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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

3 Happy Aims

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

March is here and my calendar is already jam packed. I do like knowing what I have on but by the same token it does leave me feeling a little tense and then I forget all the nice little things that don't take up too much time and really boost my qualify of life. 

Despite my busy month (trip to Florida, family staying, visits to London, birthday parties etc) I am committing to 3 Happy Aims to keep me sane and happy. I encourage you to do the same and see if it makes a positive difference.

3 Happy Aims

1. Use my big girl camera as much as possible, if not every day. 
- I love looking back through my memory cards and being glad of snapping certain things. It preserves my memories, inspires me to blog more and forces me to get creative. I'd love to use it every day but if that isn't feasible, I'll be happy with every other. Either way, good things will come out of it. 

2. Have a weekly Mummy-Daughter date. 
- We spend most of our days together but I want to make sure we actually go somewhere and do something especially for us and really be present in them. No screen time, no taking calls, just us.

3. Do 12-15 #GlitterGetsFitter 's. 
- January was amazing, February was a bit slack, time to stop dawdling and get on it. Naughty Louise! Click HERE if you're confused. 


Will you be joining me in my little quest? If you are, I'd love to hear what 3 things you might try in the comments!

I'll update you on mine in a few weeks. 



Contributor - Louise

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  1. Good plan.. I'll definitely take this on board! xx

    Kate | A British Sparkle

  2. My aims are to:
    1) post 2-3 times every week on my blog
    2) stop bottling things up and speak out
    3) write down one quote every day to help me on days I feel down or to inspire others
    Thank you for bringing these things to light Louise - I wish you luck with your aims!
    Lauren x

  3. Great plan! My main aim is to stop letting anxiety get the better of me! X.

  4. My 3 would definitely be
    1. Enjoying moments more...actually living life and being in the moment instead of on my phone
    2. Start running again!
    3. Trying new things and saying YES more :)
    I seriously can't say enough how much I love your blog and how much I admire you. Thank you for sharing your life with us and inspiring me to be a little better :)

  5. This sounds great! Mine are:
    To notice my friends achievements more and be even more happy for them.
    To keep remembering the happy parts of my week and continue that feature on my blog.
    And, I hope you don't mind if I steal one of yours for my last one, take more photographs!

    Izzy | My Blog | My YouTube

  6. That picture is really nice!
    1. Keep my room at college clean... maybe a bit OCD? haha
    2. Aim for 3 workouts each week
    3. Take time out of college/uni life to keep up my horse riding!

    Goodluck Louise :)


  7. I love this post! My aims are:
    1. Appreciate what I have in life more
    2. Take time out from uni to have a bit of me time and de-stress
    3. See the positives in things rather than the negatives :)

    I'd love it if you could check out my blog, I'm a bit of a newbie! xxx

  8. Good plans louise!
    A lot of my aims are focused on my blog and im determined to keep up with it! xox

    child abuse survivor blog;

  9. Love this idea! Thanks for the inspiration. I think I'm going to give these three things a whirl:
    1. Do something relaxing once a week and indulge in a little "me" time (I feel like I have been on fast forward the last couple of months).
    2. Decorate and give my home office space a little bit of glam.
    3. Try to soak up a little Vitamin D by taking my dog on more morning walks.

  10. I love this! Having been off ill and bed-ridden for over two weeks I am definitely in need of some happy aims. OK I think I'm going to go for:

    1. Go outside every day
    2. Produce quality blog work every day (i.e. something constructive for my own blog and not hours of reading other people's/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter....)
    3. Practice using my new 'big girl' camera every day! (Could you please share some tips? I'm super excited about having my new fancy camera but equally daunted as I don't have a scooby how to work it!)

    Maxine xxx

  11. I'll definitely join! Have such a crazy few months coming up (just did a blog post on it), so I need to keep positive :)
    1. Work out! It always helps me stay sane and energetic
    2. See friends more often
    3. Stay motivated and work really hard, I know I will regret not using the opportunity 150%!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Renate from
    A new post just went up on my blog, if you're interested to check it out!

  12. That is sweet, mines would be allow myself to have fun
    Such a nice post x

  13. I love this idea as I have a rather busy/stressful month ahead of me

    1. To enjoy the last few weeks of my pregnancy instead of getting annoyed at every ache and pain
    2. Stick to doing my prenatal (and when baby is here) postnatal yoga because at the moment my mind is willing but my body isn't...
    3. Make more creative things for the home and presents for the family

    Cherrie x

  14. I join in on aim 1!!! My other aim is to go to bed earlier and to spend more time
    With friends.

  15. Lovely post :) Every time I've seen your Glitter Get's Fitter posts on instagram I smile, keep it up!
    I need to get more sleep, exercise more (I used to do it once I day but recently came down with a nasty bug that lingered for 2 weeks so got out of the habit!) and also to get out more, go for country walks, down to the beach, just fresh air!

    Amelia Rose | Beauty Blogger

    Makeup GIVEAWAY


  16. Best of luck! Mine would be to 1) Kick butt in my maths exam 2) Take my dog on an extra walk at least twice a week and 3) Bake something.
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

  17. Great aims Louise! I've got three aims this month also which are as follows: to eat 3 meals a day, turn my computer off at 11pm every night (as I am very bad at browsing the internet when I should be sleeping) and to go outside more for little walks or even just to photograph the weather that day. I always feel more awake when I've been outside! X

  18. This was just what i needed to read on this sunny Wednesday morning! I've been a little slack with everything recently and it's really been getting me down. Time to get my arse into gear, haha!

  19. I think my thing is to start walking after school as it is getting into the cooler months and to clear my head as it is my final year of school. And to use my big girl camera as well, as I want to become a photographer when leaving school, I really want to use it more and be inspired for blog posts and just photography :) Also to read more, I became slack in reading a book, so read, read read haha

    That is my two things haha

  20. aw they are lovely aims. fitness is a tricky one, everyone that doesnt naturally enjoy sporty stuff reaches a point where they loose interest with it, but as long as you return to it at some point then don't be so hard on yourself! maybe combine all three aims to help make them more likely to happen and more enjoyable.
    i would also allow yourself (even put it in your diary or calendar) to have lazy days of nothingness, just pottering around the house. then you're more likely to get things done on other days. that works for me anyway!

    i'll have a think about some happy goals of my own today, im going to buy stationary (<3) today and get organised as ive just started a very different and scary new job and need some organisation in my previously chaotic life! (basically it's an excuse to buy both neccessary and unnecessary stationary.) but now ive got my new job, i want to make sure my social life and free time are spent wisely so my three happy goals are going to be selfish lovely ones, i think :)

    oh yes and i have to say, i absolutely love you. your videos and your blog... you're just the nicest. keep doing what you do lovely lady <3

  21. Great aims! one of mine is to post a few times a week x

  22. Fantastic! Definitely going to try and apply this. I think 1) Eat well through the week, but allow myself weekends to be unhealthy (for now); 2) Make sure I keep in touch with my family and besties at least once a week (even at the crazy-busy times!); and 3) Start everyday with some positive thoughts :D Wendy xx
    Scottish Wendy | Wendy's World

  23. What a great idea, make small goals every month. Easily attainable and will give you a boost of confidence when you meet them. Good luck on all your travels this month Louise, sure wish I could attend Playlist Live to come and meet you! Oh and my three March goals: 1) No soda pop, especially coke. 2) Get a gym membership and 3) Blog more!

  24. Such a great idea Louise :) definitely agree that life can take over and we can forget to do the small little things that matter!
    Alana x

  25. Lovely idea and you have so much going on in March very lucky haha! :) I always love using my camera as its a great way to store memories and look back on so this is a nice point you focused on xx

  26. 1. Get back on track with the gym and eating healthy
    2. Post more on my blog and just like you said, take more photos and videos to keep those special memories alive
    3. Start enjoying life more, doing things that make me happy :) <3

  27. I love the idea of you and baby glitter having a whole day spent doing things together, with no interruptions, definalty boost the quality of life!!
    Sounds like a good idea, all of them do!! xx

  28. Fantastic post!
    I aim to work harder this month (lots of over time) get back on the diet (i've nearly lost 2 stone) and visit friends I haven't seen in a while! xx

  29. Hey Louise,

    Great post!

    :) x


  31. Great plan! Wish you good luck and lots of motivation

    Visit my blog guys, covers everything between life and style

  32. Love this post!

    Keep up the Glitter Gets Fitter, you can tell what you are doing is working :D!


  33. 1. doing pilates of some kind of movement every day en being more healthy
    2. working on my own little projects
    3. taking a photo every day of something that made me happy that day .. that's actually a challenge of a group in the Netherlands. You have to take a photo for the next 100 days of something that made you happy that day. It can be anything and you have to send that picture to them. If you last 100 days you get a book with all your happy memories send to you. I thought that it was one of the most awesome things I 've ever heard. So I'm going to try it.

    Hope we both can stick to are 3 things :)

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I just saw that you can do this to Louise! go to and you can take on the challenge as well :)

  36. 1. Stop procrastinating and actually do the things I'm supposed to be doing instead of messing about. Procrastination doesn't get you far at uni, surprisingly...
    2. Go to the gym at least three times a week, maybe more.
    3. Stop being afraid to make new friends. I'm quite shy and become extremely nervous and anxious around new people. I would like to take the steps to meet more people and create new opportunities for myself through the connections I make.

  37. 1. To get to this November where I finally get THE ALL CLEAR from CANCER.
    2. To blog more to raise more awareness of teenage cancer.
    3. To gain my strength back physically, by swimming.

    I love reading your blogs, watching your videos Louise. When I was in hospital for 8 months in 2012 I watched and read all your posts from the very beginning and have been following you ever since. By reading your blog you have inspired me to blog about my battle with cancer and life after cancer. Its a very positive blog so have a read....

    Please everyone share and help raise awareness :)

    Elisha x

    1. I hope you get the all clear, you seem very strong! Such a great idea to blog about your experiences etc with cancer, many people wouldn't dare to say a word about it. Definitely checking your blog out.

  38. Lovely post, Louise! ♥

    My 3 things are

    1. Be more happy with who I am!
    2. Finish school soon and move to Ireland!!
    3. Stop being afraid of everything.

    I love your blog and your videos on YouTube Louise! :))

  39. what an amazing idea! mine are: take my time with blogging, try and make more "free time" and take breaks between studying and working and finally, to see my friends more xx

  40. I like every instagram I see of your Glitter mission, I feel like I'm cheering you on! Keep it up you are doing SO well, and you look even more glowing than usual :D xx

  41. Mommy daughter dates sounds so cute :) You're a great mother.


  42. Great ideas! I hope you do well with completing your three aims :). I am going to try to get outside more, blog more often, and spend more time with my family!

  43. Such a great idea!

    1)Keep my room tidy with regulary clearouts
    2)Have more pamper time/time to myself where I'm not doing work
    3)Eat more fruit

  44. I love this idea!

    I'm going to try and walk more, organise my room and life better and have a more positive outlook on everything

  45. I definitely need to get fitter too! D♥

  46. I love your positivity! It always make me try to be more positive myself. My aims are to 1) not be so grumpy 2) enjoy planning my wedding more and not get so stressed! It will be all over soon! 3) to spend more time talking to or with the people who matter most to me! Xxx

  47. they sound like great aims! good luck!! Mine are to get a good long walk in every day, do a couple of hours on my course work up until deadline day and post regularly on my blog :)

    elena // kooky allure

  48. This is awesome! We need to stay happy, right?
    I should come up with some as well.

    Click & Visit me ★ Smile with Vivian

  49. This is such a good blog post idea! I also love your glittergetsfitter segment!

  50. ahh i really should use my camera more as i love taking photos although Jamie is so much better than me cos my hands shake grrr and no it's not a dslr but still an expensive samsung one i got for vlogging but now with having a decent phone i find myself just snapping away with my phone so my camera never comes out which is sad,i also want to spend time with Teegan and Tayum equal,she is going into her new big girls bedroom within about a week,i'm just waiting for a window lock off the internet as don't trust that monkey noo way,she loves it already it has a peppa pig quilt and she just really needs to get out that cos ha ha she is 2 and half but would you believe she has never ever tried to climb out which is mad,Tayum is amiling so much more now it's lovely and i can't wait for the weather to get better to get out the house more down to the water with them or to the park etc,great blog xx♥xx

  51. My aim is to use my big camera more too, they take much better photos!

  52. The list is so long! But for March:
    1. At least 2 good date nights with my husband
    2. 1 great fashion post each week
    3. Finish the three projects I have in the works for Baby E

    This is a great idea, thanks for sharing!!

  53. 1) Lose 20lbs by a doctor's appointment in May. Been losing weight over the past year and realized I'm within 20lbs of the "vanity weight" listed on my driver's license. Figured it'd be nice to actually be that weight or less than it!
    2) Post more in my blogs. Not sure how to go about that, like try for one post a week in each?
    3) Find a new job because my current job doesn't make me very happy. Always worried I'm going to get fired, I shouldn't dread opening my email or seeing my work's number flash on my phone.

  54. 1. dance more when I'm home alone
    2. sing more in the car
    3. do artsy blog posts when i go to Chicago next week

  55. They're great little aims Louise! I wish you luck!
    I'm going to...
    1. Scrapbook more/ take more photos
    2. Bake and cook more!
    3. Read at least two books! :)

  56. Good aims, and I love the picture! My aims are:
    1) Get out every day (harder than it seems when you're unemployed)
    2) Eat healthily, no binge eating or mental dieting.
    3) Stop beating myself up about everything, relax.


  57. Love these aims- I think mine would definitely be exercising as well as taking some time out away from the computer to just read or go for a walk. Also the Hubster is very busy at the moment so would like to have more dates and time out from his stresses and hard work.
    Great post!
    Katie x

  58. Hiya Louise...

    I love how positive you are with everything, I wish I could be more like you, I worry about anything and everything!

    My 3 main aims are
    1, Do more photography, I really want to do studio / portrait photography, I have no qualifications and already taught myself a lot! SO i need to be more confident and advertise myself more, i don't like meeting new people ( i have social anxiety) so if i can do this is will be such a big thing.
    2. take my daughter to more places, When she's off nursery i don't want her sitting at home bored, i wanna take her to as many places as i can...including back on an aeroplane for two possible holiday (SCARED)
    3...try and everyday as it come... i stress alottttt every min of the day and it gets me down, i want to be happy and just enjoy every day that i wake up ....

    Love Clair

  59. Hi Louise!

    First time commenter, long time follower :) And btw, love your blog!

    My Goals:
    Write everyday, even if it's just for myself
    Cut back on drinking --- err, sounds bad to say but I'm kind of a wino
    Keep to my path aka not get distracted from my long term goals but short term fixes

    Keep up the great writing!

  60. Oooo, I really like this post!
    This month I want to 1.) Be more confidant in myself and not care about what other people think.
    2.) Stop worrying about things I can't control.
    3.) Do something adventurous!
    Not as cute/cozy as your goals, but I'm going to try and stick with it!

    xo, Sarah Holt

  61. what an inspiring blog post :)
    1) keep on top of blog posts and youtube videos, February was a bit lacking
    2) loose weight for prom and summer and to be healthy
    3) Revise really hard for exams in MAY

  62. I love your blog so much Lousie! It's such a good idea to have 3 aims - I think that sometimes if you don't have an aim you can get a bit lost and sad:( My three aims are to worry less, revise more for exams instead of procrastinating and put up more blog posts!<3 xx

  63. Love this style blog post Louise! Hahaha, maybe I should use my 'big girl camera' more too!

  64. Dear Louise,

    As I'm going through a hard time, I think it's really important to have happy aims. Here are mine:

    1. Don't give up blogging/vlogging despite some negative people.

    2. To go outside more: meet up with friends, take my dog for a walk (gets fitter), ... Although it sounds easy, for me this is a hard one. But I'm gonna try. :)

    3. Me-time. Read: pamper time.

    P.S: Me and my chummy are going one a trip to France. It's like a race (starts in Belgium -where we live), called 'route du soleil' and we'll have hitchhike to get to our destination. The trip includes a lot of partying :) and because we are fans, we called our team 'Sprinklerinos' and we loove it.

    xx Petra

  65. 1. Stop procrastinating--my grades and anxiety will thank me for this
    2. Go out and enjoy life rather than sitting in my dorm room being lazy
    3. Be happy! February was a month of one constant bad mood so trying to being less negative in March

  66. These sound awesome! I'd love to use my camera more as well!

    x leah symonne x

  67. Good luck! I remember - Do what you enjoy! :D
    Elephant stories and more

  68. sounds like a great plan

    mine are:
    1. get fit
    2. pray, pray and pray
    3. learn how to use dslr

    Verve Hues

  69. Great idea..

    1. Daily quality time with my son.. just us.. no TV etc.
    2. Worry less!
    3. Be active every day!


  70. Good luck Louise ! Remember your health and happiness is what's most important!

  71. Hii louise mine would be, worry less, use technology less and try to live for the moment instead of 10 years time lol ,
    If you haven't already please check out my blog


  72. I always love your blogs they are always so positive and uplifting :) x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx