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Thursday, 4 October 2012

Pin Me Happy | Interactive

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Do you ever have those days where all you can see in the world is the rubbish, negative and bad? I very rarely do because I try incredibly hard to keep my attitude positive, but a couple of times this last fortnight I've had little down moments. Nothing serious, just like we all do.

In those moments I turn to all the things that make me happy, like Baby Glitter, Matt, Downton Abbey, seeing and making new chums and if it's late at night....Pinterest! 

More often than not I will find a fabulous piece of typography that puts it all into perspective and really lifts me. After thinking about this for a little while, I thought it might be fun if I shared some of my favourites with you and if you have a blog and fancied doing the same, then you are more than welcome to- it's interactive.

Please feel free to use this picture (photographed and edited by moi) in your post to explain the game, but do link it back here as it's credit.

Some pins that have cheered my soul and soothed my sorrows are:

It's like me and Zoe!! x 

...I live in hope ;) 
Love ~ @Megan DeFilippo 


Proud to be a fruit loop. Love, Sprinkleofglitter x

All of these images are from my Pinterest Boards and all of them uplift me a little. I really love the way positive affirmations can make such a huge difference in your attitude and then have such a weighty impact up your day. 

Naturally if you are going though something quite terrible, then these little happies might not be what you need, but if like me you just have a glum moment now and then and don't have several mint aeros in the house, then these do just the trick!

If you do decide to do this post on your blog, feel free to mention it in the comments so that we can all come check you out and find new fun typography art and also do please link back here so more people can find the game. Community at it's best :)

What do you do to boost your moods? Are you as keen on Pinterest as I am?




  1. Lovely little images/quotes! Everyone needs a pick me up in some form at times :)

    Jazz x

  2. Loved it Louise. I'm a big fan of little quotes whether they are to make you happy or to inspire you. One of my favorites is "Perseverence is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing all the hard work you already did". That has kept me going through several of my hard times, hope it gives you something positive too.

  3. I can definitely relate to the one body pin. I get so down some times. But pinterest really is a lovely place to find interesting things to distract you.

  4. Love it :)


  5. awwww this is so cute and soo motivational!!! :) xxxx

  6. I love the 1st one its so cute. I am going to start looking for some of these as i really enjoyed reading them!
    D x -

  7. Oh, Louise this post made me so happy! I wasn't in a particularly bad mood but this brought a huge smile to my face! Thank you so much this little post; it made my day! :) xxxxx ♡

  8. I love quotes and me and my friend always love finding new ones, they are so motivational especially when need a little pick me up.

  9. And I thought Pinterest was only for interiors and fashion.
    Lovely! :)

    The Lovelorn

  10. These are so inspiring. I really needed this today so much :) I absolutely love that proverbs one.

  11. I love Pinterest! I always go on there when I need to be cheered up :)

  12. I loved this post and definately feel we all could use some positivity in or lives . Im defintely doing a blog post on this first thing (as it is past my bedtime)Cant wait to link it tomorrow

  13. Lovely pins to share Louise! A few of them certainly put a smile on my face! Thank you for sharing. :)

    A Bite of Glamour

  14. "Be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios"! I love it. Such great choices! You made me smile (and I've had quite the poopy night). xx

  15. This was a lovely post! I have been getting thoughs down moments lately too but this has made me smile! :)

  16. I so needed this! I love so many of the ones you chose, and I couldn't wait to add my own little sayings to this happy pot, so I have my post all up and ready to be published! I hope that if any of you do check it out, that you find something that resounds with you. I have been very fearful of the future lately, and sometimes a little saying is all you need to have things make sense. Such an inspiring idea for a community project, thanks Louise! xx

    My post:

  17. Such an amazing idea !!!!!! Love it :)

  18. Chocolate is the best form of happiness

  19. I have a folder on my computer named inspiration and it is full of celebs/fashion icons who inspire me with a similar body type and style. Even though people say 'eurgh your so skinny' blah blah, who is always completely happy with there body?! Not me. Also in that folder are quotes and sayings too. :) At least it isn't just me haha. We all need a pick me up to remember who we are xo

  20. Ah Louise, this is such a lovely post! You are such an inspiring woman! I thought I would give this little game a go so if you would like to have a look, here is my link: Taylor xox

  21. This got me in a positive mood and I needed that! thanks Louise! xx

  22. I feel the exact same way! I love Pinterest, it's a great motivator xx

  23. I love all of these! Such great quotes x

  24. Here is my wee response! Love this post xx

  25. Such a lovely idea for a blog post, I've been feeling exactly the same for the past few weeks, can't seem to see past all the gloomy things going on in the world, but these little quotes are always great for lifting your spirits :) May well find myself on Pinterest myself later today doing the same thing! Lynsey xxx

  26. Love this post!


  27. Lovely idea :) I'm not using pinterest or tumblr as much as I used to but might have to begin again, there are too many pretty pics on there! xx

  28. That last one made me giggle, great post!

  29. I love stuff like this, Pinterest is great for a quick pick me up. I'd love to make some kind of decoration with them all.

  30. Aw, great post - always love reading your blog no matter what it may be about! I'm ALSO a fashion and beauty blogger with a Youtube and would love to be as successful as you one day, so would love to know what you think of mine.

    Please check out my blog here:

    And please subscribe to my Youtube here:

    Would love to make some new blogging friends - please let me know what you think! :) xx

  31. I love this post... actually I love your whole blog!!! I also have a board on Pinterest called words of wisdom were I post my favourite inspirational typography. You have inspired me to make a post and share my favourites. You can see it at Hope you enjoy it!

  32. i love the one "someone else is happy with less than what you have" i think sometimes we take things for granted but we need to remember this quote :)

    i have done this post here if anyone fancies a peek :) xxx

  33. I simply love this post!!! Nothing I love better on a dull day is a bit of pinterest!!! Have joined in....

  34. Love the posts :) xxx

  35. awww, such lovely pictures, such an uplifting post :)


  36. such lovley pictures love these kinda things ! :) xx

  37. I'm so glad I came across this today because I am having a total crap day, week, month! I even went and splurged on a Chanel lipstick-- and I admit it did help a bit. Thanks for posting!! :)

  38. Woops, I forgot the link to my post!
    Hope you feel happy!

  39. I love all the pictures you put on here - they make me feel so much better :D - it is actually a fashion blog but is sounds like a food blog :) x

  40. I loved this louise!! Here are some of my faves!!!

  41. I love this's such a lovely idea!

    Jo xo


    check out my blog please guys! i'm doing follow backs as well :)

  43. I spent hours earlier on Pinterest finding some of these! Think I've finally caught the Pinterest bug haha!

    I felt compelled to join in and do a post like this, feel free to have a looksie! :)

  44. I've just spent hours looking at pins, my early night has gone well and truely out of the window.

    I joined in too, my post will be up in the morning

  45. I love these little saying's so thought I'd join in and do my own post

    Sam x

  46. It look me a while to jump on the pinterest bandwagon, but i do love it. I like how you can box things up. Feeds into my little OCD traits perfectly!
    And these quotes are truely uplifting ^_^ x

  47. Afirmations really helps! You just need to believe in yourself and trust that everything is ok. I'll do my own post very soon. If you're healthy and happy everything is going to the way you want. Think positive, forget everything else. <3<3 Happiness is beautiful.

  48. i always update my pinterest because i'm addicted haha.

  49. Love your attitude Louise.....I try to "Get Happy" myself as much as I can ......dont always succeed but then who does (:
    Every morning I say to myself....Just for today.....I am going to live as if all my dreams have come true......
    Heres the poem I wrote about this :

  50. This post is so inspiring/uplifting! It's so true that words of wisdom/encouragement/quotes can make you feel better or realise that things WILL be ok! I always try and incorporate that in my life! And I agree, pintrest and tumblr are the best places for inspiring images :)
    Saadiya xx

  51. louise - that is such a lovely idea! and as i am highly addicted to pinterest myself since i have started using it, i am thrilled to share my 'pin me happy'-post!

  52. Loved it Louise :D This post is so inspiring and full of happiness just like you!! Just about to post my 'Pin me happy' post!

  53. I love pinterest because it's quotes are so inspiring!

    I decided to take part in the wonderful tag:

    I really enjoyed making this post, thanks for the idea!

    Love Lou xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx