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Saturday, 17 March 2012

Saturday Happies

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you follow me on Instagram (Sprinkleofglitr), then you will have already seen this snap so I do hope your eyeballs are not disappointed.

(Did you spot Mindy in the background?Meow)

I'm feeling pretty chipper today and thought I would share with you some of the good things in my life.

For those of you that leave lovely jubbly comments like, "Ahhh you're always so happy" and, "Your life is amazing", thank you. I think it's only right to tell you though, that I do have all the poopy days that you do, I just focus on the glitter. I still get stung by failing MOT tests (thanks car, thanks a bunch), arguments with Matt over stupid things and smearing baby poo on my new top. What I'm trying to put across, in a round about way, is that I bet your life is amazing too, when you add up all the micro happies and jump for joy at the small things. *Smiles in a beautiful, end of movie with background music playing way*. Haha.

On with the exciting stuff!

♥ I bought Baby Glitter the cutest little table and chair set for my lounge. It was a clever little dealio actually so I will be blogging about it soon.

♥ Remember how I was featured in my local paper a few weeks ago (Look in the 'I've Been Featured!' tab at the top of this screen)? Well they liked the article that I wrote myself so much that they are giving me a regular monthly beauty column! I had a meeting with them last week and a photoshoot (not as glam as it sounds let me assure you, think backroom with white sheet hung up and a camera) for my ByLine. Deary me I'm excited for that. I know it's not Carrie Bradshaw and the New York Times, but it thrills me none the less.

♥ Spring is finally here. Birds tweet in the mornings, flowers are popping up everywhere and the trees have pink and white blossom on. First step Spring, next step, BIRTHDAY!

♥ I have been crafting my socks off (not literally, that's be peculiar) for Baby Glitter's 1st Birthday Party, so I feel all Martha Stewart. Would you like to see the crafts?

♥ Zoechummy is coming to stay next week and I just know we will have a laughter filled week of fun and frolics. Please do leave your video requests below.

♥ The documentary I was filmed for part of will be airing on french TV tomorrow. It's a programme called 66 Minutes and will be on a channel called M6 at 5.30pm if any of you live in the land of cheese and wine. I hope I come across OK and the edit out the part where I tried to get out a deck chair and failed. Haha.

♥ I have a blog packed full of brilliant followers who are just marvellous. I know that sounds like a cop out point to make, but really I mean it. I am so lucky to have people like you and if ever I'm having a bit of a quiet moment or a down day or feel a bit lonely, I log on to here and feel like I have a whole room of friends by my side. Oh dear, I'm becoming very emotional aren't I?! Sorry about that. *Dashes off to suppress feelings*

What are you micro happies today?




  1. After having a bit of a rubbish week this blog post cheered me right up, you're right! You just HAVE to think positive.
    Congratulations on your column thats fantastic news so happy for you!!
    Have a fun week with Zoe too.

  2. My Micro Happies Today... Going home for easter in a few days, Seeing my Mummy. AND The Boyf returning in just 1 month! After what feels like forever in the Chatham Islands! I'd LOVE to see what you've crafted for baby Glitters birthday! The table and chair are super cute! xxx

  3. Congratulations on the Column :)

    Laura xoxo

  4. Oh Louise :)
    Congratulations on your column! That's such fantastic news, it really will be fab :) Ahh excitement that Zoe's coming too - can't wait to see what you get up to :)

    I've had a bit of a rubbish week, but you've definitely cheered me up. And my micro happies today areeeeeee.. I'm going home for Easter in a week, and I get to be reunited with my brother whos been in Cambodia for aaaages (and my parents haha, I am SO blessed to have amazing flatmates who cheer me up like no end, I'm super lucky :D

    I'd love to see what you've made Baby Glitter! :)

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  5. Fabb post. Omg what exciting news about your column, and tv appearance propa lil sleb aint ya :P Very well done. Oh and YESSSSSSSSS I would love you see what you been doing for baby G's birthday, cant believe shes coming up to 1 year old, I remember her being born... I remember you with your bump... didnt seem that long ago. Time goes so fast. Oh and happy mummys day eve too a fab mum x x

  6. mothers day tomorrow for you!

  7. Aww I love the idea of "micro happies" :). I just had a micro happie when I gave my grandad a call to wish him happy birthday as he sounded really touched that I remembered :) xx

  8. I love your outlook :) I always try and look at the bigger picture but sometimes things just get you down. Need to make a list like this more often!

    And congratulations on the column, how exciting!

    Amanda xo |

  9. luv the way you started off this post! i totally agree and really appreciate the fact that you always put an effort to have a smile on your face whenever you do a video, or make the posts full of positiveness.
    Everyone has bad days - but its really important to focus on the positive things in life, to continue having a positive approach.

    Luv your whole blog - its my dose of happiness whenever i have a not-so-nice day.

  10. Hi there! I just checked on the site to see if I could watch it online, because in Belgium unless we have a "channel bouquet" we don't get M6. And going on it I saw the description of tomorrow's show. Maybe you've already been on it, if not here's the link:

    This is where the replay can be watched:
    Should be the third part of the show if it matches the summary.

    Hope it's not blocked to other countries.. We'll see tmw
    This way maybe everybody will be able to watch it!



  11. This is cool. It's great you've got a monthly column. How excitables. x

  12. Congratulations on the monthly beauty column, exciting stuff! Very well deserved, all the best :) x

  13. Aww the finger picture is too cute, I love your happy outlook on everything!!! Congrats on the beauty column amazing!!! xxx

  14. My micro-happy today was hot cross buns and coffee with my dad

    Congrats on the column, will you make it available for us to read too?

  15. Congratulations on your beauty column :-)

  16. Lovely post. I think it's important sometimes to be reminded to look at the good things in your life!

    Congratulations on the beauty column- that is fantastic news for you. Very proud and happy for you. :)

    Just any videos with you and Zoe are fabulous. :)


  17. Lovely post louise :) Picture is really cute too <3

  18. I only recently discovered your blogs and youtube, and I am hooked! Your persona and general loveliness is soo infectious I have been watching your videos non stop and baby glitter is the cutest little bubba ever! Congrats on all the lovely happy's! Especially your column! Amazing news

  19. oh Louise , I won't miss 66 minutes tomorrow !!


  20. That is such a cute picture! Definitely made me smile!

    Sophie x

  21. always love reading your posts Louise :)

  22. Congratulations on your column Louise that's brilliant news!!! You are right and I have learned over the last couple of years that you do have to focus on the good things, and usually for every 1 poopy thing there is a happy thing :) my lovely girls make me happy all the time and I am always so proud of them both for the things they achieve, and I am lucky to have a lovely other half too, and also lucky to have found your you tube channel and blog to keep making me smile :) take care and enjoy your mothers day tomorrow :) xxxx

  23. Aww what a lovely and uplifting post! How lucky are you landing the beauty column? I am SO jealous, that's my dream! I hope you have a lovely time with Zoe, both yours blogs are fab! I think a video about your 'blogging journey' would be interesting.. when you both started, the reasons you started, how you met & all the exciting things you have managed to do as a blogger! I'd be intrigued! Xx.

  24. Congratulations for the column!! I live in Paris so I will definitely try to watch 66 minutes to see you!!!

  25. Amazing about your column!
    Also please please please take some pictures or vlog a little bit of Baby Glitters birthday? We all love her!
    & you & Zoe could do a worst products review? Just because everyone seems to do 'best products' reviews all the time! It would just shake things up a bit haha! x

  26. How amazing is it that they have given you your own column! You should be so proud, wish I lived in your area so I could pick it up.

    Would love to see what you have been making x

    Danielle x

  27. I love these kind of positive posts from you, you have such a great outlook on life. I would love to see your crafts for Baby Glitter's birthday. Congrats on the column, thats amazing! Xx

  28. can't wait for some of you and zoe's videos, they're so funny to watch! and congratulations on your column! love your blog and your videos so much, you're so funny and honest and seem so down to earth :) x

  29. Awh, I'm so happy for you!!! That's is such an amazing achievement (having your own column!) I'm so proud!!!!!!! And please do a blogpost or video on your crafts, I'd love to see them!

  30. My micro happy's:
    * I woke at the crack of dawn the morning to go see a balloon festival with my parents - it was such fun!
    * I had a coffee and yummy bacon and egg on toast out there :)
    * I went to farmers markets to get fresh produce which makes me happy to support local people and feel healthy!
    * My best friend is such a sweet person and i got a lovely text from her!
    * I still have the whole Sunday ahead of me!!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is just brilliant news about the paper, go you! You write so well ~ your personality comes out in your writing so i already know you'll do amazing! xoxox

  31. Amazing about having a beauty column! How fun! xx

  32. I spring-cleaned my bedroom today, reorganized my room and I must say I love it, it feels sooooo much cleaner (it even sparkles a little). I really enjoyed the vlogs you and Zoella do when your together, as I do follow both of you. I think you guys should a "what's in my bag tag", some vlogs.

  33. ooo congrats louise! You should take a picture of your columns cause i'm sure we'd love to read it. :)

  34. this was a lovely post :) congratulations on your monthly beauty column, how exciting! Happy Mothers Day to you !!xx

  35. I am so happy for you and all your lovely opportunities lately! Well done Louise you really deserve it. My micro happiness is that I got a fit fireman's number... I literally cannot stop dancing. Oh dear!

    e x

  36. Congratulations on the column so exciting :D love your blog & youtube channel you deserve it! :-) xx

  37. Congrats on your column! I'm excited to read it (I live where its published :P) and today is sunny and generally feeling very grateful :)xxx

  38. Congrats on the column! What a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge with a broader audience! You recently inspired me to start a blog myself....not much to it yet, but I'm getting the hang of it! :) Love your blog and your youtube channel!


  39. hello, I just see you on M6 (French channel)
    & You are beautifull. Kiss

  40. My micro happy today is that I did not get baby poo on my new top! :)
    Also, I have been thinking of you on mothers day (is that weird?). I hope I'm as good a mom as you! :) xx

  41. WOWOWOW!!!!! Congratulations on the beauty column! And I would LOVE to see some crafty videos as I've been feelin like a little Martya Stewart myself lately :):)

  42. Congratulations on your beauty column! You will be fantastic!

  43. please do post about all your craftiness! I love reading your blog and I love reading craft and DIY blogs too so that would be perfect!

  44. Congrats on the column!!
    If the readers love your personality half as much as your followers do your going to be a big sucess :)

  45. Hi lovely Louise!
    Congrats on your new newspaper column! That is soooo exciting! I hope it's available online so I can read it too.
    My micro happy is that I am moving to a new apartment this week. I can't wait! Love you and your blog lots! xx Lexi

  46. Will you and Zoe be making vlogs? I love your's&Zoe's vloggy type things they're so funny to watch - and i end up sitting in my room chuckiling away at you both!

    Will the Programme be up online - because i'd love to see it if it is!

  47. I have always said that if you don't take joy in the little things, you're going to have to wait a long time for the bigs things to come along. Also, congrats on your column.

  48. i love little updates like this, please do more xx


  49. Hi Louise ! Just a small comment to tell you how much I love your blog, your style and your personnality <3
    By the way, I live in the land of cheese and wine and don't worry : no chair fail on the program (-; Though I absolutely hate the voice they used to double you, they made you sound like... I don't know a cheerleader from High School Musical...

    Bonne soirée et merci pour cet article ( have a pleasant night and thank you for the article =D )


  50. Congratulations on your column, that's fantastic!
    I was wondering what the venture you and Zoe were doing that we were supposed to hear about. The curiosity is killing me (OK not killing me but I am curious).


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx