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Wednesday 14 December 2011

Christmas Table Extras

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

For me, what makes Christmas isn't huge presents and grand gestures (although if you have a huuuuge present for me Father Christmas- thank you very much!), but the little touches that add glitz and magic and merriment to all.

This year we're cooking for nine (why oh why?) and this is my chance to really make a splash. I've picked out a few of my favourite things that you could scatter round the home or table, to entice and excite.

(Image taken from ebay and listed below. If I had made it bigger, it'd be uber blurry-sorry!)

These Iridescent holographic Party Poppers would be sure to start Christmas morning off with a bang.

Scatter these cheery little guys over the children's table (how much did you used to hate being relegated to the children's table by the way? I used to get such a sulk on hahaha), to add frivolity, or sprinkle in cards and wrapping papered gifts.

To break the ice with the other half's parentals, try these. You'll be having fun in no time. And if not, at least you'll have a conversation starter!

Sprinkle these edible gold stars into your glasses of bubbly to add zizz to your fizz and look ever the domestic goddess.

I have a couple of Christmas Craft posts coming up with DIY items that you can make as well as a whole album of saved weheartit pictures of magical wintery scenes. I really am getting into the spirit of it all!

Are you?




  1. Such cute ideas. I agree that it's the little touches that make Christmas special..the presents are good too ;) xxx

  2. Love these ideas spesh the little gold stars for drinks!

    Can't wait for Christmas!!


  3. These are such cute ideas! I love the gold stars for drinks especially...may have to purchase some myself! xx

  4. The edible golden stars are a brilliant idea!

  5. aw such cute ideas! Love your blog louise! Would really appreciate it if u could take the time to look at ours x

  6. Oh how cute are those reindeer confetti ! I think I'm gonna buy them.. just incase I have my own house someday and I need them ! :P
    Sounds quite reasonable :D
    And the gold stars :D
    I might be making some home made drinks, so those will be a nice touch
    Oh how I love these posts <3

  7. I like the idea of the stars in champagne!Thanks for the links :)

  8. just found your blog :) love it, i'm following :) hope you will follow back :)

  9. 9?! Good luck! aha I love all the little things that make the day, try and make a couple new decorations each year, also much cheaper! Bought a couple cheap printing blocks the other year now use brown parcel paper & print on it to make it nicer, the presents always look amazing! xx

  10. edible gold stars are definitely something I need! hehe lovely blog:)

    Rosie Anna

  11. The childs table always annoyed me, my cousins bored me tbh ;) This is all so cute! I agree, it's the sparkles and glitter that makes Christmas, but presents are excepted ;)

  12. Aw I love all of this :) your posts make me all fuzzy inside and excited!
    Ouch at 9 though, good luck!!!

    Amanda |

  13. Love it, nice post Loiuse! I think small gestures like these speak louder that the big gestures.

    False lashes giveaway at:

  14. Love this, so sweet and the crackers sound great. Great post. Would be lovely if you could stop by my blog sometime :-) Izzy xo

  15. These are all lovely :) I'm trying to make some of my own table decorations this year.. fun but time consuming!

  16. I always make decorations, it's so much fun! :)xx

  17. I am so jealous! I can't wait till I have a proper house and can be hostess with the mostess (and wear a pinny and everything!) Thanks for the lovely festive post & hope you and your family have a lovely christmas :-) xx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx