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Monday 4 March 2013

Motivational Monday #5

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Whilst 'Motivational Monday' was only ever meant to be a short term February Feature, I quite enjoy writing it, so decided to carry it on a little longer. Wonder if we'll make it to #10!?

Motivational Monday | Sprinkle of Glitter

Last week was hard. Very hard. After weeks of of deliberating what was best, with the support of family and friends and the advice of vets, we put our much loved cat Mindy to sleep. She was very old and living with a great many health problems and everybody told me it was the kindest thing to do for her. It didn't feel kind though. It felt hateful and cruel and wrong.

I didn't like having power over someone's life like that. I felt like I was playing God and making decisions that were not mine to make. But, when it came to the choice of giving her a dignified peaceful end or letting her live out her last days in pain and misery, I knew which option was right. 

Often times I think that people with the labels, 'Kind' and 'Gentle' are thought of as 'meek' and 'mild'. This is not the case. It is often the right behaviour to be kind but not always the easy behaviour. It can take a lot of strength to be kind and gentle when you may well be feeling quite the opposite.

Next time you feel yourself seeing red over something small or you feel like going gaga at the woman who nabbed your parking space when you were clearly indicating for it, take a moment and breath. Choose kind. It may not be easy and it will take guts, but ultimately, it is the right path to take and in the long run, you won't regret it.


Do you think you will choose to be a little more gentle or a little kinder today? How will you make those changes?

This month my Ultimate Advertiser is  Kittenish Behaviour. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE


  1. I love this and it's ridiculous how true it is.

  2. I chose this path a while ago and i have to say it's actually changed my life. I now have more of a 'let it go' kind of mind set that a 'i'm going to just punch everyone that makes me mad' kind of mind set. It makes you feel a lot bigger as a person to be able to let things go over your head when you could easily chose to let them get to you. I agree, it does take a lot of strength to be kind.
    I'm really REALLY sorry to hear about Mindy, it must (obviously) be really difficult for you. But you're lucky enough to have so many vlogs with her in them. I loved the way you spoke to her, it was so sweet! Sending you lots of love - Lilie xx

  3. Love this post Louise! Very helpful xx

  4. Keep it going!!! I loves motivational Monday =] xx

  5. Excited to actually post a comment on your blog! I read your posts, but haven't had an account before.. until now :)

    Sorry to hear about Mindy, at least she's in a better place now & no longer hurting, just remember that :)

  6. Love these posts, I love motivational monday!

  7. So sorry to hear about Mindy, you gave her the best life though and she will be a lot happier and pain free now x

  8. I adopted this attitude after coming out of depression a couple of years ago, it's changed me completely as a person and I feel so much better about myself. Sometimes it's difficult to be the better person and let something go that has hurt your feelings, but in the grand scheme of things I know I'm doing the right thing.
    I'm so sorry to hear about Mindy, I sadly had to go through the same thing just before Christmas with my cat. Lots of love and positive thinking heading your way!

    Mollie xo

  9. I feel like this a lot to be honest ...
    I am really loving your motivational mondays Lou! <3

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. But your words of advice are very inspirational and moving; it's always good to make light of a negative situation. Keep your head up because you never know when something better may be around the corner (:



  11. loved this particular motivational monday quote. it really gets me thinking about life in a more positive manner! thanks for sharing, and sorry for your loss! xx

  12. Often times, I find myself getting way too upset about the small stuff--like the parking space example you mentioned. But you are so right Louise, it does take guts to be kind. I will definitely try harder to be more kind in the future.

  13. This is a great topic for motivational Monday. i always find my self in these moods and i need to just stop and relax! thanks :)

  14. Sorry to hear about Mindy. I love this post its so right. I often try to calm myself and choose to be kind over something else.

  15. I'm so glad you've decided to keep up this feature, I'm really loving it! So sorry to hear about mindy, it must have been so hard and nice is always the best option! I'd rather someone called me nice and thought of as meek than be a bitch and hurt someone

    A little bit Unique


  16. You are fantastic Louise, and I'm so happy Motivational Monday has made a reappearance.

    So sorry about your little Mindy, I recently had to make the same decision with my lovely old dog, you did the best thing for her, if she could she'd thank you for it.

    Love you x

  17. I always really like your motivational mondays! I love that you're doing this because I really need it on a monday morning :D so glad you're keeping up this feature, keep up the good work :D

    Great post!


  18. people are always telling me that i am too nice for my own good, but i wouldnt have it any other way :) i love these posts!! So sorry to hear about mindy, pets become such a big part of the family!

  19. Bless you! Such an inspiration xx

  20. I think so many people don't realise this, and you will have put a seed of a thought in so many people's minds today for the better. This is why yours is my favourite blog :)

    Amy | The Little Koala Blog

  21. Your so right!! Love this post x

  22. I'm really enjoying your motivational Mondays! It gets my week off to a good start.

    Gemma xxx

  23. You are such an inspiration Louise... really!
    I always try to be kind and gentle bt sometimes it's too difficult! I feel like pushing down my feelings, and eventually everything blows up.
    This new month I will try to manage my energy thinking about people like you.

    It was right what you did with Mindy. I would have it that way too. You are a good person!

  24. Really nice blogpost!
    Keep going, I'm looking forward to your next one!

  25. Brilliant, helpful post Louise. A perfect Monday motivator. Hope you're doing okay!


  26. So sorry to hear about Mindy, but it was definitely the right thing to do, at least she's at peace now.
    These posts are great, I'd love to see more of them!

    I've just posted a review of Barry M's Gelly Hi-Shine in Blueberry on Black & Gold!

    Laura xx - Black & Gold

  27. You're right... sometimes it's difficult to make the right decisions and take the harder but kinder option! As you say, at least she was able to be put to sleep in a dignified way. Sometimes I feel this should be available to all...the pain that some people go through with cancer etc that I've seen's not right to let them suffer! But I guess that's a whole different story!

    Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom as always :)

    Ellie x

  28. I am so sorry to hear about your cat :( I had the same thing happen to me 2 years ago and I grew up with both of my cats they where brothers and one fell very ill and we had to put him down was a very sad time :'( but I do agree you have done the right thing and its nice to keep photos as memories. Your cat will be happy and at peace =^.^= such a lovely post but sad xx

    Jewellery Giveaway

  29. I have been loving these motivational mondays! It has made me think twice about my actions and just to think about it from another perspective, and to be a less angry person, Your words have been very educational and I cnt wait to see what next monday teaches me :) Love you lou!!

    Pipp xx

  30. I understand how difficult that was for you, to make that decision. I've been through the same with our dog years ago and I'm not sure if I will ever have another pet. Doing that was just so difficult.

    On a more happy note, I love motivational Mondays! Keep them coming. Hope you will have a great week :) xx

  31. I am so sorry about your cat, my chicken died yesterday so I understand what you are going through a bit. Thanks for this quote though, it is lovely! xxx

  32. Love motivational died & sorry to hear about your cat!xx

  33. I try to be as kind as possible, some days its harder than others but it's worth it. Taking lots of deep breaths helps!
    I'm so sorry to hear about Mindy, I'm sure it was a very/still is an emotional time for you. Try to think of all the happy memories and don't be hard on yourself. You did the right thing. xxx

  34. Sorry about your cat, but it was the right decision to make. I do love those post though!xo

  35. Louise! I'm so sorry about your cat! Mine died last fall and... it's so hard. They really do become part of the family!

    And I love these motivational Mondays! I read them first thing and you always seem to say something to brighten up my day right from the start :) So thanks! xx

  36. It's so hard to have to say goodbye to a dear friend and family member. I hope you have a good Monday regardless <3

  37. Monday is always the worst day to deal with bad news, also love the title 'motivational monday' its the day I always get off work each week and try and do something and sort everything out!

  38. What a lovely little post. :) I'm sorry about Mindy. Wishing you all the best.

    Charlotte xx

  39. i will appreciate if you want to check my blog out.

    xxxx ;)

  40. Great quote. Hope your all ok :) xxx

  41. I love this post today! Sorry to hear about your cat that decision must have been hard!

    I definitely agree you make a better stronger person if your kind an gentle (even if you don't want to be!) xx

  42. Really good quote which I feel could benefit a lot of people (Even myself once in a while).
    and I'm really sorry to hear about your cat, I've been through the same since I've had pets from the day I was born.

  43. Thank you so so much for this! It really made my day :) I will try to be kinder :)
    Have a wonderful evening!

  44. I really do love your positivity on these dreary Mondays. Your posts are always so uplifting.

    The Introverted Brunette

  45. Really really love your motivational Monday posts!

    lisatakespictures xo

  46. It's so awful having to put a pet down, a few years ago my mum and I had to make the decision to put our dog down, I felt like I was being selfish and horrible and that given different circumstances maybe he could have lived a more full life. when my mum and I went to see my dog after he had been put down he looked so peaceful but it was heartbreaking, it felt like we had done the worst thing imaginable and thinking back it still does, but I know it was the right thing to do. I how you're feeling a little better by now, but I guess it will always be a sad thing to think about

  47. i love your motivational mondays- it really helps more then you know!! :)
    (if you're interested im having a fashion giveaway over on my blog - check it out!)

  48. Been feeling a bit down these past few days as well, Louise, and I actually found a brilliant and creative way to overcome it (inspired by your positive personality), so I thought I would share it with you.

    I recently bought a journal that I keep on my bedside table, and I'm going to try - for the next year - to write down one thing that made me smile each day. That way, if you're feeling blue, you can look back through the days and remind yourself of all the little reasons why you should be smiling. :)

  49. This is one of my favourite posts and so beautifully written. I work in a school one day a week and I often find you have to be gutsy and make them get on with their work to be kind
    I'm here today and it's my first day of teaching Creative Writing so I'll be taking your advice on board.
    You're very brave for doing the right thing for Mindy. xx

  50. You inspire me so much! Loved this post! I´m so sorry about your cat. Having to make that decision for her must be one of the hardest things to do.

  51. I am loving Motivational Monday :) You should definitely keep doing it! I'm so sorry to hear about your cat xx

  52. This was a really heartfelt post and I really enjoyed it :)

    I would LOVE IT SO MUCH if you guys would check my blog out?! And maybe even follow too?!?! WOULD MEAN THE WORLD!!

  53. i love motivational mondays Louise, please keep them going if you enjoy it too! Sorry to hear about Mindy, hope you and your family feel better soon
    Sara x

  54. So true.. poor mindy and poor you! hope you feel better soon :)

    Vikki xx

  55. Awww sorry to hear about Mindy, atleast you're thinking more about the positives though hope everything gets better for you all soon (:


  56. So sorry about Mindy! I know how horrible it is :( Love these posts though, I really hope they continue :) xx

  57. That's my favorite lyric from one of my favorite songs.

  58. hi louise i love your blog posts. if you were interested i have also have a blog and i do poetry and quotes.
    if you have time please check it out

  59. This brought a tear to my eye! I've been loving watching your videos on YouTube recently and Baby Glitter is too cute! x
    Amy |


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx