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Monday, 3 March 2014

Motivational Monday #7

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

"It's just another manic Monday, dooo dooo dooooo". I hope you know that tune otherwise I come across very odd!

Merry Monday to you. I don't need to say it again but I love Mondays. The perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Also, I'm loving being back in a Motivational Monday series again. Series One ran for 25 weeks and I plan for this one to run almost as long. Yipeee.

Today's image reminds me of something my Dad said to me once. For every action there is a reaction. The key to the latter is that you don't have to do it right away. Put a little space between the two.

Somebody could ask you to do something you're not sure about but your immediate response is to be polite and say, 'sure, no problem'. Fight that urge. Try saying, 'I'll just have to work out a few things and get back to you'. That way, you've bought some time and are able to decide if it really is something you want, need to or can do.

Similarly, when we are in great moods, it's easy to promise the earth. 'Yeeesss, let's book that holiday together!' etc. Don't do it!! I know it feels so great about the time but when you have simmered down, you'll see things in a more realistic light and could feel differently.

It's tricky. It can feel quite unnatural to not respond to stimuli immediately but having practised it a few times, it becomes second nature. You'll find that people don't mind at all and hopefully you'll get yourself into a lot less sticky situations. Says the woman who after a celebratory meal, told her MIL that if she ever had another Daughter she would middle name her after her. Smooth move Louise, really smooth ;)

This week, see if you can find a situation that normally you would want to jump on straight away. Take 5 minutes, a day, a week and then react. Contemplate whether it made a difference to you? Did you give a better response? Did the outcome suit you/the other person/people more? Is it something you'd like to do regularly? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Also, how did you do with last week's Creativity Courage challenge? I enjoyed seeing all your pictures on instagram. I do so love our little community. You give me the warm fuzzies in a big way. 



Contributor - Louise

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  1. Awh I love Mondays now xx

  2. So True! Whenever I go to book tickets for me and my friends for a concert or festival I always do it straight away without thinking and it always turns out that at that time it was the wrong decision as there are numerous times when I've gone; 'I dont even know the person we're seeing' or 'oh poo I was supposed to be saving money for something' and it is very annoying. I will take your advice and very much think before I do anything in the future.
    Love you Louise

  3. Fab post - I love your Motivational Monday's sooo much that you've almost inspired me to start doing my own! I've just published number 3 and I'd love if you could pop over to have a look.

    Yas xx

  4. This post is so true! I always do the "Let's travel the world!" and then realise it might not have been the best decision! X.

  5. Definitely I need some motivation so this is a perfect post for me! :)

  6. It's still Sunday here. Timezones are bananas. I should probably go to bed. Anywho, I love this message! Too often I overbook myself and then feel terrible because I have to back out of events. Perhaps if I give it a bit more time I won't be flaking so often and feeling so guilty.


  8. These make me love mondays!
    Great post louise!! xox

    Child abuse survivor blog;

  9. I love your Motivational Monday's posts :)

  10. Great quote, definitely agree with the statement!


    Miss Eliza WonDerland

  11. This is something I really need to learn to do, I tend to be a bit of a pushover because I don't want to upset someone by saying no, even if its something I really don't want to do! I think I'll start making more of a conscious effort to do as you've said and take time to think about things instead of saying yes to everything under the sun when put on the spot! I absolutely LOVE your motivational Mondays! I'm not a huge fan of Mondays, but these posts just left my mood instantly! X

  12. this came at the perfect time, thank you for giving me motivation and relief at saying 'no' once in a while - even though i know i should do it anyway :)
    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography -
    Support my Photography Project here !

  13. Great advice Louise (as usual) - will deffo be putting this into motion!

  14. this is my favourite motivational monday! love this quote!

  15. I adore these posts, Louise. They're always a great start to the week.

    Amelia Rose | Beauty Blogger

    Makeup GIVEAWAY


  16. woow, such a pretty site you got here :) I really have to look att my designing options at blogspot ;) Ooh, please check out my new cute prints on society6! It suits for children rooms or if you want a phonecase/toothbag yourself that will make you happy everyday. I got free shipping until 9march :D ! lots of loves /lollsen

  17. I love this. I always make too many promises when I'm the happiest person in the world, and I need to stop that.

  18. Such amazing advice Louise, something brilliant to start this week off with

  19. Love this Louise, glad Motivational Monday is back :)


  20. So tru. I need to keep this in mind cause I tend to forget it. xoxo

  21. This is great! I am also doing a Motivational March series - have a look here if you have a minute

  22. Love these tips! Yes, I do jump right in when I'm in a good mood. I'll have to stop and wait so I don't wind up overwhelmed.

  23. Oh Louise, I absolutely adore your positive energy! Love this ♥

    Holly |

  24. Wow, this is really inspiring! I'm going to give this a try!

  25. This is such a good post, highlighting such a common but important thing! I think it goes hand in hand with "think before you speak". Buying time to think can definitely save a lot of potential upsets!

    Ayesha xxx

  26. I've found that spending a little time thinking things through before saying yay or nay does me the world of good rather than being a total yes person like I used to be! Such good advice =)

  27. Need to remind myself of these more often !

  28. I really need to start thinking things through before saying yes! Far too many times after thinking things over having to change my mind, and it feels horrible to let down friends! Just happen to always be caught in a good mood so say yes without thinking!

    Amylou x

  29. Motivational Mondays has really helped me see the beauty in Mondays. This weeks post is so true I must take the time before saying yes to everything that passes my way :)

  30. Love the positive message! Happy Monday to you as well!

  31. I agree wholeheartedly with the "Don't reply when you're angry" one...something many people learn the hard way (me included!)
    Not sure I entirely agree with the other too... but gives me something to think about.

    Veronica @

  32. I have two jobs so I have this problem a lot. I've found the phrase "Let me ask my other boss." works wonders. Keep up the excellent Monday ideas! Really inspirational.

  33. This is such a fabulous concept that I'm sure I'll be using from now onwards - Wise Words!

  34. This is really what I needed right about now! I have pulled an all nighter because I have a huge paper due later today, so I'm feeling a bit down! As always, I love these posts so much and they always lift my spirits (: I tend to do that when I am happy as well! Haha this week I will definitely make an effort to stop and think about what I am agreeing to before I take action.

    Kendra | It's a Bug's Life

  35. This is one of my favourite sayings and I have seen it around the internet a lot recently. I think it makes you think about life realistically and the consequences of your actions.

    Love the motivational Mondays really helps me to get through the dreaded day at uni


  36. luurvely post as always Louise <3 I really struggle with saying no and trying to not upset people but making it difficult for myself!

    Love Julia xxx

  37. At least it was only the middle name you promised your MIL! Could have been much worse...
    I'm liking your delaying tactics, there should be an in-built pause button in every tricky conversation where you can just take a couple of minutes to think and assess the situation. I've been caught out too many times with feeling I have to say yes because I can't think of a nice way of saying NO! on the hoof.

    Miranda x

  38. Yes, Yes and Yes!! Wonderful advice that I know yet rarely practice well. We've only got so many hours in a day and days in a week, et, etc, and spending them doing things our hearts aren't in because we keep making quick, unthought out decisions is no way to spend them, the hours or the days. A good reminder on a dreary Monday morning

  39. Right now I feel sad and all sorts of decisions are running through my head. So glad I came across this post :)

    Sophie x

  40. I really really needed this today.

    I come off as a very happy and willing to do anything for anyone kind of person...and usually I am happy and I do a lot for people, but then I end up getting big requests that makes my anxiety really bad. Just last night a friend asked me a huge favor, and I wasn't sure, so I slept on it and this morning I realized I just couldn't do it. Telling her no was really hard but I feel so much better.


  41. I love this quote! :-)

    Katie x

  42. Your Motivational Monday serie missed me so much! I think it's very helpful for everybody how does not like Mondays as much as you do :P
    Ps- Tell Zoe I can't read her blog! :o

    -Mike x

  43. Love these posts such a great start to the week :) something I really needed right now too, great to come home to!
    Alana x

  44. I love this! so excited that the series is back! great to see Monday in a positive way.
    Victoria x

  45. This made me think about a lot as I do all 3 of these things :) !! x LOVE ITTTTT and I hope you all have a great week !! :) Be happy and positive and live your dreams !! :) x
    Caitriona ||

  46. This post couldn't have come at a better time! I've been asked to take on quite a few things lately and I was telling my mum the other day that I always feel like I have to say yes and agree in the moment but, I'm slowly learning that isn't the case and I can't do everything for everyone. Thanks Louise! :) xx


  47. I don't have a clue how you do it, Louise, you seem to perk up my Mondays, even if they are the worst.
    This blogpost is completely true, the amount of things that I have jumped the gun at when I have felt excited or declining things when I have felt sad, I 100% agree that people do need to take time to think things over and have a proper deep down dig x

  48. I am the worst at overcommitting and under delivering. Thanks for sharing this!

  49. This is what i look forward to every Monday Louise! I love your Motivational Monday posts and they always put me in a good mood and prepare me for the upcoming week! Love you!xxx

  50. I always try to do this! Great advice :) x

  51. Thank you so much, I love reading your posts every Monday :)

  52. great advice!x

  53. I'm a very react now think later person and it's something that I'm really trying to work on at the moment so this post has come at just the right time! Inspirational as always

  54. I'm that kind of person who promise bring down the moon and then I regret it; I really need to stop and think the situation for 5 minutes, just like you said! I'll put it in practice this week, I love this motivation Monday series!

  55. That's a great quote to live by. Broken promises are awful, replying when you're angry always ends in disaster and deciding when you're sad is almost like giving up. Wise man.


  56. Hi Louise,
    I am trying to keep motivated by keeping up my blog. It's for those who love to travel and use wheelchairs. Please take a look:
    I want everyone to know that they can travel and do what they love (in style!)

  57. This is such a great piece of advice. As someone who always wants to please and always wants to handle (control) situations I find myself often saying yes too often. Even though I really do want to say yes, it usually adds to my already busy life and causes stress. I love the advice of "I'll have to work out a few things and get back to you." This is a great way to not say no or yes right away, but allows you the time to really work out if you have the time and energy to dedicate to the task. Thank you Louise. As always, you are an inspiration!

  58. Thanks for this. I really needed this post today.

  59. I always make impulse decisions lol Sometimes I do regret it and other times I don't because I wouldn't be the same person without it. Some times in life you just need to not be so cautious, but of course don't be an idiot haha
    ❤The Secret Life of Aggie//Life Beauty Fashion❤

  60. Hi there^^,
    That´s so true! I see all that quotes on tumblr all the time! That´s why I spend half of my day on tumblr!
    I love your blog so so much! Hope Darcy is allright say hi from me :D
    Have a lovely day!

  61. Love this quote! Thanks for sharing. Nina @ mamas*little*treasures

  62. i needed this today! x

  63. This is actually something I really need to work on because often I commit to do things just to be polite or to not hurt anyone's feelings which in the end often just hurt my feelings or make me feel not as good as I would have liked to.. Or when I am out shopping I get exited and the person working there is really nice and convince me to buy all these stuff when I really don't need half of it (which is bad for the environment as well...) but do it since I'm in a good mood. I think it's actually better to just buy what I really need and wait a few days and then decide if I need something of the other things too.

    So thanks for the reminder Louise! x

    With love, Christine (

  64. This is a perfect advice for me, as i tend to make decisions instantly without giving a second thought. Especially the ones when I am in a good mood and then regret it.

    I have learned not to say anything when I am angry because It not something that you mean but end up saying in the heat of anger and then regret. By then, the damage is done and there is no taking back.

    I will definitely give this a try Louise and Thank you for being an inspiration. xx
    Naaj Ronas Lifestyle

  65. That quote just speaks for itself! Good advice, I really should stick to that!
    I hope you're having a wonderful week!

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

  66. I really don't like Mondays but now they're so much nicer! I love the motivational monday posts - Please keep doing them! <3

  67. Glad your bringing back motivational Monday posts :)! I will definitely try to wait a bit before committing to do anything - I am THE WORST at saying yes to everything. Great post Louise.

  68. This is such great advice! I often get overexcited and commit to too many things. Heh :P Will have to be mindful and try this.

  69. Love these ^.^ -

  70. Ha ha ha with the MIL issue. My MIL asked us to name our new little lady after her as she's probably their last grandchild. We managed to resist that pressure, especially as it would have given my Mum free reign to jump on the name band wagon! Lovely post x

  71. I love this and I love Motivational Mondays! <3

    Motivational Monday #4 was really helpful to me. I finally showed my boyfriend some work I have been doing and my current blog. I have never showed anyone any of my previous blogs. I deleted my last blog because I tried to show my boyfriend but I got super panicky, cried, ran home and deleted it. I hate showing people anything I do. I don't mind strangers seeing my stuff but I struggle with friends and family. After that post, I finally decided that enough is enough and I showed him. I didn't cry or delete it but I did get a little stressed and went home. Either way, it was a step in the right direction, so thank you.

  72. I love mondays too, like you said, a new chance to start again.
    I absolutely love your motivation Louise, its incredible how upbeat and positive you are - a real diamond amongst the rubble.

  73. This is great advice. Unfortunately, all too often I find myself doing these these things. Thanks for the words of wisdom.

    Bright and Shiny

  74. Soo, true! Love your blog Louise

  75. You've got good advice here. When I ask my husband a question he always pauses before he answers. It drives me crazy because he slows down the flow of conversation, but deep down I know he's just taking time to think before he responds.

  76. I absolutely love this post and just love inspiring posts.But, this post really has made an impact on me because I do this all the time and definitely feel like a bit of a pushover but I am a lot better than I used to be.

    I attempted to write an inspiring post about how you shouldn't change for anyone and I know you think the same so please have a look and give me comments on how to improve it and things that were positive about the post.


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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx