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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Blogging Tips & Giveaway

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Every day I receive lovely emails, from lovely girls, asking about lovely blogs. Often, they are from new bloggers, looking for tips and advice and because I am strapped for time, I thought I would write one big answer and we can all (hopefully) benefit from it.

Please don't take me wrong, I'm not acting the big 'I Am', I'm merely saying, 'Oh Hi, I've been doing this a while, and this is what has worked for me'.

I have also made a video on this with my chum Zoe last year, so hopefully that will give you some useful pointers as well and I shall pop it below.

Little Tips That Have Worked For Moi

♥ Make your photographs/images LARGE. I used to make my images quite small a) I was too lazy to change them and b) I didn't think about it too much, but really, it makes a difference. I much prefer looking at blogs with jumbo snaps....maybe my eyeballs are sizist?

♥ Read other blogs. I think it's pretty arrogant to expect folk to give up time in their day to read your blog, if you aren't prepared to do the same yourself. I'm not saying read every single blog going, just make a point of looking at a few each day. Not only is it supporting your peers, you'll more often than not learn something or feel inspired to do something on your own little slice of the net.

♥ Don't copy. If you are going to copy, credit, credit, credit. This means, if you saw VIPXO's designer inspired post and you want to do one yourself, say so. EG. "After seeing VIPXO's fabulous post, I decided to give it a try myself" and link her blog. This is the polite and proper thing to do. You'll also be doing your readers a good turn, because if they liked your post, they'll like the one you were inspired by and think, 'Oooh that was nice of thingymajig to lead me somewhere I enjoy'. Please don't think that people don't notice copying, I do.

♥ Be proud of what you write. Once you have written something, read it back to yourself. If you read that on another blog, would you enjoy it? If the answer is yes, hit that, 'Publish Post' button. If it's a no, tweak it slightly. There's no need to agonise over a blog post, but it's a good rule of thumb to read back and make a post the very best that you can.

♥ Provide links. If you are talking about a product, provide a link for it, because chances are, your readers may want to make a purchase or look into it a little more. Save them the trouble of search engines and provide a direct path to it. It's nice!

♥ Promote not spam! It's great to promote your blog and let others know about it, but there is a fine line between doing that and being spammy. I like to promote my blog on my twitter account, my facebook fanpage and my youtube account. If it is relevant, I might put my link somewhere else too. So for example, if I have just reviewed a Boots Own Moisturiser, I might say so on the Boots Facebook Fanpage. As a personal rule, I will tweet one blog post 1-3 times at different points in the day. I have seen bloggers tweet the same blog post over and over and over within a short space of time and find it a bit much. The point I'm making is, be proud, not desperados. 

♥ Be sociable. This is a fun one. Chat to people on twitter, retweet things of interest, reply to comments and feedback on facebook and youtube (if applicable) and all in all, get stuck in! You make great friends this way and it makes blogland are really fun place to be!

♥ Ignore haters. Haters come in all shapes and forms. Be it your real life friends that may be a little jealous of the time and effort you put into your blog, nasty girls leaving vile comments or people making things up on forums, IGNORE THEM. Their behaviour stems from jealousy, and if someone is jealous, it means you have a good thing, so hold on to it and smile to yourself. Well Done! 

♥ Be humble. Take a good hard look at yourself and assess something. Are you an expert in your field? If you are, go you! You have the right to say so. Personally, I don't think I am, so shy away from using certain words. I'm not a beauty expert, nor am I mum of the year, I'm merely a woman who has spent A LOT of time and money and research in the area of cosmetics and I like to talk about it and share my thoughts with other like-minded individuals. Also, I grew a baby, popped her out and look after her every day. That's about the sum of it. It's important to have faith and pride in yourself, but making out you are something you're not, will end it tears.

♥ Giveaways are great. Everyone loves a freebie and most people love to give, so it's win win. It's a terrific opportunity to give a little something back to all the kind human beings who have spent time reading your words and a positive way to grow your blog. A tip within a tip though- be careful what you give away. I once did one with lots of lovely things but they were VERY heavy. I picked the winner randomly and she was from America. Postage was pricey and I was left pretty out of pocket. Make sure you are prepared to pay postage charges if you are making your giveaway world wide. 

Soooo, in a smoooooth link from my last tip, I have a mini giveaway for you! Would you like to win this lovely fragrance set from 'So...?'*.

To enter, all you have to do is:

1. Follow this blog on GFC.
2. Tweet - "I just entered @Sprinkleofglitr 's 'BLOGGING TIPS AND TRICKS Giveaway'. Have you entered yet? xxx"

Open Internationally. Closes 30th April. Winner Announced at the same time as my 7000 Follower Giveaway.

I do hope that some of those will be of some use to you, as they have been to me. I would love to hear any of your tips as I'm always open to new ideas and get you all have a few gems up your sleeves!




  1. i agree with all your points and find them very useful :) i dont like posting until im properly, properly in the mood and when i know ill be proud of what ive written. xxx
    oh and congrats on 8,000 followers - woop! xx

  2. These are great tips Louise I agree with all of them :)

  3. Thanks for this louise! :) very helpful! And congrats on 8,000 followers! Yayyyy! :D xxx

  4. Great post. So helpful!
    I have managed to do my entire blog (header and all) in Paint with some minimal html help from the HTB and our friend Google. It can be done other bloggy ladies out there! :D

  5. Great post Louise! Lots of really useful information.

    1. Oh and one of my biggest tips is when you're on a roll write a couple of extra posts and have them in reserve for when you're sick or busy.

  6. Thanks for the great tips :) and congratulations on 8,000 followers you deserve it! xxx

  7. Really fab tips. Great giveaway & congrats on 8000 followers!
    Gemma xXx

  8. This was really helpful, thanks Louise! :D I remember watching that video a few months back and it really helped me improve my blog :) lots of love and Happy Birthday for Saturday! xxxxxxxx

  9. I'm so new that my followers are still in single figures, this has been really useful. Thank you.

    I already do what Mrs. thrifty suggests and I have 7 posts lined up. I'm just waiting for a decent camera to come my way at the moment.

  10. Thank you for your tips :) It's so interesting to know when your starting up a blog, and will definitely help me :) Especially the picture's one! *Makes a mental note - LARGE* haha.
    Congrats on 8,000 followers, your blog is fantastic and definitely deserves it!
    Lots of Love xox

  11. thanks for the tips louise, it really means a lot that you will take the time to help all us newbie bloggers :) and congratulations on the 8000 followers, you deserve it more than anyone! xx

  12. Thankyou for the tips! I have entered! My tweet will be somewhere here!/MegTolson_JLS

  13. great tips i will defo be taking these into consideration totally agree with the large pics i dunno it just looks better i just like nice big pics :D id like to be entered for the giveaway too please :)

  14. GFC: Jordannepalmer
    Tweet URL:!/JadiieyyyyPop/status/194809303801139200
    I watched this video and while i watched it i changed my blog and really helped...
    Missing your Vid's on youtube... Can't wait for the next one!
    Thanks xx

  15. This is really helpful I have 4 followers now so I think the buttons up on the top bar now x

  16. I have no idea what GFC means... :( but I follow you on blogger and I've tweeted :)

    1. Its Google Friend Connect - I only worked it out yesterday after seeing it on multiply blogs and thinking "eh?" :oP - watch me get it wrong ha ha

  17. Thanks for this post; the tips are so helpful! I'm really enjoying being part of the blogger world!
    Congrats on your 8,000 followers; love your blog and videos!

  18. Thankyou for the tips, they've been more useful than others I've seen :-) I love writing my blog, and praise my 8 little followers for reading my rambles!

  19. Great tips! It's so good of you to spend the time to write a post or make a video about this as it's really helpful for those of us just starting out! In fact it was seeing your video a while ago that inspired me to give it a go! Love your blog :) xx

  20. Great post. Im just thinking about blogging myself but it is a whole new world for me. Also not sure if people would be interested in my new life as a childminder/stay at home Mum of two boys. Is GFC free? Thanks for all the tips :-D

    1. Hello!!

      Of course they would! Why would they be more interested in a Mum of 1 than a Mum of 2? Silly billy. GFC is completely free, as is blogging :) Hurrah!!


    2. Thanks for the support and reply. Think I will go for it! Xx

  21. Thanks louise for the tips! I've just restarted my blog and thought you were the right person to ask for some tips/tricks! SO glad you put this up, I would've been lost before I had started!!

    Congratulations on your 8000(!!!!!) followers, you've worked so hard for it! :D


    Sophie <3

  22. Brilliant video - Been watching a few of these kind of things recently just to see where I've been going wrong. Two years and still plodding along for pretty much only my friends and family to read. Is tough going but I love doing it even if its only them who see it

    Can I just say I was actually crying with laughter at the choc fingers ending ha ha you two are great! You can totally see why you get so many readers as you're both genuine and fantabulous! Definately cheered me up after some crazy goings on!

    Thanks for the advice!


  23. Great tips, I've really learned a lot from this post! xx

  24. i have watched this video like a million times it is so helpful and so are the other tips there so amazing and i hope they work for my blog x

  25. Thankyou Louise for the great tips! Congrats on 8000 followers, you totally deserve it xxx

  26. I follow you on YT and twitter and your blog too (no, I'm not a stalker, just an avid fan! LOL) Whenever I feel like my blog isn't good enough I watch this video and it puts me back on track. I'm actally pretty proud of my little blog if I do say so myself. :) xx

  27. Hi Louise,
    This video and tips were sooo helpful, I have now managed to somewhat successfully post my first ramblings. Still have so much to do in terms of design tho, but im sure ill get there!!

    Congratualations on 8000 followers :)

  28. Thanks for the tips! Its nice to have support when starting out blogging :)

  29. Thank you very much for these bits of advice, I must admit that reading your blog and watching your youtube videos was what inspired me to start my own blog, so I am very very grateful. Thank you! xxx

  30. This advice was so useful! It's inspired me, but I have so many exams I'm finding it hard to put time in my blog :( after my exams I can't wait to have a revamp and make it all pretty :') hehe Thanks Louise! xxxx

  31. I have had nearly 300 page views but no subscribers? Also how often would you say to post??<3 xx

  32. You two are awesome! I love both of you and your blogs/YT channels :)

  33. Great blogging tips!!


  34. I watched that video last year, I follow Zoe on YouTube and that video actually inspired me to start my own blog :)

    Argh! I actually got a comment on my blog the other day saying something along the lines of "love your blog, this post is amazing, keep um coming", I later had a read through a few blogs I follow and BAM the exact comment I had read on my post was posted on 90% of the blogs I follow, it's a really awful thing to do because I actually appreciate the few comments I get and I thought wow she actually really enjoyed that guess not. Or the comments that say "great blog, we should follow each other", if they liked your blog that much they wouldn't only want to follow you if you followed them back. Grates on me big time!

    Moan over :) xx

  35. This was excellent the tips you gave were very constructive and informative and you delivered them in a non-patronising way. Thank you for taking the time to do this post and video I can imagine it was very time consuming but very helpful and appreciated!

    Becky’s Makeup and Beauty

  36. Although I've only recently just started my blog I already have a few people following me! I've been chatting and checking out other peoples blogs (genuinely without trying to gain followers. I'm just interested lol.) and I get comments & follows. So Happy! ^_^

    I hope one day I get to have a big interactive following like you do Louise. I really didn't think I could get addicted to this whole blogging (& Instagram o_o) thing!

    [ ]

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I just started my blog about myself and my transition from College to Adulthood and I am also going to post reviews on makeup products and other things that I like! You are one of the bloggers that have inspired me! This post of yours has already helped me start out on the right foot!

    Thank you Louise!

  39. This post was really helpful, so first I'd like to thank you for uploading it. I only began blogging recently and small tips like those above help a lot, as I'm quite new at all of this it's nice to be told to be confident in what you write as I'm sure I am not the only one hesitating before uploading a blog post. Also, I'd just like to say you have a beautiful blog, the layout is fantastic and I love your style of writing! I look forward to reading more of your blog posts xxx

    Love from, Eternal Archive

  40. I'm fairly new to blogging (well been doing it on & off since last summer) and found this post very helpful! thanks! i only stumbled across your blog now but will follow it as i like your style already!

  41. Like a lot of people commenting on this post, I'm also new to blogging and I really appreciate all the tips and hints you have shared. Your blog is absolutely lovely and unique. This post has really made me realise how important it is to ignore the post views and followers and keep on going because I enjoy it :) xxx

  42. first of all well done on all the more followers you have hun getting very well known little miss goregous! i have enetered and i have tweeted :) love your blog and hope you had a great day and your instagram picture of you looks gorgeous too :) and lovely little giveaway :) xxxxx

  43. I have already told you on Facebook that you inspire me to blog, I have never been so consistent with my blogging until I started reading your blog, which lead me to other great blogs like Zoella and VIPXO. This post has some great tips!

    I tweeted for the give-away @LucyKristina :) xxx

  44. Thank you so much for the post!
    I watched that video last year and it's what inspired me to start a blog. I always liked the idea of YouTube but I knew I'd be absolutley hopeless talking in front of a camera. I'd never even thought about a blog until I saw your video. I watched it again 2 weeks ago, the night I made my blogger account and it has helped me so much.
    All the little things like having Google Friend Connect at the top of the page and making the background white, etc.
    I'm still getting used to it, but I've absolutely loved finding blogs and getting into the blogging community.
    I honestly never would have thought about it unless it was for you.
    Thank you Louise :)

  45. Thanks for the giveaway.
    GFC Follower as Amy Orvin

  46. Louise I love your blog, I made a blog yesterday and signed on today to find this - fate or what?! Thank you for this, i've learned a lot :)


  47. Thanks for the lovely giveaways your doing!x
    GFC: Jade

  48. Thank you for all those loveley tips an tricks. I wanted a blog for quite a while, but was afraid not to have as many ideas. After watching the video of you and Zoe I felt more confident that i could do it :) a big thank you from germany and hugs an kisses to baby glitter ;)

    XOXO ~ Bee

  49. Thanks for the tips ,I've only just started blogging .I am not a beauty blogger but I do enjoy writing ;)I just need to find a niche I guess! .The main problem I have is I have no idea how to make my blog as pretty as yours! :)

  50. This post and video has inspired me to restart my blog I closed after not having much luck with it! I'll be referring back to your video if I get stuck! Thanks :) x

  51. Thanks for the tips, I just started a blogger yesterday and this is really insightful.

  52. Fantastic post! Thank you. And a lovely giveaway too :) xx

  53. Really enjoyed reading your tips I have just started my blog and would love it if you and some of your followers would like to follow me also, thanks x

  54. wow these are great tips! thank you so much!

  55. Great tips !!
    thank you for the giveaway =)
    MLP &!/Marine_LP/status/195226652840697856

  56. How spooky, the day I publish my first blog post and you write this blog post! Thanks for the great tips I'll definately take them all on board!
    And the end of that video with the choc fingers is tres funny!

  57. Thanks for the tips Louise! Was so helpful:-) I have recently just started a blog, would love it if anyone could check it out xo

  58. Amazing tips Louise! I'm a fairly new blogger and this really helped!

    Natalie xx

  59. Great post and very helpful tips! I always use search engines on how to edit my blog and improve the layout! I'm always trying to improve it!

  60. Thank you for the tips and thank you for the giveaway!
    gfc: nagrade

  61. Lovely post, lovely blog, lovely prize, lovely love! Have done all the bizz above

  62. I really like this post + the video (I'd not seen it until just now) because I like how honest you both are about what your motivations should be + how you should approach blogging. I've been blogging for two years now (on two different blogs) and it's completely true that feeling excited about what you write is really important; I don't understand how anyone could stay motivated to blog if they didn't actually enjoy writing the things they write. (Uh, what? I think I've tangled myself up in words here a little.) Anyway, thanks for the interesting and informative read + watch, hope you're having a great evening.

  63. Loved this post:)You really do come in handy for me sometimes if I'm a bit stuck!:') Great prize for the giveaway:) ive entered of x

  64. you know what I have just started my blog becuase like you I have spent a lot of time and money in cosmetic n skin care and I love talking bout it too. Your tips are so great full may be one day I will make a post like this one =) Thank you so much for your tips darling really helpful for me.. and yes I would love to enter into a giveaway if it is international =)
    Thanks once again! check my blog if you want to and of possible tell me where I need to improve =)

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Just wanted to say this blog post has been so useful to me, blogging is something I really love doing but I just feel like my blog lacks direction sometimes and I really want to feel proud of it. Thank you for a really useful and interesting post! :)
    Rachel xxx

  67. thanks for the great tips Louise (and Zoe!). I've been wanting to start a blog for such a long time, and you have inspired me to finally take the plunge!

  68. This is a brilliant video/blog post. I have been dabbling with the idea of starting a blog myself, but this post has definitely made me think more carefully about it.

    Thank you sooo much for taking the time to do this!!!

  69. Thanks for the tips, I really enjoyed them. What I did for my blog is I moved the readers-gadget to the top (I had it at the very bottom before). But yeah, I've had my blog for 1,5 years and I still have only about 20 readers (not completely sure about the number). But I'm happy with my blog and I enjoy blogging very much so the number of readers doesn't really matter to me. Anyway, a great post from you!


  70. I have just started blogging, found this really useful. Hope to one day have a successful blog like you xx Love your blogx

  71. hi !! hope you are well i love reading your blog posts and when i recived my first glossy box i though why not give it a go eh so i did and i weas wondering if you could pop along and give me some advice see if i am doing ok :-) would be eve so grateful XXXX

  72. Hello! It's funny because I just emailed you about half an hour ago basically asking for both a blog post and a youtube video on starting up blogging, and then I stumbled across this! :D Very useful, and now bookmarked! ;)
    I wish to add that in the video bloopers when you so hilariously have the chocolate fingers in your mouth, you really remind me of Diego (The sabre-tooth tiger!) I think it's partially to do with the very light colour of your eyes hahaha!

    Thank you for making this :)
    Sprinklerino out. xxx

  73. Thank you so much! this is incredibly helpful xxx

  74. Hi Louise, thanks for taking the time to write this post! It has helped me a great deal! You really inspired me to start my own blog and im loving it! Thanks again xxx

  75. Excellent post Louise, as Holly says above - you inspired me to start my own blog too, because I enjoy writing about things I love (plus my other half got sick of me talking to him about 'why this nail polish is so great'). Loving the new look of your blog too! Keep up the good work, and keep smiling. Oh, and thank you xxx

  76. Thanks for those tips - you'd think those like crediting others and not copying were common sense/good manners, but some things need to be Said Out Loud :-)
    The ridiculous, real life diary of a 90's teen

  77. Great post!

    I have done both!



  78. I follow u via gfc as Sadi

    I tweeted here :

    email :


  79. great ideas, you both seem like a right laugh! i was laughing out loud at the end with the chocolate fingers haha :)

  80. great ideas! this my first blog and I really enjoy it helpful tips :) :)

  81. These are really great tips Louise! They helped me so much! I just recently created a blog and have been using these tips :)

  82. This has helped me a lot thank you

  83. Thanks for the tips, they have really helped recently to set up my blog and get it started!xx

    Link to my blog: wowbelwow

  84. Louise you inspired me to start a blog, love you and Baby-not baby anymore ;(-Glitter.

  85. thanks this should help

    heres my link to my blog share and i hope you enjoy

  86. Thanks for the great article.. I think mistakes and starting out. I have decided to follow as much as I can before going live since there is such a steep learning curve.

  87. I found lots of interesting information here.Great work. i like this blog
    happy wheels
    return man 3


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx