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Wednesday, 7 October 2015

A Good Audience || October Diary

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's 11.19pm and I'm listening to Heather Traska One Woman Medley's. You should check her out, she's incredible. 

So, today. A GOOD day. 

Woke up to my alarm (hurray no sleeping through) and got Darcy ready. She takes forever to do what she's meant to but I do love our mornings. We chat in the car on the way to school and it's nice to hear her thoughts and give her a little pep talk. 

Babykins dropped off and I was home and chatting to Marie on skype for an hour. We haven't chatted in a few days because Luca was in hospital (all better now) and so I missed her a lot. It's funny how you can have a best friend on the other side of the planet but still feel so close to them. 

After a bit of housework (my least favourite thing), I hopped in a cab, a train, another cab and I was at the Gleam offices in Shoreditch, London. I love being there. There is always such a buzz in the office and I feel super pumped to do this YouTube thing. 

I had a meeting about my next project that I'm working on and feel reeeeaaalllyyyy excited about it. I want to tell you all about it but I've been shh'd on that one. For now though, just know I've got something up my sleeve and you're gonna like it. Woo!

Another fun thing about the Gleam offices are when other YouTubers pop in. Today Marcus was there and it was so good to see him. We're going to make some videos together soon so if you have any collab requests or ideas, do send them my way please. I'm all ears. He's a good boy. 

The best part of my day was at Waterstones Piccadilly where I hosted a Q&A session to celebrate the launch of my 2016 Diary. The session turned more into a mini LouiseLIVE and I laughed so hard at some points that I thought I would cry. It was such a great event. I really felt like it was a super warm audience and a good crowd. I always enjoy events like this but the audience make all the difference and today they were brilliant. I feel all buzzy and happy from them. Squueeeee. I'm doing signings in Sheffield and Nottingham this week so check out my FB for more details if you're interested. 

In the car on the way home (I wasn't driving) I had the best text chitchats with Matt. I'm so glad that we are building such a nice friendship. It feels nice. 

I got in, heated up some pasta, fed the cats, put PJ's on, caught up on YouTube subscriptions, checked my Just Giving page (can't even talk about how emotional and grateful I feel about that) and here we are. I'm thinking about either having a soothing bath or falling asleep to netflix. I can't decide. 

I realise this blog post is short and sweet for such a huge day but I think this is the best my brain can do right now haha. I'm at home all day tomorrow so I think I might vlog it since lots of you say you prefer the homey videos. Keep your eyes on my Chatter channel tonight because I'm putting a video of my weekend up. Woooo!

I'm tired but happy. Life is being very good to me at the moment. 




  1. It sounds like you had a busy but fun day. I think you and Marcus should do the accent challenge :) X


    1. About a year ago, I came to know that my husband was cheating on me.I was not aware of what to do and decided to tell my elder sister about it. She told me she had once faced such an issue but solved it by casting a love breaking spell a co-worker placed on her husband. She gave me the contact details of Dr ehiameta told me to contact the priest immediately. She was quick on responding to my mails and even gave me a phone consultation later that day.She was so patient and caring when listening to my problem and casted me a break up spell. My husband is now back with me and the lady has vanished out of the country. Thanks a lot to my sister for introducing me to such a powerful spell caster. Her contact is

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  4. Reading your october diaries are absolutely one of my daily routine! Keep the blog posts coming :) xx Love from Malaysia ;)

  5. Aw sounds liek such a fun, excitement filled day! I wish I could've been there at the London Q&A it seems like so much fun!
    Can't wait to find out what the secret new thing is!

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  6. I just love your diary posts and sounds like a lovely day and yeah for new projects.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  7. It's sounds like a great day Louise. I always love to come home from school and reading your blog after making my homework!

  8. You should do a prank calls video and prank call Zoe.

  9. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

  10. I'm really enjoying reading your diary style posts Louise! I hope you continue because it is so lovely to see an insight into your day and I love the way you write x

  11. I'm loving your blog posts! I just love reading how people's days went and their thoughts on things. Your video about cancer/pink hair really touched a nerve with me because I've had (a sort of) experience with breast cancer today. I think I'm actually going to write you a letter soon because it made me extra proud of you. Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow too!
    Katie x

  12. This sounds like such a lovely day! I honestly wish I lived in England just so I could go to your little tour-y things instead of watching and hearing about them! Maybe someday!
    :) xx

  13. I'm really excited for the collabs with Marcus! aaI think that you should do the boyfriend tag and you could act like you guys are together and Marcus can be hinting that he needs to see Niomi who is supposedly waiting outside. I know that I said this yesterday but PLEEEAASSEEEEEE make this style of blogging permanent!

    Love Catherine

  14. I don't know why it's so easy to get this positive vibes from You! You seem to have a nice week. And I am so jeleaus. I just started uni and I am a little bit stressed. Have a nice next day!
    Love, Liliann.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. In a failed effort to edit what I wrote above, I deleted it TT-TT. But, as I said...

    "A lovely day nonetheless. It seems pretty hectic and busy, but especially glad you still pick out the little gems in each day! Cheers from way across the pond. :)"

    Heh, I'm always making mistakes...

  17. Lovely day, wish my life was so full I am just working, blogging, revision and sleeping!

    Just a quick note I have just started a NEW blog which will be full to the brim of beauty posts about all my latest obsessions to my favourite seasonal outfits and the odd lifestyle post! I would love you to pop by and say hello and join the freshly laid yellow brick road with me!


    Hugs and Kisses Maddie xx

  18. Hey guys,

    A friend of mine told me about this dating website and I thought I should give it a try.
    I heard they have more than 20 million registered users and there aren’t any spam profiles there.
    So, there’s a very good chance for us to find dates there.

    Any insight?

  19. Thank you for such an amazing night! It was brilliant everybody was so lovely and I am so glad to have had the privilege to have been able to come! Ly Louise Xxxx

  20. I had such a lovely time at the event and I'm so glad I finally got to meet you after watching you for over 4 years (even though I was so socially awkward from being nervous). I think you handled the more awkward questions really well and your story about the socks was hilarious!

    Thanks so much Louise - one of the best memories of my life <3


  21. Stunning photos Louise!

  22. Sounds like a beautiful day. So happy just reading about it. Lots of love from me.

    Rachel x



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  25. I am so happy that you are sticking to the diary-on-your-blog-thing. I LURVE IT

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    Of course, admitting a broken heart can be a difficult thing to do and most of us try to continue on with life masking the pain in our heart. With this pain comes many emotions. I was also trying to masked my pain, until i found help, here is my story.

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx