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Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I've really been enjoying the last two weeks of blogging every day and being a bit more focused on the things that mean the very most to me in life.

Quite obviously, the thing that tops that life list is Baby Glitter. 

"I love you not only for what you are but for who I am when I'm with you".

I often talk about how much I love her (like HERE in my Darcy Day Date or HERE in my Change post) and which amazing things she's done to make me grit my teeth with joy and adoration but I rarely touch on me in those scenarios. 

It's true that Motherhood changes your life. You loose touch with people, you function on less sleep, you adapt to a safety proofed house and learn to navigate a stair gate in the dark. You find yourself spilling over with love at the smallest things which to anyone else would be trivial (I nearly cried the other day when Darcy put her own wellies on) and you marvel at the tiniest of things.

But it is also true that it will change you as an individual. I feel, and please don't think me arrogant, that it has changed me for the better. I feel as though I have a new found strength and confidence and not only can I carry a baby, a buggy and my car keys all in one hand, but I can see the wood for the trees that little bit more. The insignificant worries are less of an issue and I feel a deep sense of determination to achieve my goals and dreams. After all, I'm not just achieving them for me now, I am achieving them so that when Darcy is older she can talk about me with pride. 

I want to be very clear in that I don't think determination, strength and confidence exclusive only to mothers, I have plenty of non-parent friends who totally astound me with there steely grit and gung-ho for the world. I am saying that for me, motherhood was the catalyst for these qualities and I couldn't be more grateful.

If you are a 'mother' (to anybody- you might be a carer, animal owner or relative to a child), what qualities do you think this experience of responsibility has instilled in you? Am I the only one who feels this way?



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  1. This is so cute! You honestly make me so excited to be a mother some day xxxxx

  2. This post sums up exactly how I feel about motherhood. It's given me love, strength and happiness like I couldn't have imagined and I'll forever be grateful to my son for that.

    Amazing post :)

  3. I'm so glad that you and Darcy have been spending more time together and I also love the constant blog posts! Your one of my all time favourite blogs to read :) I just started up my own blog because of you! xxx

  4. I think I sort of understand this, I am not a mother but I remember the day my cousin asked me to be Godmother to her daughter and i was literally overwhelmed with love and joy and i-just-want-to-squish-her!

    And as for 'spilling over with love at the smallest things', I got all emotional when she first learnt to say my name - granted it's a tricky one! - and her signature(scribble)in cards my cousin would send me. once she toddled off into the garden, picked a daisy, ran back in, handed me the daisy and kissed my knee (which was perfect kissig height for her!), and I pretty much welled up. SO i see what you mean about little things meaning so much that would be menial to anyone else.

    This was a lovely post Louise :)

    Samya - Samya Says..


  5. awh, what a beautiful post! you're honestly such an amazing person louise, it's great to see that if you've changed, it's for the better :) you're so inspiring and darcy is such a cutie!

  6. Such a beautiful post! You look like such a beautiful and fun mother! Darcy is so cute I love her curls. I have not been blessed with children yet, but my sister and I are best friends and her two kids mean everything to me. It has changed me and they aren't even mine! I can totally understand what you say and can only hope I am as strong as my sister and you and become that "super mom" when it is my turn! All the best :)

  7. I don't have children yet. But one day I hope I will be and will be happy if i'm half the mother you are. You are truly an inspiring person =] xx

  8. You are such a lovely person and i love this post!

  9. I'm a college student and am away from my family most of the time, so those fews weekends I get to go home and spend it with my parents, dog, and cat are so treasured. I'm not a mother yet- one day in the future I hope to be- but I still have a lot of growing to do myself. I have to say that it took a bad break-up and the death of my childhood dog- all in a month- that made me realize that I hadn't been living for ME. I've grown a lot in the past 2 years since those things and would never want to be that shy young girl again, although I am grateful for the things she did teach me.
    That turned out rather long...wowzies...oops :)

  10. Such an amazing post Louise! Its things like this which make me so excited for having my own children (all in due time though!!) for now though its baby sitting I'll stick too ;)

  11. I love reading your blog and on a night shift it brightens my day (even though it's night time). This post made me smile. :)


  12. Its so once that you and Darcy are spending more time together. I enjoy reading your blog alot. :)))

  13. Before having children my biggest groan was being tired and having to get up for work, or dealing with idiots at work.
    Things are firmly put in perspective once i went through a terrible birth (two of them), the whole breast feeding struggle, severe postnatal depression. Lack of sleep (it's a real form of torture in some countries) and potty training.
    Every day brings a new struggle on my parental list and my patience is tested to the limit most days. Getting up for work whilst a little bit tired is laughable now.
    Having two wonderful gems in my life as well as an over grown kid, my husband makes what is important in life re-focused. Going through what we/I have has no doubt made me a wiser, stronger person.
    I hold back the, "Oh you have no idea how easy you have it" comments when friends without children moan about little things. For, i just about remember how that felt and although it's such an annoying phrase to some but everything is relative.
    Makeup and blogging is my little piece of escapism where i can pretend i'm a teenager again with no real stresses or woes.

    Jules, a massive fan.

  14. This is such a great post, Louise! Seriously.
    I'm really liking the picture too, you look super pretty!

    Great post!


  15. I admire you! What a fantastic lady you are! :)

  16. All of your posts seem to hitting home for me at the minute, particularly this one. I'd say I'm 100% more laid back about life in general since having my son. Like you say, I can the wood for the trees and don't sweat the small things that would've left me in turmoil pre baby. I also now sing in public which was a complete no no before and will happily do the okey cokey in Morrisons to keep the little man entertained without a shred of embarrassment x Becky

  17. He, he, ah Louise! I totally get you. My nephew Luke was born about 7 months ago and I can honestly say I have cried more than once whilst being in his presence. xx

  18. love this post! your such a beaut!


  19. This is such a lovely post, its nice that you are spending more time with Darcy and that your feeling all of these. x

  20. i love this post! if anyone reading this could please check out my blog it would make my day!

  21. So glad you have found something in yourself that you weren't aware was there and nice that baby glitter was the catalyst! Lovely story and post, as always. I've also been blogging more often which I am enjoying!

  22. You make me even more excited for the idea of little kiddies in my future!

  23. This post is truly lovey, Louise :) It's nice to know you smile at the small things in life as so do I! Great post, loved it :D

  24. Before having my little boy, I found waking up early for work a chore, I "never had any free time", weekends weren't long enough and being mature and responsible meant not binge drinking on a weekend.

    But then he arrived and I realised how easy life was for me back then. But it's better now. I'm a working mum, and have been since he was nine weeks-old, so weekends still aren't long enough (it breaks my heart) but I make more use of my time now. I still manage to bake that cake, clean up afterwards, eat it too and share a crumb or two (he's eight months and cake is a bit naughty, I'm not a greedy cake hogger!) with my baby as well.

    I love being a mother. I feel like I was always looking for a place before; I wanted to be that girl with the size 10 figure, or that girl with the amazing hair, or brilliant job, or nice house, but now I'm happy being me because it means I can be the mother of the best little boy in the world.

    You couldn't tempt me away. Even if you found a cure for cellulite. And that's saying something.


  25. Lovely post! Cant wait to the day i have a wee baby, and i can give him/her the best life possible :) - personal blogs.

  26. This is beautiful, Louise. Written so eloquently and diplomatically. Posts like this really make me look forward to someday having my own family and if it's anything like your family with Darcy and Matt I shall count myself a very lucky girlie indeed.


  27. awwwww this is such a lovely post! Darcy's sooooo beautiful just like her lovely mum!!! best of luck to the glitter family xxx

  28. I know what you mean, I don't have kids of my own but I work with kids and they just make you happy by being around you. I'd love to have my own some day in the very far off future!

    Louisa's Notebook

  29. What a wonderful post It's funny you have just described some of the feelings i'm having right now I exactly 1 week ago I became a Fairy Godmother and I know it's not the same it has completely changed my out look. Although only a relative (Cousins)I feel a special bond and feel I need to improve my life health and wealth wise to accommodate my tiny Little Henrietta. It has even influenced a change in my blog as I will soon changing the name and design.

    Thanks for sharing
    Sarah xx

  30. Oh the way you describe motherhood sounds lovely, I won't be there for another 15-odd years but every time I read anything about you and Darcy I do feel a little bit more excited for the future! :)
    -Deenie x

  31. Gorgeous post, Darcy is so sweet!


  32. This is a beautiful post, I wish your family all the best for the future <3

    Charlotte xxx

  33. This is such a lovely post, So very meaningful and mumsy. You and darcy are the cutest,

    Pipp xx

  34. ahhhh Louise!

    Darcy is the best and you make me crave mamahood-loving.


  35. This is so lovely, hope I can be a mother like you one day! xxx

  36. My dad has recently fallen ill and I have very much taken responsibility in caring for the rest of my family, it's strange because I don't feel it to be a burden, it's something I automatically decided to do and I feel it has helped my to realise what really matters. You're so strong Louise, you astound me.

  37. It is amazing how much love can a blog post 'emit' just with words!!
    Your baby glitter is so lucky!

    xx, A!

  38. Ah what a lovely post! :)

  39. I LOVED this post! I have two nieces under 5 and I can't help but love and admire the way that they find the smallest things so funny and how they can get over the small little worries in life when you give them something that they like! Ahhhhh the innocence!

    I would LOVE IT SO MUCH if you guys would come and check my blog out and maybe even follow too? Would make my day! :D xx

  40. Such a lovely post! :)
    Yesterday I blogged about a few MAC products, come on over!

  41. This post is beautiful :) I hope that I have this one day!

  42. Louise you must just be the cutest person ever, Darcy is so lucky to have you as her mummy and when she grows up she will realise how lucky she is and be so proud! Can't wait until I have a baby and feel all these things! Also you are looking gorgeous in that photo!

    A little bit Unique


    Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey! Giveaway here

  43. my mom and my dad were really young when my mom found out shes pregnant with me. my dad was still in university and my mom just was about to start working. when i was born, we lived in a tiny house with not much money but both always did their best and made my childhood perfect. my mom is such a lovely person and wanted to give me everything she could just like my dad. and i'm so proud of them and i bet darcy will be proud also. you are such a lovely mother and heart warming person. the way you talk about darcy and motherhood brings tears to my eyes and i can't wait to have my own kids. you're one of my biggest inspirations.

  44. Really beautiful post :) I'm still only a teenager so cannot begin to imagine the feelings you describe, but reading this has given me even more respect for my mum :)

  45. I'm not a mother yet (although I have helped to look after my autistic brother & love my dog like shes my baby) I know my mum who is my best friend has told me on many occasions that having my brother and I was the best thing ever to happen in her life and the love you have for a child is a bond that you just couldn't describe-although you do it very well. I look forward to sharing this feeling with my own children one day and I know my mum can't wait to have grandkids and experience that love :)

    Tanesha x

  46. You're honestly such a wonderful mum Louise. Darcy is the luckiest little girl in the world xxx

  47. this is so sweet :) youre such an amazing mother <3

  48. love your blog it's always so full of love :) x

  49. I understand where you're coming from in this post because ever since my sister gave birth to my two wonderful nieces I have definitely seen her grow as a person in herself! (since 2010)

    Tara, x

  50. Hi Louise. I understand and relate to every word you're saying. Thank you for your candidness and sharing how you have become a better person. I enjoy all your posts and videos, and each one inspires me to notice the little things, to take better care of myself, and to just have more fun.

    If you are interested, I mentioned you, A Trifty Mrs, and Lily Pebbles in my blog.

  51. Sounds brilliant - I am not a mother yet, but it sounds wonderful!!:D <3

  52. This is such a lovely post, oh my gosh. You are so wonderful! I can't wait to have a teeny tiny of my own!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. awww a lovely post xx

  55. I'm a mummy to an 8 month old and in those 8 short months he has taught me so much about myself, life and what being a mum is all about

  56. I completely agree that they bring you strength, my baby cousin was born almost a year ago and I was going through a bit of a rough patch at the time but her little face just helped me through! Lovely post!x

  57. I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU! You are sooo funny that you inspired me to make a website with sprinkle of glitter on it!

    Enjoy xx

  58. I LOVE this post Louise, when I was younger I had a nanny and I love love LOVE her and I still see her now (16 years later ;) Anyhow she now has three bambinos of her own and I always try and go and stay with them for a few days in the holidays. I just love being with and spending time with them the middle one started calling me 'big sister' which I am now known as, which gives me the warmest of fuzzies!

    Like you, I find children to be the most valuable and rewarding things in life, who can change your whole mood and self-worth in a so much as a smile of appreciation or the demonstration of a new learned skill.

    Great blog Louise I love your views on the world, you really make my day sparkle (see what I did there);) Muchos love and adios!


  59. Aww I love your blog Louise, you know, it's wonderful people like you who make me look forward to being a mum,xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  60. Louise you are amazing at writing, I can Darcy will be a little superstar when she's older! Xx

  61. cosas bastante Ăștiles, en general, creo que vale la pena un marcador, gracias


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx