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Monday, 5 January 2015

Motivational Monday || Adventure

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you. A new week, a new month, a new year- a triple whammy today. Much excite!

Today had no choice other than to be about new starts. 

I am always optimistic at the start of the year. I feel like the air changes and there is a very tangible sense of change for the better. People cast away the sorrows or hardships of the past 12 months and try again. For me, it's a little bit magical. 

I spoke last week about all of my resolutions and how excited I am but I would like this week for you to take a moment to think about what you want out of this year. You don't need to write it down or share it with anyone, just take a couple of minutes out of your day to focus on exactly what you want. 

Is it to spend more quality time with people? Gain qualifications? Save up? Travel somewhere? Add to your family? Whatever it is, think about it, visualise and commit to yourself that you are going to work towards it. If you want it hard enough, you'll find a way to make it happen.

I have great faith it in you and so do all your Sprinklerino family. If you'd like to share, feel free in the comments. Also, don't forget to support each other in the comments too. It can really make all the difference to someone's day. 




  1. I have a lot that I want to achive this year.. I want to pass my exams :) <3

  2. Lovely post Louise!! When I was meant to be tidying today I spent a great deal of my time actually thinking about what I want to get out of 2015, great minds think alike haha ;) I don't want to say it was an eye opener but actually sitting there and thinking solely on what I want 2015 to be like was awesome for me. I was able to put a lot of stuff in perspective and realise what my priorities are :) much love Em xx

  3. I have many resolutions and things I want to accomplish this year, lets do it together! ❤

  4. passing exams but also taking time away from studying and laptop time to begin more creative projects. watercolours, collages, painting, I want to focus on it all as it's what I love to do but never seen to make the time for any more. happy new year louise!! xx

    1. I totally agree with you!!! I feel like with school it can be so easy to stop creating, but I need to set some time aside to feed my creative little monster inside, haha.

  5. My only resolution this year is to make 2015 the best year it can be :)

  6. My resolution this year is to take every day as it comes and to try and focus on that day, and be happy about the small things and what's happening in the moment. I feel like I spend to much of my time worrying about the past and mainly just what's going to happen in the future, which ends up taking away from the fully enjoying what I'm doing at the time :)

  7. I am going to graduate (hopefully with a first!). Lovely post, Louise - definitely gives you something to think about x

    Sam Betteridge

  8. I love this, this year I want to eat more healthy, try new things, exercise more and travel more xx

  9. This year i want to become a more positive person and find happiness in everything i do such as blogging. Fantastic post Louise x <3

    Katy Summers (TeenageBlogger)

    1. LOVE this! I too want to fill my life with more positivity and make way for more things to happen to me :)

  10. Love reading your Monday posts. Have a fab 2015 lovely!

    Zoe Newlove | Beauty Blogger & MUA

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I have so many goals for 2015, I think it's going to be a great year for me! So much to look forward to!

    Meme x

  13. I love Motivational Monday! I wrote a post about New Year's Resolutions and goal setting across on my blog if anyone would like to check it out x

  14. I love your motivational monday messages!


  15. This is the first year I've really thought about making any resolutions, but it's definitely a good year to start as I want to work to the best of my ability and gain the qualifications I need by continually setting achievable goals for myself, which I have learnt from you, lovely post Louise and good luck for 2015!x

  16. Mine is to be more productive, stress less and learn a wee bit of photography. Louise is it possible to tag you in things on pinterest? Seen a few Disney ones I would have liked to share :) good luck everyone with resolutions! x

    1. Those are great resolutions! I want to do a bit more photography too :)

  17. I kinda needed this today! I was made redundant at the end of December and searching for jobs is draining me at the moment. Have been trying to be optimistic for the start of the year but woke up today just feeling a little down. This post reminded me that everything is OK and made me pick myself back up again and continue with the positive thinking, so thank you so much for that! :) xx

  18. Your motivational mondays really do motivate me!
    This year I want to start being the best version of myself, which means eating healthy, using my time better, getting done more of my goals and doing more creative projects. And by the end of the year I want to have figured out what I want to do with my life as I graduated from school last year.
    Everyones resolutions sound great and I think we all can achieve them!

  19. Short and sweet, but got the message across. Happy New Year Louise!xx

  20. I have so many things to think about doing this year such as exams and stuff.This year is probably going to be the biggest year for me but I'm excited for what 2015 can bring!x


  21. Lovely post as always! After a pretty bad 2014 I decided it was time to stop moaning and actually make some changes so I booked a one way flight to Sydney for the end of January and could not be more excited for what 2015 will bring! I wish you all the best for 2015 and hope it's everything you'd like it to be!

  22. i want to take time for myself to figure out what i want, in life and in relationships and what i want from myself. and i'm gonna stop saying all those "i'm not creative enough" "i can't do this" "i suck at that", and try to get rid of all negative thoughts in general.

  23. I look forward to these posts every week! :)
    I plan to do more of what I enjoy and not be so hard on myself!
    I also kick started my year yesterday by booking a holiday to Florida and I'm so excited!! Although I have to wait until October!

  24. Good luck with everyone's resolutions! My main one this year is to be more proactive, and also to be kinder to myself - I'm definitely my worst critic haha

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Love this so much Louise!

  27. I've made a few resolutions this year and have been doing well so far but today is going to be a lazy day because I'm off work and I'm ill so I've been feeling sorry for myself aha! Good luck with your New Year resolutions everyone :)

  28. I think to this year to put it into a quote I saw I am going to 'stop burning myself, to make others warmer.'
    Still up to the task of making others happy just not at the expense of my own. Also wish to get physically healthier and carry on with my Channel no matter what obstacle appears :) Thanks for the motivation :)

  29. I hope to be more creative, and find happiness in every day. X

  30. Thanks for this Louise, I really needed this! I want to get past my fears this year and take more chances x

  31. This year is going to be so busy with A-levels, training and competitions and starting uni (hopefully) I guess I just want to do well and be happy!

  32. I haven't ever really made new years resolutions but this year I decided I wanted a change. I bought a journal and I am calling it the positivity journal and I can only write positive things in it. I have always been a pretty negative person but I don't want to be like that anymore!

  33. I'm excited for 2015! It's the year I finish school and hopefully get my first job. I'm excited to see how it all unfolds :)
    Katie x

    1. Eek! That is so exciting, good luck with finishing up school and work :)

  34. I graduate this year so coming out of uni with a grade i'm happy with (and deserve) is probably my tip top priority! Then its trying to find a full time job, start saving for my own little place and not neglect my little piece of internet too much too. :) Scary!


  35. This year I want to be more positive and enjoy every single day. I want to focus more on what and who I love, something that last year I definitely didn't do.


    1. LOVE these resolutions! I hope that all of these happen for you :)

  36. Thanks for the inspiration and motivation Louise. I've decided that 2015 is my lucky year (so many 5's in my life right now!) and aim to succeed in all my new year goals.

    I want to work on my fitness goals, I want to transform my body and inspire others. I want to write more, laugh more and travel more. The positive vibes I get help me not only believe but know I'll accomplish my goals no matter what~

  37. I want to get a place with my partner this year and progress in my new job!! :) Good luck with your year Louise!! Xx

  38. Love reading your inspirational monday posts!!

    I have just posted my skin care routine if anyone fancies checking it out it would mean a lot :)

  39. My resolutions are detailed in my most recent blogpost, if anyone fancies having a look, feel free!

    Evie //

  40. Always inspiring Louise!

  41. Lovely encouraging words of wisdom Louise! Hope you have a brilliant year and a lovely day :)
    Hannah x

  42. Lovely post Louise for the start of a new year. My resolution for this year is to continue with my weight loss and healthy lifestyle to lose more weight; lost 5 stone so far and feel much happier in myself. Wish you luck in everything you do for this year chick x

  43. Hey everyone!

    I've written a blog post about New Year's resolutions! Hope you can take some out to read it :)

    Thank you ♥

  44. Hi Louise! And Oh hello to everyone reading my comment!

    My blog post about New Year resolutions is probably going to be on my blog in couple of days, but I'm with you, trying this #GlitterGetsFitter resolution (little spoiler lol)

    But I just wanted to let you know that you're all so lovely and wanted to wish everyone better year!

  45. New blog here would be really greatful if you had a look/followed on Google+ or Bloglovin :) Find me on @ches_sels on twitter

  46. A new year is always a fresh start for me. I think this year you are going to achieve a lot Louise :)

  47. I hope to graduate and continue with my blog! x

    1. Those sound so similar to mine. Good luck Kate, we've got this! :)

  48. Happy motivational monday!
    My Husband and I have been try to conceive for three years now. This is our year!! I have PCOS, and I am determined to get my health on track so I can have a healthy pregnancy. I LOVE fresh starts!

  49. Hiya louise , i have to say im totally LOVING your blog. ive just followed you on here and your facebok page. If you have time could you have a look & follow my new blog site Each week Ill be posting reviews or craft fairs & museums, Crafts made by me and others, competitions and much more. you can also follow me on Facebook at :)

  50. I don't have many resolutions this year, but I want to make sure I succeed at them. Let's all support each other to make sure we all achieve what we want!

    Beka. xo

  51. This year I really want to work harder on my blog and also start a YouTube channel (I posted my first video yesterday!!) Love you Louise x

    1. You go girl! I totally know what you mean by this :) I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for all of us :)

  52. I love your blog. This year, my resolutions are pretty much everything, and I'm stressed. Check out my blog, it's new and I'd like a few people to see it. Have a look :)

  53. My resolution is to be healthy and happy with my self and also to work harder with my little blog.

    Btw I love your style of writing Louise!.

  54. I struggle to find motivation. I think I need framed quotes all around the house to get me in the mood to do anything
    Reinventing Neesha ♥

  55. My resolutions are to work hard on my blog and vlogging and to stop letting past experiences hold me back from getting involved in new things (like relationships!) xx

  56. I loved this post! I agree, New Years are magical. I just posted my resolutions on my blog! Check it out. :)

  57. I love how uplifting your blog is!

  58. Love this

    Check me out

  59. I would say my main resolution is to pass my A-Levels and go to Uni...
    I wrote a post about my smaller resolutions recently!

  60. your blog posts and YouTube videos are so inspirational Louise, I love reading the posts and watching the videos and vlogs; your latest video is so lovely too!! Xx

  61. I would love the chance to travel - we'll see how it goes.

    Lizzie Dripping

  62. Main goal for this year is to finish school! All the best for 2015 x //

  63. It is really exciting to know that there's a new year ahead, I'm feeling positive about it too. :) x

  64. I love this and #glittergetsfit woo! I also have a newly launched blog where I have a bunch of varying post ranging from my beauty essentials to my new years resolution and a pile more to come from my fears about failure to a load more fashion edits and it would mean everything if you had a little peek at:
    Thank you xx

  65. This year I want to work on developing my blog some more and producing better content as well as improving the quality of my pictures. I would love to get some feedback on my past posts so I'd know just what to improve <3

  66. I'm hoping to graduate and start work this year, fingers crossed!

  67. I'm expecting to score my first year of university with amazing results!

  68. I love your optimism, really positivity felt in your post.

    I aim for achieving my goals, becoming more creative and working towards being a self-sufficient artist. working towards becoming my own boss. Besides this, having a happy year.

    Rebekah |

  69. I put a post up on my blog about my resolutions but above everything mentioned there, I really just want to be happy and content with my life and myself. Sounds good enough :)

  70. I want to pass all my exams, travel more, and be more confident. Loved this post Louise! xx

    1. I am SO with you on the "travel more"! Good luck on your exams :)

  71. I feel like it's magical too! I just wrote a post about my goals and wishes. This will be a different kind of year as I am expecting my first baby! Feel free to pop by my blog! :)


    1. Eek! Congratulations on expecting your first baby :) That is such an amazing and exciting thing. I Hope that you have a lovely 2015!

  72. HAPPY 2015 EVERYONE! This year I want to fill my thoughts with only positive ones, be on my phone less and take my blog and Youtube to the next level. I want to fill my free time with friends and family and creativity!

    Wishing all of us an amazing, productive and fabulous 2015!

    Beautyosaurus Lex

  73. I think I jumped the gun on this one. I had a volunteer opportunity fall into my lap, one that I feel like I've been training for since I was eleven, and this year I am learning to listen to the universe when it says "Go." So I said yes, and I'm still feeling that tickle of oh-my-gosh-this-is-happening. :)

  74. Seriously thinking about my resolutions this year, but I think my main one is continue blogging no matter what. It's always something I've loved doing but have stopped numerous times because I was afraid of what others thought but not anymore so here's hoping!

    Brigid xo

    1. Good luck Brigid! It's scary sharing things online sometimes - I know I've certainly faced that same fear before and it can be creatively crippling! You can do it! :)


  75. Lovely post Louise as always! I'd love to get my blog up to 100 followers! :) I am really proud of where I have got to so far and I would love to see thing grow even more! Xxx

  76. Ooh I do love a good motivational Monday post :)

  77. I want 2015 to be the year I let go of my fears about sharing my creative works. I love writing, so I'm going to take the plunge and start self-publishing my novels later this year. I want for this year to be the year where I dream big, and fight to achieve it and make it all happen! xx

  78. HAPPY 2015 Everyone, Lovely post !

  79. This year is basically the year I need to decide what to do with my life. I seem to be at a crossroads, not knowing whether to turn left or right.

    I always feel so insignificant when I am with my friends, being quite short and un-noticeable. I have so many things I want to say but I either don't get the chance, or chicken out at the last minute.
    I always find that going on the internet really helps me get my head together. And also reading books. I really like to do this but it doesn't really help my social life. I love to read John Green books especially when having a hard time. I always find that they help me to realise that I don't have it as bad as I could. I just finished The Perks of Being A Wallflower and I could relate to it so much.

    I also find that people expect to much of me. My aims get put up so high that when I don't do well but feel proud of myself, people focus more on the fact that I don't do well. Once I got 18/56 on a maths test. First maths test of the year and I had reached my target for the end of the year. But instead of focusing on that, they focused on the mark that I got. I was proud of myself. But everyone brought me down.

    This year I plan on focusing on what is important. I need to work out what it is I want to do and make sure I do it. Instead of following the crowd. I also need to make sure I do speak out. I want to ignore what everyone says about what I achieve and focus on the fact that I'm proud of what I did. Easier said than done.

    I hope you have a great year Louise. And that all your friends do to.

    -QuietFire (^-^)

  80. I want to get really good grades in all my subjects. I also want to be more chatty and talkative with my cousins and family. I don't do that often soooo hopefully next year I can come back and say I DID IT! :) xxxxxx

  81. I'm not setting myself goals this year :) xox

  82. Jessica Gerdisch7 January 2015 at 02:58

    I want to stop biting my nails!!!!!!

    I have tried this many times, but to no avail. But, this time I have bought the nasty tasting nail polish and I feel really ready to finally kick this habit in 2015! :)

  83. I have so much going on this year already, I know that setting goals will probably overwhelm me but they also help me feel organized so it's hard.
    I know I am taking my SAT and ACT so getting those over with is one of my goals, as well as getting a part time job and graduating high school. Oof.

    Watching for Pigs on the Wing

  84. Hi everyone! If you like lifestyle blogs check out

    Thanks! xxx

  85. So many resolutions to do this year, but so far so good. I wish you the very best!

    Tina .xx

  86. I do love these Motivational Monday posts, I always feel like they set the tone for the week for me. I did a post about my 15 things I would like to do in 2015 on my blog if anyone wants to look. And I promise there's no sign of getting fit or losing weight in there!

    Rachel x
    The Inelegant Wench

  87. Happy New Year - and here's to a great 2015!

    I have a bunch of little goals (read more for fun, drink more water) but I would say that my big, overarching resolution is the same one I set every year: Build deeper, stronger relationships.

    xx Kathryn

  88. My ultimate goal for 2015 is to make happiness a mindset, not an emotion. If happiness is an emotion it only lasts for so long, making it fleeting and something that one might search for in all of the wrong places. Making happiness a mindset would bring on genuine happiness that one wouldn't have to search for. :)

  89. I love this post it is so nice to read something that helps you to motivate yourself. This year I want to work towards the career I have finally decided on.


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Sprinkleofglitter xxx