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Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Hells Bells!!

True to my word, in keeping with my love of crafts, here is a little update on my craftiness bargains.

I was in Paperchase not so long ago, browsing the left over Christmas sale stuff and marvelling at how in the run up to Christmas, all that stuff looks just so amazing and because we are all hyped up we go nutty over everything and then when it is January, and the cold light of day, it's just the last thing you want to see. Now I know this is very negative, but, amist the doom and gloom of the hangover stock from Christmas, a little box winked at me. Ok, so it didn't physically wink but it's spirit and potential did. It was a little box of pink bells that will be just peerrrrrfect (imagine I made a little purring sound there please folks) for my sewing box and cushions etc. It was down from about £5 to around £1 something or other and so I saved the box of bells from its Christmassy misery.

We had a little photoshoot this morning and I have uploaded the winning shot for you, those bells were very mischievous!

I pprrroommiisseee I will put my cushions up soon, it's been a bit busy in the House of Glitter. Next blog will be a beauty one.

Toodlepip! xx

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx