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Monday, 21 January 2013

Blue Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

According to the general media, today is Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. With a lack of sunlight, Christmas and our pay packets feeling long gone, people are apparently feeling a bit glum.

Since I'm a big believer in positive attitudes and finding the good in things, I thought it was about time for another of my Mini Happies lists. In case you're new around these parts (in which case, welcome, welcome oh lovely newcomer), a Mini Happy is just what it sounds like. Something small/simple that gives you pleasure. So, a trip to DisneyLand would be a Massive Happy, but a cold can of diet coke with a pink straw = Mini Happy. You get it, you're the clever sort, I can tell these things.

So, if you're feeling the pinch a little bit this month, here are some inexpensive Mini Happies to keep a smile on your face.

Free your mind

Use your stocks. Who doesn't have half a bottle of bubble bath floating around? Or a facemask sachet that could do with being used? Or that bath ballistic you've been saving for a special occasion? Make today the day you use them. Firstly, you'll feel all softy smooth smooth but secondly, there's a great deal of satisfaction in finishing a product. Waste not want not.

Organise. Are all your nail polishes just chucked haphazardly in a drawer? Uh oh. Find a box large enough and stand them in a happy manner. Then cut up some labels, dot a little of each colour, adhere dotted label onto corresponding lid and voila, your manicure kit is proud and loved. I'm actually in the process of doing this so look out for a blog post soon!

Make a list. Lists are a fantastic way of laying out important points and helping you see certain situations more clearly. I am a massive list lover. I feel lost in a day without a To Do list and I regularly have other categories too. Why not make a list of things you have enjoyed/achieved so far this month? Or things you have planned/want to plan for the rest of the year? You'll soon find your mood lifting.

Plan. Much like with the above point, by planning something you want to achieve/do this year, you will have something to look forward to or aspire to. It's a proud feeling when you achieve your goals and working towards them offers a lot more satisfaction than you might have thought. Pride and satisfaction in what you have done are both very positive and that's what we're all about today.

Do good. Just as receiving gifts/love/attention is nice, so is giving. Text your chum just to say, 'Happy Monday', tell your parents you appreciate something they have done for you lately or drop a work colleague an email telling them they look lovely today. By giving out positivity, you'll find a great deal more comes back your way.

so loved.

Other things I like to do to lift my spirits are browse Pinterest, take photographs, eat something naughty (not advocating comfort eating though- very bad really), making wishlists on clothing websites, taking Baby Glitter out for a brisk walk to blow away the cobwebs, treating myself to a crisp new magazine, blogging and skyping far away pals. 

So my lovely Sprinklerinos, don't feel blue, there is so much you can do for little money and effort that will have you feeling chipper in no time.

I'd love to hear some of your mood elevating ideas in the comments.

Happy Monday!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is DotComGiftShop . If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.  

Images :: Pinterest


  1. Such a lovely post to lift my spirits Louise :) xxx

  2. Thank you for writing this post, I am actually going to do something positive rather than mooching about all day moaning!!


  3. Such a lovely post :) xx

  4. This post is really lovely and inspiring! Thank you :) xx

  5. Aw Louise this is such a lovely post :) I should really sort out my nail polishes! They are just thrown in a box so I could spend today organising them :) Happy Monday! xx

  6. I actually posted a blog post on being happy today!! What a coincidence?!

    I would love it if you guys would check that out if you liked!! I'd love some feedback and maybe a few more followers? ;)

  7. This is such a nice post Louise! I think it can be easy to forget about the small pleasures in life like these. Thanks for this, it's brightened my day :)

    La Vie Quotidienne

  8. I felt like rubbish this morning for no reason, so blaming it on this blue Monday! Love the planing/organising ideas xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  9. such lovely idead for such a crappy day like it is. i'm gonna treat myself today.
    you're awesome louise.

  10. I like the idea of a Mini happy :)I really like some of these ideas :) My mini happies today have been going out in the snow and drinking hot chocolate (with cream and marshmellows - yum!)

  11. Love this post, Louise! You're such a ray of sunshine! I'm sure lots of peoples days will be much more chipper after reading this. :)

  12. One of my happies on a cold day like this is putting a good film on and eating cereal with hot milk :) This post was perfect Monday afternoon reading Louise, so thanks! If you get a spare minute to blog browse, a while ago I did a post called 'My Little List of Pick-me-ups' which is kind of similar.

    Best wishes from a fellow Northampton blogger,

    Kerry x

  13. This post really cheered me up!! Feeling all motivated now. Thank you :) xxx

  14. Thank you Louise! You're life saving. Really needed this so badly. I've got a very bad January blues this year, but i'm positive about the future though :) xxx

  15. Definitely having one of those days as I've spent most of today job hunting with little success. Your posts always come at the right time, thanks for making me feel a little bit more positive :) xx

  16. There is a common theme about happiness in January running through the blogs I've looked at today! Lovely ideas. I'm doing the 'Pay It Forward' as a way of passing the smiles on.

  17. You are such a positive person! your blogs are so inspirational. Ive just posted my first ever blog on the website! it would mean the world to me if you had a look at it! xx

  18. A ton of great things to do on a very snowy Monday, much better then the school work I should be doing right now!

    Have a great day! <3

    Lots of Love -

  19. A brilliant post, i'm a new follower! My new blog is keeping me going even if I was sent home from work poorly, and I have my tonsillectomy in a week! at least ill be able to blog to my hearts content when i'm recovering yippee!

    Victoria x.

  20. I'm definitely having a blue Monday! But I'll take this as a sign I should give in to the bag of mini eggs under my bed :) xxx

  21. This is such a lovely post! Love the idea of a 'mini-happy'! And lists also make me extremely happy too :)
    Daniella x

  22. I'm a massive book lover, so going to the library really cheers me up :D Either that or reading a good book by the fire *sigh*

  23. Never realised it was Blue Monday today!!! Mine has turned out alright :) I finished my exams last week so am catching up with blogging, reading and watching tv.... a big lazy day !

    Lovely post

    Beautiful Dreams

  24. Ooh, I love lists! So satisfying plus it aids my memory which is pretty terrible. There's nothing like a good sort-out too, to make one feel better. Love the watercolour illustrations :-)

  25. I've just been for a long walk in a snow-filled park! The fresh air made me feel brilliant! Like you, I'm the ultimate list maker!!

    Writing blogposts is making me happy at the moment as I'm new to blogging and actually just linked to your blog in my last post :-)

    Melanie xxx

  26. Thanks for lifting my spirits! xxx

  27. Such a nice post! I love reading all your posts as your so positive

  28. I was already planning to have a bit of a productive/'me time' day but this has motivated me so much more! I'm definitely looking forward to organising my bedroom and then hopping in a long, hot bath with a face mask!

    Thanks for the inspiring post Louise!

  29. I'm feeling like a right grump today - this Blue Monday must be catching. But you've just reminded me that I have a nice pizza in the fridge at home and a gorgeous little boy to cuddle up with after work. Sorted!

  30. Great post :-)
    I have organised some pics and posted a new blog today. Always feel much better when little simple things like this have been done. Now to go paint my nails ready to look good for a job interview this week!
    Jade x

  31. Such a lovely post! Happy Monday :) xx

  32. This is so lovely - where do you get the quotes from Louise? They really inspire me :)

  33. Great post - did you get your mini-happy idea from Gisele Scanlon? Except she calls them micro-pleasures :)

  34. Aw u always cheer me up thx xxxxxx

  35. Such a lovely post!:)

  36. i love your posts like this! they always brighten up my day and make me feel happy! so thank you millions :)


  37. When I'm down i read this blog or watch your channel Louise! Gets me feeling better in no time :)

  38. *Organize* For some reason I hate doing this… but when I’m feeling really blue I helps me clear my head. It’s amazing how clutter can add to making you feel sad. I generally go shopping when I’m sad but that's not cheap/inexpensive.

    For those girls that experience the blues at work I recommend organizing your work station, going to the washroom and sprinkle some water on your face, a quick head massage (that is if no one will catch you doing this), apply pressure to the area between your thumb and the pointer finger (crazy but it does work for the blues and headaches) and last but not least drink tea, hot chocolate or water.

    Hugs and Kisses

  39. What I like to do is when I'm feeling blue is sit and draw or do something arty/crafty like knitting or painting. But I love all your ideas as well

  40. I love this post, you never fail to give me a pick-me-up Louise! xxx

  41. Great post! I thought the same today, organising things makes me happy so I organised my nail polishes, washed all my makeup brushes, used my best body lotion, dyed my hair and painted my nails! Phew! Now cosying up with a good film and hot choc! X

  42. I flipping love you louise haha! This post really made my day and in result of reading it made plans for the weekend so i have something to look forward to at the end of the week. Always appreciate your blogposts keep up the good blogging! Xxxx

  43. I was in a bad mood today because I had to go to school despite snow -.- but you've cheered me up! :)

  44. This sounds amazing, great ideas! Love the nailpolish one and making lists!


  45. Love a good to do list!! makes the day seem way better!!! especially with a load of college work to do!!!!


  46. This has made me feel a whole lot better, definitely like the idea of sorting out nail varnishes. Cleared out a drawer and put them all in there in brand and colour order... Sad I know, but FUN!

  47. This post encompasses the exact reason why I love you so much! So thoughtful! :D

  48. Such good thoughts to start the week on a great note!

  49. i got a book to specifically write lists in for this year and it has revolutionised my organisation! :) x

  50. Such a lovely post to brighten up this "Blue Monday". Well wishes to you!


    The Introverted Brunette

  51. Wonderful post, Louise! It's nice to see posts that makes people happy! :)

  52. Great tips and a lovely post! I am lucky enough to have my birthday this week so never really get the January blues but glad you can cheer up those who do :)x

  53. I have been feeling a bit glum today, but that's because I'm poorly. Tomorrow I shall have a bath and use a face mask like you suggested, and the nail varnish idea is a good'un! x

  54. this was great to read! xx

  55. Louise, you are always so positive! Love your outlook :) xxx

  56. Great ideas Louise :-)
    At the end of the day I like thinking about things that have happened during the day which I am grateful for.

  57. lovely post to kill the monday blues xx

  58. This is very positive !! Blue Monday ?? i haven't heard of this one before though ..... People just want to get depressed i guess !

  59. I feel so much better now thank yooou xxxx

  60. It's odd.. I felt strangely happy for a Monday! Nice post(:

  61. aw your so inspirational! always so happy and such a good blogger! xxx

  62. Oddly enough I felt much more depressed yesterday than today. I'm an odd ball.

  63. I love your blog. You're such a good writer and an all your blog posts are so happy and cheerful. I love your video's as well. you're one of the nicest people in the world. Have a wonderful day xxx

  64. I've been feeling depressed today as I'm ill and I can't go out on the ice without my body giving way. Alas, I have made lists and tomorrow is a brand spanking new day!

    Love your positive spirit.

    Laura xo

  65. This is such a lovely post. It's true, January is a pretty rubbish month! I loved this idea so much I did my own version over on my blog, I'd love to know what you think :) xxx

  66. Such a lovely post!Your thoughts are great!

  67. this is such a lovely post Louise, a very lovely thing to wake up to and read.
    i am going to organise my nail polishes this afternoon!! another blogpost to add to my list !!

  68. This is just THE cutest blog post ever, it has put me in a good mood ahead of my slumber. Today I was ill which, despite feeling a bit rotten, was no bad thing. I have a week full of GCSE's this week and my migraine were playing up so I thought what better than to rejuvenate and empty my mind of all worries (I feel like you are now my little guide book f life and that I am doing my upmost to stay positive) today I: slept, revised a bit, rewatched episodes of Miranda just for a bit of a chuckle, wrote of list of future blog posts and read a hell of a lot of blogs. I really love your attitude towards life Louise and hope that whatever life throws at you you know that all your followers are here thinking positively because of YOU! xxxx

    Suprisingly for me - I am actually really happy at the moment; life is good (I'm loosing weight, blogging more and enjoying college) and this blog post just took the biscuit on how happy I am !! <3
    Loved it!! <3
    Lots of love from

  70. I had no idea it was blue monday. I feel less depressed just knowing that. I thought I was the only one down and out today but it makes me a little less glum knowing that everyone thinks it's a rubbish day. Thanks Louise!

  71. Awesome post :) It was such a blue monday for me! Exercise always puts me in a good mood, I did trampolining today and looking forward to my zumba class tommorow x

  72. What a positive message. Today was so gloomy in Seattle. You totally brightened it for me.

  73. I always enjoy your mini-happies posts :) I always know they'll cheer me up :)

    Aimée Xxx

  74. Organizing & planning alway make me super happy!!! I also will rearrange my room or my books! When I do this I realize all the wonderful things I have and feel so grateful! I'll also bake or cook for my family!! <3 <3 <3 I love these Ideas!!

    Much Love <3 <3

  75. This was one of the first things I read this morning. Then as my day starting falling apart, I kept reflecting back to this and trying to keep a positive outlook. Thanks for such a lovely post!

  76. You're so creative, I absolutely love your blog!

    Confessions of a blonde

  77. Thank you so much for this post Louise! Just what I needed. I've been feeling very blue today and just moping around the house in complete boredom. Now I will go have relaxing bubble/scented bath x

  78. Louise! It's kind of funny how things can be so similar almost half way around the world. Too bad I didn't see this until today (Tuesday) Yesterday really was miserable, rainy and gloomy. BUT today, although it's not as sunny as it could be I sensed the first bits of Spring. Thanks for writing this post. The next time I feel gloomy and sorts I will refer back to this!!

  79. that nail polish idea! amazing!!!

  80. Great post! :) xxx

  81. Love the nail polish idea! Really cute post spesh on crappy mondays, Nice bubble bath is what the doctor ordered! :)

    Pipp xx

  82. Love your blog xx

  83. Hoping to meet some fellow newbie bloggers!

    Come and check out my blog and leave a comment, hopefully we can get in touch and make new beauty blogging pals :)

  84. What a charming post Louise thankyou!Your right I really should tidy my polishes they are currently ALL over my bedside table!Mine is not so much a mini happy but probably more a midi happy if that's alright? Soon I'm going to Nandos with my other youtube loving friend so we can pretend we are like you, Zoe, Marcus, Alfie and that lot as you always seem to go there,maybe more the boys do;) Thanks again, I look forward to more bubbly blog posts from you this year:) xx

  85. On the way to my 10am lecture, I slipped on the ice and landed right on my backside! (Don't worry, I was okay) It was more my pride that was wounded so I jumped right back up! Anyway, this small incident put me in a 'this is going to be a bad day' mood. But on my way home, the bus was there as soon as I got to the stand. Made my day. It's the small things that count! :)


  86. I spent Blue Monday organising my wardrobe (Finally!) and found some gorgeous little lovelies hiding at the back that I had forgotten about completely. Being productive definitely left me feeling positive.

    I am going to give your nail polish organisational tip a go tomorrow as I have quite the collection, all just thrown in a box.

    Jess xx

  87. I love this post! I had a great day on Monday, college was good and my boyfriend and I went on a little date to an Italian restaurant... I also got a few products from boots. Also I have been staying motivated and organising my room this week.

    love char_beyy xxx

  88. When I lived up north I would always get depressed in the winter time. The best cure that I found was a little sunlight. Now that I live in the south and it doesn't get quite as cold I can get out in the sun more and never get as depressed in the winter. Sunshine is the best medicine for the winter doldrums. For those who live where there are long cold winters, I believe there are some sort of sunshine visors you can buy that replicates natural sunlight.

  89. Aww love this post! I felt really burnt-out on monday as I'd just taken an exam but I think I'll follow some of your advice! :)
    Frankie xx

  90. Your blog is so genious and cheerful! You always make me smile when I am reading your posts!

  91. This is an amazing post! I love the positivity! Ive been have a REALLY REALLY bad past few weeks because of panic attacks but I'm slowly getting better and this post made me smile so I can not thank you enough Louise! It was my friends birthday on monday so she wasn't especially happy with the negativity going around haha

  92. Louise,thank you so much for your inspiring words and pictures!You are such a positive person and a great Mum to Darcey.

  93. I love the nail polish organising idea and may have to steal it :)

  94. I love the idea of planning out the year ahead and always have something to look forward to! And trying to do something nice every day is a good way to stay happy :) Giving blood today turned out to have two good effects - feeling like I've done a good thing and ... a free teacake afterwards :)

    Loved this post :) xxx

  95. You are a happy little thing and I love it. I had a happy Monday so I am glad I saved this post until now, a night where the littlest Livesey just WONT sleep. It has helped me feel calm before I go back to the nursery for round 64 of settling and shhhing xx

  96. These are lovely ideas! My day is better already :-)

    xx Christal xx

  97. This is a great little chirpy post! Would brighten any grumpy persons day haha

    I have an International Lipsticks giveaway including MAC & more. Check it out if you like:


  98. You have really good ideas for spending a Blue Monday~ I should try them next Monday and it will make my day better!! Thank you~

  99. Really like this post, you always know how to brighten up our day Louise. X

  100. Lovely ideas! Whenever I'm feeling blue, I like to go out into the fresh air and take my dog for a long walk. It clears my head + I get mild endorphins! Yay! Luckily I'm in a place where it doesn't snow, so I can have the luxury of doing this. However, if I found myself to be trapped inside I would call a friend for a chuckle or bake something delectable. Maybe even invite the friend over to bake something with me! And then we could have a wonderful tea party for 2 :)


  101. This is such a lovely post! I do loads of these when I'm in a 'don't know what to do' mood. So nice to have a combitation of beauty and real life which we can all relate to. This is why you are my favourite blogger/youtuber (along with Zoe) xx

  102. great ideas <3 going to try these ideas :)

  103. These are some fab ideas to spread some positivity and happiness amongst the people you love :)
    Gem xx | Miss Makeup Magpie

  104. Great post, i love it :* I will be happy if u follow me :)

  105. I’m in love with Nails Inc. Lucky Dip! Only £18.95 for SIX full size nails polishes, I've placed my order have you? Get full details on my blog

  106. Hey sprinkley lady, you are my favourite mummy blogger and I would be delighted if you could kindly take a gander at my wee blog... started it 5 mins ago like but its going to be fabulous I tells ya! Much obliged...

  107. New to your blog and an extra follower for you :D
    Really enjoyed reading your posts great mood lift for a not so good day x

  108. Absolutely love your blog and your hilarious YouTube videos. They absolutely makee my day!!! Just wanted to say that Louise! xx

  109. what a terrific post. I love your blog! Big Hugs P.S. I invite you to share your awesomeness at my Thursday hop ( its still open)

  110. Hi. Only just discovered your blog, but I'm already liking it! :)
    Such a good post- its true, such simple things, and yet we all forget. Great ideas :)

  111. You are such an inspiration! Always making me smile!

    Please check out my blog too!


  112. I love your blog, new follower! :)

  113. This is so cute! I completely agree... A happy atmosphere & actions equals a happier day!
    Absolutely love your blog and your Youtube videos!! :)
    Encouraged me to start my own! yay!

    Much love

  114. Great post, Louise. I will be giving some of these a try. Thank you for sharing these great ideas.

  115. Love your posts!
    I organised my nail varnishes today as you suggest in your post, such a great idea!
    I also started my own blog just today, check it out

  116. Absolutely love this post. I definitely want to try out the nail varnish idea! x

  117. I couldn't agree with the use your stocks, i love nothing more than grabbing all my old bubble baths which i got for christmas presents YEARS ago and putting them all in my bath to make one big potion!

    Ahhhh :) loved this post thanks.
    Lots of love, Em Sheldon

  118. Beautiful post! Thank you for the positivity. I'm sure you've helped a lot of people with your encouraging words.

    To lift myself up recently, I've started listening to traveling podcasts. This makes me excited to think that I may soon travel somewhere I've learned about.

  119. These are awesome ideas. Best way to stay happy in my opinion :)

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx