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Sunday, 27 May 2012

Icey Nicey

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Earlier on in the week, in THIS post, I talked about how I was going to set myself little targets, in order to meet my bigger goal of a happier life. To be clear, I'm not unhappy-crying-my-eyes-out-every-2-seconds, I just haven't been feeling myself these last few weeks.

One of my goals was to discover new ways to play with Baby Glitter, because I feel like her toys are getting a little run of the mill, and she needs something a little more stimulating to play with. My criteria for activities this week were- something we could do together, easy to set up, easy to put away, not too pricey and something we could talk about as I am really keen to encourage her linguistic skills. She currently says a small set of words, but we're expanding them week on week.

On Tuesday, we took out a plastic place mat, a tray of ice cubes and sat and played for about 20 minutes. She LOVED it! Who knew bits of frozen water could be so thrilling?? Baby glitter really enjoyed pushing them about, picking them up and clenching her little fingers round them and then dropping them and looking surprised that they were cold, handing them to me and licking them. I enjoyed counting them out to her, using key words very clearly and repetitively ('cold' and 'ice' etc), letting her skin experience different temperatures and interacting with a very engaged baby. 

Baby Glitter plays every day and is usually really happy in her own little world, but it was really full filling to actually sit down and play with her, talk to her, see how interested she was in what we were doing. 

We've found a few activities like that this week which I will share with you over the next few days, but I thought seeing as this was our first, it'd be your first too. Another plus of Ice Play, is that it's free and makes minimal mess (a bit of water never hurt anyone, not even my oatmeal carpets!). 

Also, I killed two birds with one stone (I hate that phrase- why would you want to kill a bird with a stone??). In my list of goals, I had aimed to learn how to use my new camera- I used it for the first time to snap our little play date- yay! Naturally I have a lot to figure out, but so far I'm pleased as punch.

Do you ever make up fun games for young children? Share the love and inspire us if you do!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Laura from Secret Diary of a Fashion Journalist. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!  

I will be replying to all June advertising emails tonight, so if you have been in touch, panic ye not, you are on my list :) xxx


  1. What a cutey, and what a great idea! Moments to cherish.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When I was little my mum used to draw all the curtains shut in a room to make it really dark and with a little lamp we would play shadows on the wall with our hands, figurines that were cut out of hard paper and stuck to a pencil or icepop sticks and other objects and she would make up stories as we went along. Was super fun and cheap! And as an adult now, I still remember the fun we had :D

  4. We loved playing this game too when we were little, but to get our taste buds popping with excitement and trying new flavours as we got bigger mum made the ice blocks with fruit juice or fruit puree. Fun little game and great little snacks... can get a bit sticky and messy though hehe

  5. A super cheap way to have fun with baby is a bottle of bubbles, cost about 50p and at least an hour of fun in the garden! Hand paints also are great, just get 2 pots of cheap paint, lots of plain paper outside, some old clothes on baby or just a nappy so you can bath them straight after, messy but babies love it!

  6. what a lovely idea! and somehow this post really touched me, you are such a great mommy! I always loved to paint with chalk on our terrace and felt very proud when my mum took a photo of it and printed it to hang it up on a wall in the house where some of my paintings used to be. also I loved loved loved the modelling clay and tools by play-doh and it's easy to clean up the mess if you let baby glitter play on a plastic tablecloth! you can just wipe it off and also if the weather is nice you can let her play in the garden :)

  7. This is such a sweet idea!! Baby glitter is adorable, she seems like such a happy little thing! The picture with the purpley floral background and her hand touching the ice is so cute! Lovely post Louise :) x

  8. Hi Sprinkleofglitter im coleen and i just started blogging today literally and could you maybe comment on one of my posts and give me a few tips for blogging you are very inspirational! xxx

  9. Great post xx When I was younger, there was a really long straight brick wall in my back garden, and my mum would give me a bucket of water and a paintbrush. Me and my brother would paint the wall with the water in the summertime, and when we had finished the wall, we would realise that the bits we had done first, had dryed up. So, we would go back and do them bits again. This would go on for hours, and we enjoyed it soooo much!!

  10. Ah, this sounds fantastic! I'm starting to write down a little list of ideas for games when Jack's a little bit older :) xo

  11. Love this post! Especially the first photo where Baby Glitter's pointing to the ice like she's saying "Look Sprinklerinos, this is what I've been doing today!" Such a cute little baby :)

  12. I Love This Idea, but it's a bit late to use on my first child but will use it with my unborn sprog! One of my son's favourite games was and still is, "What it that?". You could practically do it with most thing but me being a right on foodie, Yep I did it with food.
    I started of with a few different fruits and veg that were different in colour, size, smell, texture and OBVIOUSLY TASTE! He loved it from the first time which was around the 1 year mark till now. The game has changed from single fruits and veg, to categories and now being blind folded. I think it's simple and it introduces your child to using all of their senses as well as encourages new food & new words to them!


  13. Love this post! And Baby Glitter is so adorable! I'm glad you're discovering more ways to play with Darcy :)


  14. mmmm heart ice cubes! i want some. What a great idea for a baby! super safe too


  15. I had NEVER thought of using ice cubes with little ones. I have LOADS of these different shaped moulds...I use them to make homemade chocolates for christmas hampers! Looks like you had lots of lovely fun

  16. love your blog...maybe we can follow each other????

  17. has anyone found that lately they cant see any of sprinkleofglitter posts in bloglovin or on blogspot because the last post i can see is the one about baby shower essentials or somet :(

    someone help :(

  18. Haha so you didn't bake with it then ! Good 'cause I got worried about you there :P !

  19. This is a great sensory baby activity. I do similar activities like this in my sessions. Great for communication too!

  20. Great idea.
    When my two were younger i used to get a food tray and some mega cheap body lotion. Normally stuff i didn't like or use anymore. I'd put the lotion on the trays and they would rub their hands in it and make patterns. Almost hours of fun and lovely soft skin.

  21. fab idea...i work with children on a psychological level and messy play is an excellent way to encourage development and allow your child to explore their senses :) and its so easy and cheap to do using items from your cupboards.....from mashed potato with cookie cutters to cooked and cooled spaghetti mixed with honey or baby oil to cold custard and glitter the different textures offer endless fun!! the Sure Center website offer brilliant idea's and recipes...enjoy!!!

  22. awww so cute!^^
    i like your blog!
    Would you like to follow each other?
    Take a look at my blog and let me know^^

  23. Aw so cute! And such a good idea!

  24. your such a good mom love yur ideas so cute

  25. stop making me want a baby hahahaa! I'm too young!
    I'm loving your new play ideas with Darcy! you're such a good mum :D xx

  26. haha, my mum used to do that with me!

  27. I loved this post :) baby glitter is very cute! .. I have a baby sister that has just turned 1, I might try this with her :) .. Also it might be a good idea to put food colourent in with the ice whilst making it to make them colourful :) xxx

  28. If you are looking for messy activities. One we do at nursery called gloop is brilliant for baby glitters age! It's just a mixture of corn flour and water. It looks like a liquid but when you move it it turns to a solid. It's really messy and great fun yet it's really really easy to clean up! Google it or youtube and I'm sure you'll find it. It only takes about 2 mins prep! x


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx