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Sunday, 31 January 2010

Space Girl, Ma Bar and Sugarbomb, Baby!

Yesterday, the ever lovely Fiance decided to take time out from working in his little green office (you will know it from my videos on youtube) and took me on a fun day out.

As they say, the way to a Taureans heart is through their stomache (urgh that sounds gross actually!) and so it was! He took me out to breakfast at this very cool American Diner type place that we enjoy to frequent (oh lala) and then we hit the open road and zoomed off to Milton Keynes!

We had such a nice day wandering round and just having some much needed "us" time. He was very patient and let me drag him round all the makeup counters and even bought me a few bits! Perfect!

We popped into Lush and came out with:

I was only going to get the Ma Bar after seeing it on a video by Zoella (look her up! She has a fab blog and has done a couple of videos too!) but then as usual, I was drawn like a moth to a flame to the bath ballistics.

I nearly bought the Supernova one because I love the scent and the ticker tape stuff that comes out in the bath and makes it all colourful and happy, but then Space Girl caught my eye. I have never seen a bath ballistic in this shape and I loved that it has glitter on it. I'm a sucker for some sparkle! I'm looking forward to using both of these and will let you know how I got on :)

I had originally picked up a few bits from GOSH in Superdrug but whilst in Boots, I saw the Benefit counter and the lady was so lovely and gave me a little makeover and told me all about Sugarbomb blush/bronzer powder and I decided to return my GOSH goodies and buy the Sugarbomb powder. It came with a cute little brush and as always, I loved the packaging. The pigment is great in each of the four colours and the brush is uber soft. This is the first Benefit powder I have bought because they are £23.50 and I have always shyed away from the price, but I figured that being as I was getting four colours for the price of one then it was OK :) If I had had more mula, I would have bought Hula too!

I also bought the Play Sticks foundation because I was in need of one and the lady who showed me it, was wearing it too and her skin looked fantabulous! She even let me take a little picture with her, so if you find my blog, please comment and say hello Benefit Lady! Also, check out the funky box she gave me! Woop woop.

I made a little video of my thoughts on these products on my youtube channel (Sprinkleofglitter), so do have a little looksee :)

As per, I came home with a selection of terrific samples which I shall try and review for you. Techinically the Sanex wasn't a sample, there was a lady at as stand just handing them all out and I'm never one to say no to a freebie! Do you get good samples? Tell me about them because I luurrrvvee a good sample!

All in all it was another good day :) (ahhh how smushy!)

Looking forward to hearing you sample stories and what you think of Sugarbomb if you have tried it.

Toodlepip! xx


  1. whats zoeys youtube channel?

    1. Zoella! Though I'm sure you know by know, haha!


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx