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Sunday 20 January 2013

Amazing Advertisers || Janaury 2013

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

This post always comes round so fast and is always a pleasure to write. This month in particular I shall enjoy it because I have spent a significant amount of time using my little sidebar library of great blogs. We have, like most of the UK, experienced heavy snow and after an initial gritty determination to go out (and finding that pushing a pram on ice is pretty torturous), I have been indoors and lacking in the motivation to do anything too physical.

(I don't even know what snowy little creature this is but it would have been a crime not to have him as our image today!)

So let's meet the ladies of the sidebar and see what they're all about. 

Two words for you: Arm. Candy. I challenge you to not find something you like on this cute, clear, well organised web store. With a variety of colours, styles and metals, there is something to suit everyone's taste and with spring and short sleeves just around the snowy corner, I need to stock up!!

If you are familiar with any of my YouTube videos or posts from last year, you will know I am a huge fan of this shop. It is a treasure trove of cute home wares and gifts and I find myself trawling through it for hours. You can pay by paypal which is a huge plus for me and shipping is speedy. You'll like it.

You know those blogs that have a little bit of everything to tickle your pickle? Well The High Tea Cast is one of them. I absolutely loved the Love Letter to YouTube because I think it's something we can all relate to, agree with and laugh about. Go and see which points you find yourself nodding along to!

Paige is a little sweetheart who blogs about her experiences with beauty tools and products. Recently Paige has treated herself to a Beiber perfume (although she'd like you all to know, she isn't a fangirl!) and shares her opinions on a Babyliss styler. Also, Paige has a giveaway running so if you're interested in that, hop on over. 

Bows, Bangles & Bakes was a blog I raved about on twitter this week. I felt thoroughly pepped up by Jen's extensive list of ways to beat the January blues without spending your hard earned mula. She made me want to get up and get going with fun! This blog is also full of OOTD's, tips, projects and lifestyle posts. I love it.

I have quite a confession to make. When I saw that Sofia had booked to advertise on my blog, I had a miniature fan girl  moment of excitement. I frickin' LOVE this blog. The photography is a visual feast, the writing beautiful, the content full of interest, I just love, love, love, LOVE it!! Stop reading this blog write now and click on her link. Be warned, you about to lose about 3 hours of your life!!

Smoke & Mirrors

According to, well, the internet, this blog no longer exists. Maybe this is true or maybe it's all just smoke and mirrors. Haha, see what I did there? 

Stacie is an inspiration. Despite waiting for a heart and lung transplant, he blog is never full of self pity or begrudingness (new word there). On top of all that, this month she has had a chest infection AND the norovirus- what are the odds? The good news though is that her sister is engaged and that Stacie has been working on some super cool photo album projects. I love reading about her life. :)

Emily blogs about beauty, fashion and lifestyle. Recently Emily has shared with us what Father Christmas bought her and her thoughts on Jimmy Choo Flash perfume. Her reviews are easy to read and informative. Emily is also a keen tweeter. 

This is a blog I was talking to my friend Claire about on Friday night. I was telling her that I love how each article is akin to something you might read in an expensive glossy magazine and how all the little posts are so well written and thought provoking. The layout of the blog is rare and inviting so I'd advice you go and spend a bit of time ferreting around. Yeah, ferreting. 

Sarah is a girl after my own heart- a glitter obsessive! Her beauty blog is packed full of fair reviews (she recently had a terrible experience with a Soap and Glory peel), tips and tricks. Sarah also includes plenty of photos to give you a good view of the products and injects her humour into every post. 

You know the blog you turn to when you need a little pick me up, a bit of an internet snuggle if you will? Well this is my that. I feel really invested in Rachael's life and love hearing about her day to day adventures. The way she talks about her boyfriend is just adorable, you can see a lot of love there. This blog is a truly, truly lovely slice of the web. Grab a hot drink and read your way through it. 

So there we have this months Amazing Advertisers. If you would like to advertise on Sprinkle of Glitter, you can click HERE to learn more about it.

Have you found any new reads this month? Also, don't forget, there are only 5 days left to take part in January's Bedroom Beauty Challenge. Are you in?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is DotComGiftShop . If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE


  1. Lovely post, I will be checking out these lovely people :)

  2. Great post can't wait to browse through when I have more time

  3. Lovely post, you have quite a few of them, shows how you have worked your way up. :) Goo you!

    Pipp xx

  4. All of these blogs are loading in different tabs as we speak, I look forward to checking them all out! I hope that one day I have the guts to book an advertising slot on here Louise!

    Hazzie xo

  5. Great post! :D Going to look at them all xx

  6. Will have to have a look at all of these. The cutie at the top is a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel, in case you want to look at some more of them like I'm doing right now :-)

    1. I was about to post that someone needs to Google that little creature ASAP!

      I'm off to Google images...

  7. this was such a lovely post louise! definitely going to check out all of them!
    Sophie <3

  8. Its nice to read and find out things about other blogs!! <3
    Love Annabelle

  9. Ahhh so many new blogs to follow, all of them are lovely though! i really need to get round to checking out that dotcomgiftshop, sounds like they've got some real gems!

    Zoe | x

  10. So many lovely blogs for me to follow! Great post :)

  11. Great post! Have already followed some of them! xx

  12. Awww thanks Louise!!! Slightly nervous being a maid of honour but I've got a few years to get clued up on it lol.

    Looking forward to checking some new blogs out :)

    Stacie xoxo

  13. Great post Louise, I've followed some lovely blogs thanks to this :) xx

  14. Louise, thank you so much for introducing me to Sofia's Journal, it's a lovely blog!

    La Vie Quotidienne

  15. ohhh louise you do enhance my sunday evenings! i love reading your blogs and watching you and zoe and you've both inspired me to start my own blog and i'd really appreciate it if anyone would like to take a look!

    i've mentioned the two of you in my first post and my second post is a primark haul!
    thank you :)

  16. Louise I'm so blog address has changed slightly and I assumed the wonders of the internet would mean you would just be re-directed to the new URL. It appears not though going by your post above.

    The address is now:

    Apologies again!


  17. lovely post and im going to have so much fun checking all these out!


  18. Really enjoyed looking through the different websites you mentioned, even if it did take me the majority of my evening haha! Found some lovely bracelets on the Brinkle site :) Also, Sofia's journal is just lovely! I'm enjoying reading through the posts so thank you for the recommendations :)


  19. Ooh there are some gems on here! I'll probably stay up 'til 3am browsing DotComGiftShop now though! :\

    Frankie xx

  20. Aw I completely understand what you mean by spending hours on Sofia's journal, I was the same when I first found her!
    I'm definitely going to have to look at everyone else you have mentioned:)
    Thanks for sharing!
    Sophia xx

  21. I think this is a great way to discover new blogs!! Visit mine

  22. Great post and adorable critter! Will definitely check these ladies out!
    The Introverted Brunette

  23. Loving the bracelets at Brinkle (and the snow creature, of course!), so cute.
    Newest follower!


  24. I love Sofia! Her blog is amazing!!

  25. Ohh nice, will have to check all of these out!:)

  26. Wow that picture is so cute!

    Thank you for giving me new blogs to see!
    Definitely going to have a look! x

  27. I love how you take time out to look at all of these blogs! I'll deffo be checking some of these outtt!!

    I would love it if some of you guys would check out my blog on all things teenage!! :D

  28. So glad you've got Bows, Bangles and Bakes on here! Shes fab!

    1. Awww thank you very much!! *blogger blushes* and thank you for your lovely words & tweets Louise :)

      Jenni x

  29. Checked out these blogs and added my faves to my reading list :)

  30. That is such a cute wee snow beastie!! :)

  31. I love made up of little things, it really is a snugly blog :)
    Laura xx :)

  32. love finding new blogs :) !! xx

  33. Oooh goodie! More bloggies to add to my reading list! I've already got a check-out cart filled with arm candy on the brinkle website... haha, thanks Louise! :)


  34. Followed some new lovely blogs because of this post! xxx

  35. Great post , nice pic!

  36. i love posts like these! thank you! it makes finding new people so much easier.
    would you ever considor letting a charity advertise on your blog?

  37. i love discovering new blogs!

  38. Some great blogs! :) xxx


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx