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Friday, 22 June 2012

Gift Ideas for Dashing Dad's

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

All my life I have struggled with buying gifts for men. This Father's Day I did myself proud though. So proud, I'm going to share my idea with you. I should probably point out at this point that it was my friend Marie's idea, but seeing as she lives on the other side of the world in America, I don't think she'll squeal on me any time soon! 

 (I have editted the flower over Baby Glitter's chest because naturally I don't want her topless on the internet. In real life, that's not there! Matt was THRILLED with his gift and can't wait to hang it in his study.)

How to make this Dashing Dad's Gift

1. Think about the word you want to use and buy the correct frame. I wanted 'D.A.D', so I only needed a tripple window frame (mine was from Ikea). 

2. Buy the letters you need to make the word and paint them the colour your choose. I used some paint I had in a little B&Q tester pot, so you really don't need to be Mrs Fancy here. 

3. Get snap happy! I dressed Baby Glitter in a little tutu and pink bloomers, sat her on a blanket which I held up behind her, whilst Zoe clicked away. You may have to take a fair few shots (especially with young children and babies) but hang in there and be patient. If possible, ask a friend to help because it makes life so much easier! Thank You Zoe! 

4. Take your snaps to the developer and frame. Simples. 

: TIPS :

Try this for the Christmas season but with 'J.O.Y' or 'N.O.E.L' and a festive outfit. You don't need a baby/child for this, I made one for my Dad with these photographs. Don't I look spiffing?! Haha.

Buy a double windowed frame and hold numbers to make a unique birthday gift. 

Use a four windowed frame for words like 'LOVE', 'LIVE', 'LUCK', 'BABY, 'HOME'.

To make photographs look extra swish, consider using a free photo editting site like picmonkey. You don't need a professional camera to make brilliant images, just a bit of creativity.

If this was a gift from children, buy a simple frame and allow them to embellish it with gems, paints, buttons or sparkles.


Is this an idea you like and might try? Do you have any great DIY ideas for the menfolk in your life? Share the love. 



PS- I am now on Pinterest and you are welcome to come and snoop through my boards/follow me. Go on, you know you want to ;)

This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Dashing Divas. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!


  1. This is amazing & SUCH a good idea!x

  2. Amazing Louise, simply brilliant.


  3. Louise you are so creative! This is such a fab idea and baby glitter looks adorable. X

  4. This is why I love your blog. Your posts are so different :D And i may pinch this. Ahem xx

  5. This is such a wonderful idea! I'll definitely be using this for my sons Grandma, she will love it! Thank you for sharing x

  6. I LOVE this Louise! So sweet and the photos are beautiful! Your new camera skills are clearly paying off. I bet he was just chuffed to bits with that!

  7. This is really the cutest idea ever, you are a genius! And I actually really like the flower :)Maybe I'll do this for my boyfriend's birthday with something cheesy like LOVE

  8. I love this, thank you so much for the ideas! I'm always clueless for ideas for men too because they all like such different things! Definitely going to try out some of your ideas as a tester, even the festive ones :)

    ps. i couldn't resist showing my mum the photos of Darcy and she thinks she's adorable too! such a cute idea xx

  9. Aww this is the cutest thing ever! Bless! You have a beautiful family :)

  10. AWWWWW if only I could've gone back in time and taken photos of myself holding dad letters :'). He just has to cope with normal photos.

  11. What a fabulous and cute idea! I love it! Going to have to wait for an occasion to use this now!

  12. Such a good idea, my Dad would love this :) xx

  13. Such a sweet idea! So cute! xx

  14. your sooooo creative, i wish i was like you xx

  15. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen! xx

  16. Aw thats so cute and very creative :)

  17. This is such a brilliant idea!! :)

  18. Super cute! This is a WONDERFUL idea! Thanks!

  19. Such a great idea!!

  20. This is actually the cutest thing!! x

  21. I love this! It is sooo cute!

  22. Aww, this is so unbelievably cute, you got some great photos!
    Mel x

  23. I was so excited when I saw this! I'm wishing for Christmas to come faster so my brother and I can do a "MUM" one for out mum. You're so creative Louise, and unintentionally helpful!

  24. I've seen this photo idea on a few other blogs too, so I wonder who really came up with it! It's cute! xx

  25. This is such a creative idea! I love it. I'm definitely going to make one as soon as I get the chance!

  26. Best DIY! I must do this for my mom and dad! :)

  27. I think this is such a beautiful and fabulous idea!! It looks absolutely gorgeous!

    I'll definitely think about this when I'm looking for a present that's more personalised!!

    Ginger x

  28. This is a great idea! Baby Glitter looks adorable :) x

  29. What a good idea! I think it would be great for Christmas time, think I'll be trying this soon! You have a lovely blog. x

  30. Aww so cute! This is a fab idea :) x

  31. Just gorgeous. You are very talented x

  32. What a fab idea! I'll definitely have a go at this sometime! :) xx
    Beauty by Emma

  33. Such a good idea! I did a similar thing for my Dad after seeing your video mentioning it :) x

  34. i love this! baby g looks so adorable x

  35. Oh, this is soooo cute!!!!! Wonderful present - you have the right to be proud!


  36. oh wow, i love this. Such a cute gift :) x

  37. Baby glitter looks so cute and this is an amazing idea!x

  38. I can't tell you how much I love this. Its my boyfriends sisters birthday in July and she has a 3 year old boy and a 1 1/2 girl. I think I might kidnap them for the day and do this as a surprise for her. I could do MOM with her beautiful daughter and If I take a photo with two of them I could spell out LOVE. I'm so doing it!

  39. This is beautiful! (:

  40. Such a cute idea, the outcome is gorgeous <3
    Carissa xx

    Vanilla Crush Blog

  41. this is such a adorable idea xx

  42. Hey Louise, love this frame of little baby glitter! She's too cute :)
    I think it's a lovely idea, and your one you did for your dad too was pretty :) I'm thinking of making one for myself and getting my daughter to hold the letters for MUM. Even given me the idea to do a HOME one if i manage to move out soon! :)

    Claire x

  43. I saw these on your video and loved the idea so much! Baby Glitter looks adorable in these photos <3
    I'm a self confessed rubbish present buyer, so this is definitely going on my list as a present for Robbie's birthday from Elodie! Thanks for sharing :)

  44. Loving the idea, find buying gifts for men so difficult. Such a thoughtful gift

  45. This is a lovely idea, but I was rather take aback about your choice to edit the photo. You are creating an issue when there really isn't one.

  46. I love this!
    Hannah Rose

  47. This is such an amazing idea. Baby Glitter looks beyond adorable :)

    Jess x

  48. This is gorgeous! Such a good idea. xxx

  49. what a lovely idea. your little girl is such a cutie! x

  50. Love this post such a cute idea! My mums birthday is coming up and she would love this! Thank you :) x

  51. This present looks so good and is so personal it is a brilliant idea i love it, baby glitter looks really cute and sweet in these pictures.

  52. Cute idea! Baby Glitter looks so adorable!

  53. Great idea to try out, love your craftsy posts !!

  54. I love that idea well done!

  55. Oh she's just the most perfect baby! What a lovely gift idea!

  56. Such a lovely idea!! xxxx

  57. Such a good idea :) Will definitely find an occasion to make one of these for, although not sure I could pull off a tutu as well as baby glitter ha

  58. That's such a lovely idea! And by the way you may just have the most beautiful baby in the world :) xx

  59. Aw your little girl is so cute :) This is a lovely idea, will have to remember this! x

  60. I love this idea, I saw it on your vlog and have been hunting for frames and letters ever since! xx

  61. Awww that is so creative and cute!!

  62. I plan on doing this for Christmas for Melissas Grandparents with "Oma" and "Opa" instead of "Dad" :)

  63. What a beautiful idea! You did an amazing job Louise, that really is something to cherish always... x

  64. This is amazing I love it - it helps that baby glitter is so gorgeous obviously, but it's a fab idea! I'm going to tell all my Mummy friends about it :) Gem xx

  65. This is a fantastic idea. Ive bookmarked it and everything lol Loving baby G too cute! xx :o)

  66. baby glitter is so cute! i also love your idea, will have to steal it for my dads birthday i think! x

  67. this is a really great idea and looks really professional. i know i would love a present like this. im definitely going to keep this in mind for upcoming birthdays because i love giving and receiving presents with a personal touch.

  68. This is adorable Louise! I didn't even consider this when you did the preview, looking back its fairly obvious lol x

  69. This has to be one of the cutest things I have ever seen. So thoughtful and super stunning. I want to do it when I have kidds. x

  70. absolutely love this idea Louise! beautiful :)

  71. LOVE this idea... great work!

  72. such a great idea! might have to steal this one of you hehe ;-) xx

  73. Completely adorable. You've knocked another one clean out of the park, Louise!

  74. This is an amazing idea Louise ^^

  75. We offer essential items for newborns, every day clothes for young children and gifts for new grandparents and relatives who are looking for inspiration.

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  76. such an adorable idea! Ill definitely be considering making some for family memebers and my boyfriend :3 x

  77. Could you give me a deep brief about the idea for gifts from your collection?

  78. I love this blog, thanks for sharing this post.

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  80. Definitely giving this a go and will some how find a way to show you! :) Maybe email you? Not too sure but will do this for my parent's anniversary with my siblings :) Excited! :D


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx