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Thursday, 19 April 2012

Beauty Bargains

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

After reading AThriftyMrs's post last week about discounts, deals and offers and thinking what a great idea it was, I have decided to write one too. Don't worry, she won't sit behind her laptop with red smoke coming out of her ears and calling me a copy cat, we're friends and she's down with the kids. Woop. 

Below are a few deals and offers from some super beauty and fashion establishments. I actually found a great many more (it's amazing how many there are) but I didn't want to overload you all. If this is well received, I might make it a feature. Then again, you might all despise it and throw rotten tomatoes at me, in which case, I won't.


Let's crack on, shall we?

The land of cute fruity animal soaps are offering 35% off everything!

The online beauty giant offer free gifts like solid perfumes and gold weekender bags with various products, so do check them out and see what you can snap up.

Benefit, the beauty blogger's fave are offering 10% off purchases with this code- MVC10. Yay! I think this is my favourite.

This last one is mostly to please my little sister Tiyana. She's currently on a school trip to Berlin, but rather than being excited about the wealth of education possibilities, she google mapped the nearest Urban Outfitters! Haha, the little fruit loop.

Urban Outfitters is offering 15% off if you use this code- AMVC15.

So my little glitter girls and boys, I hope that you have found that useful and do let me know if this is something you would like to see more of- I aim to please afterall.




  1. hi louise! what is the code for the body shop discount?? thanks! x

  2. Thanks for the Urban Outfitters code! I previously used one which gives you 10% off, and the other for free shipping but sadly most items I want are sold out already :/

  3. If only my bank account had pennies - I'd be on it like a car bonnet ;) xx

  4. Yes! More of these would be amazing :) Love a bargain x

  5. i think you should make this a feature! thankyou :)

  6. always love a it of money saving!

  7. Yayy, I love it,please make more of these.

    xx -B

  8. Ooh i love the benefit and the urban outfitters ones :) I love saving a bit of money ;) Thanks for the info!
    Please check out my blog as i have just started!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx