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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Google HQ and the TV Crew

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A different sort of post for you today, although actually still beauty and baby related.

A little while back I was contacted by a TV station from France who asked me if I would go down to Google HQ in London to talk about what I do on YouTube and how it all happened for me. I was pretty apprehensive at first and the sceptic in me thought it might be a bit of a scam, because let's face it, there are FAR better YouTubers out there than me.

It was then explained that they were looking for someone who was growing fast but needed technical help (ie. is poop at the computerywizz stuff) and could be sat down with a YouTube Exec who would go through a few tips and pointers and then the viewers of the programme would also hear/see the tips and could use them themselves. Knowing my complete ineptness with technology, I thought this would really help me, so threw caution to the wind and said yes!

Unfortunately, I couldn't film whilst I was in there because Mr Google has pretty strict policies on this, but I did manage to take a few photos of interesting things, so I thought it would be fun to share them with you.

I know this isn't a beauty review or Baby Glitter update, but without those things and without ALL OF YOU, I wouldn't have Sprinkle of Glitter, and I wouldn't have had this fun day out. So as always, I big courtesy and bow to all of you readers, who enrich my life in ways you didn't even know you could.

*Dabs tears from eyes*

On with the show!

This is part of a double decker bus that Google built with spare parts and just have in the office, as you do. I actually instagrammed this picture so you may have already seen it. (Instagram name- Sprinkleofglitr)

Just a collection of old TV's from around the world. As you do.

My view of reception. The coffee table was a bath, with glass over it for putting things on (mostly tres serious international newspapers- no glamour magazines to be seen) and inside where random things and toys and globes.

To sign in, you do it all yourself on a touchscreen dodar which I thought was rather swish. I was also a bit mesmorised by the lava lamps. Mmmm laaaaavvvvaaa. And yes, that light fitting is a bowler hat.

Leave your iPhones at home- there is a Google phonebox on hand.

The French film crew- Pierre (how apt) and Aude. They were tres bon oui oui oh la la. (I'm practically fluent!).

If a double decker bus doesn't get your transport juices flowing (ew), then a rowing boat in an indoor park might. Claudine the PR lady (who was so on our wavelength, Sprinklerinos-you'd like her) said nobody really sits in it. Frankly, if I worked there, I'd have my breakfast, lunch and dinner in it, just because I could! hahaha.

The park was in the middle of level four, which is designed like a spaceship. It was trippy and this picture gives you a sense of that I hope.

Look closely at those books. No Sophie Kinsella or Bridget Jones for us! Haha.

Did you know, if you work at Google, you can bring your dog in? This makes me want to buy a dog, just so I can go there with it!

Just doing crazy clever computer work, in a deck chair. Lalala.

Boating Baby Glitter. She had such a fun day playing with everyone and soaking up the atmosphere. I'm so happy to take her along on all my adventures, she'll have some great stories to tell in the playground, won't she?

Not Smarties, oh no- Google Choco Bits!! I don't know why but that REALLY tickled my pickle. If you work at Google (or are visiting), all your food and drink is free. Now I've worked in offices where there were disputes over budget price teabags, so this was a refreshing change of play.

Types of computers with my married name (I still go by my maiden name online) at the bottom. Do excuse my goofy smile. I had lost all sense of reality by now, but so would you after being in an indoor park in the middle of a spaceship, with a rowing boat and free smarties google chocobits. ;)

My moment of filmy glory with Sara Mormino, Head of YouTube Partners.

She gave some cracking tips, which I was so grateful for. I'm fairly sure she thought I was a bit of a dunce and kindly suggested a beginners course in something for me, so I'm really looking forward to that. I have no shame in admitting I am a beginner in technology and am always really willing to learn and improve myself. I will let you all know how the course goes.

We had to do lots of filming of  'casual walking' and 'making smalltalk about YouTube' which was funny, because often we had to to quite a few takes so it felt weird saying, "Oh Hi Sara, fantastic to meet you" for the third time and really hamming things up. Hahaha.

All in all, it was a brilliant day and well worth the time and effort getting there. The documentary will be aired at the end of the month on a French TV station called M6 in a show called '66 Minutes'. If they upload it to the world wide web, I will show you it. If not, I hope my snaps have given you a bit of an insight into my adventure!

I can't think of a relevant question except- what was your favourite picture? Soooo, what is your best computer related fact?




  1. what an experience it must have been for you louise! hope you and baby glitter enjoyed yourselves xx

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  2. Aw, you shouldn't say that there are far better youtubers out there! To be honest, I'm not subscribed to many beauty vloggers on YouTube at all (I much prefer the Blogger format) and I love watching all of your videos because of your personality! Definitely something a techno-wizz or anyone out there can't imitate. LOVE all of the picture of Google HQ, how awesome would it be if you worked there? I really want to try those choco bits... LOL. Hope they post the video up on the internet, I sure need those tips too! :P

  3. How amazing are their offices?? I would so love to work in an office like that! :D I love the deck chair in the park pictures and the boat, I would sit in there for lunch too.

    Looks like an amazing day :)


  4. This sounds so much fun! I'm a tecky freak so this is right up my avenue. I hope you had a good day and learnt some new tricks :) x

  5. OMG this sounds like the perfect place to work! And I got a bit giddy and nostalgic seeing the 55 bus, I used to take it to work and uni everyday! aaaaahh good times! and the google chocobits look yummy! Great post Louise! Sounds like you and baby Glitter had quite an adventure :D

    xoxox - for beauty reviews, hauls and health posts :D

  6. wow that's amazing! looks like it would be amazing to work at google

    congrats on your little google adventure!


  7. Such an interesting thing to do! Baby glitter is so gorgeous! Please check out my blog if you have a spare minute as I am just starting out!


  8. Looks amazeballs!

    Check out my MAC Lipstick give away


  9. You should be soo proud of yourself! well done xox

  10. Congrats Congrats Congrats! You deserve this so much! Don't get too professional on us with your videos, thats one reason I love them so much!


  11. Oh wow great photo's, sounds like an exciting day! Think my fave photo is Baby Glitter in the boat, how cute!

    joanne from

  12. I love how baby glitter is like "Yeah i'm looking cute in this boat and I know it" lol. I want some google they weren't as good as smarties though haha. I really love the bowler hat light shade too :D

    sarah xoxo

    I just redesigned my blog layout. What do you think? Get Your Daily Buzz

  13. I wanna work for Google! Glad you thoroughly enjoyed yourself. The indoor park pics are great, remind me a little of Willy Wonkas factory

  14. Hi Louise been watching your vids on youtube for a while and don't put yourself down your ace love ya,just subscribed to this blog too and the pics are fab oooo how posh,would love to go there,like the photo of you on the bus and awwww baby glitter in the boat is sooo sweet,really hope we can watch it in the uk,big hugs vinny xxxx
    dead happy 4u

  15. Wow! What an experience! I've very jealous!

    Also, I must say, how amazing would it be to work at google?! :O

  16. Wow that looks like the best place to work ever! I'm so glad that all these wonderful opportunities and experiences are coming your way because you are such a lovely lady. For my 18th birthday resolution (I don't make new years resolutions, I make birthday ones quirky and hipster) I decided to finally take the plunge and start my own beauty blog. You really have been the biggest inspiration to me in more ways than one, so thankyou :) xxx

  17. WOW what an amazing experience for you, it sounds incredible.
    I would love to work for Google, their offices are incredible, and I hear they have a fantastic work ethic.

    Jess x

  18. I live in France so i'm soooo excited to watch this program now!!! The channel M6 has a website called 'M6 replay' where you can watch programs that have recently been on (pretty much french iPlayer really), so you may be able to see it on there...

  19. Looks so much fun, LOVE the google smarties :D x x

  20. What a fantastic experience! Google HQ looks amazing :)

  21. wooooooooow, i would love to work in that sort of office.....but i would probably spend too much time in the park area ...dnt think i would be very productive :s

    thanks for sharing :)

  22. Wow, what a cool day! Looks like you had lots of fun.

    You should of asked them about the removal of Google Friend connect :)

    Elle x

  23. oh wow amazingggggggggg. very jealous!

  24. You wouldnt have to buy a dog, you could just adopt one.. :)
    Excited for you!

  25. Wow, that looks like the best place to work ever! I wish more companies would follow in their footsteps and make the working environment a cool, happy place that their employees don't want to leave! How amazing that you were able to take part in such a cool opportunity!

  26. Wow Google sounds so cool! Very jealous!
    side note; baby glitter looks SO cute!

  27. Oh wow, what an experience. It sounds so cool ,I'm glad you get to do things like this - you really deserve it and plus we get to do it too with you!

    Baby Glitter looks like she was loving that boat!

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  28. how cool! what an amazing experience. it's really cool that you were given tips as well on how to film better. can't wait to see the episode once it airs. please post it here!

    <3 rae

  29. how cool is that tree bookcase xx


  30. Awwwww, why won't my work let me take a dog in :o( this looks sooooo cool!! I love that Baby Glitter went too <3 <3

  31. what an honor! congratulations on your awesome oppotunity. your little baby glitter is adorable.


  32. Haha the google firm looks extraordinary! Seems like such a relaxing and friendly environment to work in :) x
    Im not aware of all this technology specially regarding videos there anyway you could share some of the tips? :)

  33. Hi Louise! Your blog and channel are filled awesomeness!! It would be nice if you could get a G+ (that's Google Plus in case you were wondering) :) is the link


  34. This is amazing! Haha I would have to say my favorite pic is the one of little baby glitter on the boat... she's just too adorable.

    I've always heard chatter about how cool the google offices are, and how it's supposed to be amazing to work there, but it's so neat that you were able to actually go there and share some pictures! Looks like the rumors are true!

    You're one lucky lucky lady, but it's well deserved because your videos and posts are always fabulous <3

  35. How lucky you are!!!! I am so so so jealous. My new goal is to work for google but im afraid im not quite bright enough.

  36. Congrats louise! I can't wait to watch it and hear the amazing things they say about you in french. :)


  37. What a fantastic opportunity! Looks like you had a great day - Google looks like a very fun place to work!
    New aspiration to try and get a job at Google I think!? Haha

    Hev xx

  38. How amazing does all that look. Next time can you sneak me in your bag? Aha xx

  39. Ahh the 55 is my bus haha and baby glitter looking adorable as ever! Also that book shelf that looks like a tree is amazing, I want one in my house!

  40. this looks amazing, you're so lucky! I would love to work in an environment like that!

  41. Hi lovely Louise!

    Wow! What a cool opportunity! I'm so excited for you and hope you can post the TV show for us to watch too. :)

    Happy Friday! xx Lexi

  42. Heeeeeeey! i saw your google hq video and did what you said to come and follow you ;)

  43. Heyy Louise looks amazing you are so lucky i hope one day i will be able to go their :)
    Please come and check out my blog would appreciate it :) thanks xxx

  44. aw this is fantastic Louise, so pleased for you! xx

  45. This is so amazing :) I live in France so I'll have a look on M6, they also have a website and I'm pretty sure you can access it back home in the UK :D X

  46. Oh wow Louise!! you lucky girl! you defintely deserve it though:) xx

  47. Definitely the bathtub coffee table! xx

  48. Wow, you are SO lucky! The Youtube train thing is so cool. :D

  49. I've giggled my way through this-your take on it all it's fascinating and bordering on hilarious. Lovely to see your gettinng recognition for your work.
    if its any consolation I study a computing degree and I'm still awful with computers.
    Think legally blonde except less American and more purple than pink and that's me!
    ...and possibly a bit more funny looking.


  50. i love the tree bookshelf! i need to get one of those :) x

  51. well done louise love you loads you have come soo far i've tried vlogging and beauty so many times and i got 5 subs :( well done to you though luv yaa :*!!xxxxx

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx