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Monday, 4 February 2013

Motivational Monday #1

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's Monday, you're at your office desk/reading your phone on the commute/feeding the baby/not listening in class because Sprinkle of Glitter is so thrilling (haha) and the weekend seems like a long way off.

I know the feeling. I used to go into my old office with a very heavy heart- world's biggest YAY for working from home!

To help you combat this, we're going to be a happy glitter family and stay motivated. We're going to embrace the week and all it will offer to us. It's going to be a good one, I can feel it in my waters....wherever they may be.

So, as you can see, I turned to the most motivational place on earth the internet, Pinterest.

This little slogan really struck a cord with me. There are so many huge things I want to do but often feel put off or overwhelmed by. This week, I'm going to take one of them and start at the very beginning...'it's a very good place to start'. I won't go into what it is because it's pretty personal, but I'm glad to be starting and making a dent in my journey.

The reason I'm writing this is because there might be someone else out there who has something they want to start but have previously been daunted by such a large task. If that's you, come and hold my hand and we'll do it together, as a community. 

Feel free to share your big things below, whether it's exactly what you want to do and how you're going to do it, or just that you're in it with me, I'd love to hear.

Are you about to start something big?



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  1. Remember that I am never alone, again it's personal but thank you!


  2. I've got a big week ahead, applying to approx. 48574625484 placements for my sandwhich year at Uni! Fingers crossed.... Have a great week everyone :)

    Samya - Samya Says..


  3. I believe that what I wanted to start for a veeeeeeeeery long time was a writing a blog!
    It was a huge thing for me, being shy and all, but a couple of weeks ago decided to just do it! So here I am! And it's true that there are small beginning to the biggest things!!

    xx, A!

  4. Great post! :)
    Aaaand this is going to sound incredibly silly and stupid, but I can totally relate with the big task thing because I really need to start learning how to drive (yeah i know.. don't laugh - I told you it was silly, haha) but I've been putting it off for a long time now. I really need to learn how to drive, all my friends have their driving licence already, but it seems like such a hard task to me. I know that like a zillion people think that this is "easy" - however, I find it such an incredibly hard and big and scary task (especially scary because of all the accidents you hear on tv..)

    Anyway, good luck with your big thing this week! <3

    1. I'm 27 and I'm just learning to drive as well. I feel the same way about it that you do. :)

    2. I passed my driving test late last year and i'm so glad it's all over and done with now. I held off booking my first lesson for so long! I was so frustrated with myself because I was petrified to start learning(even just making a phone call to book it). Once I started learning I got a little nervous before each lesson but once I was in the car I was fine.

      Good luck! xxx

  5. Absolutely love your positivity. P.S. Is it weird that I read "Aloha Sprinklerinos" in my head in your voice? Probably been watching too many of your YouTube videos.

  6. Awe I love your posts. You're so inspirational. Loves it! xx

  7. Good luck with whatever it is you're embarking upon!

    I am going to start the MAMMOTH task of becoming more organised this week, because I am so very unorganised and always have been. It's something I have hated about my personality, I often wish I was a virgo, but that's life! It doesn't come naturally to me, yet I am an idealist and would LOVE to live in a minimalist house, with clear spaces and no mess, and do everything I set out to do by the deadline, and stop turning up late to EVERYTHING.

    So starting small really does sound like a great place to start. I am going to start by simply drawing up a calendar of household tasks, and trying to do them on certain days at certain times!

    Very boring, but also potentially life changing.

  8. What a wonderful quote and perfect for me at this time. It's nice to know that the moment I embark a daunting task there are so many other people out there starting their own at precisely this same time. Good luck with you journey, whatever it may be. Know that you are not alone. :)

  9. I'm also trying to tackle something kind of personal but I'm starting with trying to live a healthier lifestyle (which starts with yoga three times a week)! I'm in my second week and it's really difficult but I'm determined to keep at it. Good luck with your endeavours, I think you are really inspiring! =)

  10. Louise you are an absolute inspiration to me !!! I dont know if im the only guy who watches your channel and reads your blog religiously but i do love how positive and enthusiastic you are. Never stop being you :)

    Check out my blog and anyone who wants to follow me :)

  11. Well our glitter leader (I feel like we should have some kind of formal 'Sprinkle of glitter uniform) I'm about to embark on Motherhood! Now that is going to be one heck of a task but also (as I can see from little Darcy) one heck of a blessing!

    Merry Monday! xxx

  12. A motivational slogan indeed! We have started something big very recently (if it works out, that is) and we hope it will become something. If you have never tried, you can never tell how it's going to be, right? :)

    And we are also thinking about creating the 3rd and hopefully the last member of the family this year, so hopefully everything will be ok. :)

    I hope that you will have huge success with your journey, and most important of all, enjoy the process and rock it with lots of magic sprinkles. :D

  13. Louise,

    I love everything about you! Your videos, your blog. Everything. This post really made me think, about all the things that I want to do. There are literally so many, but if I never start any of them I will have gotten no where in life. Thank you so much for be a large inspiration in my life. I look up to you for almost everything.

    Keep being amazing! xxx

    -Camryn :)

    (PS, love from America!)

  14. I've recently had anxiety and have been wanting to gain confidence for ages - little steps :)


  15. I have a very busy work week ahead of me, and my job consists of me constantly being on my feet running about so this was nice to see before tomorrows early morning. Thanks for always being there! Love from MN!

  16. I am about to start something big. I've had this goal for the longest time and every time i try to do something about it I end up giving up. But today's a new so I am going to try once again :) Wish me luck :)

  17. My big thing (ooer!) is to put together my English Literature Creative Writing Portfolio. Im half way through but because the deadline is on Wednesday, I'm feeling a little deflated. This post has given me the push I need to just go for it! Wish me luck! (: xx

  18. Perfect timing. I've followed blogs for so long and finally got the courage to start my own after a series of pretty life changing personal events. It's daunting to put yourself out there but I've also found it to be very freeing:) Thanks for reminding me that small steps make a difference xx uk

  19. My 'big thing' is to finish all of my English Language Coursework for the Thursday Deadling, eek! But this post is so lovely and I hope everyone has a good week xx

  20. Good Luck with your task, my plan is to finish a wedding montage video I have been editing, I keep putting it off because I'm scared it will be bad, but this week I will finish it!

  21. Thank you for this lovely Monday morning post Louise :) It's just what I needed after a weekend of not feeling well and also after weeks of putting off my big thing! This week I will send off my application for a new job :) Hope you have a great Monday :) x x x

  22. Think this might be the nudge I need to start doing something more creative- the office and its related politics really gets you down after a while, time for a little change! Thanks for your inspirational words Louise. I also wanted to mention a website called pencourage where people can write down their thoughts etc, sort of like an anti-facebook as its anonymous and truthful instead of just people bragging...

    : ) Happy Monday

  23. This post couldn't have come at a better time! There is something big and scary that I need to do this week and I was considering not doing it because it worries me. I think this post is a sign that I should do it because I really need too! I love these types of posts - thank you :) xx

  24. i think graduating from school is the biggest thing i'm up to and hopefully going to university after. i'm really thrilled.

  25. I love your personality! I'm not doing anything big, but I enjoy blogging and in the past few weeks (my blog is only a month old) I managed to reach 100 followers and it's really a big deal for me as I thought I'd never reach an amount like that (although comparing to your followers, my blog is nothing hahaha). It made me think that I really want to do this in my life and I want to keep blogging because it's a way to clear my head too. I'll have big decisions to make once I'm getting my grades after exams, but for now I'm fine I think. I just want to keep blogging, keep on learning, keep on growing and share my happiness with the world!

    Great post! I love your personality!


  26. Lovely blog post :) I'm working from home today (yaaaaay) but the pain of going in to work on a Monday morning isn't nice! It's always good to break big things and remember that everything has to start somewhere - I like to think of my blog that way. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day! :) xxx

  27. Great post!! X

  28. I decided to go do endurance rides with my horse, i have to start training for 12 weeks long to get the horse and myself in shape. Im going to join a competition on the 28th of April so i have a goal for myself. I hope im gonna stick to my plan and make as much time for it as possible and start at the right beginning :)

    xoxo Anne

  29. I like this. I'm reading the 'Happiness Project' at the moment to boost my motivation towards everyday activities in order to tackle the bigger things that need doing. I'm loving organising my life from even the simplest, tiniest things like sorting my sock drawer out. I feel so much better for getting rid of the little nagging things :)


  30. I start a new job today! Bit nervous but I know it's going to be worth it in the end. Keep doing these types of posts, they're lovely and just what people need to see on a Monday morning! xx

  31. I'm starting to train for a Half Marathon that's in 4 months...EEK!

  32. got my driving test tomorrow morning! so scared!!!!! x

  33. My 'big thing' is getting my own house with my boyfriend. It's quite a big thing to prepare for, especially saving. This morning I woke up feeling a little disheartened as I wasn't sure if we will ever make it. But your quote has boosted me. It will take lots of little steps and I won't get there unless I start taking them. I'm off to ebay my heart out. You're a star Louise. :)

    Happy Monday!

    Jess @ditzyglamour

  34. Happy Monday! I have so many decisions and tasks to get started over the next few years sometimes its easy to forget that everything has a beginning. :-) SX

  35. I'm at a big stepping stone of my life right now where I'm on the brink of moving away from home for the first time ever, it's a big step full of excitement and nerves. It's nice to have your encouragement to be proactive.

  36. Good luck with your journey whatever it may be Louise - we all know you can do it! Happy Monday :) x

  37. Thanks Louise! I think a lot of us really needed to hear that!
    Good luck with your start of something new :-)
    My thing started last Friday when I made my own beauty blog. I hope it'll take off.


  38. Hugest YAY for working from home, I wouldn't change it but oooh the distractions, must do some work!

  39. Love this post Louise! My big thing is definitely Blogging. I'm so glad I made the decision to start, it's the best decision I've ever made! xxx

  40. I love that quote, and it's so true, but often so hard to see the bigger picture when things seem very far off in the future.

  41. Reading your posts is motivation enough for me on a monday! Thank you!

  42. This is a very good quote for me right now. The two things I'm trying to sort out in my life is my career and weight/health, both of which I am struggling to get on track.
    I've finally decided enough is enough weigh-wise as I have to be a bridesmaid in 6months and have put myself back on a strict healthy eating and exercise regime as of today! Work is a little harder being self-employed, noone seems to want to pay for makeup at the moment and all I can find are unpaid jobs..hopefully if I just keep trying it will soon fall into place.

    What a ramble about myself, I hope whatever your personal journey is goes really well and whenever it's hard you can just think that there's others out there plodding along with you trying to make a go of it! <3

  43. Thanks for the quote! x

  44. Thank you for this post, I really need motivation as I am a real queen of procrastination. As for the big things I plan to do - there is one. This year I started college, and one month or so in, I realized I don't enjoy it and that classes are not interesting for me. So i decided to try and get into a different college this year. But to do that ( as my country has stupid college requires ) I have to re-sit my final exams in high school, but I also have to keep up my grades at college because if you don't finish it with a good enough gpa, you have to pay for that whole year of studying ( and that's a lot of money). So yeah, a lot of big things are ahead of me, and frankly I'm scared as hell. But your lovely blog always puts a smile on my face and makes all of this slightly easier.
    Thank you Louise xx

  45. I have always wanted to have my blog but am overwhelmed by the amount of amazing blogs there already are! But this quote makes me realise that your blog alongside others will have started out like mine is today... I am determined to get my blog going and writing posts twice a week :)!
    How did you first start promoting your blog and getting people to loooook at it?

    thanks xx

  46. my big thing is that I really want to learn french fluently, and I am trying so hard to ahieve my dreams! I'm doing my best to work hard at school and this quote had reminded me that I can do it :) thankyou louise :)

  47. feeling ready for the rest of monday now yay xxxxx

  48. I cant get enough of pintrest either, I love to find all manner of things on it an always puts a smile on my face!

    Pipp xx

  49. Great quote! :) xxx

  50. love it :) so very true too
    thank you

  51. such an inspirational post xx

  52. Aw such a cute post, made my Monday just a little better:) x

  53. This is how I feel like sometimes when looking at my blog or when beginning an essay which I know needs to be pretty good. A bit of motivation is always needed and there is always a beginning!!

    I would LOVE it if you guys came over and checked my blog out! And maybe even follow too? WOULD MAKE MY DAY :D

  54. I just started at a new job and I'm hoping it's the start of something big! Lovely post!

    I've just got a new layout :) I'm looking for new blogging friends so get in touch :)


  55. I emailed you not long ago and I feel like this post has answered my question in one way or another, love the post :)

  56. Love this post, very motivating!! :-) Good luck starting whatever youre starting :-D xx

  57. Stay motivated mondays !! <3
    Lots of love from

  58. This is the honest truth! It an be hard to remember when you venture on a project and it doesnt seem to be working out how you want but you just have to keep at it!
    I love your motivational posts!
    Saadiya x

  59. Good luck with your task and I think your so inspirational and have made me want to do the things I want tot do :) love you and your positivity xxx

  60. Loved this post! I have a job interview tomorrow.. fingers crossed eh?! X

  61. College, looking for internships and blogging:)

  62. my big thing is starting to save a deposit to buy a house, shopping is just too addictive!

  63. I am a bit scared to start my youtube channel...I have filmed my first video but I'm too scared to put it up. However, your motivational words have helped me and I am feeling slightly less daunted by it hehe :)
    Thanks, and good luck! xxx

  64. Thats such a lovely quote!
    I've got university entry tests and interviews next week so that's quite daunting!

  65. Whenever I need to do something important and just don’t feel motivated I always spend a good couple of hours on Pinterest (my happy place too) looking at motivation quotes and pictures. Normally I spend more time on this than the actual task itself though… Just hoping if I pin enough diet & exercise pins then I’ll wake up with a six-pack!

  66. What a fantastic and inspirational post! I also started a rather large journey this Monday, so I'm in it with you, my friend! Good luck to you on yours!


  67. This is fabulous, you are fabulous! xxxxx

  68. I REALLY want to start vlogging but I'm scared....kinda....I'm afraid the young people I work with will see the clips and point and laugh! :(

  69. What a great saying! Love it :)

  70. Mine is to find some internships!... I do Journalism & Broadcasting, I have no idea which sector I'd like to go into in the future, which is a daunting thought! I'm planning to change that this year though :)
    Thanks again for the glitter Inspo xxx

  71. I have a similar qoute of the week blogposts kinda thing in my blog too ... but yours is SO SO much better. :)

    xx Be sure to check mine out at xx :) hugs and kisses

  72. Lovely post really encouraging ....for me starting my blog is a big step a place where i share my experience + thought ,my creativity and all that jazz........wish me luck....:)

  73. Can i just say what your doing is amazing. It truly is. I read you're blogs and watch your youtube channel and find a sense of worth and feel my joy for life come back. Im not going to go to much into it but iv been fighting with depression for over 10 years. I've found it hard at times to enjoy life, my own negatives regularly creep in. I just wont to say your doing an amazing job inspiring lots of people including me. Thankyou :) x

  74. I've only just begun following you and I've fallen completely in love with Motivational Mondays! So much so, I've decided to come all the way back to the very beginning to see what I've missed out on. Some big things I've started lately are my own blog, and being for positive in my life :)
    Thanks for another bit of loveliness, Louise! xx

  75. I'm about to start a huge project at course, I study Fashion and we have to make a 3 piece collection, so I am busy designing and will soon be making some hopefully amazing garments which could lead me to go anywhere, (:

  76. This whole post is so true, i feel a lot of the time people are put off by what looks like a daunting task instead of realising everybody has to start from the bottom!

  77. I'm in it with you I have to start something and I'm going to! Thank you!!! :)

  78. This is great! I am very motivated by your blog and others like yours (Like Zoella's for example), I don't really fit the beauty/fashion background to start a blog on that as I'm only just getting inspired to take care of myself.

    However I've been inspired to start this one that's going to be about several things of nightlife, photography, music..more about how the nightlife is slowing down because of places closing and showing people whats already happened. So it's also a travel blog!

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx