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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Bedroom Beauty Challenge || Love

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's 12.50pm on Wednesday. I just spent 40 minutes trying to create my 'Love' look for this months challenge and gave up. I feel very numb today. 

Click HERE if you have no idea what I'm bleating on about.

I found out last night that on Friday, my precious cat Mindy is being put down and I feel like I've had the joy sucked out of me. If you're a pet owner or cat lover, I'm sure you'll understand that a pet becomes a huge part of your life and you love them like you love your children.

I did start my look, I got all the way to eyeshadow and just thought, 'Why am I forcing myself to do this? I'm not a robot, I'm not a slave to my blog, I'm a human and I have feelings and a real life and I don't need to do this if my heart isn't in it'. So, I'm bowing out. 

If you created something beautiful and took part, I'm so glad. I'm glad that even if I'm having a very low moment, there are Sprinklerinos around to spread their glitter on my behalf.

If you did take part this month, leave your blog url below or tweet/facebook/tumblr me your pictures so I can have a nosey and be very proud.

I actually have to go and dig Mindy a little grave now whilst it's sunny.  - Weirdest thing I've ever written on this blog!

I know this blog post doesn't offer you much, but today, life got in the way.


This blog post is not having the usual advertising sentence on it. Let's all just wish Mindy a good send off to kitty heaven.


  1. I know how you feel xx Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Oh no, that's so sad! I think everyone who ever had a pet totally understands. No need to explain or apologize at all, Louise! Sending you a lot of hugs!

  3. This is why I read your blogs! Because you're very human, you make it easy for us all to relate to you :)
    I'm very sorry to hear about Mindy :( I'm sure you'll have a lovely send off for her. Lots of hugs! xx

  4. I'm soooo sorry about Mindy Louise. I know what it's like losing a pet, it's like losing abit of your heart.


  5. Louise I wish for Mindy to have the best luck in kitty heaven!!
    And I am sending you some hugs, I know the feeling!

    xx, A!

  6. Oh Louise, I'm so sorry, loosing someone who is a part of your everyday life is one of the hardest things to go through. Life has a bad habit of getting in the way but I'm sure all of your readers understand that some things are just more important. I think this blog probably only shows a fraction of your personality and how caring, fun and loving you obviously are towards everything that's important to you. If this is only a fraction then I can guarantee that you gave Mindy a happy life and I hope that's a comfort to you during this awful time.

    Sending lots of love and hugs your way!

    Hannah x x

  7. I'm really very sorry to hear that Mindy is being put down.. I can just feel how much she means to you. I will send you, Matt and Darcy my very best thoughts xx

  8. I'm sorry Louise. I had to put my sweet kitty down three years ago. It was hard. Our relationships with our pets are so special. Don't forget that she has had a wonderful life with you. Hugs. x

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about Mindy :( it's horrible having to go through something like this because as you said they become part of your family :( although its hard and upsetting it was the right unselfish decision to let her sleep, to not have to live with pain and discomfort and you and your family gave her the best possible life and now it's her time to sleep <3 you are all in my thoughts at this hard time and all your followers are here for you xxxxx

  10. I am so sorry about Mindy, Louise.

  11. I am so sorry Louise :( I know how you're feeling as I had to do the same with my dog a few months ago. Im sure you gave her a great life and she will be thankful that you are helping her, even if it hurts your heart to do so. Sending you lots of love <3

  12. Aww Louise, im so sorry to heart that.

  13. I'm really sorry to hear about Mindy! Losing a pet is awful. Sending you lots of love

    <3 Anna

  14. Feel better Louise!!

  15. My childhood dog passed away 2 years ago and it was the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. I thought I had had a broken heart before, but nothing could ever compare. I send you lots of love and glitter to sprinkle around Mindy's resting spot.
    Give her a kiss for me and know that it will all be okay <3

  16. "Do not stand at my grave and weep,
    I am not there, I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow,
    I am the diamond glints on snow,
    I am the sun on ripened grain,
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awaken in the morning hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circling flight.
    I am the soft star-shine at night,
    Do not stand at my grave and cry,
    I am not there, I did not die."
    ~ Mary Elizabeth Frye

  17. Aw, I am so sorry about your cat, Mindy :(

    Wishing her a peaceful trip to kitty heaven xo

    (I lost one of my cats nearly 3 years ago now, I still miss him everyday)

  18. Oh I'm so sorry about Mindy. Losing a pet is so hard. I send hugs and happy thoughts your way. :(

  19. Oh gosh I am so so so sorry! As a fellow pet lover this breaks my heart :( Take care honey! May Mindy Rest in Peace with the angels xo

  20. I'm sorry about sweet Mindy, Louise. :(

  21. I understand how u feel,my puppy died and my whole family did not eat our dinner,
    we were saddened.Its ok they are always safe in heaven.

    I have created a customized beauty checkist in my blog
    if you are interested to read my post

  22. I'm heartbroken to hear about Mindy :( It is hard to let our furry family members go. My mom had to have our 16 yr old cat put down 2 years ago whilst I was away at of the hardest weeks I went through. I'll be sure to say a prayer to St. Francis for sweet Mindy. Sending you, Matt, and Darcy a lot of love, strength, and hugs xxx


  23. I am so so sorry to hear about Mindy. Try to keep your head up! I know she will be missed deeply.

  24. I was trying to think of something wise and isnspiring to say but, all I have is that I'm sorry, I've gone through it and it just geniunely stinks!

    I used to think people were silly for going nuts over their pets, but it really does hurt.
    But It does get easier and makes (made) you (me) feel better to know that we gave them a happy life and that they are not suffering anymore.
    I have a special little frame with my pets picture displayed now, at first I couldn't put it up because it just made me too sad to see it everyday, but now whenever I catch a glimpse of it I can smile and remember her.

  25. I hope you feel better soon!! xx

  26. I know how you feel Louise, I'm so sorry xx

  27. This made me gasp aloud when I read it in sadness :( I am so sorry to hear that, I experienced the same thing myself last year with my childhood cat that I'd grown up with and I was distraught but you must just think that you are doing the best thing for them because you love them. I hope you start to feel better soon, you're an inspiration to me! xx

  28. I don't blame you for not wanting to do a post I hope your okay

  29. So sorry to hear this :( I can't even begin to imagine what your feeling right now xx

  30. Thats so sad :( one of my kittys went to kitty heaven a couple of years ago and I still really miss him. They become a family member! Hope you feel better soon x

  31. Aw so sorry to hear about your little cat Louise! :(

  32. So sorry to hear about Mindy :( There's no need to explain yourself at all, I'm sure everyone understands completely. They really do become a member of the family. I know exactly how you feel, and I hope you start to feel better soon.

  33. Oh Louise! Don't ever ever force yourself to do anything! Mindy and home life are far more important.
    It's so sad Mindy will be travelling off into another sphere, but, you'll have a little pet angel i'm sure!

    Lots and lots and lots of warmth

  34. Awwww Louise you poor thing :( Never force yourself to do things for the sake of your blog, you're a person first :( give darcy a big cuddle so you can feel better :(

    A little bit Unique


  35. I hope you and Darcy aren't too sad. I am new to your blog, but understand what you are going through. x

  36. I hope you're okay, I know how you feel, I was devastated when the vet put my cat Bobby down! I have a tear in my eye reading this :'( BIG LOVE to you!

  37. Oh no im so sorry to hear about Mindy, i agree pets become part of your family and its the hardest thing to let go x

  38. That's completely understandable and you should in no way feel bad for not doing a 'proper' post. My childhood cats had to be put down a few years back and you just need to take a little time to grieve. Thinking of you :)

    Amy | The Little Koala

  39. I truley understand my cat was killed and i cried for at least day. You dont need to creat a look for love your face shows it xoxo

  40. I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. Take time to heal and do not feel bad for anything.

  41. oh I am so sorry to hear about your cat :( sending my love!
    Carissa xx
    Vanilla Crush Blog

  42. I am so sorry about your cat, hope you are feeling better soon, I understand what you are going through! xxx

  43. i am sorry about mindy i have lost pets i know how hard it can be xx

  44. defiantly on this, I havent attempted yet but I shall be soon! :) So sorry about your loss, I know what its like, and its just like loosing a member of the family. I hope you feel in tip top condition again Lou! :) Thinking of you!
    Dont worry about not joining in, its not compulsory and you make the rules, its your blog :)

    Pipp xx

  45. Dear Louise,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Mindy, she is such a beautiful cat. I know how you must feel, I once had a kitten who had to be put to sleep at just 7 months old. I still miss her.

    Lots of love xxxx

  46. Aww I'm so sorry to hear about Mindy, she was so cute. I hope you start to heal soon, but you have no reason so apologize, you're not our performing monkey. You have a life as well!

  47. It is so so hard when you have to put your cat down. Just make sure you are there for her when it happens, because she will appreciate so much. You have cared for Mindy in a way that means she will love you forever and be a little angel taking care of you :) When my cat passed away a couple of years ago it was the worst moment of my life and i know it always will be. she was just my world, so I know what you are going through and we understand why you didn't take part this month.

    Come and see my love look!

    Jen xxx

  48. I hope you are feeling a bit better today, although I know from experience that it takes a while to heal <3
    Here is my look for this month. Lots of love to you and your family <333

  49. I hope you feel better soon, I would feel exactly the same! Lots of love to you all <3

    Charlotte xxx

  50. Awh, I'm sorry :( xxx

  51. I really am so sorry Louise, losing a pet is so sad and I wish I could give you a big hug! Sending little Mindy lots of love xxx

  52. I'm so sorry for your Mindy! Pets have the power to make us feel loved in so many different ways!
    Feel Better :)

  53. OMG! losing a pet must be losing Darcy! :( I am so sad for you. I havent had this feeling since I have no pets, but deary dear dear.

    I can feel empathy! We dont mind if you want to take a break from blogging for a day or two, just feel happy again, Louise! :)


    (I am not gonna leave my blog adress cuz this is no scene for advertising and beingg selfish)

  54. Lots of love to you. Mindy has had a great life and she will no longer be in pain. Xxxxxxx

  55. I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. :( My lovely cat had to be put down in June 2011 and I still miss him SO much. :( You shouldn't feel like you have to blog for us when you're down! :) x

  56. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help xxx

  57. All my love to you guys. I've been through two cat deaths myself, and it really does feel like anyone else in your family being taken away because pets become part of the family. Sending you a big internet-cuddle! xx

  58. If it's any help when we had my dog and cat put down we printed some pictures of them, then when we received their ashes we said our goodbyes and lay the pictures with the ashes, just as a way of remembering. Loosing a pet is hard, you'll always remember though xx

  59. all I can say is that life is hard.. but at the end of the day, every Sprinklerino is there for you <3

  60. I can fortunately say I've never had a pet to lose.. But I can imagine how hard it is. We're all here for you! :) and just remember that you have gorgeous little Darcy to help you smile again when you're feeling low!

    Christina x

  61. I'm so sorry, Louise! I know how hard it is to say good-bye to a cat. My prayers are with you and Mindy.

  62. I know how you feel my ginea pig died last week stay strong Louise loves u

  63. Omg I am soooo sorry Louise! Don't worry about the blog post at all, we all know just how much you love Mindy, xxxxxxxxxxxx

  64. Awww bless you Louise! No one will be judging you for not doing the challenge or more blog posts this week, we all know how much you love Mindy! I hope she has a glittery send off xxxxx

  65. so sorry to hear about your kitty :( It is so upsetting to have that happen, our pets do become our family and its hard to imagine that they also have to pass on and leave us with an emptiness in our hearts. Many many hugs to you and alittle scratch on the tummy for mindy before she goes off to kitty heaven.

  66. Oh Louise, this has me tearing up! I would be completely devastated if I lost my kitty. Go and enjoy your last evening with her and create some lovely memories to keep her with you.

    Love and Hugs

    Lottie xxx

  67. my heart sank when i read this. my heart goes out to you - it is such a horrible feeling loosing a cat, i will be thinking of you both tomorrow xx

  68. i'm so sorry Louise, reading this made me really sad! don't worry about the blog, just go and spend some time with Mindy. thinking about you x

  69. Oh no, Mindy was a gorgeous kitty! Im so sorry Louise, sending my love xxx

  70. Pets are like familymembers, you never want to lose them. I know how you feel and I'm sure all of your readers will understand if you need some time for yourself. We want you to be happy so spend time with Mindy now and blog when you feel like it. Don't feel pressured to do it. <3

  71. I'm really sorry to hear about Mindy Louise! Take time out and remember what a little sweetie she was, don't feel as if you should blog just because of us - we understand that she was part of your family and you need to come to terms with things :) Remember that it's for the best, and she'll be looking down from kitty heaven at her lovely mum :) Love, Jo xxx

  72. Oh God Louise that is horrible. You poor thing, losing a pet is heartbreaking I can totally relate. I know nothing we can say can help, but whenever you feel sad just remember something she did or happened to her that made you smile. Of course none of us are upset or worried about you missing a post, you've had more important things on your mind. I don't think i have ever commented on your blog but I just had to this time, losing a pet is horrid, in a way can be worse than a human as you have pets for such a short time.

  73. Louise!
    I'm so sorry to hear about Mindy. I feel for you. My family recently made the decision to put down our dog of 13 years but he passed the morning before we were going to take him. And no worries, Mindy will be there in heaven, because it's not heaven if our animal babies aren't there too! Sending you and your family all my love. -Reille K. xx

  74. Im so sorry to hear about Mindy! I have been there more than once with my dogs And you're right I don't think people understand how it feels unless you have had a pet in your life and your family. Sending my thoughts and love to you, Matt and Darcy! Lots if love- Kate xo

  75. I am so sorry to hear about Mindy! She is such a gorgeous cat and she reminds me so much of my cat, Maxxie, who is no longer with me. I'll be keeping your family in my thoughts. - Ashley xx

  76. I'm so sorry about Mindy, she is such a cute kitty. I had to give away my first puppy, Olive, and I will never forget that feeling. I can't imagine how it would feel to have to put my current dog down. Sending lots of love <3

  77. I'm so sorry about your cat! It's clear that you loved her dearly xx

    I would LOVE IT SO MUCH if you guys would come and check my blog out and maybe even follow too?!?! :D

  78. Thoughts are with you Louise. xx

  79. I'm so sorry about your cat :(

  80. Oh no Louise! Poor you and poor little Mindy :( I definitely know how you feel, stay strong <3

  81. Louise, I'm so sorry xxx I remember all the blog posts and videos you have mentioned her in ❤❤❤

    People, will you STOP spamming the comments! Louise is going through a tough time and you recommend your blog?! I have a blog but I don't spam people! No one will click on your link if you do that and it's disrespectful!

    Louise, stay strong.❤❤❤

  82. Oh no!! Lovey!! I hope you are okay.
    My cat was 15 and died last Saturday. I had her ALL my life. She had a stroke. Seeing her lying there breathing but not responding was one of the most difficult feelings of my life. I feel so bad that you are going through a similar thing. Good luck. We're here for you!!

  83. I hope the pain eases Louise and I'm so sorry to hear about Mindy. My dog is 14 and on his way out and I love him so much and want him to be here forever. I understand your pain completely <3

  84. That's such a terrible thing to hear, Louise. I'm an animal lover myself and have 3 kitties and a dog and if I was to hear such news I too would be not up for beauty challenges when your heart is elsewhere. Hope you all feel better soon for your news, stay strong. xx

  85. I'm sorry, Louise. I hope you have alot of people surrounding you today giving you lots of love and cuddles. Take all the time you need to heal your heart.


  86. So sorry to hear about Mindy, I know what you're going through as I am still going through it :( My dog was put to sleep last week and it is such a horrible thing to happen. Hope that you feel better soon xx

  87. i'm going to miss her :/ sorry for your loss louise

  88. I'm so sorry for you Louise! Please give poor Mindy and huge hug from me! At least she's lived a lovely life with you! :,( <3 xx

  89. Awwww so sorry baby girl :( Hope you feel better. Mindy will be great in cat heaven :)


  90. I'm sooooooo sorry to hear this I hope things get better soon:,( xxx

  91. I'm so sorry to hear about this! Hope you feel better soon! Lots of hugs! :) xxx

  92. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news :( I'm a big animal lover and i've been through it so I know how you're feeling. It hard but just try and think that at least Mindy won't be suffering now and will be at peace.


    Kimberley x

  93. Aww Louise, that sucks but at lest you'll have all those memories! :)
    .Georgina Clare.

  94. So sorry to hear that I know exactly what you mean and I dread the day that it happens to my two little ones now, this seems a plug but I really dont mean it to but I featured you in one of my blogposts and it might give you back a little pep :)

  95. I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's heartbreaking to lose an animal. I had to have one of my cats put to sleep last month, and it's never something that you get used to. My heart goes out to you. *hugs* :'(

  96. So sorry Louise, a million hugs and good wishes! hope you get back to your very happy blogging self soon! xxxx

  97. so sorry to hear about mindy, Louise.:( I've never had a pet so I can only empathize, but my best friend had to put down her dog couple weeks back and I saw how absolutely distraught she is, and I was heartbroken for her. I hope you feel better soon :) hope mindy is safe and happy in heaven xoxo

  98. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that Louise, we understand that you may feel down at the moment so absolutely do not make a video or blog if you don't really want too! I know you may enjoy blogging and making vlogs and if it puts you in a better mood then that's good :) but if not don't feel a need to do it, we're all sad about it Louise. You've always got us, we're not going anywhere x

  99. Aw I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my cat but I know how close you get to them. My cat is nearly 2 years old, I've had him since he was 8 weeks. He is like my baby brother! He follows me everywhere. He's called Oreo because hes black and white.
    Hope you feel better soon :)


  100. My heart just sank completely. :C So sorry to hear about your loss!

  101. Louise all of our hearts go out to you, we know how much Mindy means to you and how much you love her. I hope that you and your family are all okay. We love you loads, hope you feel better soon xxxxx

  102. Aloha Louisarino: I know this is a bit of a sad post to post this on, but you're great. I've just managed to discover your videos/blog and I'm absolutely enraptured by your personality, vivacity and sense of humor. <3 I've also just watched all your youtube videos in a crazy marathon!

    I'm sorry for your loss, but knowing what a kind, loving person you are I bet Mindy was very happy with you and still loves you. Keep her alive in your heart and I hope you feel better. =)

  103. Louise, i'm so sorry to hear about Mindy. Sending you lots of hugs xxx

  104. Sorry to hear about Mindy, hope you are all ok. Lots of Love xx

  105. I'm so sorry to hear about mindy! Hope you will be okay xxx

  106. Just take your time Louise, I'm sure all the people who read your blog will understand that you're going through harder times and that you're not in the mood. I have dogs, cats and fish and I've lost a few pets along the way. I know how you feel, it's very hard to let go and they do become family members. Just remember that it's better for them than living in lots of pain and think of all the happy times you've spent with them. Stay strong!


  108. So sorry to hear about Mindy, I lost my pet rabbit a few months ago and continue to try finding her in the graden sometimes x

  109. iam totally in love with your blog! ♥

  110. I feel for you so much Louise, I recently lost a beloved family pet have been feeling really low. Everyone hear who's ever had a pet knows exactly how you feel and understand completely if your not in the right mindset for blogging rights now.
    We love you Louise :)

  111. RIP Mindy... My cat that had been around since I was born died when I was 15 aged 19 and I know how horrible it is :(

  112. I am so sorry to hear about Mindy. You gave her a wonderful life and she was very lucky to be so loved. I know how you are feeling my baby Vinny went missing last October and I was heartbroken for so long - it felt like loosing a family member. We think he was hit by a car (didn't stop me spending months searching for him) which I thought was so unfair for such a long time. The only comfort I could find was in knowing no one could have loved him more then me and my husband and I knew he had felt loved everyday. Kia Kaha (Stay Strong in Maori, New Zealand) xx

  113. Aw hope you're okay Louise xoxoxoxox

  114. I recently had to have my cat put down. I knew her all my life, she was eighteen. It was awful and I am still heartbroken. Rest in peace Mindy. xxx

  115. Nawh I know how hard it can be losing a loved pet, they become part of the family!
    Just look to your gorgeous daughter and smile because you created a bloody cute little lady!
    I love seeing her face pop up in your videos from time to time!!
    I hope you''re feeling better soon Louise!


  116. Ahhhhh :( my dog is my life.. so I can't imagine how you're feeling right now :( lots of love and hugs xxxx

    Gem ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  117. this made me cry. just thinking about how i won't get to hear you say Mindy like you used to upsets me, i mean i could go back and watch old vlogs (i always do anyway) but it just won't be the same. you'll be forever missed Mindy :( I hope your heart heals quickly Louise :( but whilst your heart is still healing, we'll all be here spreading the glitter to everybody.

    Rest in Paradise, Mindy <3

  118. Louise im so so sorry to hear about mindy, loosing a pet is like loosing a member of the family and im so sorry you had to go through that. Hugs and kisses to your family and i hope Mindy rests in peace.


  119. OMG I am so sorry :( if my cat oreo (cause he is black and white ) had to get put down I don't know what I would do ;(. I am actually crying now.

    I did a bedroom beauty challenge maybe my look will cheer you up :)


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx