it!!! Looks amazinggg tho i wana try it now x x

  24. omg I want one I'm 30 and never had one ekkkk

    Please follow my new blog Love,fashion, shopping

  25. I' ver tried it before, too! :D

  26. I think I've got everyone beat! lol I'm 35 and I've never had a dragon fruit! I'm very obviously missing something! :(
    Wow..I'm 35..I'm like the grandmother of Sprinklerinos! :/ lol

  27. I have never tried one before, even if I didn't like it I think I would buy them too look at, they look so inviting! It's on my list; - Try Dragon Fruit :)

  28. I love how exotic these fruits look! I haven't tried one yet either!

  29. Barry M Punky Pink is that colour x

  30. I've never tried one either but it looks amazing! What does it taste like? xx

  31. I've never tried one, what does it taste like. this colour is preetttyy x

  32. I have never tried it before and I think Revlon might have a lippy out in this shade!

  33. I tried this a few years back, really hated the taste, but it's pretty! I don't have a lipstick but I have a nail polish in this shade.
    Lucy xx

  34. this colour has got to be one of the most scrumptious pinks ever! i took on your challenge of finding a lipstick this colour and i kept that in mind when i went shopping today, i saw this lipstick from topshop in Brighton Rock which is a high impact hot pink , which had the same intense colour the dragon fruit has

  35. Ahh they're soo nice, they taste like kiwis I thought... The ones I've had before have all been pink on the inside !

    Hope you enjoyed !

  36. Lovely colour

  37. The one I tried was white inside too and I remember thinking it tasted like kiwi. They are super cool though, like something from another wooooooooorld!

  38. I've never tried it! Is it good?

  39. I've never tried one! Hope you succeed in your mission to find a lipstick :) xx

  40. i've never tried dragon fruit actually! is it nice? i might have to go on a trip to asda to pick one up now :)
    and if you find the lipstick then do share it with us, i'd love a colour like that x

  41. wow i have never seen a dragon fruit before xx

    my blog :


  42. Hello Sprinkleofglitter.

    I have just been doing a little bit of stress free christmas shopping, with a few christmas tunes on. And whilst deciding which colour E.L.F. Studio Glossy Gloss my sister would most like. I saw this colour "dragon fruit". I had a little spark and thought I remember someone wanting this. Then it suddenly came to me. I am not sure it is the exact colour of a dragon fruit, but it made me chuckle. Here is the link, hope it makes you smile too.


  43. I've only tried the white ones, they do taste a bit plain but I love how fleshy they are! My grandma have them everyday, works for constipation problems! :)

  44. In my country is very common to eat this fruit and it's called Pitahaya, and it's white inside indeed. For older people it's commonly prepared with red wine and sugar and for breakfast it's eaten with lime and sugar, since it doesn´t have any particular flavor, I like it.

  45. Hello:)
    i have only ever had and seen the white ones, they taste kind of gross sort of tasteless.
    how did that one taste?


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx