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Monday, 18 June 2012

Super Staycations

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I was recently approached by Tots100 and asked to talk about one of my favourite sorts of holidays, now that I am a Mummy. There are several other bloggers championing different getaways (such as camping or luxury locations), but I chose staycations. 

A staycation is quite simple. You take time out from ordinary life and do relaxing/fun/holiday activities, all whilst staying in your native country. 

I think a lot of people automatically assume that a holiday needs to include airports, villas and swimming pools. Obviously, these are all exciting things to do, but they are not the epitome of a holiday and there are other options available.

(Baby Glitter enjoying the breeze on her face whilst playing with water on a hot day. Ahhh Summer Bliss)

Rather than waffling on and on like a waffle (good analogy there), I thought I would share a few of my top reasons for thinking staycations are super!

Budget :: By staying in the country, you eliminate buying passports for little ones (Baby Glitter still doesn't have one), the cost of flights and possibly rule out the price of vaccinations. When Matt went to Costa Rica last year, we shelled out a small fortune for him to get all his jabs. Sheesh!

Less Fuss :: At the moment, we are introducing Baby Glitter to lots of new foods. She is pretty fussy and knows what she likes. I think if I were on holiday, I would want to know that she was happy in what she was eating and wasn't going to kick up a fuss. A bit of drama over dinner at home is fine, but if it was Matt's week off work and we wanted a really special time, I know I would want happy meal times. If you are in the same country, you know you have access to exactly what your children will eat. Saying that, I loooveee trying foreign foods so I'd be happy as a clam haha. Also, if (touch wood) a family member were to need medical attention, you have much smoother access to hospitals, doctors and medicines.

Reunions :: Matt and I met a lot of our friends at university. Over the years, a lot of our chums have moved to different areas of the country and so this is a great reason to take little minibreaks, see new areas and catch up with friends. We love taking a road trip to visit family or pals, 'car chats' are one of our happy things.

Time :: Sometimes it's fun to have a 'holiday day' rather than take a whole week out of your schedule. You'd be amazed how many fun days out there are in England. From fish and chips at the seaside, adventures at historic castles, sight seeing in London/Liverpool (my favourite cities), roller coasters at theme parks or spa days in the country side, the possibilities are endless.  

Other reasons you might prefer to stay closer to home are if you have pets and you want them to accompany you, you are nervous about facing language barriers or you have a fear of flying (my Mother in Law is a good example of this).

As some of the other bloggers involved in this feature have talked about their favourite types of holiday, ParentDish have offered a fab competition where you can win a family day ticket to Thorpe Park. If you would like to enter that competition, you can find it HERE.

Or, if you like competitions (are you a 'comper'?) and would like to vote for Staycations to be your favourite type of getaway, ParentDish are holding a little poll with the other bloggers taking part in this feature and you can vote for my holiday HERE.

Some of my best trips have been weekends away up North with Matt or weeks by the beach in Cornwall with my family. What are you doing this summer? Do you have any holiday tips for travelling with young children?


This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Dashing Divas. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!

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  1. Baby Glitter looks adorable! I'm actually planning to visit London quite a few times this summer, there's always something exciting to do without spending heaps of money xxx

  2. Baby Glitter is so cute!
    I like staycation and holidays away from home! You can enjoy both!

  3. liverpool is one of my favourite cities too! i'm lucky enough to be going away this year, but last year we stayed at home and with all the days out/time spent with family and friends you don't even notice you're in the UK! ...unless it's raining, which it inevitably will be... xo

  4. Staycations are definitely a great option, especially in Canada (where I live) since depending on where in the country you travel, it really does feel as though you've gone to a completely different place!

  5. In my 18 years i've only had one staycation but its always the holiday i tell people about! there's so much to do here in Ireland!

  6. Staycations are the best :) xxx

  7. aww baby glitter is getting so big! staycations sound so fun.

    please check out my blog> any tips would be helpful..

  8. I don't even have a child - I'm 16 - and I read and enjoyed this post!! :)

  9. Hi Louise I was wondering if you want me to advertise your blog on mine:
    email me at if you would like me to.

  10. When I was little we used to always stay in the UK most of our holiday. Then we started going abroad more and more often sometimes 3 times a year. But this year I haven't planned on going anywhere. My boyfriend and I have booked to go to Newquay for my birthday :) I can't wait

  11. I think holidays abroad are wasted on little ones until they are about 5. We want our boys to value and remember their experiences abroad which is not going to happen when they are tots. We did take the eldest abroad because we had a big family celebration cruise when he was 1. He was fantastic but wont remember the holiday. We love staying in challets and the like because the kids have more room and outdoor space than a hotel room. Great post go UK and go baby Glitter splash that water! X

  12. Baby glitter is so cute! I don't think were going anywhere this summer though :( boo xx

  13. I love Staycations! I agee with everything you said, my parents too- they took me and my brother on a little tour of the UK haha! Every year we'd explore a new place, Cornwall, Bornmouth, Wales etc. We had the best times and I've gotten the most amazing memories out of it :)

    This was a great post Louise :)

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  14. I'm on staycation right now! with lots of trips planned around Scotland and England that dont need to cost a fortune!

  15. I always go on staycations, every year! I usually take a friend which makes it a whole lot more fun and exciting, love this blogpost!


  16. so cuuute!

  17. This is so true! I love staying at home and hanging out with friends and family. Its nice to go away every now and then, but home comforts can't be beaten!
    Especially when you're a penniless student:P

    Also Baby Glitter is gorgeous as per, makes me so broody aha:/ oh dear!!
    Lovely Post:)

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  18. I think as you get older and your family grows it becomes more of a chore going abroad etc. I like the idea of staying at home making the most of family time and just enjoying each others company. There is plenty of time to travel abroad when baby glitter is older and can appreciate it more and possibly remember it in the future.


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  19. The best holiday I had was in Cornwall! If the weathers nice you could easily be tricked into being abroad if you didn't know better!
    Also Wales; North Wales is gorgeous. Conwy and Llandudno I LOVE! I'd definitely take my kids there! Well...if I had kids, lol.

    'Staycations' are just as good as being in another country in my opinion. Baby Glitter looks cute as a button too, as per. :]

  20. I have to say i love a good foreign holiday, and were sussing out places that we class as kid friendly now so one day when we have a family we can go back there. Dont get me wrong i love a good uk cornwall holiday, but i work hard to holiday lol so once a year abroad for a week, and one week in the uk (or long weekends sounds bliss to mee... ) ahhhhh :) xx

  21. This sounds just like my summer! I'm due to give birth in three weeks.... Eeeek! So going away was off the cards this year, I'm just looking forward to spending two weeks with my partner and our new bubba and then three more when the other half has three weeks off in September (: who doesn't love a Staycation?
    Stevie-Jean xx

  22. you're such a devoted mother, n'awh. we always juust travel around the country as a family, its always way better and nicer to get to see places in your country! xo

  23. i love car chats tooo you can really get to know more about someone when your stuck in a car with them and have nothing else to do xx

  24. Baby glitter is adorable!

    I think a staycation is only applicable if your staying at home, not if your going some place over night, even if it is in your own country. I like doing both though. I used to travel, a lot, and I loved it. Now I find that I love weekends at home with my husband, or just a day out in London.

  25. I love staycations. Send me to Cornwall or a place with castle/caves/mines then I am a very happy girl.

    My friends are always trying to book holidays abroad which sadly I currently cannot afford, but a weekend camping in Cornwall is within my budget and I think it's just as fun. (It can even be as hot! I remember last summer I was in St Ives lying on the beach in a bikini, and not the slightest bit cold, but over a lot of northern europe and england it was pouring with rain)

  26. It's funny because I live in Cornwall and so it's easy to get into the routine of just sticking to the area I live in because it is a holiday destination to thousands of people each yeah, but it is so so nice to go to different parts of Cornwall for more of a holiday feel. I seem to be pretty rubbish at doing this for myself, but when I have friends to stay I love taking them to discover the other amazing places around us. I think that living in Britain we really are so lucky, we've got a bit of everything all within our grasp!



  27. Oy vey, Darcy is the cutest/most precious baby on this planet. I love your youtube Louise... I'm not lying but every time I watch your videos I burst out laughing, and yes I have watched every single one. I think you're the reason why I've decided to start a blog! You've inspired me quite a lot (is that grammatically correct? summer break is getting to me). You're just so funny, and sweet. I wish I had your accent! American accents are borinngggg. I think with this comment I have been presented to be just plain creepy. Either way, Darcy is precious. :* Love from Chicago to the UK, Vetushka

  28. I am totally with you. We are going to Majorca in august and am STRESSED to high heaven over it! I have spent a small fortune on my sons' passports and a renewal. I am totally stressing over the travel, my toddler isn't the easier of toddlers! I am worries about being there. I'd rather just jump in the car and drive to destination, kids loaded with mags, books, snacks. I love a road trip, car chats are ace, we talk about anything! The past, the future, the weather!

    I'm sure we'll have an amazing time on our holiday, but I could do without thiS stress!

  29. What a cute baby you have :D

  30. i love staycations! it's strange to think that i've been to lots of lovely places around the world but i've never really explored my home country, so now i'm doing just that! xx

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Sprinkleofglitter xxx