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Friday, 4 May 2012

Why I Love Blogging

Aloha Spinklerinos,

I do have a few (and by 'few', I mean LOADS) of beauty posts planned, but today I just didn't feel like it. As you will know if you have been reading a while, I promised myself that I would never write something I'm not entirely passionate about, so here we are, writing silly lists, just because I adore them. Anyone else have a love for list writing?

This was snapped during a recent OOTD which I will post soon. I thought that seeing as this is such a sincere post, a silly picture would be apt.

Today's list has been a long time coming. I hope it gives you a little insight into why I do this writing stuff on the interweb and maybe even encourages you (if you have one) to love your blog that little bit more.

Why I Love Blogging

1. It is a space where I can be totally myself and not be concerned about what other people think. I don't know why, but I feel like since this is my slice of the web, I have absolute rights to be exactly who I am. No worrying about whether I sound stupid, no worrying about whether I look as slim/stylish/pretty as the girl standing next to me. Nothing. Just here, I am the queen of my castle and can frolic about just as I choose.

2. It makes me feel creative. I love to create things. Cards, gifts, cotton drawstring bags for children, the lot. I found that since I became submersed in blogland, ideas for posts are everywhere and it's fun to let ideas run and develop in your head and then see them come to fruition. I get quite a kick out of it I suppose.

3. You provide me with a constant. You, the readers of this sparkly world, have been in my life for nearing 3 years now. I've had a great 3 years, but naturally, there have been poopy moments, where I've had a good cry or felt a bit lost. There have been quite a few times, awake and upset at 2am that I have read a kind comment or friendly tweet and felt a little lighter. Having you in my life makes a real difference, so thank you for that. 

4. I value more. I think blogging makes you see the little things a lot more clearly. Yes, it's great fun to write blog posts about new makeup lines and gorgeous beauty treatments, but I equally enjoy talking about the times I find really cheap vintage lace in markets or how I love my front garden in the Spring when it is in bloom. When you appreciate all the little things, it adds up to a rather positive outlook on life. 

5. I've had some cracking experiences! I have been really fortunate and invited to some marvelous things that I wouldn't have done without this blog. Pretending to be a woodland creature on the London Eye with Glossy Box, sitting my 8 months pregnant self on some snooty woman's hand at London Fashion Week and being filmed at Google HQ for a TV Documentary have been some of the highlights. When Darcy is older, I'll tell her all the things Mummy did when she was in her 20's and feel very proud. 

6. 'Six' doesn't feel suitable special enough so imagine your favourite number for this one! FRIENDS. Through blogging, I have made real, actual, tangible pals. I was going to write a little bit about each friend I have made through blogging/vlogging, but I think I will leave that to a separate dedicated post. Would you like an entire post on ZoeChummy, Fleurbles, Vixypops, Mrs Thrifty, Marie and Catnav? I might even use their actual names and not my LouiseLand ones- haha!

In a nutshell, blogging has been a blessing and enriched my life in so many more ways than I thought it would when I set off on this merry little journey with you. Who knows where it will take us next! 

Also, as a side note, Cosmopolitan magazine have opened their doors to all you lovely readers, to nominate your favourite blog to win their Blogger of the Year Award. Naturally, I would poop my pantaloons (ew) if I were to be nominated and dread to think what I would do if I won (double ew)! If you would like to (entirely up to your discretion) nominate this glittery world, I would fall into the 'Established Beauty Blogger' category and you can click HERE to find the site. Hurrah!

Since this is a blog post about the love of blogging, I would love to hear what you love most about writing on your own blogs or reading other peoples. Do you love blogland as much as me?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Laura from Secret Diary of a Fashion Journalist. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!


  1. Love that purse, you look adorable
    following, and looking forward to future posts!

  2. Just voted for you Lou's! I really love reading your blog! Your enthusiasm for everything you write about is contagious! Thanks for inspiring me to write my own blog! xoxox

  3. Hello :) (this is my first time commenting on your post.hee)

    Can I thank you for blogging? :D Your blog is really nice and the posts all seems so sincere. I love it! ^_^ And this particular post reminds me not to write on my blog when I don't feel like it. Thank you again lovely Louise. :)

    And yes, do make a post about ZoeChummy, Fleurbles, Vixypops, Mrs Thrifty, Marie and Catnav. I'll be looking forward to it and to your other posts as well. Take care~

    ps: if it's not too much trouble, can you give Darcy a kiss from me? :D Thank youuuu~

  4. we love you too! just voted for you :)

  5. I agree with you about having a place to be truly yourself & somewhere you can document the everyday along with the special things in life. I have voted for you as I am a hugeeee fan of your blog :)


  6. You are the reason I started to blog :) and I did it for all those reasons!! I did my vote this morning :) I think your great! :D

    xJen xxx

  7. I like your blog because you're fresh, funny and nice! 100% you as you said. This makes it very personal which I like. It's the same I try to do in my blog, just sharing with you things I love! :)
    Regards from Barcelona! (Yes, even in Spain you can find sprinklerinos!)

  8. I am new to the world of blogging, but I thoroughly enjoy your posts and YouTube channel. You are a true inspiration to the rest of us Mums out here and your personality is so down to earth and REAL. Thank you for inspiring me to keep on keeping on with my blog and for reminding me why I love to write. P.S. I also love that you always say Aloha. I was born and raised in Hawaii (and live in Washington now) so it's like a little piece of home when you say it ;)

  9. I am also new to blogging. I might not blog often but i only blog what i actually feel like talking about. I love your blog because you obviously care about what your saying, and your jolly well hilarious!! Keep up the good work love, xx

    P.s i was in urban outfitters yesterday, they have some lovely woodland creature cushions. Just thought you'd like to know....

  10. What a lovely, positive, glittery post! I think my favourite thing about blogging is that I can go on and on and on to my hearts content about the shade of a lipstick and my readers will know what I'm talking about and be interested! I also love finding blogs which are written by people with similar interests to me so I can be inspired :) xx

  11. You're so adorable! Never change anything about you, you're amazing :)

  12. I'd definitely agree with you SO much on the making friends bit! I've never had a really ~best friend~ but everyone's so lovely, and helpful! I've recently gotten a lot closer to some girlies and I'm so pleased I now have friends who are interested in the same things as me!
    Fab post, Louise! Have a lovely weekend :) xoxo

  13. I voted for you for established. I really enjoyed this post, well I enjoy all of your posts but this one especially. I love watching your videos and reading your posts, they always cheer me up - in the event that I need cheering up. Keep blogging and spreading the love, I love forward to reading/watching you every day! Is that creepy? It is, but I don't care.


  14. I voted for you anyways because your amazing! x

  15. I started blogging because I feel that over there I can be 100% me, and I feel like I can write about what I love and am passionate about.
    You inspired me to start my own blog :)

  16. Louise I love reading your blog and watching your videos!
    You always cheer me up and make me pee my pants laughing!
    I'm off to vote for you right now :)

  17. Your blog post inspired me to finally start my blog, thanks!! please check me and let me know on what i can improve on!! xx

  18. Hii! This is a great blog. My friend and I just started a blog, because we were inspired when you and zoella made a video about how to start a blog. We have so many ideas on what to post about and can't wait to share it with everyone. thank you for inspiring us!
    xx marie

  19. AW, such a nice post. I love your blog Louise because I can tell that everything you say comes sincerely from your heart. I think you a lot more talented at this 'writing stuff' more than you actually realise. I'll be voting for you for sure :)

    Lots of love
    B xxx

  20. I think if anyone deserves the award it's you! Voting. Right. Now. xxx

  21. I am still gathering up the courage to start my blog. Love this post I am obsessed with lists too. Did you think your blog would become so popular when you started it? X

  22. Honestly Louise, you are one of my favourite bloggers/youtubers lately. The passion you have for blogging/videos is so real, nothing pretentious about it at all - and it really shows in everything you publish. As a soon to be mummy myself, I love that you have a bit of Mummy-Blog thrown in among the make-up and products.

  23. I'm definitely a list maker. I make list for everything. I even make list to clean my house. hahaha! It's true!

    & I agree that I love that my blog allows me to be me. I have a passion for makeup and beauty products but I also love home decor and woodworking. Who says I can't blow about both right? & I do. :)


  24. Your post inspired me to reflect on why I blog and why I love it so much. Thanks for reminding me to take note of the little things. I agree about blogging satisfying your creativity. Agreed!

  25. please go on my blog!
    I work so hard everyday for it and no one goes on it xx
    Thanks :)

  26. Hey Louise,

    Hope you and baby glitter are doing well
    I found your blog from the youtube channel can you tell where the follow button ?
    lol, i am sorry stupid q.
    maybe i am already following it. dont know pressed on various things while trying to find the follow button.
    Let me know,

    Thankx alot.

  27. Hi Louise,
    I totally agree with you on the love of blogging. I've only just started mine but I always look forward to writing posts and sharing my inspirations.
    Thank you for being an inspiration :o)

  28. Nominated you for the Cosmo award thingy because you genuinely brighten my day when I read one of your posts or watch one of your videos! Laughter, smiles and glitter all the way! What could be better?

  29. I love your personality, your so positive <3 Btw I have entered the giveaway (:

  30. What I love about blogging - I find there's something very serene about it. I love planning a blog post, taking nice photos and talking about things I love :) Like you, I find it very creative which I love, I think it's a really nice outlet for my crazy makeup-ness :)


  31. I love love loveeeeee your blog!
    I'm forever watching your vlogs, beauty videos and blogs! - without that sounding like i'm a massive obsessed stalker hahaha.
    Oh dear, anyway, since watching your stuff for over a year I started up my own blog!
    Ahh, scary. Today actually.
    It about me and my daily life which is forever bombarded with awkward, dramatic situations which other people seem to think are funny when I recall them so I thought i'd share this with the world of the internet.
    Perhaps you or your lovley bloggers could possibly visit?

    eee. ahahah.

    Even if one person has a look? That'd be pretty kewwwwwl. I don't know how to tell people about it.

    Thank youuuu!


    p.s super nervous if anyone visits my blog! ahh

  32. I've just started blogging :)! I'd love for people to have a look, I know there isn't many posts yet but I will soon build them up.

    Charlotte xx

  33. This post inspired me to start my own blog. Although it's a little different from yours, I'm hoping to receive the same love and joy you receive from your beautiful bloggy :)


  34. I nominated you for Best Established Beauty Blogger. = ] You definitely deserve it....Your blog is such a joy to read. It always brightens up my day.

  35. really cute post!!

    i have joined this crazy blogging world a mere couple of months ago. i decided to become part of this world, because i see it as an amazing way to express oneself about what one loves! and the experience of sharing ideas is also amazing!

    i luv creating outfits which are affordable and still look amazing!

    you are a truly great inspiration!!

  36. i just found you on youtube and have subscribed to you and zoe, i love your videos and posts! so glad i found you two! xx

  37. hey :-) you are so gorgeous and such a lovely and funny person. I enjoy watching your videos and read your blogs. my english is not so good but i wish the best for you and your sweet familiy and stay the way you are. Lovely greets from Germany :-) :*

  38. I love this post :) You always brighten my day when I see a new post or a video!
    I think it's great that you only write about what YOU want to write about. You can definitely tell you love blogging and really enjoy what you do :)
    I love your scarf so much, everytime I go into Primark I almost buy the blue and orange one but I'm not sure it would suit me! xx

  39. love this post :) just started a blog today and you were my inspiration for doing so. Voted for you too! Really hope you win! You are such a lovely person :) xx

  40. I love your blog, and videos. You are such a sparkly beautiful person! You are such a lovely person and we sprinklerinos love reading all about you, and Louiseland and beauty products. Defo voted for you! X

  41. Woah!!! You've just gone over the 10,000 mark...amazing! Well done you. I love your blog and think it and the vids are fantastic, you deserve every single subscriber, Louise!

  42. Thank you for this—it's really inspiring! I have exams coming up but I've found that I've wanted to blog more than usual lately, simply because it's something I enjoy doing and want to do as a break from revision :)
    Rosie xx

  43. great post x

  44. One other comment I wanted to leave too - just looked through your past OOTD, you should do more :) I'm 'curvy' to put it politely too and nice to see someone who is embracing her lovely shape wear nice clothes :)

  45. how cute is this post!! i really like that bag <3

    victoria xoxo

  46. I have just started blogging and found this post so inspiring! I just watched yours & Zoe's video on blogging tips and it has opened my eyes haha thank you! I think being honest and writing about what inspires you is more important than getting followers, free stuff etc. and I actually enjoy posts about daily things or more affordable things more than the ones about high street make up!

    P.S: you have the CUTEST baby in the world omg! <3

    Daria x

  47. I rather do love the clutch in this photo. Will keep checking back for your OOTD to see where you got it :)

  48. You are such a genuine lovely lady Louise! You are so approachable, if i saw you in the street i would come over and say hi, where as some bloggers and youtube video maker people (couldn't think of an appropriate word there) i would be a bit intimidated by and probably just tweet them. It feels like I've known you for years! Please don't stop blogging and videoing anytime soon because it really brightens up my day to see a new video or post. Darcy is one lucky little baby! x

  49. Hey guys!
    I'm reasonably new to the blogging world, and I would absolutely love it if you guys would check out my Beauty Blog?
    It would really help me out, and I sincerly hope that you guys enjoy it!


  50. Good Luck with the Cosmo Awards!

    A Little Lacey


  51. Such a happy post!
    You're definitely my favourite blogger :)

  52. Such a happy post, I have just started blogging and really enjoying it. How old is your daughter? I have a two year old.

  53. Voted for you and I really do hope you win, I love your blog and youtube channel. I love how you blog for the fun of it rather than getting people to follow you and for free things! Such a lovely post :)

  54. Ah I love the photo! The lipstick is gorgeous. Your blog looks amazing <3

  55. I love this post, so great!

  56. hahahaha awwh i love you to louise :D love you from catnav :D :) xxx

  57. Just started blogging! Please check out my blog!
    Louise love your new blog post about "Scarlett Hearts" They are amazing! Going to defiantly order some!:)xxx

  58. since reading your blog and watching ur vlogs it has given me the confidence to do my own and I must say it is a really exciting thrilling thing to do, it gives me so much pleasure, a place I can call my own and be whoever i want to be, it has made me more confident and a lot more....broke lol as i keep buying new stuff to write about! but it is my little pleasure. just because i am a mummykin now does not mean i cannot treat myself

    also i have found some great products out there. just wish I knew how to get more people to read my blog without ramming it down ppls throats. dont like spamming (just got an image of being slapped on the forehead hehehe)

    anyway...will leave u to it lol xxx

  59. such a nice post. i've had a blog for about a year, but i've never really wrote much on it. but in the last couple of months i've wrote more, just because i'm reading more blogs (like yours!). i agree that i can be myself, and this is my little project that i will cherish for a long time i hope. my blog is

  60. I love this! I love blogging too!! I've only been blogging since Oct. 2011 but I love it so much and it's all I want to do these days! I hope one day mine will be as successful as this! Lauren xxx

  61. I have to agree with reason 1. My blog is basically an online diary, but by sharing it the world it makes me feel a bit better about whatever I currently have on my chest. And it stops all the random crazy thoughts I have in my head from spilling out to the checkout girl in Sainsbury's or something else equally embarrassing!

    I would love more readers because I know what you mean about it being a network and a constant and meeting friends. I dont think many people like to read my random ramblings though probably because they are just TOO random! :D

  62. Love your take on beauty just found you through Fleur. Great job out are doing _


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx