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Monday, 11 March 2013

Motivational Monday #6

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Firstly, oh hello 700th post on this blog. 700!! Go me!

Secondly, here we are on another merry Monday with another dose of motivation. Are you enjoying these posts? They are fast becoming my favourite to write. 

Motivational Monday | Sprinkle of Glitter

I chose this quote today (again, from Pinterest) because I thought it was pretty apt for my 700th post and is something I agree whole heartedly.

When you think of success, what do you think of? Do you think of happiness, wealth, certain goals? How do you plan on getting to them? The majority of the time, the answer is going to lie in the field of 'hard work'.

The person I consider to be most successful in my life is my Dad. He was raised in a modest family with normal things. He went to a normal school and worked very hard. He trained as an accountant and decided that it wasn't for him, worked in sales and then decided to take the plunge and set up his own business. Twenty to thirty years on, he has been tres successful and as well as having the world's greatest Daughter (mwahaha) he also has all the lovely things he has worked for. There are times when I look at his lovely house or fabulous holidays with a tinge of envy and think, 'Why can't I have those things?'. And this answer is, "I can". The bit in between those two things though is called hard work.

My Dad didn't just wake up with a lovely home or fall into lovely experiences, he poured his time, his energies and his thoughts into his work. He didn't sit about watching TV wondering when success would come knocking, he physically made it happen. He didn't take an elevator, he sweated his way up the stairs and now he's up the top and can be proud of himself.

I feel a little bit like that for this blog. No, it isn't World Number One Blog of The Year, but to me, it's a success. It's what I want it to be. To make it what I want it to be, I've worked really bloomin' hard. I have spent hundred of hours on it, I think about it daily, I research ways to improve it and above all, I pour love and energy into it gladly. I don't resent the work, I relish in it because I know how amazing it feels to achieve the little goals you set yourself.

If you have something you want to do, do it. Enjoy knowing that you can and will achieve your goals if you work for them and enjoy the journey to getting there. When you look at it in the right way, it's immensely satisfying. There is nothing you cannot do if you work hard enough for it.

If there is something you want to achieve this week, start today and take the first step of your stairs.




This month my Ultimate Advertiser is  Kittenish Behaviour. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE


  1. great post!, i love motivational Mondays! and congrats on the 700th post!

  2. I love motivational mondays! Please don't ever stop doing them haha, I really need them :D I've been a little bit stuck in a rut and this helps to clear my mind.

    Great post!


  3. This is exactly the sort of thing I needed to read! I started my own blog last week after following yours since mid last year. Well done, Louise, you truly inspire so many people :)

  4. Lovely post!! I have loved reading these posts! X

  5. you couldn't find a better quote!!

  6. Congratulations Louise!
    This is a very suitable quote for the blogosphere, you have worked very hard on your blog and youtuve and with that comes lovely comments and followers and subscribers and you deserve it!!


    Megan x

  7. Lovely Louise.
    I'm loving motivational Monday's, keep them going!
    You always make my day that little bit better.
    Thank you
    Chloë x

  8. Today i start a new job and get one step closer to reaching my goal :)
    Thank you for putting a big smile on my face this morning Louise. Your blog and channel are a big inspiration, keep up the awesome work :) x

  9. I love Motivational Monday's too. It always gives me that extra boost to my week to try and achieve the things I need to do. Thank you.

    Claire x

  10. Happy 700th post! This week's quote is very true - it's good to remember because sometimes we can be guilty of being impatient! xxx

  11. Even in real life, literally speaking, I actually take the stairs instead of the elevator. Taking the elevator makes me feel like I'm "cheating" in wanting to get to where I'm going faster (as well as having a slight feeling of claustrophobia). And that's exactly how it is in real life. While sometimes it would be nice to think having a connection to a certain successful something/or someone (i.e. knowing a person who could hand you what you want) would be nice, but when I really think about it, I don't think I'd feel as satisfied with myself if I went about it that way. I want to do it myself. For myself. I'm stubborn that way. :)

  12. Thought provoking as always x Becky

  13. Hehehehe I love the quote at the beginning! =] Inspiring as always my dear! xx

  14. I love coming home from school on a Monday and reading your Motivational Mondays (I live in Australia) I always reflect on my day with these. xx

  15. You're on your 700th post and I'm on like, my fourth! haha. Love this! That quote is so true :)

  16. YAY, 700th post, gosh :) love this post, thanks for the inspiration


  17. This is a really inspirational post, congratulations on your 700th post..they're all so wonderful to read. :-) OX

  18. Congratulations on 700 posts! Wow, that is a huge commitment, and it's something you should be really proud of. Although, I have to admit I'm about to post my 15th post, and I am pretty excited about that might be a little less than 700 though. LOL.

    I totally agree about "taking the stairs" versus getting a free ride in life. We can't just expect good things to come to us. We have to go out and grab them on our own. I ran a marathon last year, and a lot of the people I talked to about it were always going on about how they could never do something like that. Uh - hello, why not? You aren't going to just wake up one day and be ready for a marathon, you have to train!

    The thing about it is, we have to put our heart, sweat, and tears into our goals, and I think that scares people the most. You have to go all in, even if it means the potential to fail and look stupid. That's what it really means to try. But hell, that's what it really means to LIVE.

  19. I am a big fan of these motivational Monday posts and I love the quotes you choose. Congrats on the 700th post by the way.

    You've hit the nail on the head though and I know I've been lazy. Feeling tired is no excuse for not striving for my goals. Thanks Louise :)


  20. Happy 700th post! That is ALOT of blogging! I think in this society this idea of working for success and comforts has gone out of the window a bit with the whole thing of people getting more from benefits than if they went out and worked. So definitely a well-chosen topic :)

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  21. Loving these posts :) Keep it up Louise!

    Laura xx - Black & Gold

  22. Really loving your motivational Monday posts! I feel inspired! Jo x

  23. Great post! I love motivational quotes! Congrats on 700 posts!

    Sita xx

  24. My recent goal is to reach certain success on my blog and my study and I'm still working hard on it! Love all your motivation series posts and congrats on your 700 posts! =^.^=

  25. Really enjoying your Motivational Monday posts Louise, you're like a ray of sunshine! x

  26. Great post Louise!!
    Keep up the good work XX

  27. Louise I love your motivational monday posts too! i feel like this one is a great reminder to me for the things i'm trying to achieve :) also congrats on your 700th post, i love your blog! x

  28. I really love your Motivational Monday posts!

  29. I love your whole argument and view on success as you are right it takes hard work and dedication to achieve your goals and I know this from hand haha but hard work can be enjoyable as when you are passionate about something and you know its what you want you will go out and get it :) such a lovely and inspirational post loved reading xx

  30. wow well done on your 700th post, was great to read, I love monday its usually the day i set my goal for the week and also is the day i get most things 'done'
    DIY strawberry fruit bouquet

  31. This is just what I needed!

  32. After seeing your draw my life, I can't help but think that you are definitely one who has worked for her success. I admire your confidence in everything and how hard you work for your sprinklerinos, of which I consider myself one. This post just cements my belief that you won't stop at anything to get what you want and I hope I can keep up with that same spirit! Thanks Sprinkle of Glitter!

    PS; I think Darcy is a super awesome name for your daughter ;)

  33. Congrats Louise! You're such a lovely and inspirational lady! (:

  34. That was a lovely post really was....i am starting to act on things that i would like to have in life and hopefully ill get my fruit at the end.

    Also I started a Series on my Blog its called "One Goal One Month" and its going well....check it out if anyone is interested and please Follow my Blog if you like what you see.

    Take care you all, see you hopefully....Thanks

  35. Thanks for this, Louise! You always know how to put a bit of pep in my step on a gloomy Monday morning!

  36. Happy 700th blog post!!!!!!! This was really motivational!! xx

  37. So very true, we don't get anywhere unless we work hard for it. This week all I really want is to pass my hard midterm on thursday so I can start my spring break on a good note!
    Happy 700th post! :)

  38. Lovely motivation and I love the bit about your dad! xxx

  39. Such a cute post. Lovely wise words from yourself louise.

    Pipp xx

  40. Congrats on #700 and here's to many more! ♥

    I am a recent follower to your blog and it is so lovely and admirable! I especially love this Motivation Monday series, I definitely could use some inspiration lately.

    Keep it up and lots of love! xx

  41. I absolutely love this Motivational Monday!

  42. I love today's Motivational Monday so much! And that quote is so true. Just what I needed to remind me to keep working towards my goals :)

  43. Loved this post Louise! Just what i needed right now! xxx

  44. congratulations on 700 posts Louise!! I love motivational monday's. It's my favourite thing about Mondays! (okay, the only thing i like about Mondays.)

    i hope you have a good week Louise :D

  45. Wow! Congrats on 700 posts!
    That's the kind of commitment less known bloggers like myself look up to! You deserve every follower you have, and every subscriber on your YouTube!
    Your blog is something I look forward to reading each day, scrolling through post after post.
    Well done Louise!

    Lauren x

  46. These posts never fail to brighten up my Mondays! + I hope to get as far as you have with my little blog!

  47. These posts always give me a good boost for the week! You blog is an amazing success and I love reading it!

    All I can say is Thank you louise, keep going!

  48. I love motivational Mondays! Congratulations on 700 posts, I agree your blog is a success and a well deserved one!

    Lauren x

  49. Every monday I look forward to coming home from school and read your motivational monday post! I love your blog Louise, you are a great inspiration for so many people (including me) and you have every right to be proud of yourself!! Keep going Louise we love you! <3

    Anna xx

  50. Congrats on having your 700th post! This is the cutest thing ever, and I completely agree, you've got to make your own reality, no-one else can do it for you - you really can have anything if you try hard enough, and importantly, if you believe you can - the only thing stopping you is the limits you put there yourself.

    Lots of love,
    P.s. to me you are the best blogger ;) x

  51. My favourite Motivational Monday to date. Congrats on your 700th post - that's amazing :) x

  52. You're so inspirational and positive, i love your Motivational Monday posts. Congrats on your 700th post! x


  53. Great quote! Really motivated me :) Congrats on your 700th post :) xxx

  54. Aw congrats on you 700th, well done! It's a good'n as well;) I love love love these posts!

    Sophia xx

  55. Love that picture made me feel very motivated, and like I could take on a lion or something!


  56. And what if I'm prepared to put
    all of my energy and time into achieving career success
    but just don't have any ideas what to do for the rest of my life?

    Anyway, have a nice day(:

  57. Just what I needed to read! I have 19 exams to start revising for and I need some motivation to get me prepared to take on the challenge.
    I find you very inspirational so thank you!
    Katie xx

  58. thanks louise. i love motivated Monday. on Mondays i need this the mosted !I would appreciate it if you would like to view my blog:


  59. Congrats on your 700th post! Wow! Doing what you love is the most important thing.

  60. I really love these posts Louise :) xx

  61. I Look forward to motivational mondays so much! your dad sounds like an incredible guy. xx

  62. Oh, I LOVE these posts! I always feel a little bit better about myself after reading each one and I think it sets me up well for the rest of the week!!

    I would LOVE IT if you guys would check my blog out?! :D xx

  63. that was really inspiring to read, this was the first motivational monday i've read but after that i can't wait for the next! Thank you for making Monday's motivational xx

  64. Congratulations on your 700th post.
    I find it rather strange that I've come to read your motivational Monday post after watching the video you and Zoe (Zoella) made about blogging advice and this post really links in with the video you two made which I've just gladly watch. You both give me such inspiration in life.
    I adore these motivational Monday posts as I'm a person who rather hates having to get up on a Monday moring. When I can on my way to college I like to sit and read your recent posts (if not to sleepy as I get up at 6:30 for college).
    I totally agree with the statement from Pinterest. Quotes like that get me rather excited about the small things in life which build up to the bigger things.
    Thank you for being who you are and so inspirational. :)


  65. Congrats on the 700th post! I read it this the morning and it really helped me. Thank you! x

  66. Thanks Louise!! Your papa sounds like a good man.
    I guess we all need a little patience and a bit more sweat to walk up those stairs :)

  67. I love this, made me resent my 5 hour lesson tomorrow slightly less haha

  68. success is, for me, something that makes you work on yourself. success doens't just appear. i guess thats why you have to take every stair and can not simply have it. and yes,your das seems to be a really successful person to be proud of and congrats on your 700th post. can't wait for more. i love you.

  69. Wonderful wonderful post Louise. You are 100% successful with your motivational Monday!!:)

    You are a huge success in that you are helping others all the time with these posts.

    Thank you!

  70. Wow. Makes me want to work harder. Thank you Louise.

  71. such a great post! love your motivational mondays!xx

  72. I just love your motivational mondays They give me that boost that I need in the begining of the week ! Thank you Louise :)

  73. *gets up and starts homework*

  74. I really really love this motivational Monday! My mom has worked really hard to get what we have today, to continue our family business, and most people around me seem to don't notice that.
    I really like that quote. Thank you Louise! :)

  75. This is so true! Although the lift is easy and quick it's not rewarding as you cant's really see were you've come from. It's all behind a door. Love motivational Mondays, thank you Louise!
    .Georgina Clare.

  76. This is really inspiring, Louise. My dad is the best dad too! What a coincidence?! :)
    I can now do what I want to do, not only want but what I'm at my best. Thank you for sharing this. Keep everything up. Your fans love you and I'm one of them! <3

  77. Wow 700 posts, that's a LOT! Love this quote, really motivational!

  78. I'm loving these posts and congrats on 700, that's some milestone :) And this quote applies to soooo much

    A little bit Unique


  79. I love your motivational Mondays <3 It's one of few things that makes Mondays tolerable! And that quote is absolute gem to live by. Congratulations on the 700 posts, what an incredible milestone!


  80. Thank you so much for the extra motivation that I needed, Louise.

    After reading your post, I put 1010% into an application as a clinical research associate and now they want to interview me :). Congrats on the 700 th post too!


  81. I actually love her she's awsome! :)
    She always mange's to put a smile on my face! :)

  82. Loving Motivational Monday's, so inspiring! And congrats on the 700th post, I can only dream of getting that far!!



  83. So true! this is how I feel about my blog, I guess the beginning is always the hardest! I think you should be very proud of your blog, and your life!

  84. Amazing post and I couldn't agree more with everything you've said! I often find new bloggers get really disheartened when they aren't seeing massive amounts of followers but it certainly does take a lot of time and effort before you get any kind of recognition for your work!! You should be really proud of your blog, I hope I'll still be blogging at 700 posts - only another 400 to go 8) haha :) x x x.

  85. congratulations on your 700th post! great post,

  86. 'I can' that's for sure.
    Little steps and everything is achievable if we really want them to be.

    xx, A!

  87. Love this, and love motivational Mondays!xx

  88. This is wonderful Louise, and very true! happy motivational Monday! x

  89. That is sooo true Lou :D <3

  90. Congrats on such a big milestone! You are by far my fave bblogger :D xx

  91. Congratulations Louise! I have got a 100th of your work on my blog, but I've only just started and I'm grateful for every view I get even if it is not much and it's sometimes hard to accept. But at least it's something, right? Thanks for this motivation!


  92. Lovely post, I really look up to my dad too, he's worked so hard all his life and we've just gone in to business together which is amazing xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  93. This is largely true, although I have seen my share of people who were successful through serendipity. I guess you should get success if you work at it, but not all those who sail through life will be so lucky...

  94. love these posts, they always put me in a good mood and rev up my "can do" attitude :)

  95. So true, I often think to myself I've got to get up and get on with it sometimes. Just unfortunate for those who do work very hard but still struggle x

  96. Love your motivational Mondays, thank you so much! I especially needed to read this one today with having a definite uphill struggle with uni work at the moment, just gotta keep sweating I guess haha! Something one of my friends said to me also really struck a chord, "Well you're at a point now it seems where you either give up...or just try harder" . But yeah lovely thanks for the motivational pep talk! :3
    Dora x

  97. this is the motto of my life

  98. I love these inspirational quotes/mottos and this one is definitely one that I will be taking with me

  99. Your positive thoughts gave me positive energy.

    Inspirational Quotes

  100. Good article and right to the point. Finally, I’ve found something that helped me. Thank you!

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  102. Inspirational quotes and adages are motivational speakers, positive and rousing useful tidbits that can have a beneficial outcome on your life. Be empowered by them.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx