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Monday, 1 December 2014

Motivational Monday || Fight or Flight

Aloha Sprinkerinos,

Merry Monday to you! Not only a new Monday but a new month. Merry Month to you? Heh heh. 

Today's Motivational Monday will be a little different to the usual, it's a really personal tale of triumph but hopefully one you can take elements from and incorporate them into your own life. 

A couple of weeks back I wrote THIS post about comfort zones and feeling super unsettled in new places. I was blown away by your responses to that and amazed at how many of your feel the same way. For the longest time I have not vocalised my feelings about new places because I felt a bit silly or like if I didn't think or talk about them then they wouldn't be real and I could quietly overcome them. 

I am slowly realising that by being more open, I can accept it more and will find ways to deal with it better. The most crucial thing to me is that this doesn't get worse. I'm not looking for miracles, I would just like to be able to go on trips without feeling anything more than a standard amount of fear, as opposed to an irrational amount. I'd like to not say, 'Will you though? Will you actually? Will you definitely?' to someone when they say, 'You go down and get in the taxi, I'll be there in 5 minutes'. That actually did happen this weekend. Grr. 

So, last weekend I jetted off to New Jersey to attend the Playlist Live Tri-State conference. We stayed in a Hilton which was great because I stay in those a lot and felt really secure and familiar there and Dean was in the room across the hall so I felt nice about that. 

Usually when I travel for these work things, a big group of my friends go as well as either my Manager or Producer. With those people I feel somewhat cocooned in a safety net but this time I only flew out with Jack and Dean and felt a little vulnerable. Don't get me wrong, they are the greatest. Jack is one of my absolute best friends and Dean is someone who after this weekend I feel truly bonded with but none the less, I was nervous and on edge. 

The flight was great, lots of lols and a tiny bit of sleep (after an initial cry at the airport because I just anticipated all the worst things) but by the time we were at Newark, I was feeling the fear. I don't know what it is. I just detest being in environments where I can't seem to latch onto anything familiar. I kind of need that anchor. Even silly things like if I see a Starbucks makes me feel good because I know where I am with that, I know what it is and what's inside and how it will be and so can relax. 

We arrived at the hotel late so there really wasn't an evening and everything began the next day. 

We headed into New York City with some of Jack's American friends (who were so lovely- big cuddles to Amber and Dom) and I immediately didn't feel great. I've been to New York once before and I think because I was with Matt and we only did little outings for just a couple of hours at a time it was a lot less heavy. 

Everything was like an attack on my senses. We had to walk fast, dodge people, keep up convo, be freezing, smell weird street food stuff, look everywhere, everything was loud, etc etc. It was a LOT. We ate and then went to Times Square and at this point I knew I was really struggling. Whilst everyone was having a great time I tried to remind myself that it's just 'big London' and that it was all mind over matter. 

Eventually matter won over mind and I felt way too hot, I couldn't catch my breath, I wanted to jump in a taxi and zoom away but instead I darted into a bar and threw up (in the loos, not just over the drinks dispensers haha). Not good. 

That was the point I wanted to throw the towel in and grab a cab back to the hotel. I was a teary mess and felt like the city was this big bad force that was going to swallow me up and I was drowning. 

After a big glass of ice water and very soothing words from Jack (who was just perfection about the entire thing), I decided to stay. 

Long story short, I had one of the best afternoons I've had in years. I have a lot of good afternoons so this is really saying something. We went ice skating, had hot chocolates (well, I watched the gang have hot chocolates for fear of being ill again), looked in shop windows and laughed and chatted and oh me oh my it was so magical. 

If I hadn't have forced myself to do it (or Jack hadn't have helped me I should say), I wouldn't have had that. It was scary and horrible and I cried and wanted to hide away but I stayed in the situation and (ungracefully) triumphed. I'm glad about that. 

When the innate 'flight or fight' instinct kicks in, my body always opts for 'flight' and to run to safety. This weekend (lots of other things have led me to this conclusion but there are too many to write about) I found myself taking the 'fight' option on numerous occasions and I'm really pleased. 

If you do have the chance to make that choice, try 'fight'. Right now, it doesn't feel as good as 'flight' but I know if I keep doing it, it will. 

I'm going to keep being vocal about this issue and keep updating you on progress (or set backs) because it feels healing and that's nice. 

Let me know in the comments if you have ever felt this way or if you have any similar stories. 

Thank you for always being such loves on this blog, it is never un-noticed and always appreciated. 




  1. Your motivational posts always speak to me. I'm currently middle of the night stressing about final exams coming up. So thank you <3 You are literally my favourite internet person

    1. Good luck with your exams!! This is a really lovely post Louise, I feel inspired to try to be more persistent.

  2. Thank you Louise I'm exactly the same and currently facing hard times, this will help give me the courage to fight

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I hope you know how much they help people who feel the same in unfamiliar situations. xoxo.

  4. I'm so proud of you :) thank you for sharing this, little stories of people succeeding in overcoming situations such as these are always motivating and inspiring to read.

    Hannah | The Crafty Fox

  5. Before I went to Florida I was so excited. Then I got to the airport and instantly got nervy. I wasn't with my parents and they wouldn't be a phone call away to get me or anything. However the flight was fine and I distracted myself. I've done the same thing as you as when we got there I instantly threw up in publix (in the loos haha) I'm normally fine with travelling but this time it was different. We went to universal and I guess the heat and worry that if I didn't go on any rides I knew I would regret it as soon as I got home. I went on a few and ended up having a really good time but then I instantly felt awful for about an hour and felt really teary and shaking and like I couldn't breathe. After talking to my dad panickly and not making a lot of sense via text as touch screen and shakes didn't happen I was ok. I think I just needed to be reassured. After a while I got used to not being home and being somewhere new and it happened to be the best week I've had in a long time and I'm itching to go back! xx

  6. *text and shakes don't mix I mean. Stupid touch phones.

  7. i love this post! we're so proud of you <3

  8. I often feel like this when I go to a new place and I have no idea why. Someone suggest to me that it may be a control thing, which sort of make sense, I do like to control things in my own way, (even if it never pans out that way) I like to write list for everything I do, shopping list, or a to do list, a list of blog topics. If I have to go out for the day I plan out my outfit the day before, or even a few days before, so I don't have to think about on the day. I like to know a place before I go visit it too, Google becomes my best friend, stupid stuff like where is the nearest restaurant or corner shop, it is as if I think I won't be able to find food in a city, where the train station is and how far away is it from my hotel or places I want to go, in case I get lost, I even have little hand drawn maps just in case.

    Just realised this is making me sound a little crazy.

    When I watched your video of your trip to New York, I really felt the urge to hug my laptop. It reminded me of the first time I went to London, From the moment we got off the train it was like I was being swept along and I couldn't stop. The Underground scared me, the idea of having to fight your way onto a crowded train before the door closed on you, talk about a nightmare. I am a lot better now, I find that I tend to wonder off to my own little world, If I am alone I will always have music in my ears and pretend to be doing something on my phone, it something I can control, and when I feel flustered or panicky, I just find a quite place and calm myself down before I get too overwhelmed.


  9. Hi Louise :) first time commenter! I really enjoy your blogs and vlogs! I'm sorry you have such a rough time getting out to new places but it speaks volumes of your courage and character that you don't let your fear stop you. A small thought if you don't do this already, but when you're feeling very small in a big place, maybe try to make your perspective a bit smaller so you don't feel so swallowed up by it. For example, if you're in a big crowd with only a few people you know, focus in on just your immediate surroundings and just see the people in front of you. Be conscious of your nearest exit and turn the volume on the rest of it down. If you're in a big outside place, focus on a smaller area, like the small stretch of sidewalk just around you. If you feel like it, maybe carry something small in your pocket you can hold and focus in on to center you in your place. I get most nervous on flights and I find saying a small prayer and just narrating the trip and having a conversation with the lovely man upstairs brings me a bit of peace as well. Good luck and best wishes! - T.A.M.

  10. Ahhhhh reading this gives me such a feeling of warmth and comfort! Just to know someone dealing with things like this can overcome them, or deal with them at least. It's so nice you have such lovely, supportive friends too. I wouldn't say I have the same issues, but I definitely suffer at times that cause me panic, stress and lots of upset - sometimes in situations others would deem mundane, or even fun. So I'd never want you to feel any of this, but knowing that you do and YOU'RE A OKAY - kind of makes me feel a little better! :) Is that selfish?? I hope not. I hope it goes 100% for you and you never suffer again <3 But if you do... we're all here :)
    Lots of love from one scouser to another honorary scouser ;)

    Jemma xx

  11. You fought it to the best of your ability and that's what counts Louise! I've never been to New York and I know I'd be so overwhelmed, just as I was when I first went to London. I've lived in Liverpool my whole life until I went to uni all on my own and it doesn't half change you. I can't imagine what flying to Playlist etc must be like!

    You're not on your own remember! I'm glad you can be honest and write about what happened, it doesn't half make the difference when you have readers with anxiety.It's not soothing to see that you've had a rough time, but nice to know that there is someone else with anxiety and ways to cope with it. I'd pat you on the back... but here's an internet hug!

    Laura x

  12. Hi Louise :)
    I've never commented before but I wanted to say how amazing your attitude is towards dealing with these emotional issues. I know you are reluctant to call it anxiety but it does sound very similar and to try to tackle it head on is incredible. You have the right mindset and with help and support you will overcome this. Being in somewhere as vibrant as New York was bound to trigger some feelings of unsafety but the fact you fought it and didn't let it take anything away from the experience is remarkable. I am currently in a huge spiral where I just 'flight' all the time and have hardly been able to leave my flat because of this but I am going to attempt to adopt some of your attitude and 'mind over matter it'.
    Keep strong, keep talking about it and keep your positive attitude. You are wonderful :)
    Lots of love xxxx

  13. I love your Motivational Monday's they're always so nicely written, and just really speaks to me!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Thank you so much for posting this. I feel a bit like this but mine is related to panic attacks - we all have the option to choose either fight or flight, it's just fighting takes a bit more effort! x

  16. Lovely post! Thank you! I always love these! x

    Blog Marjorie

  17. I love these posts, they really are inspiring. Coming out of our comfort zones is downright terrifying, I wish I could be one of those people who just settled anywhere and everywhere but I can't. It takes time, there's so much to get used to and understand. What I've learnt is that its OK to be scared, it's perfectly fine and you will get there, get comfortable with all the new things in time, in your OWN time, and that's ok too! You're doing so well, pushing your boundaries so far and I applaud you! Keep it up!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  18. Thank you so much for sharing these posts. I get very anxious when travelling, even if its just getting the train back home from uni in the holidays and its really comforting to know I'm not the only one! I am getting better though and I actually managed my first flight on my own over the summer. It was only to Belfast but it felt like big achievement and a step in the right direction, which is good as I'm going to America for the first time next year, which will be big, new, and very scary! But I'm certain it will be worth it.
    So thank you for sharing and keep going!
    Siobhan xx

  19. Dear Louise,

    I have never commented on your videos/blogs but have been following you for quite a while and I just feel like saying thank you today for all that you share with us. I enjoy your videos and blogs so incredibly much! Your motivational posts always come into my life at the exact moment I need them, haha. I'm so happy for you that your afternoon turned out to be one of the best afternoons in years after all. Posts like these always make me feel better because of the motivational and inspiring words you write. It's so nice that you are open and honest about these kinds of things and looking at the other comments I think I do not only speak for myself when I say that I am so thankful for these posts and that they certainly influence people's lives in a positive way :)

    I truly hope that you'll soon be able to deal with your unsettled feelings in new places even better! X, Laura.

  20. I get anxious whenever I go somewhere unfamiliar/new, while also with people I don't know, and I tend to be more nervous than I should ever be. But thanks for sharing, Louise! :)

  21. I had a similar situation recently! It really helps when you talk about these things because it makes me feel so much more normal, and this has really shown me that if you stay and try to be logical about it you'll end up enjoying yourself :)

  22. Good for you Louise! If talking about your anxiety helps then you should definitely do that! I always get a bit anxious when I have a packed schedule, I always feel like there isn't enough time in one day to do everything x

  23. I love your Motivational Mondays Louise, I can relate to them a lot so they comfort me.
    Merry Monday and Merry Month to you :)

    Lots of hugs, A

  24. It's so important to fight! :) x

  25. Louise I am so SO proud of you! I'm overjoyed that you got to enjoy yourself in New york and that you're taking little steps to feeling better about traveling. Please don't worry if you do ever have a little set back though, the road to what we want is never straight and without bumps! :)

  26. Gahhh I could totally relate. I'm a big scaredy cat. Even the thought of getting into a plane scares the heck out of me, what more the idea of being someplace I have no clue how to move about.

    Fight or flight, I've done them both. I still choose flight every now and then, even after experiencing fight. Hehe.

    I'd love to read more on your progress on this. :) It's also healing to know someone else also experiences the same fears, that I am not alone (and feeling stupid) in this.

    Dawn |

  27. First off, I'm really sorry you didn't enjoy your experience in NY as much as you would've liked. I moved to NYC about three months ago and it's been a massive adjustment for me so I can relate. I'm here for college (aka university in the UK) and so it is also my first time away from my home, my friends, and my family (I'm from Florida). I can completely relate to feeling overwhelmed. For a while I had a really rough time adjusting to college, particularly swimming in college. Practices were really demanding, I was so tired, and I felt like everything was just out of my control. There was one day about a month in when I called my mom and said I was going to quit. I talked to her and several of my old teammates from home. I think I cried for four or five hours that day. I was so close to quitting but decided not to. Now, a little over a month a later, I am very happy I didn't take the 'flight' route. I've gotten really close to many of the girls on the team which wouldn't have happened if I just gave up. I think it's so important to sometimes push through the pain in situations like yours and mine. Sometimes it's hard to tell whether it's better to quit or keep going but I tend to think the latter is always the best choice because I think it's more likely to regret not continuing rather than continuing something. I hope you can continue to overcome obstacles in your life like you did with your trip to NY :) I wish you the best start to December and the holiday season Louise! Your positivity and outlook on life is always inspiring.

    Amber | Lovely Notions

  28. Well done Louise! We knew you could do it :)
    - F -

  29. Well done Louise, its inspired me to try and enjoy the sea next time I go away in a weird little way because the sea is so beautiful and i'd love to enjoy it, instead of freaking out every time I attempt to swim in it! x

  30. The fact that despite the initial unsavory start to that afternoon, you decided to stay and fight through the unfamiliarity and the dread, says so much. I get the mild sense of anxiety when I'm going somewhere I don't know people and I have one friend, whom I think will inevitably leave me and throw me to the wolves to fend for myself. I guess it wouldn't be so awkward and uncomfortably painful if I decided to fight and be social than cling into that one person!

    Thank you for sharing your words and your positivity, always.

    Sara // Dear Skim

  31. It's so great you do share this kind of experiences and it was so brave that you still decided to stay and fight through that kind of situation. Thank you for sharing this with us :)

  32. Wonderful Post, I highly appreciate those people who share some good information, because I like those people who actually share :).

  33. Another wonderful post x << Follow for follow back anyone? Let me know on my blog x

  34. I need to remember to fight more often too - lovely post Louise; definitely a motivational Monday.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  35. Thank you for being so honest. It helps me in a similar situation.
    Liz xx

  36. Thank you for sharing this :) I struggled with this problems for a long time since my friends are most like vagabonds, travelling all the time, spending time in foreign countries, I haven't even heard of. I like travelling too, but I suffer from anxiety which makes it a lot harder to enjoy my little adventures. I start little ones anyway and I accepted that I'm not made for REALLY adventurous travels.
    Just booked my tickets to my first journey totally on my own. To England :)
    And it's amazing to not feel alone with the fear. <3

  37. Great motivational Monday post Louise! Love your writing it's so nice and makes me happy!
    Love, Liv

  38. Hi Louise!
    I really find this posts about your problem with new places, kind of reassuring..Let me explain. I don't have a problem with travelling, I had always found it like a great run away from all the stuff at home. But I do however have a problem with trying things out, with being in a new club, with being with new people, even thought I have my friends or my boyfriend with me. I, as well, have a problem with a large group of people, I remember I wouldn't go through the main train station in my city in high school around rush hours, because there was so many people around..I couldn't bear it.
    And I was like that since I can remember. I was 10 years old and was counting how much hours are till the birthday party of my friend, not in desire of going so badly, but of fear. I was so afraid sometimes that I had huge tummy ache, so sometimes my mum wouldn't let me go, because she thought I was sick..but I wasn't, I was just scared of not knowing, scared that nobody will talk to me (even thought they were my friends) - I was really shy back than, that couldn't help.
    And that carry on to high school..and is still current now, in collage. It's not so severe anymore, but that's because of your new mentality: Fight or flight. I just keep telling myself that If I will try it once, it wouldn't be as bad next time..And will keep getting better and better.. And maybe someday I can go somewhere, not knowing anyone and just feel good about it.. We'll see.
    So where was I going with this? I find it so calming that you're going through something as well..because in real life, we don't talk about the difficulties we have, not even with friends, or not to this extend. And it does really help, because sometimes, if no one is speaking about it, you begin to think you're going insane..because you don't know anyone who has the same problems..So thank you, cheesy but true.

    Karin, Baloon's Life

  39. Hi Louise, thank you so much for talking about this subject. I have a 10 year old daughter who also suffers with a similar affliction. Sometimes when the fear strikes her, she has been unable to explain to me how she is feeling, and that can be frustrating when you're trying to help! I have had her read your blogs about this, and she told me that it's exactly like what happens to her. Reading your explanation was like a lightbulb going on for me. I finally get it, and now I feel like I will be able to help my daughter with this issue more than I have been able to. Please keep talking about this, you have helped this mother and daughter more than you know. Much love from one mum to another xxx

  40. Yay Louise you overcame your fear during this trip not without troubles but you did it anyway, kudos!
    The fact that you're telling sprinklerinos about it shows you want to fight this issue!

    It would be great to have updates on your battle:
    - for you, to get better, to see what you've accomplished and to cheer you up when you're not that great
    - for us, to support you and to help those whose suffer with the same thing.

    As far as my issues go, I'm stil at that part "I have not vocalised my feelings about [new places] my issues because I felt a bit silly or like if I didn't think or talk about them then they wouldn't be real and I could quietly overcome them." Waiting on the click to move forward.

    Thank you for sharing,

  41. I have similarities to this. I really don't like change and feel really uncomfortable with it, it gets me worked up inside. I struggle because I don't show my emotions so I could be crying inside but I would look cool as a cucumber on the outside. I always overcome things I feel anxious about and then I always wonder why I felt that way in the first place but it is a never ending battle for me.
    Would be great to read updates from you!

    Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty blogger |

  42. This post is really good :) I've had really bad anxiety lately and it keeps me in my house sometimes because I break down if I even leave my room, but if it's not too bad and I have to do something, I'll try and make myself do it because i'm tired of letting it stop me from doing things :) I hope it keeps getting better for you! Everything gets better and it sounds like it's getting a lot better for you :)
    <3 Katie

  43. Amazing post, love reading your blog.

  44. Keep it up, girl! You're doing amazingly well. x

  45. Thank you for sharing this. I often feel like this and knowing someone else does as well makes me feel stronger.

  46. Keep it up Louise, you're doing fantastic!
    Katie x

  47. You should be so proud of yourself. So many people would struggle with all the public speaking you do. We all have issues, don't be hard on yourself.

  48. You are doing so well :) Keep going!
    Lucy :3

  49. This is why you are my inspiration Louise. Thanks you for being strong

    check out my blogmas post

  50. I can't say that I can relate completely because I've never had that anxiousness about new places - other things, but not new places. Maybe because I've lived in so many. But I can relate to trying to overcome that anxiousness so that you can truly enjoy the experiences around you. :-) Kudos.

    Beauty Isles | Blogiversary International Giveaway: Too Faced, LORAC and NYX

  51. This is such an amazing post. I have to admit I feel very similar to you in any new place where I have to stay overnight, but almost always by the next morning I am feeling okay again. It is really embarrassing and hard to hide, but I am so pleased that you had Jack and that he was such a sweetie sorting you out and making you feel comfortable enough to get on with your trip again. He is such a wonderful friend, and I am a bit jealous that you get to hang out with him so much! (I've said this plenty of times but the videos you do with Jack always make me laugh out loud without fail)

    I hope you continue to improve with this, and know that we are all behind you Louise!

    Rachel x
    The Inelegant Wench

  52. Loved this Louise, you always motivate me to become a better person! You actually helped me pluck up the courage to apply to write for an online magazine.. and I got it! Here's my very first review for it! I hope you and all the other sprinklerinos get a chance to look at it :)

    Molly xoxo

  53. You are such an amazing woman Louise and you are so inspirational to so many people! You have inspired me to write my own blog and stick to it :) already I feel better doing so! keep up the good work :) always smile because you are amazing xx

  54. I have some problems with speaking in front of a group of people I don't know. Usually I'm all about that flight instinct at that point, and I have a big problem getting past it.
    People say that I will eventually grow out of it, but who really knows?
    Really, I just want to be able to have a nice conversation with a new person without having anxiety issues!

  55. Louise, I would just like to thank you for sharing because it is very comforting to know that there are other people who struggle with these issues and that I am not alone. I find it very inspiring that you were able to push through the tough times because that is something that I am striving to do more in my own life. Thank you for being such a relatable person, I know that this might sound strange but I really do feel like you are someone that I can look up to as a friend. Your confidence and positivity are things that I would like to exhibit more in my own life so you have really helped to inspire me in many ways. Thank you Louise!

  56. Thanks for sharing this Louise. Sometimes, I think it’s easy for us all to be paralyzed by fear as opposed to tackling it head on. You story is inspiring to me as you obviously had a lovely day once you had pushed passed your comfort zone and that’s great to hear. I’m sure going to new places will be a whole lot easier for you now!

    J X

  57. Hearing stories of people you admire going thorough similar problems is so reassuring. I don't want to come across as negative but I wanted to tell you that the 'fight or flight' response isn't a choice we make ourselves. It's just the name for the body's reaction when we are faced with a threat: the adrenaline kicks in, digestion slows down in order to pump the blood faster in order to allow us to escape or attack the threat as an animal would in the jungle. I really like the message and idea but I just wanted to point out that that isn't what the name of the reaction means. I do love your blog and your channel <3

  58. Hiya :) Louise you are an inspiration and I feel by following you on your youtube and blogging journey you are making me be a better mother to my 3 year old son. So, I started a blog. We all have to start somewhere... Oh and I'm doing blogmas :) x

  59. x

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your blog is great. I only started blogging yesterday and I'm still getting my head around how it works but your blog is every bit of the image I want my blog to be. Keep up the amazing work, you got a follow from me. :) x

  60. Louise, I just love your Motivational Monday posts! They're very inspirational and it's so brave of you to open up. It must help so many people with the same problems. In fact, most of us will have the same issues, we just don't talk about them so feel like it's just us. Very happy that you feel like you're making progress, it can be so scary stepping out of your comfort zone!! I get nervous in the same situations too!!

    Emma x

  61. Well done for being brave enough to document this, i'm sure loads of people feel the same way and it's lovely having a public figure like you to identify with and know they're not alone :)

    GRWM: Everyday Make-up routine + IPAD MINI GIVEAWAY

  62. You're so amazing and inspirational!! Go Louise! x

    Watching for Pigs on the Wing

  63. I have the exact EXACT same issues as you in this regard, Louise. New places, even a restaurant in my town that I've never been to is enough to make me panicky and anxious. You suffer from anxiety. And you're dealing with it SPLENDIDLY! My anxiety kicks in when I am in an unfamiliar place but for me it presents as pain. I get incredibly tense, and from being so tense my shoulders hurt, my jaw hurts, my back hurts and my chest hurts. I then grow very concerned about the pain (worried that I'm having a heart attack or something) and then I grow even more anxious. When I'm not in the middle of an attack I can look at how this logically occurs, but while I'm in it I am 100% certain that this is it- the end. I'm going to die. But like you, I have been forcing myself to fight. Telling myself I am okay, forcing myself to relax and un-knot my muscles. Deep breaths. a glass of water, and real effort to convince myself that I will be fine- no matter where I am. It sometimes makes me angry that I can't be all cool and relaxed and chilled out about life when I'm not on my own turf like everyone else seems to be able to do, but we just have to keep on keeping on! You've got this!

  64. I simply love this blog of yours! Keeping it up on this level might be a little stressing, to raise the mood, see yourself in maroon skinny pants! This is a true body enhancer.

  65. Love your Motivational Monday posts, glad you had some friends with you whilst you were away and well done for being so brave xo

  66. My anxiety was the reason I started my blog, my friends were worried about me relocated and told me to write and keep them updated. It feels nice to be able to say these things without having to hear them from your mouth.
    I had my appointment with the doctors today (what you experienced in New York is something I have several times a day) and I'm starting to have someone to talk to in person again. This helped me massively last time and I'm hoping to be in a more agreeable mind this time to increase its effectiveness.
    I know you don't reply to comments but I hope that you read this and take some strength and comfort in how much you're helping people to open up. We all have faith in you and I'm sure those that have joined my community will also be behind you if they know you. We are 77 strong and all lean and support each other :)
    Chez x

  67. What you're talking about is basically exposure therapy, you have to expose yourself to the things that make you anxious, gradually, in little steps and deal with the fear so you get out the other side like you did, it reinforces the positive feelings and it gradually gets easier! If you always run you get instant relief but it actually reinforces your anxiety because you were like it'sok I'm in a safe place now but it just means you won't improve. I've been working on this with my counsellor and myself and am slowly getting somewhere :D x
    amber love

  68. I love your motivational posts Louise, they always make me feel better.

    Christina | Passion Obsession: Hosting a Christmas Giveaway

  69. Lovely that you share such things with us!! Keep in mind that you are amazing the way you are Louise!

    Lots of love and greetings from Germany,
    Franzi xxx

  70. Oh Louise, I'm proud of you for doing it and triumphing after all that. You are amazing and you can so do this! I believe in you. What you're describing sounds a lot like what my daughter probably deals with a lot of time, and what I'm trying to help her with. Only she's 9 years old and doesn't really tell me what's bothering her in these situations. Sometimes it's the unfamiliarity, sometimes it's the noise, sometimes it's the lights or the smell... or all of it at the same time, and I have to try and find out what is the matter and how to fix it for her. My daughter has autism, and unfamiliar places are still a struggle. It's tough on her when we're away from home in an unfamiliar place for more than a few hours (she has a really hard time when we are sleeping away from home though, no matter how many familiar things or people are with her!). I took her to London (from Paris) twice for a one night stay, and she struggled. She even struggled on our first ever one week holiday this summer, when she figured we really weren't going home to sleep at night (although I had explained it to her, and put it on a calendar with how many sleeps we were going to be away etc). It was hard the first couple of days because she asked to go home a lot, but in the end she warmed up to it and she enjoyed herself. We had even taken her pet rabbit with us so she wouldn't miss her! So I sort of know what you're going through, and I can sort of understand how it all makes you feel. Hang in there and keep choosing to "fight", I have faith that you will triumph over and over again and you will conquer it :)

  71. Louise every video I watch or blog post I read f yours makes me want to hug you! You are literally the most down to earth, relatable woman I've come across in this blogger/vlogger circle- you're the BEST. good luck! so much love <3 x

  72. So happy for you Louise :) do keep sharing! From personal experience I know it does help and just know that making the choice to fight everyday is brave! Sometimes we feel like it's something we should just DO because other people find it easy enough but it's not easy for everyone and you should take the time to congratulate yourself for what you've achieved. So I will too...well done :) love you xxx

  73. Such a good post! :)

  74. 'Fight' is the only way to fight it. Well done Louise :)

  75. You couldn't have handled the situation any better Louise and it's amazing that you've got such great and supportive friends to help you! Once you've relaxed and took some time out of the situation to think, it all seems a lot better and it's also nice to share these kinds of things as it takes a big weight off your shoulders I always find :) It's horrid being out of your comfort zone, I get it in London as I live in a small village two hours away. Dodging people, thinking about your bag, the busyness and lights, just the whole experience makes me panic. This post has really helped me so a big thank you, lots of love xxxx

  76. It's really inspirational what you did. I'm now going to try and stand up for myself and not just runaway! I'm also going to try and say yes to more things! Love you xxx

  77. The thing I most love about you is how you say goodbye "toodlepip" it's so unique I love it!
    I personally say "doodles"

  78. I really appreciate you because you find this kind of stuff for sharing on world wide web. truly you're worth for praising. you have demonstrated it. very informative things I got from your content. keep sharing with us.

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx