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Monday, 21 May 2012

7 Things for 7 Days

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Lately, I have been feeling a little 'meh'. I know, I know, I'm the happy-go-lucky always sees the bright side gal. I haven't changed, I still do that, but recently in Sprinkle of Glitter-land (real place I promise), I have felt a little lacking. There are several reasons for this which don't deserve mine or your time thinking about them, but I decided to combat my little slump, I would go back to the grass roots of this blog.

Remember in the very, very beginning when this blog was only a baby, I hadn't even made my human baby, and I posted about beauty but also a lot about life, DIY's, lists, interesting places and things that inspired me? Well I think I'm going to do that again, because it makes me happy. And a happy blogger makes for happy readers. And happy readers makes for a happy blogger. And a ..- you can see where I'm going with this. :)

So, today I thought I would share with you 7 things that I aim to achieve in the next 7 days. If I don't manage it, I shan't beat myself up, I'll just try again when I'm ready. This is a laidback slice of the web, no hard and fast rules for me please.

(This photo has nothing at all to do with my list below, only that it is old ~this was pre baby, pre wedding, we were just loves young dream~ and it makes me happy. As does writing motivating lists. Tenuous link, but whatchya gonna do, eh?)

I plan on updating you on all of these things once I have done them, and perhaps knowing I'm going to share, will inspire me to do them well!

This week I will:

Create :: I have been wanting to get cracking on a few craft projects for a while but never seem to find the time. I'm going to be strict and allocate an hour or so and just give in to my makey makey urges. I think I'm going to make a technicolour tutu for Baby Glitter. 

Discover :: I love toys, they're great. However, after weeks and weeks of the same toys, Baby Glitter and I are both finding them a little dull. Since joining Pinterest, I have seen tonnes of great ideas and think it might be time for us to give them a go and discover a new play activity.

Hunt :: Noooo, I won't be stepping out with a riffle, I'm referring to bargains. Since I started doing posts like THIS, THIS and THIS, I have had so much positive feedback- it seems you love an affordable find as much as I do! I really enjoy mooching through all the shops and crazy products they sell, so putting together post like that make me one happy bunny. 

Me Time :: This is a pretty obvious one. I dash about 90% of my life, looking after Baby Glitter, posting orders for the shop, blogging, filming, making time for friends and family, running the home and enjoying Matt (ooer that sounds wrong). I enjoy every bit of that and am absolutely not complaining, it's a very charmed life. However, sometimes I forget to just do the things I used to do for simple pleasures, like read a book or watch Eastenders without my tiptapping away on my laptop. I'm not talking spa breaks here, I'm talking 30 minutes of not using my brain. Haha, that shouldn't be too hard!

Surprise :: I feel like because of the busy bee-ness mentioned above, sometimes I fail in the 'wifey' department a little. It's all to easy to slip into a comfy co-habitation and forget to do nice things for one another, so this week I am going to plan him a little treat and share it with you. Fear not, I will be fully dressed and there'll be none of that smut you're thinking of. ;)

Organise :: My life. My wardrobe. My paperwork. My makeup. My diary. My kitchen. ANYTHING. I am setting myself the goal of just organising one bloomin' thing. 

Learn :: I have a brand spanking new fancy pants camera waiting to be used properly and this week is the week I do it. I have a slight fear of change. It makes me nervous to do things out of my comfort zone and new technology is definitely out of it. I'm going to take the bull by the horns and give it a whirl. What's the worst that can happen? Blurry photos?

Above all, this week I'm going to concentrate on not being bogged down by the small things. I'm cutting negativity out of my life and moving forward to achieve my big goals, one tiny goal at a time. 

Would you like to do any of these or your own mini goals with me?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Laura from Secret Diary of a Fashion Journalist. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay for seeing this before I go to sleep! Haha.

    And that sounds awesome - I love lifey posts as well as the make-up too, but I love hearing about other parts of your life too! (I sound dead nosey now).
    Apart from that... quite frankly, you could blog about pretty much anything and I'd happily read it...

    That picture is adorable too. I really hope you feel back to yourself really soon. :)
    Goodnight xo


  3. This is such a great post! I agree, it's best to post about the things that make you happy, I really enjoy a mixture of all sorts of posts and to be honest, I don't think I've ever come across one of your posts or videos that I haven't liked! You've got some sort of gift which makes you able to brighten everyone's days.
    Good luck achieving all of your goals this week, they all sound good and very attainable. I hope you and your family have a lovely week, you definitely deserve it xx

  4. you guys look so cute together love love

  5. Sounds like a great week. My Liveseyboy took our youngest boy out for a "walk" (he is 4 months) yesterday whilst our first born had a nap. I had me some rare Momma time and do you know what I did? That's right, organised my sewing and craft boxes whilst watching "The Middle" and eating chocolate. Glamerous? No, but I was happy and refreshed. Looking forward to hearing all about your week, especially the "you time" xx

  6. Totally feeling this blurgh feeling too and I don't have the tonnes of readers to write for. Seriously I love anything you post and it really feels like a little friend in my laptop so when I read you were sad it made me sad. You've got the right idea though. What girl doesn't love a good list of positive planning!

    LOVE the photo too. I hope me and my boyfriend can make it through one more year of long distance at uni and maybe end up as happy as you and Matt are.

    Lots of love xxxxx

  7. This sounds lovely! There's a lot of things I adore doing that I just haven't had the time for over the past few months due to Uni and exams. But Uni is officially over! I too need to do some organising and I also want to get back into my crafting as I miss it! Good luck with this week's to do list and I hope you enjoy it all :) xo

  8. What a great post! its never a nice when you dont feel yourself! I think that doing these 7 little things with help very much!! Cant wait to hear about your week :D

    Lots of Love, Jen xxx

  9. I like these posts, nice to know I'm not the only one feeling a bit meh at the moment!I'm on maternity leave at the moment, patiently waiting for my little one to arrive and I'm just plain bored! You have inspired me to try and be a bit more positive and make some mini goals for myself, and try and devote a little more time to my blog that is in need of nurturing!

    Thanks Louise, for reminding me that its NORMAL to feel like this sometimes!

    Kay x

  10. I know exactly what you mean Louise, I often wake up in a blind panic and rush around my bedroom spending hours clearing out and tidying! Sometimes it's just have to have a little bit of 'you' time. Indulge yourself lovely! Enjoy :) xo

  11. I love these kind of posts and can not wait to see what your crafty side will create.

    As a mummy I can highly relate it is so easy to forget about yourself and loose your self a little along the way so taking half an hour a day helps no end. My Mum always says a happy mummy makes for a happy home. I always have to remind myself to stop worrying about things out my reach and enjoy what I have around me, my beautiful babies and husband. Its just nice to find posts like yours that let me knot that I am not the only mum that gets like this. So thank you. xx

  12. I actually have list of things that have been left undone, so yes I will join you this week and get organised!! :) today I need to transfer all my printed out recipes into my new organised recipe book!

  13. I love this kind of post, it is nice too read about things you want to achieve.
    All of us need me time, I sure do!

  14. wonderful post louise! everyone needs something like this :)

    1. Louise, what a great post and what a gorgeous photo of you and Matt (Darcy has the perfect mix of both of your eyes). It is so important to every now and again get some clarity on what makes us happy and refocus where we're putting our attention. We all have that 'meh' feeling at times and your post reminded me that it's necessary to just make ourselves happy, make ourselves a priority on our to-do lists and take a little time to just be. x

  15. Oh Louise... Please do cheer up! I hope you achieve these things, as you are such a good hearted person and don't deserve to be made unhappy! We all love you squillions! x

  16. Excellent idea, sometimes it's not until we force ourselves to take a step back and set little targets that we realise how busy we are. Can't wait to hear about your week, absolutely love your blog and videos :) xx

  17. I love reading things like this! Makes me motivated to get off my bum this week and do more! Love your blog and your videos! xx

  18. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Have a great week and take lots of time for yourself! Pinterest really does make you want to make everything!

  19. You really inspire me with your take on life. Truly you do.

    With regards to toys with Baby Glitter, how much have you looked into Sensory play stuff? Especially utilising simple household things? Beads, wooden spoons, pots and pans. Or a water tray...maybe she's still a bit young for that? hmm..

  20. Oh! Just had another idea as I hit publish. One foster mum I used to know would sit the bubbas on a plastic sheet and squirt shaving foam or similar all over and basically let them play with the foam. I assume it was some sort of safe foam (may not have been shaving foam...but it was something like that) and she of course kept a close eye to make sure it wasn't being swallowed but the babies loved it!

  21. so inspiring louise.. my mum can get bogged down with mummyness too :( but recently she has been going to quilting classes and making a quilt for my sister (you could make one for baby glitter) and she has been going to rock choir (you should look it up and go.. think you'll like it) .. Its been really helpful for her to have some time to have fun!! good luck with the objectives louisee!xxx

  22. I absolutely LOVE this, I wish you all the luck in the world :) I wish I had the motivation to do things like this! but I've always got uni work that needs doing. That, and I'm also too lazy :P but I know you can do it! and I can't wait for all the posts about your successes :) We all have faith in you! lots of love xxxxxxxx

  23. OOooooo start with the wardrobe first, it's the easiest! I have just done mine, got rid of my posh hangers and bought the cheaper,thinner velvety ones from Primark so i could fit more in the wardrobe. Then i was ruthless and stopped pretending i will fit in all the clothes that have been in the wardrobe for 2 years without being worn and got rid!
    It makes you feel much better.

    p.s. I'm 41 and my list is never'll never get to everything......just accept that and chill.

  24. So inspiring, you never fail to cheer me up! :)

  25. this is a wonderful post lou - sad to hear you're feeling 'meh' but putting 'mehness' into 'goodness' is a divine thing to do!
    look forward to hearing about your seven days :) and what a hunky photo of you and your man ♥ xxx

  26. I love it when bloggers take a break from product reviews to do random posts and show more of their personality off. Love your blog and YouTube videos xx

  27. What a lovely post!! And your photo is wonderful too:) Xx

  28. I loved this post!! I don't love that you are feeling out of sorts and hope your 7days 7things truly does help. But I must say that it is comforting to know that you aren't SUPERHUMAN, thank you for letting your readers into your life. I feel like a friend even though we've never met.Looking forward to the next post. Sending positive thoughts your way!!!!

  29. hi louise i really enjoyed this blog please can you do this every week and the photo was really cute and this post is fab

  30. What an uplifting post :) I always find just writing things down to be the first stage in feeling better about things and putting the smile back on your face :)

  31. Wonderful post Louise. You are such an insperation to me, I just love your blogggy posts & YT videos. Now you've got me thinking maybe this idea of yours will get me out of my funk i've been in. So I just might steal this idea and try it :) Hope you don't mind!


  32. I think we could all use some more thoughtful and purposeful living. I know I could! Thanks for the post, Louise. :)

  33. Fantastic post - some of these things really hit home with me xxx

  34. Hi Louise, great post, have you ever read 'The Happiness Project' by Gretchen Rubin it is a book about looking at all aspects of your life and setting goals to make you happier- sorry not a good blurb but it you like you can Google the book for more detail

  35. This is such a great post, good luck with it all xx

  36. I think this is my first comment ever, but I had to stop and say what a great post this is and how I'm sorely in need of the same thing in my own life! Good luck with your 7 days Louise!!!

  37. Louise, I am a new reader of your blogs since a friend of mine showed me one of your YouTube videos. I just wanted you to know (without sounding really creepy) that even though I have never met you I feel like I have made a friend. It is a rare thing to find someone who writes as honestly and sincerely as you do, you are a little ray of sunshine and the world would be a better place if there were more people like you in it. You make people smile everyday with your videos and blogs. Don't change and keep smiling :)

  38. Oh that pic is so cute!!!

    xx Fesi

  39. Loved this post! You are such a great inspiration! Best regards

  40. Love this post. Good luck :)
    the picture is wonderful aswell

    Jess x

  41. Fantastic post, I'm definitely going to do this too :) You and Matt are such a cute couple! xxx

  42. My one main thing to do this week is enjoy my last week being pregnant!! (hopefully) XO

  43. This is such a great post! I love you're blog for beauty and make up etc, but I love your life posts just as much :) These aims are so inspiring yet attainable- I think I'm going to try the organise one!

    Julz xx

    P.s. I had a little chuckle picturing you with a riffle hehe!

  44. This post is lovely Louise. And the picture is so sweet :)
    Good luck with your list! i need to make a list really, ild love to do what you do but i havent quite got the guts like you. i love seeing updates, and my little girls loves it when baby glitter appears on a video as well as me :)
    you seem such a lovely woman and id feel lucky to have a friend like you, you seem so down to earth and so natural :)
    Enough rambling :)
    keep up the great work
    Claire&Kayley xx

  45. Such a nice post! Despite my love for all your beauty posts, these sorts of posts are just as an enjoyable read. :) I hope you accomplish all on your list!

    P.S. May I add that your unintentional sexual innuendos, like 'enjoying Matt' and those scattered throughout your videos are absolutely hilarious. I love the way you react after realizing how it sounds to those with their minds stuck in the gutter (like myself! haha). You're a hoot! :)


  46. If you want to get inspired to do some crafy stuff you have to check out on of my favourite websites(apart from this one of course) called Sew Mama Sew. It is full of ideas and free tutorials (this should appeal to your thrifyness).

    Hope you feel less gloomy soon.

    Thanks for you lovley blog posts the make me cheery.


  47. Awh louise i wish i could give you a hug thru the computer xx Im goona join you and clean out my wardrobe too!

  48. aawww Matt is so good looking! i wonder why he's camera shy!!!! You two are so lovely!!! xxx

  49. A beautiful post! Good luck! I love the picture! Very cute! xxxx

  50. I hope that you've been able to tick something off your list and are feeling a little brighter for it (I personally hope it has been giving yourself some time to just be, because everyone needs that now and again). Reading your blog feels like sitting down and chatting with an old friend, and you inspire me more than you'll know (I think all your readers feel the same too). If you fancy some easy reading that you can get hooked on in under half an hour, have you tried Milly Johnson - her books are like a breath of fresh air and make you laugh and cry then feel bereft once you finish them!

    A wonderful post, and I hope you're feeling better as the week draws to an end and the sun has stated to shine!


  51. Oh my, you two are just gorgeous no wonder you've got such a beautiful baby
    I'm so happy for the both of you :)adorbzz

    Hope you feel back to your bubbly self sooooon :)


  52. Hey Louise I recently started a Blog and it would mean a whole lot if you could check it out!

    Lots of love hun! Kate :)

  53. Very inspiring post it has made me want to write a motivational list for life too!!!

    Good luck and have fun with it xxxxx

  54. This is such a great idea - I will definitely be making one of these! I love reading all your blog posts, they make my day :)

  55. Congratulations Louise! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.

    spa breaks


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx