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Friday, 2 January 2015

Good Morning 2015, Let's Be Friends

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It is a new year and a new start. A fresh leaf, a blank slate. I am excited about this.

Every year I make and break resolutions and this year I suspect will be no different.

This year I have made a LOT of resolutions. Partly because I need to but mostly because I'm excited and motivated. I think that's a good thing.

Louise's 2015 Resolutions

The Littles

No more fizzy drinks. Last year I cut them out for about 6 weeks and really felt better for it. I drank so much water and felt a big difference in my skin and eye brightness.

More exercise. A classic. I'm not specifically aiming to drop pounds (although I'd be pleased if I did loose a few), but I would like to tone and increase general fitness levels. #GlitterGetsFitter woo yeah!

Tan more often. Very vain I know but when I tan (I never use sunbeds, only false at home from a bottle stuff), I feel much more confident. It's the little things!

Be braver without makeup. I would like to worry less about little things like eyeliner and bronzer and embrace my natural beauty, instead opting for fun lipstick colours and a lick of mascara.

Declutter my life. I love staying in hotels because they are mess free and I only have what I use and use what I have. I feel so much more productive in a hotel. I'm going to make my home like this!

Schedule better. I am a self proclaimed free spirit and as such tend to float through a day ticking things off a never ending list. This year I'd like to be a bit stricter with myself and use time and resources more efficiently.

Try new things. As you know, I'm not one for change so I won't be going totally wild but I want to give little things a go. Things like pencil skirts, facebook video, exercise classes and full floral crowns.

The Biggies

Give more. I am very passionate about sharing and giving and this year I plan to launch #GlitterGives (thank you to everyone in the comments of THIS video who suggested that hashtag, I like it). Each month I want to do a different giving project, talk about it on Sprinkle of Glitter and hopefully encourage some of you to try the same. Now that Darcy is aware of more things, I am keen to teach her to grow with a giving heart and for her to know how lucky we are and how much we can do for others. I also know that with such a large Sprinklerino community working together, a lot of good can be done.

Take opportunities. As Oprah once said, 'Every outing is an opportunity'. I will spend 2015 with my eyes and heart open for opportunities to give (as above), work or experience new things. I find that when you are aware of hoping for new opportunities, lots come your way!

Love on people. Hopefully by scheduling my life better I will have more time to spend with the people who matter most to me. I have a family holiday booked in March (which the Bitsandclip clan are joining us for- yay yay yay!) and would like to put more minibreaks and friend visits in my calendar. I'll be sure to vlog some or insta the others!!

Reach my creative potential - even if there is a financial cost. Quite often I have a big idea for a video and then because I am technologically limited, I don't carry it through. In 2014 I met so many skilled people that I think if I wanted to try something big, I could enlist their help (and pay them of course) to assist in making something really exciting. I am by no means saying I could make a short film or animation, but I think I would occasionally like to push myself more than what I do now. I'm excited for the challenge!

And there we have it. A big ol' list of things I'm aiming for this year. I am all too aware that not all of these will happen or that some will only happen to a degree but I'm a believer in lists and so to have that written down is a huge motivator for me. 

I am so excited to start this year with so much positivity I could burst! If you have a blog, insta, facebook or other (there are too many social media platforms to keep up with these days!), feel free to use this picture and list your own resolutions. Please do link back here if you do use it- thank you!




  1. Love you Louise! As I was a bit slow with coming up with new years resolutions I might just steal a few of those! Hope you and your family have a stunning year filled with laughs and glitter xx

  2. I do love you louise! You inspire me everyday to be a better person. I'm uploading a New Years blog post soon and we have very similar goals! Love you x

  3. Lovely blog post! Sounds like you have some good resolutions. I agree with the more exercise one. I need to do that as well. So much harder than it sounds when everything else is so much more easier to do! Lovely post, lots of love Francesca, xxx

  4. I plan on cutting out fizzy drinks too! Went over 2 months at the end of last year then kinds of failed at the end of December :( I really just want to be more organised with university this year, make the most of it and say yes to more things! Step out of my comfort zone! Beautiful post!! Hope you have a lovely 2015 :) Em xx

  5. Loving all these resolutions especially trying new things and giving more. Like you I feel very motivated about this year and have set myself a few resolutions which I aim to stick to! ❤ I feel bad about self promoting on your blog but I did write a post on my resolutions if you would like a read? Much love, Della :)

  6. I will join you for #GlitterGetsFitter ;)

  7. Lovely post Louise:) I made new years resolutions over on my blog too!

  8. Happy new year! Hope you can realize a few, I am the worst at making resolutions happen! xx Sofie

  9. Such a lovely post - some really good resolutions here and all of them realistic as well. Good luck in sticking to them! Hope you have a wonderful 2015!

    Hannah | The Crafty Fox

  10. Hi Louise! I just wanted to say that I have been reading your blog and watching your videos for a long long time now, and I am so proud and happy that you have come so far! I love your New Year's Resolutions, you are so kind and caring and it's BRILLIANT that you're teaching Darcy all of these important values with #GlitterGives! I hope that you and your family have a truly wonderful 2015 and that all lovely things come your way! Thank you for putting a smile on my face, lots of love, dancingintherain xoxo

  11. That's such a great post! I hope this year will be a good year for you, your family and friends! Love you xx

  12. Oh Louise, those new years resolutions are so inspirational! Especially reaching creative potential, I think that's so important. I hope yourself, Darcy and Matt have a wonderful New Year x

  13. I love these resolutions Louise :)
    I have mentioned similar things in my resolutions too.
    I can totally empathise with decluttering my life. One of my resolutions is to create my home and there is certainly a lot of clutter to sort through to get to where I want to be.
    Good luck with your resolutions and a happy new year to you and your family :)
    Helen x

  14. Some great resolutions! :) I myself need to set some, as I've been feeling kind of Lost recently! XX.

  15. Happy New Year! I hope you manage to achieve all your resolutions this year. I am also going to try to exercise more and reduce fizzy drinks! xx

    Ioanna | | Check out my 100 follower GIVEAWAY

  16. Happy New Year everyone! And also, Happy National Buffet Day! I loved your post, Louise! And thank you very much for the picture! :)

  17. You should try the calendar on mac to help you schedule better - I started using it for planning my blog posts and stuff - you can sync it between mac/iphone/ipad etc so its always up to date when you change it on one :) Really helped me - I'm planned all the way into Feb now :)

  18. What a lovely list of things :) loving the #GlitterGives idea! I think I may join you in drinking more water and decluttering more! I wrote up my little list on my blog yesterday too... Amanda Alston :)

  19. I'm so glad you are managing to start a blank slate from whatever upset you had to deal with last year. I personally don't make new years resolutions but know that they can be good psychological motivators for some. I hope they work for you! Happy new year xx

    Sam | Samantha Betteridge

  20. Louise, I love this post it is very inspirational to me! As a strong believer of no new years resolutions I might need to 'borrow' some of yours and label them as 'Goals For The Year' �� congratulations on already completing a resolution, love you xxx

  21. Lovely post! My new years resolution is to stop over think and just have fun - because 2015 isn't going to come around again. Love your videos and keep doing what you're doing :) such an inspiration xx

  22. What great resolutions! You really thought about them and there all the right amount to be achieved! ♡Love ya Louise and hope everyone has a great 2015♡

  23. Happy New Year Louise!! So many great resolutions but I have to say I think your #glittergives resolution is my favourite and I'm hoping this year to also be a little more giving :) I can't wait to here about some of you projects!

  24. Brilliant post (as always) I will definitely be jotting some of these down- also #GlitterGives sounds amazing! Love you Louise :)

  25. Great resolutions Louise, I fully believe you can achieve them! :)
    Maeve // Thrift O'Clock

  26. I love these resolutions Louise, each one has a meaning big or small. I absolutely love the resolution to give more, and it actually inspired me to give more too! I really believe you'll be able to do them all.

    Beka. xo

  27. Wowza! Great resolutions Louise! I believe you can achieve them. Your Sprinklerinoes will help. Love you as always XOXO
    Happy new year

  28. Very inspiring list of resolutions! I wish you every success in achieving them all in 2015! x

  29. Hi Louise! I got the idea of only doing 3 New Years resolutions from Girl Online. Also, you and Zoe inspired me to start a blog. Also, my Internet friend wants to! You have inspired me so much xx thank you 😘

  30. hey Louise! i'm the worst with resolutions, i don't think i've ever bothered to even make them!! but yours look AMAZING this year and i can't wait to watch them all unfold on your blog! happy new year to you and your beautiful family!

  31. Good luck with your resolutions and thank you for letting us use that picture! I never really thought about making resolutions before, but since it's a brand new year, I thought I would give it a go on my blog :)

  32. What a lovely list of resolutions. I have a hard time committing to resolutions because I know they will usually fizzle out, but these are great goals to have in place. I can't wait to see how #glittergives takes shape!

  33. Yay this has made me so motivated! I loved all of your resolutions, especially the #GlitterGives one :) This year I'm aiming to give more (inspired by you) whether that be physical possessions/money, or time. I also want to exercise more and try and be a bit healthier. And lastly I want to improve my confidence and increase my self-esteem. I hope you have a really happy New Year! x

  34. Great post Louise! I'm hoping to do more exercise and to have a good clear out of all my stuff. Whether I stick to those resolutions is another thing haha! Have a great 2015 Louise!
    Katie x

  35. Good luck with your resolutions they have inspired me to write some resolutions too! Have a amazing 2015! Xx

  36. Cutting out fizzy drinks is so so good for you - I know it seems obvious, but you don't realise the difference until you've been on water for over a month. My skin cleared up a lot, it looks more alive (which is good for me considering I'm so darn pale), I feel more energised and I don't get as many headaches! I do hope you stick with that one, Louise!xx

  37. I wasn't going to have any resolutions this year but after reading your I just had to! The fizzy drinks one is so good. I don't drink them very often but I wish I could cut them out completely. xx

  38. Lovely post! I also want to feel more confident without any make-up! I also want to drink more water which will also help my skin. I love these types of posts because it makes me feel more inspired and determined! Ahah! I hope all your hopes and dreams for 2015 come true! X


  39. Love this post! Good luck with your resolutions. x

  40. This is a great list of realistic resolution! I'm certain that you will be able to stick to them! I'm joining you on getting fitter x

  41. as inspiring and lovely as ever Louise! Good luck <3

    we rise & we fall | Poppy

  42. I always love reading your blog posts, they're written so well. I really hope you are able to achieve these goals in 2015 as you are one lady who certainly deserves it!

    A xo

    Find me at:

  43. Looking forward to following your journey this year Louise x

  44. This is just too true! I love your blog Louise, it's so realistic and you're not trying to be someone you're not. You are definitely my inspiration.
    I hope someday I can be half as amazing as you.
    Lots of Love, Elliexx

  45. this is such a good blog post xx

  46. Lovely resolutions post!! Happy new year Louise x

  47. Louise you are such an inspiration, for 2015 I plan to make it a freash start and do more things. Good luck with 2015 I hope you achieve all your resolutions x

  48. Hi Louise, so you not doing #glittergetfitter this year?

  49. Good luck Louise :) your blog is so positive it makes me super happy!
    Love you

  50. I wish you the best of luck Louise! i know you'll be able to do it! :D x

  51. I am with you with the Fizzy drinks. I am so adddicted to Coke it's bad. haha. Good Luck! x

  52. Good luck in new year! xx

  53. Ooh I'm excited to be joining you with your 'giving back' projects. This is one of my own goals for this year and I actually posted about this on my blog! I'm volunteering at an animal shelter as one of my ways to generate some good karma! Hope you have a wonderful year :D x

  54. I really agree with so many of these resolutions - I want to maximise my potential and say 'YES' more to opportunities!

    Lauren x
    Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty -

  55. Reaching my creative potential and trying new things are my new year resolutions also :)

  56. Great resolutions, I love the idea of giving more, it's such an easy but big thing to do that makes an enormous inpact. x

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  57. Those are great resolutions! Some of them are in my own list of resolutions for this new year.
    With a lot of positivity and perseverance we will be able to achieve all of our goals :)

    Salha | Abuhayar

  58. That is such a great list Louise - good luck in reaching them.

    Lizzie Dripping

  59. A very thoughtful list of resolutions. Louise! I usually go for a whole sort of ten-point list on the 31st December and by the end of the first week of Jan, I've already broken over half of them. So this year, I've dramatically shortened the list. My main is to read more ! My goal, thanks to Good Reads, is to read thirty books this year - wish me luck and I wish you luck, I know you'll do great. :)

  60. Love all these and i'm confident you will stick to them! I never make them because I break them :(
    But the one thing I need to do this year is get my business more off the ground and make a success of what I love doing :)

  61. Definitely joining you for #GlitterGetsFitter this year!

  62. Been making boxes full of things for the homeless shelter by my house inspired by you #GlitterGives will bring so much goodness to the world, well done Louise and thankyou for inspiring me <3

  63. Those are some superb resolutions, Lousie! All the best for 2015!

  64. Definitely excited to try new things this year which will hopefully be possible if I can get more organised! Lovely end of year post, Louise. xx

    A Fashion Tale // UK Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  65. Great list! I've made a post about my goals for 2015 after being inspired by your post!

  66. love the post Louise, I think I need to apply the fizzy drink resolutions to me too haha x

  67. I am going to try not to drink fizzy drinks too fingers crossed

  68. Those are some great resolutions, both the little and the big. I'm just starting a list of my own and I am frightened by how many of them seem easy writing them down, I know they won't be when I actually try to put them into practice!

  69. Very similar to my 2015 goals haha ❤ I love your blog ❤

  70. Hi, similar to mine 2, love u lots Louise xoxo

  71. Happy new year Louise!
    I love how optimistic you're feeling for the year ahead! :)
    These are my new years resolutions:


  72. This helped me so much as I was a bit slow at coming up with my new year resolutions., but this has really inspired me to give it my all throughout this year! Thanks so much P.S I love you and your little family it fills me with love!

  73. Happy New Year, Louise! You're so inspiring, looking forward to following you along in 2015! :)

  74. can't wait for the GlitterGives projects

  75. Hny louisex I think my resolution should be to stop eating chocolate:) You are so inspiring to me though.

  76. Great list, Louise :) I think I'm pretty much doing more or less the same as you actually. I think 2015 is the year for everyone, I just have a gut feeling. Great to see your post and resolutions. Take care xx

    Anything & Everything

  77. Lovely goals! Thanks for sharing! x

    Blog Marjorie

  78. Great goals, Louise! :)
    Happy 2015!
    Valérie | Scribbles of Valérie

  79. I love this! So inspirational, these are goals we can all use! I have my own new year resolution list here!

  80. Louise you really are such an inspiration, I've never had body confidence or even the motivation to do this, but seeing you do glittergetsfitter and what not has really kicked me into gear, thank you so much for this year Louise, you really are a star. I wish you, Matt and Darcy all the best for 2015.

    Beth x

  81. This is so inspirational. I too feel like people need to give more and so that is one of my new years resolutions as well. The other day, I was with my cousin and there was an old church on the road that we were walking down and they were giving the homeless food for christmas. We had just done some christmas shopping and we had of course had impulse buys on us so instead of keeping them we gave our impulse buys to the church to give to the homeless. These were things such as Shampoo and body washes. We also gave them a few of our junk food that we had bought because why not?

  82. I have many of the same resolutions ;)P Happy 2015 !!
    Dreams and Sunshine

  83. I will defiantly be cutting out the fizzy drinks as its bad for your teeth and health as because of the gas in them bloats your tummy. I will also be joining in with glitter gets fitter and I love the idea of glitter gives as i think its really important with those who have been blessed with love, joy and other things (money, food, water etc.) that we have a responsibility to give to those that don't! (Ive done a blogpost on the new year would love if you checked it out as I've just started out) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  84. I think I'm going to steal some of these hahaha

  85. Happy New Year Louise, Matt & Darcy. Xxx

    Carly's Beauty World

  86. wish I could cut fizzy drinks, but it would be impossible!!

  87. Happy New Year!!

  88. Wow! That's a lot of resolutions! I only have three XD

  89. I love that you've broken down your resolutions between little and big ones. I think writing them down is definitely the first step.. Now I need to do this myself..


  90. Aww love your spirit louise! I'm doing the fizzy drinks one too and trying to photograph more, good luck in all your resolutions :)

  91. happy new year x

  92. Great resolutions :). I love the feeling of new motivation and ambition at the start of every year haha! Happy New Years Louise!


  93. Nothing wrong with having new years resolutions, I think it's good to have something to work towards! Next year you'll be able to say what a good year 2015 was because you achieved so much!

    Meme xx

  94. Happy new years Louise <3 I must say, your blog is the most amazing thing to ever exsist <3

  95. Happy New Year! i love how your resolutions are realistic and not generic :) All the best for the new year! Xx

  96. Oh I do love a good list and what better list than new years resolutions (new to reading your blog and what a great post to start on!) I am with you on the fizzy drinks front I am trying to ditch them for 2015 (well reduce them anyways!)

  97. Great goals! I'm a new reader and looking forward to reading through the year to see how you get on x

  98. I can't go without my fizzy drinks. I know they are full of crap but I just can't kick the habit!
    Reinventing Neesha ♥

  99. So excited to follow you into another year of smiles, ribbons and Darcy! Big hugs xx

  100. Louise, I made my own list!

  101. Good luck with your resolutions- I really want to be braver without makeup as well!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

  102. Such a lovely post! It's nice to see resolutions that you know you can achieve and not put to much pressure on yourself! Exciting times ahead, new year, new memories :)

  103. Cutting out fizzy drinks is a great goal. It's such an easy way to reduce your sugar intake. Anyway, good luck with all your goals, big and small, and I look forward to seeing more of you videos and blog posts this year!

    Claire // Technicolour Dreamer

  104. happy new year ! this is my blogpost it would make my year if you read it but don worry if you are too busy .

  105. Kind of embarrassed now because I have a blog post almost exactly like this, right down to the 'Hello 2015' picture. Luckily I posted mine yesterday, so I didn't copy you! Haha. People might think I did though. I hope you achieve everything you hope to in 2015!

  106. This all sounds very exciting Louise! I can't wait to see what videos and blog posts you make in 2015 :) x

  107. These are wonderful goals for 2015 (I accidentally typed 2014... I need to get with it!)! It's always a wonderful idea to have small and large goals so that in case you do end up failing on the larger ones, at least you can complete the small ones! I am so excited to see your Youtube videos grow and change over the course of this year! Much luck x

    Extraneous Melodies by Emily Bee

  108. I Wish you a happy new year Louise!! You are going to have a great year! I love you so much and I can't wait to watch more of your videos this year :)

  109. happy new year to you all :)
    started blogging again! new post coming soon..

  110. All these resolutions are so relatable! I have most of the same little resolutions but I also have some of the big resolutions. Loved this post Louise ♥

  111. I'd managed to stop drinking sodas for two years and I recently started again. I've been getting more spots again, sigh...I should stop. I can't seem to help it! I definitely need to drink more water and work out and generally just be healthier. I hope you can achieve your goals, Louise! xx

  112. This is a great post. It's funny what happens when you manage to do the little things, how much they changes things. I don't like looking at them as resolutions, I prefer the term goals for the year. I don't know why but "goal" seems so much nicer then "resolution".

    Sophie xxx

  113. Great post as always! Good luck with your new years resolutions!

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Best of luck on ur goals for 2015 Louise. This is such a positive post, �� it x

  116. These are such great resolutions. I have made a few and I'm hoping I have the motivation and determination to stick to them. I've also given up fizzy drinks for around 2 years now and I totally notice a difference. I also need to try new things and not be too scared!

    Amanda / Amanda's Escape

  117. Your new years resolutions are amazing! Good luck :) <3

  118. Great resolutions Louise! I love the idea of having smaller resolutions and bigger ones! I hope you and your family have a great 2015!

  119. I recently did a post on my blog about staying organized in the new year, please go and check it out!

  120. Great resolutions! I'm really looking forward to #glittergives and seeing what you do with it this year.

    I have written my resolutions on a blog post at I posted it before I saw I could use your picture I'm afraid! I've not been blogging very long but it's really good fun.

    Thank you for asking everyone to link their own resolutions blog posts. I've had a nice morning reading them through. I liked and

    Hope you're having a brilliant day! x

  121. I need to take part in the less fizzy drinks but sometimes you just need some sugar :(

  122. You are such an inspiration Louise :) 2015 is definitely going to be your year ;)

    love you xx

  123. This post is so relatable - I think I might have to take some of these resolutions myself!

    You've got some brilliant ideas for resolutions and things you want to do this year! I especially can't wait to see what you do with #GlitterGives as being a member of the Salvation Army, giving is very close to my heart. I really admire the way you use your influence to do some good and I think we could all learn something from you. :)

    I'm just working on a post for my (very new!) blog, so you might recognise what I think is going to be the opening image, but if anyone would like to check it out then that would be lovely! :)

    Thank you! :)

  124. These are really good resolutions, i might have to steal the 'cut down on fizzy drinks'!!

    I recently wrote a blog post on my New Year's Resolutions if anyone fancied checking it out, it would mean a lot :)

  125. Very good resolutions Louise! Good luck with them and all the best for 2015 :)

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Oooh good one on the fizzy drinks, i did a 30 day water only challenge and it does make a difference.. I think i might try to cut out some sugar this year!

  128. Very inspiring post! Love the Oprah quote. Really gets me thinking on what I could do in my life to make myself feel better.

  129. These are great! I want to drink more water but not sure I'm strong enough to give up the fizzy drinks :)

  130. Cant wait to see what the new year brings

  131. Some fabulous resolutions - good luck <3

  132. Good Luck with your resolutions Louise!! xx

  133. I feel really motivated about this year too! I just feel like it's going to be a good one. I didn't make set resolutions as such but I do hope to do more creatively this year and moving forward, to look after myself more and to give more to others. All the best with this year and new adventures :)


  134. Hey, my resolution is to be more creative so me and my brother made this blog for kids.
    Check it out!

  135. I can't believe it's 2015 already! Im very excited :)

  136. Aww so nice. I love this post so much Louise, I swear you continue to inspire me and put a smile on my face! I love you!

  137. Loved this it was so nice and thought out. I too would like to cut out fizzy drinks. I love your blog its amazing. xoxo Cami

  138. My biggest resolution this year is to do a bit more self loving. I find that I spend so much time focusing on making my friends happy that a don't leave enough of that happiness for myself. You definitely helped me see the importance of self love and acceptance throughout 2014 and I hope to practice that more this year! Thanks so much for that! xx. Here's my 2015 resolutions too! (

  139. I love the pretty graphic you made, Louise! I used it on my New Years Resolution post ( :)

  140. i do simply adore you and your cute posts Louise! and I agree one hundred percent about the hotel scenarios. I need to create the de-cluttered and simply clean feel in my own home! Xxx

  141. I am just in love with your blog. You inspired me to start one of my own. I'm not that good, but my goal this year is to post at least a little something everyday. I want my voice to be heard. So thank you for that!

  142. I can identify with some of these resolutions wholeheartedly! You can find a list of mine on my latest blogpost. Have a lovely New Year, Louise!

    Evie // evanescxent

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. Loving everyone's new year posts! These are great points Louise, one of mine was to be more creative, especially with my photography :) I really admire you for all your charitable work, you already do so much, and it's lovely to see you aiming to do more!! You are a very special person x

  145. I'm still reading the 2015 goals posts and we're 4 days into the new year already! I want to try more things and take more opportunities too, I don't want to be living with regrets! I hope you and your family are doing well and all have a good new year!

  146. This post is great for motivation, can't wait to see what you have to offer in 2015!!

  147. I adore all the positivity at the start of a new year, it makes me always super motivated! I am sure you will achieve a lot of ur goals, all the love
    Bell ♥

  148. I am really weird that I am starting my new year resolutions on Monday 5th Jan 2015? I do this so I can read all the resolution posts try out a few routines to include new healthy habits etc...
    I treat the 1st to 5th as a practice round :P

  149. This is such an inspirational post - I love it! I can't wait to see what comes out of #GlitterGives.

  150. Happy new year! I have a couple of healthy recipes if you want to give them a go for your healthier new year reaolutions :)

    New blog post, healthy breakfast and lunch recipes, perfect for work days!

  151. Happy New Year Louise! Loved reading your resolutions, you've definitely inspired me with them, as I myself will be trying to get fitter as well this year. :) Having some issues with the execution of my plans still, but I'm getting there!

  152. Happy New Year. xox

  153. Really inspiring. Thank you. Happy new year xx

  154. Hello!!!!! I adore your blog and youtube! and hello commenters! check out my blog, I hope someone likes it!!!

  155. Happy New Year!

  156. love this! its so motivational!

    i just posted my 2014 makeup favourites on; beauty and lifestyle blog

  157. love this so much!

  158. Such lovely ideas to make realistic improvements without overwhelming yourself. Happy New Year Louise x

  159. Love this post! I have a couple resolutions the same as you, so I can't wait to see how your year goes as well as mine! xx

  160. loved this! I have just started my blog so if anybody wants to be blog buddies or just check out my blog it's :

  161. Inspired by you, I did my own blogpost about my resolutions. Would make me happy enough if you would read it

  162. Omg me too I feel sooo much confident when I`m tan, haha its so weird.

  163. You should totally make a short film!! :)

  164. Really loved this post! So positive and uplifiting for the new year!

    I'm hoping to get a post up soon about my hopes, dreams & aspirations for 2015 (I think resolutions can be quite negative and seem regretful) is where to find me or @ches_sels on twitter!

  165. Thankyou so much for all the hard work you put into this blog and to youtube this year! happy new year! xx loved the post! maybe you could post about your progress? xx love you

  166. this is great louise
    Check me out

  167. Thanks so much for putting so much effort into your main channel and vlog channel . I really enjoy watching your videos and I can relate to many things when watching them (#GlitterGetsFitter in particular)!!! Please just continue doing what do, and Happy New Year!!!

  168. This has given me so many good ideas! Thankyou xxx

  169. I am keeping my fingers crossed for your New Year's resolutions! I have to be a lot healthier and fitter too ;) #GlitterGetsFitter and #GlitterGives are my type of thing! <3 xx Love you Louise !!! ❤

  170. Love your resolutions for this year and I loved the video too! A true inspiration. Thanks.
    Eloise xx

  171. Love your posts (and youtube) a lot! I've also got a small new years resolution written up on my new blog, feel free to check it out!

  172. Louise I think you're such an inspiration and I love your new years resolutions! I hope you're having a lovely day/night and that the new year has treated you well so far! I was just wondering, I've started a blog recently, here on bloodspot, and I was wondering if you have any tips on how to get my name out there. I've wanted to start making youtube vids for a while as well but I've also wanted to start a blog and I think that that is more realistic for me at the moment. DO you have any advice or tips for my blog? Thank you so much for just being you! I love you so much, Louise! Love Georgia Hickling xxx

  173. Those are AWESOME ideas!!!
    I have 30 New Years Resolution ideas over on my blog, check it out here! >>

  174. Thank you for your lovely, positive blog Louise. I always enjoy reading it and it inspired me to start my own blog - here is my 'Hello 2015' post:

  175. These are all such great goals!
    You always help make me feel more positive, which something i need more in my life, so thank you!

  176. hey louise if you are reading this i think you are an amazing person and you make me feel sooo happy if it wasnt for you i dont know what state i would be in. I am extremely proud about everything you have acheived and for raising a beautiful baby girl. I would be extremely happy if you could check out my blog it only has two posts but i will write more. The link is please comment on it if you have the time
    LOVE YOU AND MATT AND DARCEY (cant forget the kittens)

  177. These are such great new year's resolutions!

  178. I.LOVE.YOU.SO.MUCH! I'm supporting you in every possible way ;) Love you Louise! xx

  179. I have a giveaway going on my blog, for a chance to win all you have to do is enter, follow my blog and you might win.

    Meme xx

  180. I totally agree with giving more Louise! its so important to teach the youngsters around you to grow up with a giving heart! Thank you for sharing with us!

  181. These are amazing! I wish my goals were exciting, however they are all academic since I'm graduating soon and am already very overwhelmed.

    Watching for Pigs on the Wing

  182. Loved this post! x

  183. Loved this! I've got a good ol' list of resolutions I want to conquer this year too! Good luck Louise - I think we have some similar resolutions!

  184. Loved this post! I think I want to do pretty much all of your resolutions on top of mine haha! I've written my first blog post on what my new years resolutions are! :D

  185. Great plan for 2015! I have a long list as well and hope I can accomplish at least half of the goals I've set. I adore your blog and style! Hope 2015 is an excellent year for you! x, S
    Things That Glitter Beauty Blog

  186. This was such a brilliant post Louise, I always love all of the content you create! It actually inspired me to do my own blog post very similar to this! I'm new to this whole blogging malarkey so I hope some of you could check it out and maybe even give me some advice!


  187. This is a really inspiring post Louise so thank you very much!
    It has really inspired some of my resolutions too and I hope to be joining other sprinklearinos with #glittergetsfitter and #glitter gives.
    Lots Of Love,
    Lottie xxx

  188. Hello Louise, I am new to watching you on YouTube and would just like to say, in the last 2/3 weeks of watching you I have already found you an inspiring woman. I love how kind and generous you are to your followers and how devotional you are to your family. The relationship you have between you and your Chummy Zoe is beautiful and wish someday I can have a friend as kind and sweet as you two are to one another. I would like to say thank you as I've been unsure what I really want in life and seeing you and your wonderful husband and you beautiful Baby Glitter Darcy, I know if when I am older I am as happy as you are and could be half as pretty and loving as you then I know my life is complete. Also another thank you to you and Zoe as it is you and Zoe who kicked off my confidence to do a blog as I was always unsure whether to or not. So thank you very much, I have now created a blog and done my first ever post. I watched your joint video of blogging tips and I have found it super helpful. Looking at yours I know its not as well designed but I know it will get better over time. Anyway I would love if you could read my blog as it was both you and Zoe who inspired me to pursue it. Thank you for all the help your videos have given me, Abby xxx (

  189. I really want to start blogging this year! I have just made a blog and already posted a review (link here if anyone's interested, if not thats cool - and it's people like you who inspire me and make me want to create something just like you have! Thank you Louise! x


  190. Hello, my name is Miss faith, I'm from USA. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is genuine and real. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing Garvin, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. I found consultant.odia spells and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Several days later, my phone rang. Garvin was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to how much I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn't brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it. It will bring you a wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be." you can contact the spell caster on he's very nice and great.


  191. Hello, my name is Miss faith, I'm from USA. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is genuine and real. I never really believed in any of these things but when I was losing Garvin, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly. I found consultant.odia spells and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Several days later, my phone rang. Garvin was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to how much I loved and needed him. Spell Casting isn't brainwashing, but they opened his eyes to how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try it. It will bring you a wonderful surprises as well as your lover back to you. The way things were meant to be." you can contact the spell caster on he's very nice and great.

  192. I still really love this post, and it inspired me to write a similar thing on my own blog ( I just wish I could update my blog as much as you update yours, it's amazing!

    Please check me out, I'd be forever grateful :) xx

  193. hey louise I absolutely love your blog, you talk about so many interesting things.
    I've subscribed and also liked most videos

  194. Good luck with your 'biggies'! I'm also trying to do a little more to give, and I recently cut off 12 inches of my hair which will be donated to Little Princess Trust. It will be made into a wig for children who have lost their hair as a result of cancer. I'd appreciate it if you guys donated and visited my page here! :)

  195. During my search on GOOGLE for help to get my ex lover whom has left me back, i came across this wonderful and renowed SPELL CASTER called DR.EZIZA who did a nice and genuie job by helping me to get my husband back within 48hours.. I never believed that such things like this can be possible but now i am a living testimony to it because DR.EZIZA OF actually brought my lover back and now we are a happy family together once again , If you are still doubting or has been in same situation as i was why not contact DR.EZIZA on email : ( or him on +2347068534025, Then i promise you that after 48hours you will have reasons to celebrate like me.

  196. Life is good when you have your love ones around you, I am saying this because when i had issues with my lover i never seen life as a good thing but thanks to Dr. AGBAZARA of AGBAZARA TEMPLE, for helping me to cast a spell that brought my lover back to me within the space of 48hours. My husband left me for another woman after 7YEARS of marriage,but Dr.AGBAZARA help me cast a spell that brought him back to me within 48hours. I am not going to tell you more details about myself rather i will only advise those who are having issues in there relationship or marriages to contact Dr.AGBAZARA TEMPLE through these details via;
    ( or call him on (+2348104102662).

  197. Hello am Hayden Harriet from the UK. Am here to appreciate a man who has brought back the most precious thing back into my life .After Hayden left me for good 2 years i was in deep pain and so confused because i truly loved him so much because he meant a lot in my life,So i was at a shop one day buying somethings when i was listening to the radio hearing a lady talking about Dr Aluda on how he has helped her in bringing back her ex,lover i was like truly this Dr Aluda has really been the talk of UK now So which then i got home and had a re think about contacting this spell caster So then i got his contact when i went to meet them at the radio station,They gave me dr Aluda cell number and email id,Then i decided to contact him and i explained to Dr Aluda how my Husband left me for good 2years,He told me not to worry that he would surly bring back Hayden into my life within 5days i was so happy when i had that i was thinking if truly what Dr Aluda is saying is true So then i said if he was a scam people would not talk good about him in an international radio station here in the UK,What baffled me the most was that before the 5days completed i already got an email from Hayden begging me,i was like are you sure this email his real,i was doubting then the next thing was a call from Hayden telling me he is in front of my door i rushed to the door i opened it and saw Hayden standing and crying for me to forgive him which i did,i forgive him and he was so happy and promise to be with me forever,This happened due to the help of this great man Dr Aluda,Please friend Dr Aluda has brought back happiness into our life in the UK how wish we could give him an award for the great thing he has done for us in the UK.Dr Aluda is a man to contact for help please don't fall victim into the hand of scam Dr Aluda is here to help and a living testimony to his great work contact him on his private mail or call and whatsapp him on +393512872745


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx