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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Sister Glitter

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Can you help me with something? I hope so.

This is my Little Sister, or Lister as I call her, Tiyana.

She's far to shmexy for my liking, because I remember her, like this...... (ooooooh, she will kill me!!)....

Ahhhh look at that little hand.

Firstly, you may have noticed that we look nothing alike! We are actually half-sisters but have never thought of each other this way. As far as I'm concerned, Tiyanabanana is my little sister, regardless of DNA percentages, and I know she feels the same. We have the same Dad and different Mothers. The lack in physical appearance similarities is down to her Mum not being English. Pretty simple really. I thought I would clear that all up, in case you were a little confused.

I will just say now, yes, Tiyana is the Daughter of the 'Serious Woman', but that is not relevant to my relationship with my sister and would politely ask that we don't comment on it. Tiyana and I both know the score and have our own opinions on it which we are not prepared to share as it is a deeply personal issue. Thank you for leaving that topic well alone. Ooofff I think that was the firmest I've ever been on here! Haha!

Secondly, here's where we need your help. We've made a couple of videos together over on my YouTube Channel and we had a whale of a time doing so and want to make mooooorreee. But what do you want to see?? We're completely stuck! Rather than going round in circles with poopy ideas, I figured....'Why not ask the folk that actually take time out of their busy days to watch?'. Seems obvious really, haha.

Sooooo, whaddaya want from us? If we can sit and chat about it infront of a camera, we're up for it!

Any suggestions?




  1. This isn't going to be much help but anything you do is amazing! How about you both do your least favourite products or something? or do each others make up? funny cutesy videos! by the way earlier i called my mummy 'mummeriono' you've definitely rubbed off on me! XXX

  2. Your sister looked just like the little girl in all the pepsi commercials when she was younger.
    And I am the same way with my brothers. We all are half siblings and dont look alike but I actually forgot about it until I have to explain it to someone.
    I think some follow around vlogs with the both of you would be fun.

    1. I thought the same thing! She looks a lot like the little Pepsi girl!

  3. Oh how about the 'look your worst tag' that went around a while back. I remember the one you did with Zoe and it was hilarious, something like that would tickle me but like others have said, anything you decide to do will be amazing.

    B xxx

  4. Maybe a combined haul video or just a "day in the life" video of you two hanging out? :) - Lauren

  5. You could do some baking or some crafts?? Or just vlogs together!

  6. Have you done each other's makeup on camera yet? if not then I think that would be a great one to do! Either that or a "what's in my bag" as I always like watching them.

    1. I think that would be pretty cool to see! :)

  7. You could make a list of your top beauty tricks! Like your other post about storing makeup wipes upside down!

  8. I'm of the opinion that you should do one another's make-up. You cold also do a video where you do a whats in my bag, but switch bags? and then if you don't know why your sister (or vice versa) has something in her bag you can guess and she can tell you if you're right or not. She could also do a video where she explains her favourite things about being an aunt. There's also a favourite things in each other's make-up/wardrobe, where you pick your favourite products from one another's make-up stash and wardrobe.

    1. I agree with everything that was said here!! I'd love to see you do each others makeup and the whole swapping bag things sounds like a good idea! I would definitely watch that xx

  9. Louise, my sister and I have just started making YT videos, we're theLBsisters on there. So far we've done the sister tag and a joint what's in my bag! We're thinking perhaps a joint what's in my make up bag, more Q&A style tag videos, we have a top 10 nail polishes one to upload and then we get stuck...! It's all inspired by you and Zoe's videos really!

  10. It's a silly party game but one person stands behind the other with a blind fold on and with an eyeliner/lipstick/lipliner they have to draw a face on the person in front. ie, glasses, outline lips, eyebrows, beard/moustache, it can go on. I played this all the time when I was younger, it is so funny to watch especially when they are blind folded.
    Elsa x

  11. You could just do some vlogs and show us what you get up to together or maybe some question and answer style videos... maybe like Mr and Mrs (is that what it's called?) where you see how much you know about each others favourites etc! PS. Your sister has the most beautiful hair I've ever seen! :)x

  12. Aww how adorable is that pic!! I think you guys should do the "my sister does my make up" tag.. but both do each others! That would be cooolios!!


  13. Your sister is stunning :) I would enjoy a vlog personally, but then I enjoy everything you do anyway!

    Amanda |

  14. It would be nice to see a vlog of a trip out somewhere....excuse to go shopping maybe??

  15. You should do each others makeup, like you did with Zoe. That video had me in absolute stitches! Would definitely love to see a sister version :)

  16. any vlog of you just hanging out together as sisters, whats in your bags, spending time with baby glitter, shopping for outfits for each other xxx

  17. Although you don't look alike, I can tell you're sisters. There is similarities in your face. So cute!

  18. your sister in the 2nd picture looks like curly sue! :) x

  19. Doing each others make-up would be a great video!

    Check out my blog, subscribing would make my day!


  20. how about dressing each other or doing each others makeup

  21. I can sympathise wholly with the half sibling situation... I have (officially) a half brother and a half sister from a different Father. I have never and will never call them my half siblings, they are my brother and sister and always be, that's it. However we do always get some odd looks and the 'Oh, really' comments when we tell people we are related. No point in fact that I have natural blonde/fine hair, my brother is curly/ginger and my sister has black/afro style hair. (Butcher,Baker + Candlestick Maker). lol.
    Good luck with the Vlogs as I will watch practically anything you have done or will do. Here's to getting rid of the 'Half'.

  22. I think doing each others make up would be funny :) xx

  23. I think the 'look your worst' tag would be funny, also what about a video of you choosing outfits for each other? Can see how well you know each otherby what pieces you choose :) hopefully you both would pick the items each of you love! cant wait to watch the vids :) xxx

  24. I have a half sister too, different Mum, same Dad and I know what you mean they are still your sister no matter what!
    Your sister is gorgeous. Any tag video or vlog I'd like to see :)

  25. Maybe, a tutorials on how a young lady, like your sister, should enter the make up world i.e
    suggest products and appropriate amounts of said products and what you would recommend as a stater kit. Sometimes, young ladies w/o Mums or with Mums who are lost when it comes to make up, need advise as not to look overdone and garish, and what's age appropriate.

  26. You should do the "Look your worst tag" I think its hilarous. Also, you sister reminds me so much of Marie in Paulie :) xx

  27. Film some OOTD's together, maybe your top 5 products each or something, Follow me arounds. How about Louise, you do a hair and makeup tutorial on Tiyana and we have to guess who it is.. hehe!! xx

  28. You should do something like... I've always wanted to see my sister with.. straight hair, false eye lashes, wearing a fancy dress etc... type of make over.

  29. Ah she is sooo pretty :) Gorgeous sisters you two :) xxx

  30. currently can't think of anything mmmm sry not being very helpful. What i'm sure of, is that i watched one of your films and couldnt stop myself smiling :D

    so i think anything would be great :)

  31. I haven't seen the previous ones, but maybe do a sister tag, do each other's makeup, dress each other, go shopping together and do a haul, or just a vlog would be fun!

  32. Hello lovely Louise! You and Tiyana should totally do each other's make-up (silly or for realz). You could also do a Q and A session a la "The Newlywed Game" where you ask a question and the other person writes down how she thinks you will answer (write on big cards and show the audience...i mean, us!). You could also do something like Truth or Dare and dare each other to do silly things! I dunno - I'm sure anything you gals do will be great (and very entertaining)! xx Lexi

  33. yous could do a favourite make up bits and bobs type thingy (eloquent, i know lol...) since you both have different skin tones, and hair type etc :) would be good for viewers to see what colours suit lighter and darker tones, beacuse I'm chinese and i'm never sure what lip/eye/blush colours to go for :(

  34. you're little sister is soooo cute in that second photo, she reminds me of the little girl from the film "paulie" which used to be my favourite film! xxx

  35. could you do like a twitter questions, hauls and chatty videos xx


  36. you are both such stunning girls! i think your usual types of video, hauls; reviews etc just featuring tiyana! i'd love to hear her opinions xx

  37. Hi Louise!
    First of all - really enjoy your videos/posts it always makes me smile, you are truly one of a kind, really like that.
    And now to the point- you are saying you and you're lil sister look different-use it, i'm sure you're makeup/beauty routines are different to right?
    Maybe a book haul(not beauty related but hey its interesting too!)
    And last but not least as i live in the Netherlands i would really like to see more of the uk, soooo maybe take us on trip :P

  38. I just want to say i loveee your videos! :) when uni work & dissertation times make m feel glum i watch one of your videos & you cheer me right up!
    Just read some of the other comments & saw the shopping vlog idea? I think it could be a good one!
    I also have a half brother & 2 step sister who i also without a doubt consider fully fledged siblings, some people just don't understand i suppose!

  39. she is beautiful just like you and dead pretty as a child,yes maybe you both do each others make-up or even better do it blind folded ha ha....
    you show ur wardrobe and your sis shows hers to see your different tastes.
    a see how well you know each other tag,you both ask ten questions about yourself and see if the other knows the real you?
    do a haul together or film a day out together,anything really,ive seen her on your vids b4 and she is funny too ;0) xx

  40. I would love to see the two of you take each of your own talents and somehow collaborate on a project. My sister and I have recently started that. Maybe if you blogged the ups and downs and your journey I think it could be amazing.

  41. you should do her make up!! that would be really good ... i have similar problems wth my sister (in the way they are for too grown up for my liking ahahha ) xxx

  42. OMG your little sister looks EXACTLY the same as the actress Hallie Kate Eisenberg EXACTLY.... WOW


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx