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Monday 12 October 2015

Broken and Stronger || October Diary

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today went from 'meh' to A-meh-zing! in one big swoop today. It was so good that I'm not even sorry about that terrible bit of word play.

I woke up tired and rushed like crazy to get Darcy and I ready for London. We were due to meet a girl who had won a competition through my first book at Waterstones Piccadilly and since I valued making sure we had everything we needed in my bag over making my face ultra glam, I basically looked very 'tired'. That's the word Dan kindly used as he accompanied us into London on the train. To make up for this though, he entertained Darcy for a full 45 minutes so I could close my eyes and hopefully this helped me look slightly less like a haggard crapbag. 

We arrived (a tiny weeny bit late) and helped Zoe, the sweetest 11 year old you ever did meet, choose a selection of books that Simon & Schuster (my amazing publishers) were gifting her. Then we popped upstairs for the most delicious afternoon tea I've had in a long time. I never knew that Waterstones had such a sweet cafe (with great views) on it's 5th floor but if ever you're around there you really should check it out. It wasn't busy despite being a Sunday afternoon and the food was plentiful and very nice. My hot chocolate was perfection and I think if you took a couple of freshly purchased books up there you could really enjoy a couple of hours. I clearly like to live life on the edge. 

I mosied round the store and bought Darcy a few new books to add to her collection too. I am obsessed with finding the classics and building her up an entire bookshelf of amazing stories and since I'm the one that reads them all to her, I think it's a healthy obsession to have! 

My sister Tiyana joined us and Zoe headed home (with her Mum, she wasn't just sent off into central London alone!) and I said goodbye to Maddie, my Manager. That woman. I don't think I'd actually do my life without her haha. 

Narna (Tiyana) and I jumped in a cab and headed over to Covent Garden where she wanted to spend a couple of vouchers that she had. On the way to MAC we went into Kate Spade and hot damn, that was a big mistake. That shop is heaven. Everything in there is perfection and I feel like they designed it with my magpie eyes in mind. From the tray of twinkly gold jewellery to the way they lay the glitter encrusted purses out like sweets, I can't resist it. I may have bought a thing. A beautiful, pink, shiny thing. *drools*

After I'd severely dented my bank balance we did Narna's errands and took a few minutes to wander round Covent Garden and soak up the sunshine a bit. It was so lovely to just be in a familiar comfortable place, on a sunny day, with people that mean so much to me. 

After my super lonely day earlier this week I feel like things have really picked up. Sometimes you have to feel a bit broken to feel strong again I think. For the first time in quite a few weeks I feel like I'm doing it. I don't know quite what I'm doing but whatever that is, I'm really giving it my all and trying hard. I told Maddie on Friday, 'this morning I woke up and felt such a peace'. I still do. Let's hope it continues another week!!




  1. I'm really enjoying your October diary, Louise and I'm glad you're feeling good!
    Pretty Mad Things .. xo

  2. It's great that you're feeling better :) I agree that sometimes things have to be bad so you can appreciate the good. I'm really enjoying your diaries, thank you for sharing x

  3. I adore Kate Spade, everything is so cute and girly! Looks like you had a wonderful day! :)

    Rache - Cake Doesn't Count x

  4. Such a sweet and lovely post! Sounds like an amazing day. Thanks for sharing it with us. Hope you have a great week ahead!

  5. If we never have the bad times then we can never appreciate the good times, that's something I always like to remember when things aren't going right. I love how open and honest you are Louise, and I'm happy that you're finding a happy place again, you've had a rollercoaster year it seems and you deserve to feel great :)

    It's also wonderful to see the importance you place on books in Darcy's life, I'm sure she'll have endless enjoyment from them when she's older!

    Hannah x x

  6. Darcy looks absolutely adorable! Great to hear that your day got better after a less good start!

  7. This was so nice to read! Good to know about the little cafe though, will have to check it out whenever I'm in London. :)

  8. It's nice to hear that your feeling happier, I have been really enjoying reading your October diaries. They make my smile every time I read them. Looking forward to your next post xx ♡♡♡

    Daisy xx ♡

  9. You are totally write Louise about having to pick yourself back up. Recently I took a mental stumble but now I feel stronger than ever. Darcy looks adorable as usual and I hope your day today and the next are filled with happiness, Katy Summers

  10. This sounds like an amazing day and such a sweet day with you and Darcy and so many others. Plus that Kate Spade thing gets me every time and I just want to pick up the whole store and leave with it all.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  11. Ahh I absolutely love Covent Garden! It's one of my favourite places :) Glad you had a good day xx

  12. I know how you feel about feeling lonely, I have been feeling the exact same recently. I definitely agree with needing to feel broken to feel strong! Glad you're feeling slightly better. Looks like you had a wonderful day :) x

    Abi | abistreetx

  13. Lovely photos, and I'm glad your week picked up in the end!

    Frankie | Crazyblondegal

  14. Louise you are looking seriously amazing in the photos! and what a lovely photo of you, your sister, and Darcy, definitely one to be printed! Darcy looks adorable - and Tiyana and yourself look beautiful.

    Im glad you had such a lovely day, being surrounded by the people you love most, will never be a bad day! xxx

  15. Looks like you had a lovely day, things always do pick up, especially when you have pretty sparkly new items!

  16. I'm glad you feel at peace Louise, you deserve all the happiness you can get <3


  17. I'm really glad you're feeling well, Louise :) I've been loving reading these diaries.
    I hope you have an amazing week!

    Lipstick and Mocha

  18. Louise,
    I've been watching your video for maybe a year now and just started reading your blog at the start of your October Diaries. I just needed to comment and say it's so lovely to see how you are doing. My mom went through a similar ordeal when I was a bit older than Darcy, and it's nice to see from a mother's experience at the age I am now what it's like to be a single mom. It makes me appreciate my mom so much and I know Darcy appreciates you. Thank you for sharing and your posts always bring a smile to my face.
    Best, Lizzie xo

  19. Stunning photos, Darcy is the cutest!

  20. I love how a spot of shopping can brighten a day, especially book shopping. For me it is a great way to take my mind off worrying (I just can't look at the bank balance for a while...) x

  21. A broken marriage can be one of the most painful things to heal from and can take a very long time to heal. During these times it can feel like the whole world could light up in flames and it still couldn't compare to the pain inside. My name is Nicole Cottrell form UK, I have been in great bondage for almost 2 years suffering in the hands of a cheating husband, we were happy and leaving well until he meant his old time girl friend and he started dating her outside our marriage before you knew it he stopped caring and taking care of his own family to the extent that he was planning to get married to her and divorce me, i cried and reported him to his family but he never listened to any one but to cut my story short i came in search for a real spell caster who could destroy their relationship and make him come back to me and our 2 kids on my search i saw people making testimony on how their marriage where restored by Chief Nwaluta Mallam Zack i pick his email and i narrated my story to him and he agreed to help me and after performing a spell on the second day both of them had a quarrel and he beat his girlfriend up and he came home begging for me and our little kids to forgive him that his eyes are clear now that he will never do any thing that will hurt his family again and promise to be a caring father and never cheat again. I am so happy that i did not loose him to the girl. all appreciation goes to Chief Nwaluta Mallam Zack for he is a Great spell caster and to whom this may concern if you have a cheating husband or wife or you need your ex lover back again. you can as well email him on { }, online love problem solution 100% Guarantee

  22. Shopping always brings me out of a funk! Which is funny because I absolutely hate shopping unless I'm having a bad day. It always makes me feel better to get a drink and stroll the mall or Target when I'm in a bad mood.
    Morgan |

  23. So glad you're feeling better! Spending time in Covent Garden always puts a smile on my face, especially when I'm with my loved ones :)

    Alice / Alice Grace Beauty


  24. OMG your sister Tiyana is beautiful! She has hair like Lorde, and is just well perfection! I love you Louise:)

  25. I think I will have to go on a book shopping spree!

  26. I love this post!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. What a gorgeous and artistic shot of Darcy on the train. Sounds like one of those miraculously wonderful days! Good for you for buying a beautiful, pink and sparkly thing :)

    xoxo - Kelly

  29. Kate Spade's my weakness too! I bought a bag from there the other day and I reaaally shouldn't have, but its hard to resist! Glad you had a lovely family day, very jel of the viewer you got top meet!

  30. Louise, i love your blog and videos, they are filled with jolliness and the description of Kate Spade... :o
    I've never even been there but i now extremely want to, i not even a purse-y kind of girl! Loving the October blogs! :)

  31. Aw glad you are feeling happier, looks like a lovely day xx

  32. I know us western people find it hard to have a bad day, week or month. We some how feel threatend by it. It's just a day, week or month. It isn't even something you can touch. And it certainly can't touch you. Let the day be the day and aim for better things tomorrow. You will be awesome, even when looking like a haggard crapbag (my new favourite word btw).

    xoxo Lisette

  33. I still can't believe how grown up Darcy has got! I remember when she was just a little baby. She is growing up to be a fine little lady. You are a great woman Louise!
    Anna <3

  34. Woop! Love this sentence ' Sometimes you have to feel a bit broken to feel strong again I think. ' Thanks for sharing. really loving these casual posts. they are alot more personal=)

    Rachel x

  35. That last photo of Darcy is such a lovely photo!

  36. The first photo with Darcy is so nice! With the guy in the background ahah :D

  37. Love the Photos, your little Darcy sure does make me laugh with her little facial expressions too cute! xx

  38. Darcy is just so adorable your so lucky to be her mother!! I really look up to you Louise and your an amazing person xxxxx I love both of you soooooo much and I would die to meet you xxxxxxxxxxx please reply to this xxx love Abigail Cosgrove xxx : )

  39. this is soooo cute! Looks like you had a great day!
    daisy x

  40. I feel like Darcy has grown up so much. She's adorable. I can tell she'll be a lovely woman one day just like her mother :)

    Mi x

  41. Oh god, Darcy is the cutest little girl I've ever seen! She is just as lovely as her mum! :)

  42. That photo of Darcy is the cutest! x

  43. I'm on a bit of a comment spree on your blog today Louise. I've followed it for ages and just had so much going on, that I said today is the day I catch up on all the posts I've missed. Darcy is after getting so big. She is so adorable.It sounds like you'd a lovely day-napping, shopping and being a round the people that make you smile can make such a differnce to how you feel x

  44. I really love honest posts like this as I find that they help, just to overload in a vent. I am so glad that you are feeling better and I am sure that Darcy is keeping you on your toes. Bad times are part of life, but they do only make us stronger xxx

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  48. Such a powerful message! Sometimes it's through the toughest times that we find our true strength. Your October diary is truly inspiring—thank you for sharing your journey.


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx