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Thursday, 7 February 2013

Darcy Date Day

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A couple of days ago I made a decision. I wanted to have a Mummy-Daughter Date Day where we did nothing but fun things and no work, errands or chores. And so we did.

I didn't take too many pictures because we were too busy being in the doings AND photographing an excited toddler is like catching clouds- impossible!

 Excuse the messy background, this was a little snap I took pre paints but post toddler joy at finding a roll of parcel paper. The fun she had with that! I had the paint out and her in a vest ready to get messy, but a roll of brown paper and a my little pony hair comb was far more exciting than the carefully planned activities I'd laid out. 

It only took about 3 seconds for me to realise I was going to have to go with the flow and if that meant finding 600 games with tubes of paper, then so be it.

It turns out that paint hand prints are not our skill. Pinterest makes these things look so easy but alas, they are not. These were the sort of standard we got but I'm happy. Baby Glitter got quite the kick out of squelching paint in her chubby little fists, so all was not lost at sea. 

Footprints on the other hand (oh, hand, see what I did there?) were quite the breeze and I now have about 30 mint copies of Darcy's right foot. I also have art from this time last year too so I look forward to seeing how much she's grown.

Thank goodness for wet wipes!

It was a brilliant day. We did SO much! I'm sat here at this computer, typing and deleting sentences because I want to put into words the love and bond I feel for this little creature that came into my life under two years ago but it's so difficult. To put it simply, I feel like she is a part of me. I sense all the things she feels without her saying and I never go a minute without having her on my mind. I feel like my mind is richer for having her in it. When she plays with me and puts her little warm hands on me I feel honoured that I was given such a blessing. *Grits teeth* I want to squish her little head! (NB :: This is a figure of speech, obviously would NEVER squish her head!! Cripes!).

I can't believe I went so many years without her in my life because now I can't imagine a life without her.

Taking a day out has made me cherish those 100% moments and I am all the more than happy to ignore the dishes and the emails and the rest of the world to spend that time with the little love bug.

I'm quite sure that if you are not one for children that this post might have made you a little queasy at the smooshiness, but if you are a 'baby/child person' or a Mama yourself, I know you'll get it.

From the photos above, can you guess what we made?


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  1. Aww! Darcy is the most adorable! I love the paint color so much as well! :)


  2. Aww looka like such a fun day :) She is so sweet!


  3. This is so lovely :) Hand/Feet paintings are such lovely mementos to keep! I always find it so strange when I find artwork I did when I was little and see how small I was! Its lovely that you can spend so much time with her when she's young :)

    Aimée Xx

  4. What a beautiful post! I find it impossible to get proper handprints from my daughter too, but if I give her a shaker full of glitter she is one happy girl!!
    I've just started my own beauty blog and I'd love if you checked it out! :)

  5. this is a really lovely idea, it sounds like the two of you had so much fun :') xx

  6. This is such an adorable post, Louise and Darcy is so cute. :) I think the finger painting/printing is such a nice idea and a good way to bond with your children, also a memorable keep sake :)

    ***COMPETITION: for anyone interested in winning £200 to spend on Lashes of London please check out my post on how to enter, thank you and good luck!***

  7. Although I can never have children and probably won't ever endevour to try and persue other avenues into having a child. I love these types of posts because my two nephews are the cutest beings known to man and my life would not be what it is without them in it.

    You are ovbiously a FAB mum Lousie and Darcy's life will be wonderfully enriched because of you. Taking a down day seems like a awesome idea it gives people time to take stock and realise what it is they have :-)

    Stacie xoxo

  8. OH MY GOD - When you said shes so cute you could squish her head, I was looking into this the other day. Excuse me if I'm about to sound weird, but I always wondered why I really wanted to squeeze a puppy/baby to death when I was overcome with with love and cuteness. Turns out its some sort of psychological insanity when we LITERALLY cannot cope with the cuteness - I wish I could find actual anatomical information, but that'll do for me, just to know I'm not alone in it haha!!

    Did you get my message about the photoshoot btw? :)

    Lorra love! Sarah xx

  9. She is so sweet! hand and footprints are a lovely memoir!

  10. So sweet :)


  11. This is lovely, i have a post about a similar thing except with clay, another idea for you?
    Clair xx

  12. Oh she's so adorable! I try and have days like these with my son - he's three and it scares me how quickly the time has gone already, it sounds so corny but you really do have to cherish these years! x

  13. Awww this is absolutely adorable, Louise. Your little girl is beautiful and precious. :)

  14. you inspire me so much! THANK YOU!

  15. Shes beautiful, and its so nice that you take time out to spend quality time with her, and make lovely little memories. I have a two year old niece & a four year old sister and i can have them for a couple of days and feel like we haven't done anything special or spent proper time together... where as if i take a day off from everything, we have such a lovely and more rewarding time :)
    Especially now my sister is four, shes always like "can you remember when we did this" & "can you remember when we did that" and it just makes your heart melt knowing youve made their little day. They make me so excited to be a mummy one day!

  16. So cute! Sounds like you two had a lovely day xx

  17. I love your "mama & baby" posts!
    Thanks for sharing!

  18. Darcy is a superstar diva girl!

    xo Cassy

  19. That was the sweetest thing I've read in a while.
    Everything you said shows the love you have for Baby Glitter.
    She is adorable. Those little mint feet as well!

    xx, A!

  20. Even though it's paint you are photographing it's still so beautiful! Baby glitter is just so cute~!

    love reading your blog~!

  21. awww.... love the analogous of catching clouds. hahaha It is IMPOSSIBLE to have them still for even 1 second!!

    And LOVE the idea of spending quality one-to-one time. I nearly cried reading the last bit about having Darcy in your life, because that's how I feel about both my children too (they are 3+ and 1+ by the way). :)

    And were you making postcards or greeting cards? :)

  22. She is absolutely precious, it's important to have days like that where you give 100% attention to all things bubby! I'm glad you had a wonderful day together.

    x Bridget

  23. This was so lovely to read! And look at your wee girl's happy face!
    I'm totally inspired to try this with my son, I think he'd get a kick out of it too. Hooray for happy toddlers!
    Thanks for a great read.

  24. You are such a good mom. And Darcy is so cute. :) im glad u guys had a good mother-daugther day. :)

  25. utterly gorgeous, both the pictures and your words :D

  26. Can't get over how cute Darcy is!!! And she is blessed to have such a wonderful mother like you Louise! Also such a lovely thing for you to take the time out of your busy life to have a wonderful mother/daughter day

  27. You have such an incredibly adorable baby! She really is the cutest. The things you said in this blog were beautiful. It makes me want to hug my mother! haha I know If I saw my mom write how much she loves me like that I'd feel that no amount of hurt or stress could take away the joy SHE gives ME. I can't wait to have a little one and feel those mommy feels!

  28. love it ... Baby Glitter looks like she had a beautiful day with her MUM .. I thought the whole thing was a bundle of cuteness... have a blessed week ...

    And my friend Simon from London used to say TOODLEPIP.. LOVED It .. THanks for bringing back such a sweet memory .. Love, Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl

  29. So adorable!! She's gorgeous. Love the new blog layout too x

  30. Looks like you had a lovely day and Darcy is so cute!!

    I would LOVE it if some of you guys would come over and check my blog out and maybe even follow?! :D

  31. darcy is literally the most adorable creature ever haha

  32. Such a lovely post, you can really tell how much you love Darcy and she truly is adorable! OX

    I'm looking for new blogs to follow and love yours, want to follow each other? Let me know.

  33. This is mega cute! Her little feet in paint are so adorable! Enjoy your Mother-Daughter day ~ I think it's a great idea! xx

  34. I am not a massivly "one for children" but the post is so lovely, your last paragraph is so so heart warming and youve done well to put something so unimaginable into words!

  35. You are a really great mum no matter what others say. You always have great ideas and also a nice new blog design by the way :)
    xx Lisa

  36. This is so cute It reminds me of when I was a kid!

  37. I can't get over how cute Darcy is! Seriously, she's such a pretty girlie.
    Great post!


  38. Awww Darcy is so cute!! This is such a lovely post Louise xx

  39. When I have children this is exactly what I want to do, have fun activity days with him/her and get creative! Not just plonk them in front of the television!

    Leanne @ Leanne-Marie | Beauty, fashion & lifestyle. x x

  40. darcy is so precious. you are such a loving and sweet mother and a huge inspiration to me,louise.

  41. Such a cute post! I work with children so I know how amazing and precious times like these are! xxx

  42. This post makes me so broody! I want to be a primary teacher when im older and i already have a part time job working with kids and teach a sunday school class so although im not a mummy yet i can totally relate!!
    If any sprinklerinos would like to stop by my blog please dont hesitate to say hello x

  43. Bless her. I know that bond so well. My little boy is only seven months-old but he's my bestest chum, even if he does like to poke my eyes out from time to time. I can't wait to have little conversations with him. xx

  44. PS. Love the new blog design by the way.

  45. So cute and you have inspired me to have a date day with my little boy! Sometimes it's good just to take time out and remember how special it is to be a mama x

  46. Hey Louise,
    i love the post. it is monumentally wonderful to see and read and feel your love for Darcy, there is no doubt that she is supremely loved. And gosh that little cherub face, how could you not want to smoosh it lovingly!
    I totalyl understand what you mean about the squish bit, im my family we say things just like that and we do this thing where like scrunch up our hands and our face (in a non angry way) and say 'oooooooooh i just would to squish and smooosh you' like in a really passionate way like you just want to kind of absorb that person as much as you can.

    a few years ago i came across the pic and it is now a family favourite that we all have given each other! It sums up perfectly that kinda feeling of oooh squishing love! (btw this isnt spammy, i have nothing to do with the site, i just adore their cards and designs!)

    Thanks for always brightening my day!

  47. So freakin cute! And your posts always make me laugh (usually I read them in work so I look like a loon!) I have started to do this with my wee one too! It's nice to take time out to focus on them once in a while. xx

  48. What a lovely post that was and my Darcy is so cute xx

  49. Aww Louise, my heart is melting everytime I see you and Baby Glitter or I read about how much you love her. :)
    I'm sure you are the greatest Mum Darcy (or a Baby in general) could get!


  50. I'm not a child person at all, but she is the cutest little mini person ever! You seem like a really amazing mummy!

    Sophs xx

    The Sopho Diaries

  51. She is the cutest!!!!

  52. aw, this is such a lovely post. You really are blessed! I love what you've done to your blog as well! :-)


  53. Oh Louise, Darcy is just cute on this picture :) - I remember when I was in kindergarden, where we also painted our hands and feets and made some lovely and "Child-high-art" pictures (for - I'think it was mothersday:))

    Love All your posts!


  54. I'm definitely a 'baby/child' person even though I don't yet have children myself, and appreciate these baby glitter posts sooo much. She is one of the sweetest little girls ever, and is growing up so fast. You're a brilliant Mother :)

  55. Aww this is such a beautiful post. Darcy is such a little treasure! Makes me look forward to having my own children one day :)


  56. Awww, this is such a cute post! x

  57. Has your layout changed, it looks different and really nice! It looks like you had a lovely day! xxxx

  58. This is so cute! She is such an adorable little girl! I want to be like this with my kids one day and give them little memories like this of fun stuff we've done together. You're such a good mum! :)

  59. I cherished those type of days. I miss my babies as they're now at school. It was great being able to slob around and make mess for a reason. Roll on the school holidays.
    My two are near 6 & 7 now but i still carry around baby wipes. I've lost the changing bag but i doubt i'll never loose the comfort of carrying about wipes.
    Baby Glitter is a sweetie. I'm glad you're enjoying being a mummy so much. Not all mums do, not because they don't want too. X

    Jules x

  60. Wet wipes are definitely useful when little ones are around.

  61. Wow thats gr8 utilization of time.. good thing done by both of you.
    my love to u and to your sweet daughter

  62. I think you both enjoyed a lot that day..
    Keep on going..

    One should have to give time for ones baby / daughter.

  63. You know, I'm not a kid person. There. it's out there. BUT I did enjoy this post. The other day I was cuddling my friend's baby son and was overcome at how wonderful and cute he was, I wanted to smother him with kisses! His mum was very impressed because she knows I'm more of an adults kind of girl! I'm glad you had such a fun day, I hope you have many more to cherish.

    Hannah x

  64. Such a lovely post Louise, so glad you had a brilliant day :)

    Harri xxx

  65. This is adorable, Darcy is the cutest!xx

  66. Louise I just love reading about your time with Darcy. It's simply the sweetest thing to read. You make me want to raise a little toddler myself so damn much. I just need to get a bit older ;)

    xx Vanessa |

  67. This is such an adorable post Louise! Darcy is so bloody cute! xxx

  68. Love the slight layout change! Seems much more simple/organized now. The floral baskets in the background of the first picture of Darcy are so lovely.


  69. Ahh Darcy is just so cute!<3

  70. Awww Louise, that is the feeling right there that makes motherhood the best thing I have ever done, that feeling of being so overwhelmed with love that you just want to bite their wee head off!

    High fives to the mammies!

  71. This made me cry from all the love you and Darcy have. I'm only 17 but I'm a "baby/child person" so it's wonderful to watch and read about theese things. I'm actually looking forward to have a baby (but at least 7 years from now :D).

    Thank you for sharing your mother-daughter love <3

  72. Oh my gosh this post makes my ovaries ache! I cannot wait to have a baby (well, I can literally wait as I'm not planning on it for another 6-7 years yet but still...) I'm so excited about it. I'm one of those annoying people who go all mushy and coo a lot when they see a small baby or a cute toddler! I love your Darcy posts as each and every one just radiates how much love you have for her. You are the most gorgeous mother and baby I have ever seen!

    Christina x

  73. Awww such a lovely post. Every time you post a photo of Darcy, I show my mum and we have an "awwww she's so damn cute" moment haha. Just from your posts and videos, I can tell you are a wonderful mother.

  74. Oh, she is just so sweet! I can't wait to have one of my own - even though it will be a while yet!


  75. Louise, this is just the cutest! Darcy is so adorable, you must be really proud!


  76. Darcy is gorgeous and you're an AMAZING mum! Look's like you had an amazing day!! x

  77. Aw this was SO cute Louise, I'm all for cheesyness here, I love these kind of posts! :)

  78. aww shes so adorable! sounds like you had a perfect mummy-daughter day :)

  79. Oh my god this made me cry! The way you worded your love for Darcy.. it's just identical for how I feel about my little boy. They're ever so precious, and everyday is a blessing with him in it :) Beautiful post!! xxxx
    Gem ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  80. Awww those paintings will look so cute framed!
    I can't wait till I have my own little family to do things like this!

  81. She is just the cutest! Such a little cutey!
    Bet you had such a messy day :)

    Pipp xx

  82. you're such a good mummy! this reminds me of when I was a baby, i loved to make hand/footprints! i'm glad you had such a fun day!

  83. you are an incredible person and mother and an inspiration to all mummmies and mummies-to-be :) xxx

  84. That sounds like such an incredible feeling lovely, you described it amazingly! I cant wait to be a mum and completly get what you mean!
    Its nice to stop and appreciate the people in our lives :)
    Come visit my Fashion Blog!

  85. Darcy's adorable and very lucky to have such an amazing mum like Louise <3 xx

  86. I love this post! Its not mooshy at all, i am quite a while off kids yet but i can absolutely relate to this. Looks like bliss!


  87. sounds lovely xx

  88. Sounds like a prefect day with your daughter :)
    Such a lovely post!

  89. She is so cute!

  90. Glad you had fun! I love what you've made, Darcy is so cute!


  91. I am a baby/child person so I get what you mean, I'm only 15 years old but I love almost every child I see,, childobsession all the way haha.


  92. aaaw shes adorable! its so nice to see you spending quality time with her, she will remember it when she grows up :) - personal blogs.

  93. awww its so good that you spend so much quality time with your daughter xx

  94. Aw this is adorable! she is so cute!!

  95. She is so beautiful! making me broody hahaha. im 16!

  96. I love this! I just did something very similar with my son. Mummy-baby time while my husband is at work is the time I treasure most.

    I'm so glad I found this blog, finding mum's who are alsoas interested in beauty and fashion as I am is difficult.

    Great post :) xx

  97. I wasn't a baby person at all until my baby brother was born, and now I can't imagine how I was happy without him! I can't wait to do hand painting with him when he's a bit older, he'd love it! x

  98. Darcy is more than adorable. I love the way you write. It's as if you're talking which makes it so much more engaging than alot of other drivel! I love hearing mums talk about their children. Can't wait to have that bond.

  99. Awwwww baby glitter is just so cute!!
    Such a gorgeous baby! x

  100. She is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  101. Awww, you're such a lovely Mum and Darcy is so adorable! Also, where did you get those floral boxes in the shelf behind Darcy? They're really sweet. x

  102. Darcy's beautiful and soo cute her laugh is cute as cute can be
    you've done a fantastic job bringng her up you and matt :)

  103. Darcy is so gorgeous, the perfect toddler! You are your family are something I now aspire to be like when i'm older as you always seem so happy and perfect! I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look at my blog as I am just starting out and have been inspired a lot by you! It's - I really hope you are aware how much I look up to you and just how perfect Darcy is!

  104. This is such a cute and fun idea :D xx


  105. Awesome article you write, it was exceptionally helpful data here! Cheers


  106. The content on your site is great. I am impressed


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx