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Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Glossy Box :: December Edition

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you have your ear to the ground (what does that even mean?), you will have heard that Glossy Box are doing something a little special for their December edition.

I expect that if you follow a lot of blogs, then you will have already seen what's inside, but in case you don't, read on!

This months box contains:

Blink + Go Hi-Definition Mascara
Cargo Cosmetics Lipgloss
Deborah Lippmann Razzle Dazzle Mini Nail Varnish
Deborah Lippmann Stripped to Go Sachet
MeMeMe Seventh Heaven Moisturising Facebase
Rituals Foaming Shower Gel

The full sized value of all of these together would be - £62.49. Admittedly there are a few minis in there, but I still think that's amazing value!
I'm so glad there is a swish shower gel in there. I remember using a foaming gel a while back and thinking it was really fun (you know you're a bit sad when you describe a shower product as 'fun') AND I literally just ran out of my Lush shower gel, so hooray, I can get going on this post haste.

I absolutely adore (yes, addorreeee) the Deborah Lippmann nail polish. Full sized bottles of this brand of polish retail for £16.00. For me, £16.00 is too much to spend on a varnish, so I was pleased as punch when we were given one at the first Glossy Box event and then pleased as punch with a cherry on top to find a glittery one in this box! I'm also pretty excited to try the remover wipes. Being an addict of sparkly polishes, I do spend a lot of time doing the old foil finger wrap technique, so I'd be interested to see if these can beat it. I haven't tried them yet because I want to save them for a reeaaalllyyy glittery nail look- that'll be the real test!

The mascara. Oh my. I was initially excited by the packaging, I mean, a mascara in a box- that's fancy. I have tried this a couple of times and my lashes love it. It lengthens, separates and thickens aannndd is super black. Teamed with L'oreal Carbon Gloss liner and you're good to 'Blink and go'.

I' yet to properly play with the lipgloss or moisturiser, but I must say, Cargo have come up trumps with that colour- so puurrdddyy.

Throughout the month I will be doing separate Lou's Reviews of these products (with individual photos), but I thought you might enjoy a little overview. I think this is my favourite box to date, there is nothing I don't like and lots of things I feel all 'oohhh yyyaaayy' about, winner. 

Have you subscribed to Glossy? What do you think to the red box? Click HERE for a mooch round their site.




  1. The red box looks amazing! Really themed and festive. Maybe they could consider themed boxes for certain times of the year? Valentines day might be a good one! I'm still not signed up to it but I really want to be after seeing this box xx

  2. Wow your box seems the best I've seen so far!! I'm so excited for mine, knowing my luck though I'll end up with non of these things haha

  3. Im loving the red box! This box looks like one of their better boxes, unfortunately I unsubscribed!

  4. Ooh,I wish I could have got that!! <3

  5. yay! glossy AND red! can't wait for your reviews! :)

  6. Oohhh they all look fab, such amazing value too! xx

  7. ooo they all look great! defiantly need to sign up for this!


  8. Can you still get this box if your still a subscriber ? :)

    great post, really love the look of the mascara & nail polish :D


  9. haha i had to scroll by really fast I really dont want to know what is in the box until it arrives, i like the look of the red lid!!

  10. This month's gossybox look aweeeesome :)


  11. i've been hearing so many raves about deborah lippmann nail polishes, i think i'm gonna have to check those out. ;)

    <3, Mimi
    $100 Shopbop Gift Card Giveaway

  12. ive got exactly the same as you, THRILLED!

  13. Love the red box - so festive! You've got some great items there, I really want to try that nail polish but I don't fancy splashing out £16.00 for a bottle either! xx

  14. After reading this post I've just re-subscribed to GlossyBox :D xx

  15. omg deborah lippman! <3


  16. I lovedddd December's glossy box !
    And love reading this blog :)


  17. wow louise i love your blog and your youtube channel! your soo sweet and funny :) everytime i see a new video i always smile! ive just recently started blogging so maybe check out my blog?? ml xxxx

  18. this looks amazing! :') i was thinking about subscribing this year and this post has got me all excittedd:D

    thanks for sharing. love as always xx

  19. I just ordered mine! :) so pumped for it to arrive. Love your blog- and you! <3

  20. I can't believe I just found your blog- love your style!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx