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Monday, 18 January 2010

A Fresh Faced Idea

Hi there bloggerinos!

It's been a while, non? I have actually been doing lots of crafty things, I have branched out into cushion bundles which I shall have a photoshoot with later and pop a couple of photos up for you.
Also, I have started on my wedding invitations and soon will be finished so that will be a fab blog article, even if I do say so myself!

Anyhoo chummies, I have been mulling a new idea over in my head (where else would one mull an idea over?!) and have come to a conclusion. As well as sharing my handmade creations and additions to my mini happy list, I will also be sharing my terrific (ha) opinions on various beauty products, thus making me a part time Beauty Blogger and part time Handmade Creations/Wonderful Witterings Blogger. I have decided to take this magnificent step because I luuurrrvveee beautifying and have a lot of opinions on a lot of products. Simples!

I do hope this sits well with you all, as you are my muse and motivation- ahhhhh!

Hugs and Snugs!

Toodlepip! xx

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx