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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

A Year In Glitter World 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It has become a custom over here in Glitter World to spend a few moments on the last day of December to look over the year and reflect upon all it's adventures. 

In the past I have done a month by month summary of what happened here on the blog, but with only 97 posts this year, I think we'll go for something new!

2014 has been a most challenging year. Some challenges have been oh so rewarding and some, less so. It's hard to talk about these things objectively because Sprinkle of Glitter is a happy place designed to only showcase the highlights of my life, celebrate the exciting and inspire positivity. With that in mind, I'll get the hard stuff said first and then move on to easier shores. 

I will be brutal. This year has been hard. I have often found myself in situations I know not how to handle and have regularly felt out of my depth. My confidence has been knocked and subsequently so has my self esteem. 'Lost' is a good way to describe the worst parts of the year. I have felt lost in a sea of people who seem to know where their paths lead. Whilst professionally I have felt cool, calm and confident (more on that shortly), my personal life has been a very private struggle that I hope will ease in 2015. 

I have sought constantly for the approval of others when really, I should have only needed my own. I have made big, hard choices and spent days and weeks unsure if they were right. I have cried, a lot. 

A lot of this pain was reflected in my blog and youtube channels in the form of absence and I want to take a moment to thank you for never pressuring or resenting the big gaps and the lack of posts and videos. 

That was hard to write. Really hard. I hate admitting I'm not constantly a life winner but 2014, you were a toughie. A goodie, but a toughie!

Moving on to brighter topics, three things that have made me smile from ear to ear are my sweet baby girl (as always), Sprinkle of Glitter and friends. 

Darcy Jane Watson has been a joy. Watching her develop and delighting in her milestones has been such a privilege. She has grown from a tot to a small child and whilst my Mama heart wants to keep her a tiny snuggly baby for ever, I am constantly impressed by the wonders of Motherhood. To see a child experience pure happiness is better than having it yourself. Watching Darcy play with other children or be thrilled by something so mundane makes me feel like my heart might burst. 

Now she is 3 and 9 months she is enjoying imagination games (last night she made us call her Charly over and over), making up jokes ("I've got an idea! When we get home we will all climb into the bins! AHAHAHAHAHA I'm fully kidding Mummy!") and being a 'big girl' (eating food well herself, sleeping in knickers instead of pullups and getting out of the carseat with minimal assistance). 

As she grows, she is also becoming aware of bigger topics. She understands that my Mummy lives in Heaven ('with Mufasa and Ariel's Mummy') and that it is more important to be kind and smart than to be a princess. I am proud of her. I think I always will be. 

Sprinkle of Glitter has been crazy amazing this year. I have been to Florida, Milan, New York, LA, New Jersey and on a UK Tour to meet as many of you as possible, have talked on panels, been part of live shows, given Q&A's and even started my own stage tour, 'LouiseLIVE'. It has been an absolute whirlwind. 

I began the year quite overwhelmed and unsure but after starting (go me!) the topic of YouTube Culture, I have noticed a big, big shift in the way I am treated by viewers and hopefully this in turn has positively effected they way I treat you. 

At large conventions like Playlist and Vidcon, I noticed a much calmer vibe from so many people and loved it! I felt able to stand about and have relaxed conversations and actually interact with the people that watch Sprinkle of Glitter and make it so (I think) special. I love how this is all just one big conversation and how we, as a community, can take control and make it how we want it to be. Even as it grows (and wowee oh my woah woah, has it grown this year!!), I think the community feel remains and that Sprinklerinos are very protective over keeping it a kind, loving, happy place. I know with all of our efforts, that will continue into the new year. 

I have also been working behind the scenes on several large projects that will come to light in 2015 and can't wait for those too. 2014 has been a year of building, 2015 will be the unveiling!

Friends. You know that song with the line, 'I get by with a little help from my friends'? That's 2014 for you right there. 

In 2014 I made brand new friends and strengthened existing friendships so much I could cry. I have a very special place in my heart for all my oldie but goldies (Zoe, Clare, Emma, Marie, Jack and more) but have found a little bit of extra space for Hazel Hayes who wins the award for Most Time Spent Listening To Me Ramble On About Utter Crap That At The Time Felt Important. Seriously, I feel almost ashamed at how much of her time I have taken up and how nurturing she has been. She is a good egg and will join the esteemed list of 'Oldie but Goldie's above. In 2015 I would love a little getaway with her and Zoe for facials, massages and all the lols!!

A huge highlight of 2014 was fiiiinnaaalllyy flying out to Seattle with Matt and Darcy to visit Marie BitsandClips and her family. I have so much love for those people and want to spend all my days bringing them as much delight as they give to me. I said to Marie the other day, 'you are sunshine incarnate' and I was right. She cannot not make me happy. Ooff. 

Other little mentions and thank you's (I'm at the Oscars now apparently) go to - Dodie for lovingly stroking my arms the time I hyperventilated in a bar, Cayleigh for never failing to be as enthusiastic as me about insane ideas, Amber for being such a kind soul in New Jersey when I was sick and scared, Maddie for always remembering and acknowledging the hard days, my neighbour Vicky for always chitchatting on the drive, Sam, Nic and Caroline for giving perfect big sister advice, Cat for listening and analysing, Ben Cook for encouraging me to talk about big topics and Jack for forever forcing me to up my game. 

I have felt incredibly loved this year. 


And so there we have it, a big ol' brain dump of the last 12 months. A year of filming and flights and skater skirts and sparkly nails and baby squishes and late night dinners and red carpets (yay!) and big discussions and hotel lols and skype chats and lovely lists and fairy lights and laughter and tears and fist pumps and kittens, it's been a year!!

I am ending this year with a thankful heart and as always, an optimistic mind. 

Tell me, how has your 2014 been? 




  1. Louise, this is a lovely post! My 2014 has been very good, but has gone SO fast! Thank you for sharing your year with us! x

    1. I love this post and thank you for sharing your year mine has just went by so fast an I know there's no real point in asking this but could you take a look at my blog just type in
      And you will find it thanks xxx

  2. Love this post Louise, my 2014 has not been as exciting as yours that's for sure!! <3

  3. We love you Louise! 2015 is going to be 1000x better than 2014 because you have your Sprinklerinos, have a lovely New Years <3

  4. This was such a lovely post to read because although you have had some really tough times this year, you have so many people to help you through it! I am always amazed at the opportunities you have, well done for getting where you are today!! Your mum would be proud :)
    My 2014 has been alright, I visited Nepal for a charity expedition so that has to be the highlight!!


    holly la beau

  5. So sorry that this year personally was often so hard for you ... I think it is not a solace but I learned most in my life through the hard times I went. Nevertheless I wish your New Year will be much better in this respect <3
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
    International Giveaway: Christmas Surprise with Self Interest

  6. This was so lovely to read - have an amazing 2015!
    RosieLM - A Beauty(ish) Blog

  7. Aw, love you Louise, my highlight of 2014 was going to Amity Fest in Brighton. I even managed to catch one of Jims tops! Thank you for making me smile with your videos!
    Happy new year,
    Asha xx

  8. This is such a lovely post! Couldn't agree more that 2014 has been a tough year, but I've decided to start my own blog in 2015 :) Here's to a good 2015, Happy New Year!

  9. Such a cute post! You should never feel pressured into anything, and if you are - forget about those people pressuring you because they obviously are not worth your time!
    Here's to 2015! Have an absolutely amazing year! :)
    Elephant stories and more

  10. I hope the ups weighed out the downs of the year and I wish you, and all of your sprinklerinos, a FABULOUS 2015! xx

  11. Love this post, hope you have a happy new year and let 2015 be an amazing year for you and your family! It's lovely to hear that Darcy is growing into a lovely little girl, I love watching your vlogs with her as she always puts a smile on my face! Lovely post Louise xx

    Beauty Girl

  12. What a lovely reflection of 2014. I look forward to seeing you again (Liverpool amity fest)

  13. Louise my year has not exactly been the best either there has been a lot of tears a lot of goodbyes and all that fun stuff, its just been a hard year thank you for sharing so much! it means a lot we love you! :) heres to a better year in 2015! xxxx :)

  14. Dearest Louise, I wish nothing but love, light, and abundant happiness for you and your family & friends in the new year! Much love.

  15. I'm sorry about the personal struggle you have felt but I'm so glad that you also had many, many lovely moments! I think you have done fantastically this year and I love seeing you do more and more creative and thought provoking videos! I hope you're aware that as you are watching Darcy grow, your viewers are watching you grow and create gems such as your Youtube Culture video and your charity ideas. Well done Louise and Happy Hogmanay, as NYE is called in Scotland x

  16. Loved reading this! My 2014 has been good but 100% not as exciting as yours! Thankyou for sharing the hard times in 2014 aswell as the good times, as some people wouldn't have the confidence to talk about that and would only focus on the good moments, but bad things happen and it's good to talk about them rather than bottle them in! I can't wait for all the exciting things you seem to have planned in 2015, I saw you at amityfest in brighton and it was definitely one of the highlights of my year :) I hope you have an amazing 2015 <3

  17. This was such an amazing post to read, so many things have happened to you in the past 12 months and it isn't until you wrote it all down that you could see just how much things have changed since last year, especially how much you altered and improved 'Youtube Culture' - you have made such an amazing difference to viewer / creator relationships so thank you for that and just so thank you for being so wonderful in every way; here's to another incredible year of Sprinkle of Glitter!!


  18. Love you lots! Xx 2015 is going to be a great year xx Happy new year for your family (Including the cats!) xxx

  19. I'm glad your year has been a good one, and I hope that 2015 will be even better!
    2014 has been the first year that I have finally felt like myself. I feel like I have conquered many internal battles that have controlled my life for many of the past years. I can only see things going up from here on out, which makes me very happy indeed.

  20. The highlight of my year was the 27th of October at Amity Fest in Liverpool when I finally got to see my sunshines in person. I want to thank you so much Louise (and the others) for keeping a smile on my face throughout this year with new videos, tweets, instagrams and everything else. P.S please come back to Liverpool soon, I didn't get the chance to bump into you while you were here :'(

  21. Louise, I want to thank you for being such a light this year in my life. I can only hope that this next year brings healing and life to any struggles that have come your way. I know that God has a plan for everything, and he will bring you peace and purpose. I appreciate all of your vulnerability and liveliness that make you so lovable. Your confidence and bubbly personality are contagious, and it always makes me so happy to hear what you have to say. I hope you get the chance to read this, and I hope you have a wonderful and blessed year. Love you girl!
    -Mary xoxo

  22. Its very sad to hear of struggles in your personal life and that you have had confident knocks. I hope 2015 is a great one for you and for all of your sprinklerinos!! :)

  23. This was such a lovely post! 2014 has been fairly kind but I realised I needed to plan more, so I'm so ready for 2015! Happy New Year Louise!❤

  24. Hey Louise ��
    I've never actually commented on your blog before but i really enjoy reading what is going on in your life and looking at tips and tricks for both makeup and life in general.
    For me 2014 is the year that I really discovered youtubers and how amazing they are. And to think it was due to you waxing Dans legs that I actually discovered how many wonderful people are out there making videos and writing blogs just like yourself.
    I would like to thank you for letting me follow you around over the past year. I have very much enjoyed every video and blog post and I am very much looking forward to what 2015 has to offer.
    Kat ��

  25. 2014 has been the toughest year as of yet. After not getting accepted for the Erasmus programme (which then turned out for the better, because they informed me that I really was accepted all along), I had to have surgery, my depression and anxiety got so bad I had to seek out professional help (that then left me be, because of their unknown reasons), and I've struggled with friends a lot, too.

    ON the other hand, I got accepted for the Erasmus programme! I got to go to many concerts, despite my anxiety! So those were the best parts, really. I also started trying to accept myself as I am, and with that YOU helped a lot, with your constant body positivity on your channel. :D 2014 wasn't an easy year, but it has been very rewarding, for different reasons.

    I hope 2015 will be better, and that I can continue to grow as a more positive person. :) Thank you for working so har, Louise! I wish you a very happy (and early) New Year!!

  26. Ive also done a sum up of 2014 if anyone would like to check it out at also if anyone follows me i will follow back :)

  27. Louise, you are honestly the loveliest person on YouTube. You are always so selfless and always thinking about others over yourself and this is so admirable. I aspire to be just like you when I have a family of my own one day and you teach us Sprinklerinos that its not a bad thing to grow up. I used to be scared at the idea of growing up but you have made it so I can't wait!! It may have been a wobbly year but the wobbles are what make you... You. And you are perfect! So in 2015, there will be more wobbles but you are strong and can take them into your stride and build them into your beautiful personality. So bring it on Louise!!

    Loads of love to Matt and Darcy, A proud Sprinklerino xx

  28. Love this blogpost! My year has been pretty much the same as yours (apart from a baby and YouTube stuff) and I want to tell you that I love you very much. You are a true role model as a mother, woman and just a kind and beautiful person. I wish your 2015 will be as great as a year could possibly be. Happy New Year! xx

  29. This was so lovely to read, I loved this post so much Louise <3 I hope that you, Darcey and Matt have a fab New Year and 2015! :)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Brought a tear to my eye. Here's to a fantastic 2015 xx

  32. wow louise! This was such a lovely post! It is amazing being able to watch Darcy grow up on your youtube and your blog, seeing you geuinely happy makes me genuinely happy too! My 2014 has been surprisingly good. In 2013 I had given up hope, it was a very crappy year for me but 2014 has been a hell of a lot better! I have surrounded myself with things and people that make me happy.
    I hope 2015 is good for you Louise, you really deserve it! I hope you, Matt and Darcy have a lot of fun in 2015.
    -Becky xx

  33. Amazing to read! You are such a lovely & inspiring person.
    Happy New Year!

    NATALIA //

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Absolutely loved this post Louise! Your videos and posts have inspired me so much this year and I cannot get enough of them. Thank you for all that you have done :-) Happy new year to you and your family!

    With love from Hong Kong xx

  36. Gah! I'm feeling things! The part about Darcy brought a wonderful tear to my eye, you're an amazing mother and I really hope you know that! As for the personal struggles, I often say (mostly when people are being a little too nosy) you don't need to know someones problems to support them, so much love is sent virally when ever you're a little down <3 I respect you so much and it's easily and often said that you're a great inspiration and such a generally amazing and warm hearted person, If you were a touchy feely person I'd hug you ;) Great to meet you at Amity Fest, don't be surprised if you see 'Dan James' in 2015, Amity Fest 2015 I will obtain your VIP tickets! Have an amazing New Year :D <-- mother of peanut butter that was long! :O

  37. What a lovely post Louise! I think it's good to look back on a year and accept the good and bad things that happened. I don't think any person has a year where there's sad/upsetting times but sometimes we get years that just seem to be full of shitty moments. But 2015 is on it's way and here's to a great year. I'm so excited for all the projects you have coming up and I wish you all the best with everything in 2015, both personal and professional. Happy new year!
    Katie x

  38. This year has probably been the worst year of my life, I nearly lost my Mum and it was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. However every time I had to travel from Northampton (wahoo for living in the same place) to Cambridge I watched your videos, they were a sense of normality when the rest of the world seemed like an unrecognisable place. I met you at Louise LIVE in November, and you were honest, funny and caring and without knowing you helped me forget about everything that had happened earlier that year. I guess I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being you and reminding us that life's not perfect, and it's okay to be yourself. I hope 2015 brings you lots of joy, because you deserve happiness, you give so much happiness to people all over the world and it's about time the world brings it back to you.
    See you in 2015!
    Natasha Walden (@natashawalden)

  39. Nice post.. love it!

  40. Louise this is a lovely post! you are such a huge inspiration to me, and of course to darcy as well. This year you have come so far and grown in confidence and I'm proud of you💖
    Thank you for being an amazing idol! x

  41. Such a post lovely post reminiscing about this year! For me 2014 was amazing, it was full of so many obstacles and challenges but also some of the best moments of my life. I made some new friends and learnt who my true friends are, experienced things I'd never thought I'd do and become much happier and positive! I can't wait to see what 2015 brings! ❤

  42. Louise, you are a fantastic lady! I wish you all the best for 2015 :)
    - F -

  43. Happy New Year, Louise! I love love love your vlogs and blog updates, you crack me up and your videos are so warm and comforting, and I take all of your beauty advice so seriously! I know you probably won't end up reading this but oh well. My 2014 has been fantastic; I celebrated my 18th birthday back in January, finished my Childcare diploma at college in the summer and then soon after got a job in a nursery just a short walk from my house! My boyfriend of 2 years learnt to drive and we've been on some amazing adventures together! 2014 was scary but amazing!

    Love you Louise! You really are my role model for life! <3 xxx

  44. This was so lovely to read Louise! I hope you have a very happy New Year!
    Hannah x

  45. Louise, i started reading your blog this year and i have to say it has changed the way i look at things and has inspired me to start a blog about things i enjoy writting about. Baby Glitter is the cutest child i have ever seen, and your videos make me happy and i look forward to watching them every weekl. Have a lovely new year xxx

  46. This was a great heart felt post to read. Thank you for sharing this all with us. Here is to better things for you in 2015 xxx

  47. My 2014 has been a bit like yours - up and down and a little all over the place. Great to hear about Darcy and how well she's growing.

    Lizzie Dripping

  48. You've been an inspiration to all your viewers and especially to me. All your videos instantly cheer me up and your collabs with Zoe are just fab. Darcy is growing up to be so lovely and sweet and I'm sure Matt is too ;) Anyway, happy new year and I'm so excited for a new year of fresh sprinkles!!! Love you! xx (it's cheesy I know but idc)

  49. Aww this was lovely! I bet you're so proud of Darcy and how far she has come already and will go in the future! My 2014 started out good - graduated, turned 21 and got my first job but then I quit said job and has gotten worse. 2015 won't be a good one due to parent problems and health so I am looking forward to 2016 when it should die down! Xx

  50. Louise, you never cease to amaze me with your positivity and kind, intelligent, caring, sensitive nature. While I can't say that I've watched all your videos and read all your blog posts this year, every time I do watch or read, you cheer me up and make my day that little bit more 'sparkly'. I really admire you and all that you stand for and, I hope this doesn't come across in the wrong way, I appreciate the way deal with everything you go through. You always remain dignified and classy and never present yourself as a blameless victim in any situation - so I never get fed up of you! Your vlogs (eespecially the ones with Jack) are one of my favourites on YouTube. I couldn't help but notice that absence of Matt's name in this post, and I honestly hope that everything is a-okay on that front, because you are such a fab couple with awesome family values.

    All the love and best wishes in the world for 2015

  51. This was such a lovely read. Sometimes it's easy to forget that everyone goes through ups and downs because they aren't always things we want to share. Into 2015 we go with a big smile on our faces!

  52. Awww, that was so lovely to read!

  53. 2014 has been a year that has brought excitement, confusion and most of all happiness! I have so many good memories that have happened this year, they are all ones that I will treasure forever! .....

  54. Dear Louise, I loved reading this post!
    For me, 2014 has really not been a great year and I honestly can't wait to leave it behind. You're right, it's so important to be optimistic and I'm excited for what 2015 will bring!
    Despite this sounding very very cheesy, thank you for making me smile with your posts and videos.
    They have helped me A LOT in 2014 (and loads of other sprinklerinos, too, I'm sure) when I felt lost. It's both strange and amazing how much strength you have given even though I don't 'know' you. But it's true. Just know that you have made my 2014 better and please never stress about being absent from youtube or your blog. It is absolutely nothing to apologize for!

    Lots of love and happy new year! xx

  55. I just really got into YouTube in 2014, and I discovered it through you and Dan's channels. Thank you so much for being such an awesome inspiration and role model. I cannot wait to see how the next year continues.

  56. Wow, 2014 has been a journey for you! Sadly my 2014 was not so full of adventures, but it was a year all the same. Hopefully 2015 will be the best yet, for both of us!! x
    Lovely, heartfelt post xx

    Extraneous Melodies by Emily Bee

  57. My 2014 has been rather mundane but it was also the year that I discovered you, Louise and you have had such a positive impact on my life. I feel so much more confident with myself, I smile a lot more and I appreciate the small things in life - it's amazing how having a positive outlook on things can change your life.
    You have been such an inspiration to me, whether it's your videos on self positivity, Darcy being adorable or you just being you. You have such wonderful friends and although your year has had some lows we love you so so much Louise!
    I hope 2015 is awesome for you xx

  58. This is such a lovely post, I hope you have an amazing 2015! x

    Isabella Hope

  59. Louise, it was great to hear about the highlights and downfalls of your year as I can relate to some of them :) xoxo

  60. What a great blog post! I really hope that things will calm down in your private life. You seem like such a lovely person with a kind heart and it breaks my heart when people like that are having a hard time. You deserve so much happiness and joy.
    Always be yourself, never forget that you don't have to be strong all the time. You have so many wonderful people in your life who are always there for you.

    I love you loads and wish you all the best for 2015. It will be a great year and never forget that we're all in this together. You can also count on us viewers =)))

    Sending you lots and lots of hugs, sunshine, love and joy. Have a great New Years Eve!
    Lisa xoxox

  61. loved reading this blog post, it helps me to know that other people who I would consider successful also sometimes feel overwhelmed and lost, this year has had ups and downs and I know that reflected on my blog as well. thank you for publishing this post and for opening your world up to us! i hope 2015 is a great one for you and your family!

  62. This post was just so lovely to read. Sometimes I think it's hard to see the real person behind the blog, we only talk about the good things that have happened in our lives. I am very impressed how open you have been about how hard this year was for you! I can't wait to see what your blog has to bring in 2015 ^_^

  63. I loved this! I hope that 2015 brings you all the Love and Joy in the World! XX.

  64. Aw Louise... It sounds like your year was incredible. We all have our bumps in the road, but you manage to pick yourself up and go on to do even better.

    You an inspiration Louise

    lots of love, Emma xx

  65. Louise your blog posts always make me smile, and this one made me think about 2014 and how it has been a good 'un! I found out that I will have 2 (Maybe 3) new cousins next year. I also found out who my true friends were when I needed them most. Even through the bad times this year I can almost always see something good that has come out of them. I can't wait to see what 2015 brings and i hope it is just as good as 2014. I am looking forward to your videos and blog posts next year! Happy New Year! xxxx

  66. I have only recently started reading your blog, but already love it. You never fail to make me smile, and always look forward to your new videos / blog posts. Hope your 2015 has more ups and much less downs. Happy New Year!!! ����

  67. Louise, you are an inspiration to a lot of people. Everyone struggles but it is how we recover that shows who we are. You seem to be handling everything really well.

    I'm proud to be a Sprinklerino! :)

  68. Lovely post! Happy New Year! x

    Blog Marjorie

  69. Aw such a lovely post, Happy New Year for when it comes! x

  70. beautiful post. I hope 2015 is even better!

  71. Beautiful image! Happy New Year Louise! Wowza! 2014 must have been a brilliant year for you and Darcy! Love you! Hope you and anyone who wants to can comment on my blog XOXO

  72. I always enjoy reading your posts louise. I do hope that you and anyone reading this has an amazing 2015 and that even with a couple of dark days that you will not forget the lighter and happier days spent with friends and family. I feel like us sprinklerinos are a family and along with you i did notice a HUUGE change in the way we acted as a community after your youtube culture video. I am proud to say that i have supported you in your journey and enjoy watching your videos and vlogs and seeing you smile and be happy as everyone deserves a little happiness. I hope that your 2015 is filled with lots of amazing oppurtnities and cannot wait for what the future holds for sprinkleofglitter. x

    p.s Darcy has indeed grown up and is the most wonderful child. she must make you an incredibly proud mamma! x

    ~Katy Summers (TeenageBlogger)

  73. What a lovely post ! Happy New Year :-) xxxx


  74. i have also written a blog post about my 2014 which i am going to upload tomorrow! 2014 has been tough for me as well countless trips all summer into liverpool to go to court (literally everyday for nearly 2 months) that shook me up A LOT! It has also been a year for learning, i started a college course i never thought would do, ive experienced the legal system, ive learnt that i can be strong even in the toughest of situations, ive learnt to be a lot happier within myself, and ive learnt to keep the most important people close (i have a habit to isolate for long periods of time to the extent i always lose friends!) Im hoping 2015 will be better than this year like you louise thank you for letting me spend another year with you love you and your little family lots happy new year xxxx

  75. Great post Louise, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately 2014 was a really bad year for me. I fell really ill in December '13 and spent the majority of 2014 recovering slowly, and so wasn't able to do much in the year. There was some positives here and there, but they are unfortunately very much eclipsed when looking back. I *was* able to return to uni in October and sort of start to get my life back - so here's hoping 2015 continues in that positive vein. For all of us :) Happy New Year!

  76. Happy New Year Louise - I'm glad that you've had plenty of good times to make up for the bad, however I am definitely happy to see the back of 2014!! xxx

  77. This made me feel so happy inside and hearing all about your year has made me realise that I really aspire to be a youtuber. Thanks Louise, I love you so much keep on making progress and never live by anyone else's standards. Happy New Year XXXX

  78. Hey Louise, I just published my year. I had a tough, but good one. You can check it out here

  79. Firstly Happy New Year!! Secondly I love reading your blog and watching your youtube videos. I can see the journey you have travelled this year and I see that you have battled through obstacles and enjoyed every great moment. I am very excited to see what you do next year and for what is to come. You are a very good egg and brighten up everything. You inspire me to better myself and to create new ideas for my blog.

    Thank you soo much xx

  80. Great reflection,I love reading about darcy as I can relate with my little sister.2014 has been an "ok" year for me,one of the best things that I have achieved is my blog. All the best for 2015

  81. Absolutely loved reading this.

  82. your blogs are my favourite and i l love watching your videos , your such an inspiration xx

  83. This just made my day :* I adore reading your blog and watching your videos, because you have such great values and you know how to propell important messages without taking yourself too seriously. You are a kind, smart and hilarious woman that Darcy will be proud to have been raised by!
    Much love and all the best in 2015, Marianne 💜

  84. Louise, I know you probably wont see this comment but this post was incredible. What you were saying at the start really meant a lot to me, I too have felt lost and struggled to know what direction my life is going to take. I know exactly where I want my life to go now and what I want to do. One of the main aims is to spread love and positivity through my choices. I feel your content this year has given me a better sense of the person I want to be and what's important in life. I wish you all the luck in the world and I just know that 2015 is going to be an amazing year for you and your loved ones.
    Thank you for being part of my life, I may not know you personally but your videos, blog and the wonderful sprinklerino family you have created brings a smile to my face everyday and I cant wait to see what wonderful things you do in 2015.
    Love Chloe

  85. I'm sending you a big virtual hug Louise, happy new year! xx

  86. Nice post! For me 2014 has been quite uneventful, but then again I didn't really try to create opportunities for myself. Nonetheless I am happy that my family and friends are all well! Good luck in the new year! Love Mariam.

  87. I'm so proud of you Louise. You've tackled so many challenges head on and been the first to start big conversations in your industry. I did notice that you weren't the same in your videos as you have been in previous years so I hope you're able to take bits of who you were and mesh it with who you were in 2014 to create a better, happier, more well-rounded you in 2015. Wishing you all the luck, health & happiness in 2015. ♥

  88. Happy New Year! You deserve to be happy all the time! xxxx

  89. Happy New Years Louise!

    I definitely feel you about 2014 being a rough year. You're not the only one in those situations. The year is definitely tough but some people around our lives definitely make it more calm.

    I wish your family a Happy New Year and start 2015 with a big and gorgeous smile! xx


  90. would be great to see you over on my blog

    Happy New Year!!


  91. 2014 sounds like it's been a huge year for you emotionally Louise! I hope things settle a bit in 2015. xxx

  92. You've had such a whirlwind of a year but you've done so well! Here's to a great 2015. Happy New Year, Louise! :)

  93. Louise, I've always loved your openness with sharing your struggles with us. Please don't let yourself feel pressured to have it all figured out, all of the time. I think as people we are meant to get lost for a bit in order to put other things in our journey into perspective. Each thing that happens gives us reason to become better, brighter, sparklier versions of ourselves. While you have been dealing with so much personally, just know, that to us, your loving Sprinklerinos you have never seemed brighter or bolder. You've managed to balance being a class act YouTuber, Role Model, & Human for so many. I honestly hope you are still kickin it around on YouTube when my daughters come of age, because I know while they will love their mommy dearly, they will still need the amazing Louise's of the world to help them through it all. You're an amazing mother, wife, friend & person Louise. Do not lose sight of that even in your bleakest moments. I hope 2015 is the best year yet for you! Sending all sorts of love & Alaska glittery bits your way!

  94. hope for a better 2015 Louise sending you love.

  95. I've been through tough ups and downs, recovered from a breakup early in the year and moved 6533 miles to another country! Woo!

  96. Wishing you all the best for 2015 Louise, you're such a lovely person you deserve nothing but happiness <3 x

  97. It's great to see you come out of your 2014 rut stronger and smiling Louise - I hope you experience all the love and success you deserve

    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty -

  98. you have done amazing Louise! So proud of you! <3 Wishing you, Matt & Darcy all the best for 2015! xxx

  99. Happy 2015, Louise! You should be proud of everything you achieved last year x

  100. Love this this post as well. Best wishes for a bright and happy 2015! xxx

  101. I love how honest, sincere and emotional this post is. And I can't help the feeling that I'm reading a warm enjoyable novel, you know like "I heart Christmas" or something. You talk so beautifully about life and I can't but admire the way you perceive things. I wish you all the best, because you deserve every wonder there is. Thank you for being you and for being so grateful and caring!

  102. This was such a lovely post!!
    I've just wrote post about my New Year's Resolutions!!

  103. I agree that 2014 has been a crazy year, but it will get better in 2015!

  104. 2014 sounds like it has been a really eventful year for you, both in good ways and bad ways and that last little bit where you talked about your friends made me really happy. It is so important for us to have people in our life who don't mind listening to us ramble on, who know exactly how to cheer us up, or are willing to be with us in our darkest moments and I'm so happy that you have people like that in your life, I know I'm grateful for those people in mine :)

    I love your blog by the way!

  105. Adore this post of yours, you've had such an eventful year, it's a great way to start the new year by taking a look over the previous! Hope you have the best year in 2015 x
    Check out my blog? I think you'd like it xo

  106. Hi, well my 2014 has been great, I went to see one direction and 2014 was the year I found u and the others on u tube, I love u xoxo katy

  107. Beautiful post and sad to hear it's been a bit of a tough year. I hope the years to come are much better, bring on 2015! x

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  108. Hiya I love your blog and have started my own with varied posts from my beauty essentials to my new year resolutions and many more to come including my fears about failure to many more fashion edits and it would mean the world if you could take a glimpse at my blog at:
    Thank you so much xx

  109. The best way to see how we grow is by reflecting, it's only when we do this that we see how much stronger, wiser and even funnier we become. Holding up a mirror is not as scary as it sounds. I wish you and yours all the best for 2015 x

  110. I started a blog, I somehow got 15,000 followers on tumblr, I had my first year on YouTube, I was invited to the creator space by your beloved Hazel Hayes, there were many concerts and fantastic friends and next year is set to be the biggest and best year of my life. I'll finish school and leave home and I'm taking on a giant blogging challenge in blogging every day of the year! Thank you Louise - you've not only entertained me but inspired me by enforcing boundaries in a way very few YouTubers do! Thank you and good luck for 2015, you fantastic glittery being <3

  111. This year has made me cry until I laugh and laugh until I cry. My Grandma has had cancer and had a scare for it returning in SEptember. I got more and more confident and have found out who my real friends are. I have gotten a job and on the school exchange, gone to Cornwall and Glastonbury festival. In 2015 I hope there are more good times, celebrations and less sad times but my Grandma's 10th anniversary of death is this year. I hope things will go ok. Happy New Year to you, Matt and Darcy

  112. Loved this Louise. Sad to hear you struggled some this year but I loved the honesty! Wishing you all the best in 2015 and continue all your amazing work xx

  113. I have no idea why this made me super emosh but it did Louise, you're the best ever, wishing you all the happiness in the world xxx

  114. It's lovely to read of Darcy's opinions on being kind and smart over a princess, that really is something you should be proud of mummy glitter.

    I hope you have a lovely 2015, and the decision you need to make you can do so with confidence.

    Kindest regards, Alicia.


  115. Such a lovely end of your post Louise! I hope 2015 is your best year yet. xx

    A Fashion Tale // UK Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  116. This is such a wonderful post <3
    I'm sad to hear about your problems with self-esteem, but hopefully 2015 will be more positive.
    Happy New Year :)

    Best wishes,
    Lucy x

  117. Lovely post Lou! <3

    Hope you had a great time in Liverpool and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    I think 2015 is going to be a great year, and I'm going to make it as amazing as possible for me and my YouTube channel, which you inspired me to start! :)

    Lots of love,
    Amy x

  118. hi Louise my name is Abigail miller
    and I've been watching your videos for a while now
    and you amazing inspiration to me
    I know your probably not going to read this but a couple of months ago I started watching your videos and they really got to me you as is you were talking to me I'm only twelve and a couple of months ago before I started watching your videos I was just know as the fat girl at the back of the class who was to shy to speak to anyone
    but when I was introduced to your videos and it got me thinking at home I was a completely different person with a lively personality who had confidence and everything a why didn't that show at school so I decided to change that
    and I'm a new person yes I'm dyslexic and I have anxiety and I'm still overweight but i't dons't affect me as much as it did
    so I'd just like to thank you

  119. Happy new year, Louise! Hope it is a good one for you Matt and Darcy! I have been loving your vlogs recently and also your blog! I also really love the story of you and Marie meeting!

  120. I love the way you deal with things so positively Lousie. I hope 2015 brings you more of the calmer shores and helps you leave the bad parts behind! :) I always try to look at the good things, but you've helped me be okay with having tough times too. I don't want to dwell on them, but I'm starting to realise that experiencing them doesn't make me a weaker person, but quite the opposite. Thank you.

  121. It's so good to see you staying so positive no matter what, and reading your blog this year has really helped me feeling better when I needed to!
    When you said that you felt lost this year, it really affected me. I felt very lost too and seeing somebody I look up to and who seems to be living what looks like a wonderful life lost too, made me realise that we're never alone.
    Thank you for cheering me up in 2014 with your positiveness!

  122. Such a lovely post Louise!! Looking forward to whatever you'll be revealing this year x

  123. Very inspiring Louise<3 Hope you and the family have a lovely 2015 x

  124. Like always, this was such an insightful post. I know you've had your struggles this year, Louise, but you handled them with such grace and honesty through your blog posts, and I hope you know we've always been right here, supporting you all the way. Never think that you're obligated to do anything, whether it's writing a blog post or making a video. You could never disappoint us and we'll always understand that you have your ups and downs just like the rest of us. Always remember to take care of yourself first, because at the end of the day that's what's most important.

    We love you, Louise, and hope 2015 brings all good things!

    x Danielle

  125. I like the fact you can be so open and honest with yourself and us. Everyone is human and we all have struggles, we're all here for you Louise! I hope 2015 brings you great things :) xx

  126. 2013 was an awful, awful year, and 2014 was its bratty kid brother. Less mean and nasty, but definitely not my life's finest year. My hope us that 2015 will be the black sheep and head off in its own, more positive direction. Best wishes for you, me and all Sprinklerinos everywhere that 2015 will be our best year yet! Lots of love and warm fuzzies. -Christy

  127. LOVE this post

  128. Beautiful post Louise. It's sometimes good to look back over the year and be brutally honest with yourself. I love everything about this post!

    Beka. xo

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Happy new year Louise. Good luck with your resolutions, they seem like ones you will be able to stick to

  131. Really enjoyed this post, such a lovely read. Happy new year!

  132. Happy new year, Louise - I just want to say i love your blog and hope that some day, mine becomes as good as yours is. Love you alot!

  133. you are so lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people in your life Louise! I wish I could learn to be like you and experience the amount of love and care that you do :)


  134. Love your blog. I wish you good luck with your resolutions and hope this year will be even more better than the last to you and Zoe.

  135. your resolutions are very inspiring louise! you're amazing! Stay the way you are!<3

  136. I love the fact that even though you didn't have an ideal year in many cases you can still turn a positive turn. Here's to a successful, happy, fun, loving and rewarding 2015.
    My 2014 was very mixed. The fact that I started the year writing an essay wasn't a great start!
    Good things- I know who my real friends are and that they are beautiful wonderful funny and supporting people, I now have a job and an income which allows me to learn how to drive and start to save up for my future, I graduated from University, I became more involved within the youtube community (by this I mean actually getting an account and subscribing and starting to comment -you even replied to one of the comments on vlogmas which I was very pleasantly surprised with!)
    There are little moments of happiness that are in 2014 but this year for me was also rather challenging.
    Despite saying that I have wonderful friends I have felt more alone than ever, more stressed out than I thought was possible and closer to breaking point. I had my first panic attack this year in April and although that was months and months ago I can still remember where I sat, how I felt, the way my head exploded, I can still hear the way I screamed until I couldn't breathe and it took me a long time to calm down. 2014 is the year my grannie finally forgot who I amas she is suffering from alzheimer's, watching my family try and deal with this has been incredibly difficult to watch.
    It has definitely been the year I have struggled with my mental state the most, after I graduated I started to question my existence and got more and more depressed being me. I somehow convinced myself that my life was unimportant because I don't know where I will be in 5 years time.

    I hope that 2015 will be the year that I start being who I want to be, I hope that I will feel better about myself and do what I can to make a positive contribution. My only new years resolution is to do good things; and I hope by the end of the year I will have achieved this and the 2015 monologue won't be so depressing!

    One thing that you yourself, Louise has helped with over 2014 is that if I found myself in a panic of feeling really low, when my phone/laptop have been to hand your videos sooth me and make me smile especially and video where you laugh! so if you stumble across this I really wanted to say thank you for being a little ray of sunshine in my dark year. I really, really mean it <3

    (This turned into a bit of a counselling session! oopsie!)

    Take care Sprinklerinos xxx

  137. Happy New Year Louise ... wish u the best ! I love your Blog!

  138. I absolutely LOVE the fact that you are always so positive! Instead of highlighting the downs of this year, you highlighted the ups! This post made me feel more positive, so thankyou for that Louise!(:

  139. Hello Louise
    For me this year hasn't been the been the best.
    But you have made me look at it so positively thank you!

  140. Hi Louise,
    I only just discovered your blog so I won't gush but I love your happy chirpyness :*

  141. Hi all, after having been inspired by a variety of blogs, I decided to set up my very own. I am a 16 year old girl, with a passion for reading and writing. Aimed in particular at teenage girls, my posts will include advice about love, friendship, family relations, beauty and fashion. I blog about my everyday situations and my ambition is to help and offer advice to other teenage girls who may be going through the same experiences as I am. I hope to build up a strong relationship with my readers since it is them that has taken the time to read and maybe follow my blog. Together we can help offer each other advice... It really would mean a lot to me if you would take a look at my blog, maybe send me an email or add a comment...
    Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Who knows where this could lead...
    Eleanor Xx

  142. Thanks for sharing Louise. I love reading about Darcy because my daughter Matilda is the same age. It's a beautiful age. Congratulations on all your success of 2014, you have been an inspiration to me throughout :)

  143. I totally understand the need to be quiet for a while, my YouTube was pretty quiet for almost 2 years. Now raring to go stronger than ever. Glad you are too! Wishing you many smiles this coming year x

  144. such a cute post

    Check me out

  145. My 2014 was amazing. I can't wait to see what 2015 has in store!

    Watching for Pigs on the Wing

  146. Great post Louise as always! Check out our new beauty blog
    Have a great day!

  147. Thank you for your post Louise!!! Sometimes I forget that you live outside my computer screen and you go through the same kind of emotional rollercoster as the rest of us. I'm hoping for more of a tunnel of love vibe for 2015. Here's hoping you get the same :) x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx