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Monday 11 June 2012

7 Things for 7 Days

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Remember a few weeks ago I wrote a post about things I wanted to achieve for the week, in a bid to motivate myself to actually do them and share my progress? Well, against all odds, it actually worked! I checked back through my list as the days ticked by and gradually, one by one, did them all. I know this isn't exactly groundbreaking, but it pleases me.

It pleases me so much, I thought I would do it again and then update you on how I get on. I would love to hear some of you own mini goals or targets in the comments and how you get on too. We can be a sort of online support to one another and then at the end hold hands and sing songs. Too far? I think so.

(Image : 

This week, I plan to:

Exercise. I'm not suggesting a marathon here, but more than my usual sedentary life would be a bonus. Maybe a couple of walks or a work out DVD to blow out the cobwebs and give my bottom a good jiggle.

Cook. Hmmm maybe not the best goal to set after 'exercise'! I have been having way to much pre prapared and junk food these last few weeks and I really have no excuse other than laziness. I'm going to don my pinny (or at least locate it!) and make a few healthy snacks and meals. How hard can it be?

Clean. You know how sometimes you just keep your house ticking over and do the bare essentials? I've been doing that and things need a good 'deep clean' as I like to call them. I'm not sure which area I'll tackle. but I'm looking forward to it. How sad.

Create. I have three projects on the go at the moment and so this week I am going to finish at least one of them.

Plan. More and more often I neglect the fun things I used to do all the time, so this week I will arrange three fun activities for me, Matt or my chums. Woop woop!

Read. I absolutely love reading to Baby Glitter. Firstly because I know how beneficial and bonding it is for her, but also because I'm rather fond of an illustrated tale, so over the next seven days, I'm going to either buy, find or borrow (from the library) some new books for us to enjoy.

Unwind. Pretty much what it says on the tin. Baths, salon trips, candles and magazines are all things I'm considering.

As an extra add on, I am feeling super inspired blog-wise so I have a lot of post ideas that I want to bring into fruition and make happen. 

Would you like to do any of these mini goals with me and let me know how you got on? I'd love some 'goal gals'.



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Dashing Divas. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top! 


  1. I love the sound of your unwind goal! I'm currently in the middle of exams and I've been so stressed, so unwinding sounds amazing! Great idea, might make a weekly goals list for myself :)

    Stop by and check out my blog giveaway! :)

  2. I need to make myself a list a lot like this! I'm so out of sync with life recently and the days are going by rapidly fast with nothing being accomplished!

    I hope you have a productive week Louise!


  3. This is a great idea! I have been eating too much junk food as well, I get really lazy to cook for just one..definitely need to try and attempt some healthy meals.

    Sita xx

  4. i i might make plans like these :) sounds like a good structured way to do it! Ana xxx

  5. These are all great goals! I'm sure you'll manage to do all of them.
    I have no goals for this week as I'm going on holiday tomorrow for 5 days so I'm just planning to relax and have a good time. I suppose it would be nice if I got a phone call offering me a job or an interview and I am viewing a flat on Saturday so I hope that's nice and we can take it. So I do have goals after all; relax, have fun, get a job and get a flat. Fingers crossed for all of us!! :) xx

  6. Great goals, inspiring!

  7. I think it's very admirable that you've made yourself a list like this and followed through. Go Louise!! Exercising and reading more are definitely things I could join you in. . . I've been lazy about it because it's quite hot in the part of Canada where I live at the moment.
    Best of luck with all of your goals!! You're so inspiring <3

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i love making goals for the week! it's a great way to kickstart and keep track :)

    x Jordan
    - Boho Vanity -

  10. Sounds awesome! I really wanna be inspired to become better (e.g. excerise and eating) and those goals seem like a good idea! Hope it works out for you :)

  11. I have a constant list. The trick is to not be too hard yourself if you don't do something.


  12. Good luck! Looking forward to seeing how you do :)

  13. I love that you've made a list like that, it's something I really need to do! xxx

  14. Love the list idea! I often miss out on things because 1) I procrastinate far too much, 2) it's easy to wiggle out of things when they are not physically written down. Lists in the mind can be so easily forgotten. =)

    on a side note, do check out - I discovered this on youtube, and they have fantastic little recipes that may give your cooking goal a push in the right direction! :D

  15. So positive, have fun meeting your goals! x

  16. I have my last exam today then plan to do something similar to this! Need to relax, eat well, exercise & read :) Think this is a great idea, good luck Louise!

  17. I really like this idea (and not just because I'd get to make a list hehe). I have a very bad brain sometimes and struggle to motivate myself or do much other than lurk around the house.
    Might have to steal it and make one of my own :) I hope yours come to fruition! xx

  18. I really love your blog. I'm following it!

    You can follow mine too:


  19. Ah, this is such a fantastic idea! I do find that writing down the things I want to achieve, especially in the eye of the ravenous public, makes me even more determined to actually get off my jiggly bum and do them!

    I am definitely with you on the exercise one. My waistline is gradually expanding into a mass of burger/pizza residue. It isn't ideal. In fact, I am going to go and do 12 sit ups right this instant. Does that count as adequate exercise?!


  20. Good luck! My a-levels finish next weeks so I might try things like this over my really long summer :-) xx

  21. I'm loving these posts, theyre inspiring me to get off my behind and do some more stuff with my time! I'm also feeling quite inspired blog-wise so I'm with you on that one, as well as planning and reading! If you come across any good books do let us know (I'm also fond of any illustrated tale, but unfortunately being only 17 I don't plan on having my own baby glitter to read to for a while yet...!)
    I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on, good luck!! :D
    Nicola xxx

  22. I love how your making so much progress with things you want doing, at the moment i'm at college and my coursework deadline is the end of this week eeeeek! I wish i'd of thought of doing something like this so that i wouldn't be stressing so much now :) you know when you wish you'd done something the day or week before thats what i'm like!


  23. I could certainly benefit from some if not all of the goals on your list and as a bit of a list obsessive, this excites me! All except the bottom jiggling bit, which strikes fear in to my heart *gets out pen and notepad*

  24. This is a great idea, I definitely have a goal list for this week and mine also includes exercise, planning and unwinding as i've been having a completely manic couple of weeks and feel like I need to take some time to sort everything out again! I hope you achieve your goals for this week :) x

  25. I do love a good 'to-do list'! I've been keeping a weekly one for a few months now and I don't beat myself up if I don't get everything ticked off, but instead congratulate myself in how much I have got done. The beating self up only happens when I have had the same item on the list for more that 3 weeks - then I give myself a cheeky slap!

    In the same filofax (yes I have reverted to a previous decade, but I found in some of my old stuff stored with the parents and it seemed so tempting to use - I do love a bit of fresh stationery and so the filofax is reborn) I keep a weekly list of 'things to be happy about/grateful for' - it even includes things like 'saw my friend's new baby' or 'put together a new outfit from stuff I already had'. Might sound mad I know, but its part of my plan to focus on the good things in life to hopefully turn what has been a pretty poop year for me into one I will remember for the right reasons!

    Loving these posts Louise! Enjoy your week. x

  26. I'm going to join you in a couple of your goals. Exercise and cook are also top of my list. I used to cook all the time and now I'm so uninspired. I think I'm going to aim to make al least one new recipe this week. Thanks for the inspiration Lou! Lx

  27. I did one too! Linked you! :)

  28. I hope you have a super productive week Louise!


  29. I'm certainly joining in with the Clean, Exercise, Cook and Super blog goals! Lots of freebies to review for me this week....and lots of washing to do - booo.

    Exercise starts with Aqua Class tonight, and thanks to you i wont chicken out and cancel!


  30. This sounds good! :)
    I feel like I'm not doing much recently, I'm 17 and I'm going to learn to cook ;)

  31. Great blog post, honest and inspiring; I am in with you this week! One thing on my list will be to practice using liquid eyeliner...I love how it looks on others but have never put the time in to practice with it for use on myself. Any tips for applying it welcomed as I could do with all the help I can get x


  32. I love this blog post, it's inspiring and I might have to try the exercise one or unwinding, obviously I won't do things that involve a baby because I don't have one but I might be able to change a couple to suit me?

  33. My plan is just to reivse all the time for my exam on Thursday haha xx

  34. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now but I can't say I've been as successful in achieving them! Love your blog + youtube Louise ,you remind me of a friend of mine I rarely see ,just all round awesome :) x

  35. Lovely list - think mine would be pretty similar. Ok. I'm in, you've convinced me :) I'll blog about it tonight.

    I'm a goal gal - yeehaaaaaaaaaa!xx

  36. Loving this, I do a similar thing every week on my 'slimming into summer posts' I take one thing off the list each week and tackle it. It feels great at the end of the week to see what you have achieved!

    Lea x

  37. I think this is great! I really admire you for being so positive and full of life! Lots of love! :)

  38. I really love this! It's so inspiring and amazing, it makes me want to do it oo- which I'm actually going to :) I'm so proud of you that it worked!

  39. I think this is great, and I have some goals of my own, I really want to reach them

  40. Great goals, you could maybe do recipe posts for what you cook? :)x

  41. Very inspirational! I have taken note after reading this and finally got round to sticking some stuff on Ebay, which I have been meaning to do for agesss!
    Good luck with your list!

  42. I'll join you! Here's my goals :)

    1) Do a lot more on my blog - I have a few cool posts lined up that I'm working on :)

    2) Spend a quality evening with the hubby

    3) Plough down and get all my work done that I need to at work :)

    I know that's not... exciting, but it all needs to be done :)


  43. definately do more blogposts!(y) xxx

  44. I'll join you for cooking and cleaning (wearing my lovely soap & glory pinny of course). Sounds exciting (well, maybe only a little bit). I think you'll do better than me but I'll give it a try x

  45. i hope you reach all your goals xx

  46. I'm really good at making lists at the start of the week and find at the end I haven't ticked anything off at all!! I'm wishing you the best of luck Louise! Especially for the last one! It can't be easy being a mummy but you inspire me to be like you one day!

    All the way from rainy France

  47. .. Going to give it a go, thank-you for inspiring me Louise!! :) xx

  48. hehe...i keep hearing in my head (and singing aloud a bit) that chicago song "You're the Inspiration" as i am thinking about what i would like to accomplish for the week..Clean and organize my home, shop for healthy meals and snacks, exercise body and mind, and work on a planner/tracker such as Marie bitsandclips has done. Thank you for this inspiration Lady Glitter, and Good Luck to all in your endeavors!

  49. Well done for last week! I've just finished uni for a few months so I have a few goals, mainly to go to the gym twice a day to shift some weight(I was a victim of the fresher's 15 lbs) and to start painting again :)
    Definitely keep us updated with your progress!

    Hollie x

  50. Love the idea of setting yourself these little goals :) Makes it seem so much more managable when you break it down into these little tidbits! Well done on what you've achieved :) xxx

  51. I love this - such a great idea! I really love the idea of breaking everything down into achievable and realistic goals. Good luck! x

  52. Good luck on this Louise! Think I'm going to try help around the house a little more, my Mum does an awful lot for me and my sister. Few meals and doing the dishes will definitely help her out! :D


  53. I think this is amazing !
    You should totally do it !
    For a home exercise I'd recommend the 30 day shred :) It's pretty fun and she encourages you to push yourself... what just came to mind was you sitting on a trolley just now LOL
    Anyway and for something healthy, you could always bake vegetables in the oven and serve with poached eggs :D Or a salad with minced chicken, garlic and soy sauce :D

  54. I think this is such an amazing idea!! I've been struggling with my anxiety the past couple of weeks (lots of school stress, lots of pressure) and I really like your idea of setting goals! My first one is definitely to start doing yoga every helps me to calm down and I could really use some relaxation right now. By the way, I absolutely love your blog!! =)

  55. How cute this list is! I have been trying to make myself do all of these things as well! But it's summer break for me from college, and I just can't get the motivation! Haha!

  56. I would love to do these! I'm going to try and think of 7 things now x

  57. I have joined in.. a little nervous as I've discussed a few personal bits but glad of the kick up the bum!


  58. I love your blog! You give me so much inspiration, thank you for all of this greatness. You are fabulous! x from Amsterdam, Marloes

  59. i did it!!!!!

  60. It seems my comment has disappeared:( I did a post a few weeks ago so here's the link to mine! i think its a fab idea!

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Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx