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Friday, 19 October 2012

Loves of Late || Autumn

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Happy Friday! I work from home so weekdays and weekends all merge together usually, but for some reason, today I feel like celebrating the on coming weekend. Go figure. 

I thought that since I'm in a happily reflective mood, it might be fun to talk about things that I have been loving of late, big and small. 

Loves of Late

heartBringing Baby Glitter back to Sprinkle of Glitter. If you follow my Facebook Page I talked about this a few days ago, but in a nutshell : she's going to be slowly brought back. In retrospect (and I've had 6 months of time to think about it, which is a third of her little life!), I took her off in a haze of rash panic. I had a disgusting comment that I wont repeat and panicked. For months it didn't sit right that I'd removed her and I came to realise that haters will always hate. They will do whatever they can to try and discourage you from doing what makes you happy, because they are so unhappy. It made me so happy to have my two babies (Sprinkle of Glitter is like a second bambino to me) be together and was a bit poopy writing a lifestyle blog without the biggest part of my life in it! So, little by little, she'll be back. To make me feel extra secure in my decision, Matt and I talked it through for a good couple of weeks and made a couple of lifestyle changes that have really put my mind at rest. I know there will be lots and lots of people who will be pleased to see her again, and some who think I should leave her off, but ultimately, she's my baba and it's up to me. So, yay for unbelievable cuteness again!!

Learning more about something I love. I recently completed a week long intensive makeup artistry course with Illamasqua (full review to come shortly) and thought it was brilliant. It was quite a challenge commuting into London every day and I missed Baby Glitter a lot (she had a fantastically spoilt week with her Grandparents), but I now feel full to the brim with beauty knowledge!

Feeling rich with friends. I have been making a concerted effort to text back! One of my (many) failings in life is that I read a text whilst doing something else and think, 'Oh that was nice, I'll text him/her back when I'm finished doing this' and then never do! It's awful! Friends become annoyed, I feel bad, etc etc. So, this last couple of weeks I have been like a hound dog on my phone and replied and conversed and arranged meets and trips and dinners and double dates and I feel great for it. Sometimes, because I work from home and care for the bambino all day, I feel a little isolated and forgotten. Being more proactive has really highlighted how lucky I am to have such a wide support network of love and fun and I feel truly blessed by it.

Going to bed earlier. Who would've thought it? I'm the ultimate night owl and always joke that my peak time is 11pm. This last 2 weeks I have been going to bed at the same time as Matt and have found myself rising a lot earlier too. I've been getting a lot more done around the house (thank goodness- it was beginning to get crazy!) and going to bed at the same time as my Husband has been lovely (minds out of gutters please ladies ;) , I mean we have a good opportunity to catch up on our days and discuss plans for the next). 

The little things. Yesterday I washed one of Baby Glitter's tutu's and as I hung it up to dry I thought how lucky I was to be able to have such pretty things laying around my home, for my little girl. Sometimes I hold her and send a million 'thank you's' up to the sky because she is the treasure of my life and I can't believe I have her. I love all the things that come with little girls - delicate clothes, dolls houses, bows in hair, sweet baby babble, the lot. It melts my heart on a daily basis. 

The downside of all these wonderful things is that my blog and YouTube channel have been somewhat neglected. Woopsie. As of November, Baby Glitter will be in nursery for 2 afternoons a week and with my Auntie for 2 mornings a week, so with any luck, those 2 full days for me will become writing and filming days and a healthy balance will be restored. The housework will just have to wait....

Oooooooh that was therapeutic typing all of that goodness out! If you would like to do a similar post on your blog, feel free to use the image and link it back here as it's credit. Do let everyone know in the comments if you have written one so we can come and see your happy things. If you don't have a blog, sharing feels great so why not just tell me in the comments what you have loved of late? Or, if you don't feel chipper about sharing here (we don't bite though, I promise), then why not make a personal facebook status or just tell a chum or colleague something good. You'll feel amazing for it!



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  1. I am really pleased you have taken steps to make you happy - especially with Baby Glitter. It shows whoever wrote that comment that you are not letting them ruin what you enjoy. I started watching your youtube vids when Baby Glitter was involved and it was lovely to watch you two together. It seems you definitely have your spark back these last few weeks. :) xx

    1. Thank you, I really feel like I have and I'm glad someone noticed :) xxx

  2. Yay go Louise! Haters will always hate, but no one likes them so its fine :) I'm personally really excited about seeing baby glitter coming back. I'm really looking forward to reading your make up artist course, it sounds really exciting! I know what you mean about going to bed earlier thing, i've also been doing that and rising earlier than usual makes the day feel a lot longer and your much more proactive!! Keep doing things that make you happy Louise :) Take care xx

  3. Louise your posts do make me smile :) I aspire to one day be as successful as you in the blog world as visiting your blog is of course one of the highlights of my day (I have found myself trailing back over old blogs just for the read :)

    I know the whole Baby Glitter situation is a rough topic for some people but I think with or without including Darcy in your posts/videos it really doesn't matter! You do what YOU want to do and don't listen to people who probably don't have children of their own to judge it on

    Any-who's! Please visit me at my blog if you have the chance?


  4. You should not stop doing what you want to do because of petty, stupid, nasty people. Enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy! I love your blog and You tube, you seem truely a 'good egg'! :) xxx

  5. Im going through a rough time atm & i feel like reading your blog and watching your youtube just brings a bit of light into my day. Im all the way over in Australia yet i feel so welcomed into your sprinklerino community. Thankyou so much for just being you. we need more people like you in the world!

    also nice name ;) hehe


  6. its really great to sometimes stop appreciate the things in life!!

    You're a really great inspiration!

  7. What a lovely post :) It will be nice to see little baby glitters face back on here! I'm glad things are going well for you Louise :) xx

  8. its great that there are lots of things making you all sparkly at the moment Louise & it's amazing to know that baby Glitter will be back soon ^_^ she's adorable. This post was lovely and up lifting :) x

  9. Great post!:)

  10. A lovely post! I'm glad things are going well for you and you have so many lovely things to be happy about :)


  11. What a lovely heartfelt post! It's so nice to read something so postive :) Your videos always make me giggle so much, as well as make me want to be some sort of make-up mastermind :) Can't wait to see baby glitter again too.
    Rachelle x

  12. this is a very very lovely post Louise!
    you're an inspiration for all of us.

  13. Hey! I have been following your blog and YouTube channel (and instagram, and twitter, hehehe) for a while now and I never really found a decent way to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog and watching your videos. I absolutely love your bubbly character (it sounds so cliché but it's so true!) and your overall appearance. You're truly beautiful inside and out and you're a wonderful mum. I think it's wonderful how concerned you are with showing Baby Glitter to the world and I can fully understand that you're only slowly introducing her back to the internet but I have to say that I really enjoy watching her as well, she's such a cute little fairy! You inspire me very very much and you cheer me up when I'm having a bad day. Thank you and stay the way you are, you're amazing xxx Hugs and kisses from Germany :)

  14. Awhh lovely post Louise, I love reading ones like these :) x

  15. Lovely post, I enjoy reading these posts, it's great to hear how hard you've tried to get you happy, it's really motivated me and inspired me



  16. I also work from home but my little girl is 4 yrs now so is in school. So know what you mean about feeling isolated!

    Lovely post.


  17. ignore the haters, what you do is wonderful

    have a sparkley weekend :)

  18. Yay for Baby Glitter being back! You're right though, if people are going to hate, they'll find a reason, it just so happened it was Baby Glitter at one time (which is not right but hey, the life of an internet troll). Really looking forward to reading how you got on with Illamasqua! x

  19. Aww, that was really nice to read! Especially the bit about the 'thank you's for Baby Glitter, endless smiles :D
    Looking forward to the Illamasqua review too!

  20. I am so glad Baby Glitter is coming back! It's good you are ignoring the haters and doing what makes you happy! I watch your youtube videos, and seeing Baby Glitter makes my heart melt! Looking forward to hearing about lllamasqua :)!x

  21. Aww im so glad Baby Glitter is back, i missed her cuteness. Im kinda like you on the friends situation. Im forever neglecting my wonderful friends and i need to change that :-)xx

  22. You seem really happy :) And that's great that Baby Glitter is back! Could you put up the old videos she was in cause I'd love to watch the one where you introduced her to youtube a few years ago! It was one of my favs :) I also love the one when you announced your pregnancy after your wedding! I always watch it when I feel blue cause it reminds me of some kind of fairytale ending!

  23. Awh this post has cheered me up a treat. Like all of your lovely ramblings. :-)

    I had a little go too:

    Suzye X

  24. What a lovely post, I think I will have to do one of these this week! :)

  25. It's great seeing such positive posts! So glad that baby glitter is making a come back.
    The fact were edging into winter is one of my loves at the moment. The Christmas scented Yankee candles, cosy nights in, the Christmas stocking fillers piled up in the shops and of course, the Starbucks salted caramel lattes!xxx

  26. This was a fantastic idea, I needed to put down all this "goodness" in writing!
    Also, so so glad to start seeing Baby Glitter again!=)

  27. Cute post, i'm excited to hear more about baby glitter, we all missed her!

    Sophierosehearts x

  28. Hi Louise, i am so happy to have come across your Youtube and your lovely blog over the last year.. this blogpost really cheered me up, i'm having a hard time at the moment and your positivity is just what i needed!

    One thing i am loving is the Starbucks seasonal salted caramel hot chocolate, oh my goodness... pure bliss! I am a lucky girl to live right next door to one but it may become a dangerous habit ha ha. I too am enjoying the "little things" :)

    Lots of smiles, happiness and positivty sending your way, x

  29. Good for you Louise! No matter what anyone says; taking baby glitter off the internet was the right thing to do, because it feel right at the time, and now bringing her back is the right thing to do, because it feels right again!Also, the illamasqua course sounded so much fun, can't wait to read all about it. x

  30. Yey im glad your bringing baby glitter back. people will find any kind of reason to hate and it can't be stopped x

  31. Yay for Baby Glitter :) you seem really happy at the moment Louise, which is lovely! X

    :: LUCYSLUXE ::

  32. I love that mention your life and not just beauty stuff :)

  33. What a lovely post! Such a joy to read. Glad to see Baby Glitter will be returning as she is one of the cutest I've seen! Xx

  34. This post was such a lovely read and I love how cheery you seem to be right now! I took inspiration and made my own post on the things I have been loving lately, whicb is here:
    Lynelle xoxo

  35. This post is lovely and your happiness is infectious! xx

  36. Such a great post i loved it! you are such a great inspiration, and one of the reasons I started blogging in the first place!

    Much love, xx amber.

    you can read my blog post inspired by yours here,

  37. a beautiful post! so lovely to see a little bit of yours and baby glitters mummy and daughter time! you seem so much happier these last couple of weeks! its infectious, keep doing what you do!

    lots of love and glitter,
    lucy @

  38. i really enjoyed reading that i feel so relaxed now xx

  39. I love reading your posts like this. It makes me think that I should appreciate the smaller things in life a little more :)

  40. You sound like you are in such a happy place right now and I love hearing that! You've made me smile and feel very happy. Thank you! xx

  41. Awhh your blog and Youtube videos always make me smile! Baby Glitter is so adorable so I am also glad she will be coming back 'Little by little' (that made me happy in itself - reminding me of Oasis <3 hehe!

    I have just started my own blog which I managed to put off for a long time, although daily I longed to start it! Some days I think "but what if people don't like it rar rar rar" but thanks to you sharing this, it makes me/us pick our spirits up! To every 1 hater, theres 1000s of lovers!

    Keep doing what your'e doing!

  42. I did a very simpliar blog post a couple of days ago....

    Great minds hey?!?!

    Loving that your brining baby Glitter back, as I said on Facebook I have my Darcie on my site because I feel that my blog is something that we both can look back on in years to come... I may even have some of the posts put into a book and have it printed so I have a hard copy to keep forever :)


  43. Hello, I've been loving starting up my OWN blog! So happy.
    I'd love if you could check it out? And ask your followers too?
    Happy Autumn:)

  44. I'm over the moon that you have decided to start including Baby Gitter again! These sick people, who thankfully are few and far between, should not be able to dictate how you live your life and should not prevent you from sharing the things you love with the people who love you. I think it was very sensible of you to take your daughter out of the situation and give yourself and your hubby the time to make a rational decision about the future. I cannot wait to see more Baby G in the run up to Chrimbo....exciting times for a tot!! Keep doing what you do Louise cos you are FABULOUS!!!!!X

  45. Love your blog! mind to check out my blog? maybe we can follow each other :)

  46. This is a really lovely post Louise. I've been feeling a bit poopy of late as I have been working long hours and my house seems to be falling into a state of decay. My favorite thing recently was a few days away with my better half having the time to read a book, enjoy each others company and forget about the household chores. I like your two points about texting people back (I am truly terrible) and going to bed earlier. This is my aim for next week! Can't wait for Baby Glitter's return! Xx

  47. What you said about Baby Glitter, and all of her pretty things really made me smile. I hope i get the chance to feel like that one day. This was such an uplifting post to read, Louise :) xx

  48. What a lovely and inspiring post! Really enjoyed that. About Baby Glitter, don't listen to any haters because they are, as you said, gonna hate. What you do is amazing and we all love you for it! I am a danish blogger and have been following you for quite some time. You really do blog about some to me amazing and inspiring things. Keep doing what you do :) x

  49. Hi Louise,

    I am so happy to know that you are bringing Baby Glitter (Darcy) back to the YouTube/Blogger/Instagram land. She is definitely the cutest baby ever!! I have been addicted to your videos for the longest time and I'm so happy to finally start reading your blog posts, you are really an inspirational person.

    xx susanna :) (

  50. This is a great post! I'm so glad that Baby Glitter's back! :) xxx

  51. Has is honestly been 6 months! Time really flies, but I think all the sprinklerinos will welcome Baby Glitter back with open arms, because that little girl just melts our hearts!

    X Rose

  52. I cant believe it has been 6 months! You really are an inspiration to so many people louise:) You should be so proud of everything you have achieved for yourself.
    I've done a blog post on this too!:D
    If anyone would like to look please do! :)

    Jo xxxx

  53. I also love autumn,it is the most beautiful season among all.

  54. So glad Baby Glitter back, we've missed her! I'm happy that you're happy too! Great post Louise :)

  55. I really enjoy reading your posts like this, so cheery! I probably won't have time or remember to do an actual blogpost on it but.. My loves of late are, the smell of Autumn in the air, my Valentina perfume and spending time with my baby goddaughter who I love so much! :) Writing this kind of thing really puts a smile on your face xx

  56. Aww lovely post Louise, and such a great tag.

    Can't wait to see more Baby G and more happy sparkly posts! :)

    I also took part on my blog which can be found here:

  57. Oh Louise I love reading your blog posts! It makes me so happy that you are happy and that you are shering it! I "started" a blog a while ago, not a great beginnig but I have desidet to put my mind to it and write every week and share my feelings with the world! my latest post is about October happiness! Enjoy life and tet go!


  58. As everyone else I really enjoyed this post and you made me think about what I've been loving lately and it's sad to see my life is so weird atm. So you really encouraged me to focus on myself and try to appreciate life's little pleasures. Also I'm glad Baby Glitter will be back as she is so adorable, never mind what any scumbag has to say love xx

  59. I absolutely loved this post! and just had to join in! made me feel so happy reading your post and when i was writing my own! :) baby glitter is precious and im glad that you have not let other people's opinions cloud what you want to do :)

    Lots of Love
    Kayleigh Jane

  60. Your blog is clearly amazing anyway but baby glitter just completes it with all her cuteness! It's also so lovely to hear about all the positive things in your life :)
    Frankie xx

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx