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Monday, 13 May 2013

Motivational Monday #14

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Wooohoooo another Monday. Another fresh start and another opportunity to achieve all your goals. 

Motivational Monday | Sprinkle of Glitter
(Image : Pinterest)

Week on week I talk about things that I think will make a positive impact upon your day and every Monday you leave such lovely comments in the below section (ooer) about how you feel better. I LOVE that. 

I think the key to a lot of life's challenges is positivity. Where there is a positive attitude, the rest just kind of falls into place. For example, you've gone to a restaurant and ordered a new dish in the hope that you will like it and when it arrives, you find you don't. We've all been there. The negative attitude will tell you that the meal is ruined and everyone else is having a better time than you with their delicious food and you're hungry and everything is crappy. The positive attitude will tell you that at least now you know you don't enjoy that dish, you have experienced something new and will know in the future that you don't like the risotto at Zizis (or is that just me?). Yes, you're going to have to order and potentially pay for something new, but it isn't the end of the world if you don't allow it to be. 

What I'm trying to say is that you have the power and the ability to control these situations with your attitude. You are able to make those changes and you are able to improve practically any situation you are ever in by being positive about things. Naturally there will be times that simply are downright sh*t, and they are to be respected, but for the most part, you can make such a difference if you allow yourself to. 

So, this week, let's focus on training our minds to see the positives. I would love it if in the comments you told me a few things that are positive in your life at the moment or things that you are going to do today and view in a positive light.

Looking forward to being uplifted!



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Barbie and Pie. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.

PS- Advertising slots are booking up really fast now that we are coming to the summer months and queues are starting to form. If you would like to avoid that and are wanting to advertise, book soon. 


  1. I love your motivational Mondays. They are just what I need. I really dislike my job, but am trying to look at the positives and also also think positive.


  2. This has been my BIG self improvement thing for the last 3 or 4 years. I used to be the most terribly negative person but I've put heaps of effort into training myself to be positive. The key thing for me was recognising when/in what situations I have negative thoughts, so that I knew exactly what areas I should really focus on being positive in. You can't change your thought patterns without first knowing and recognising what it is you need to change x

  3. Hooray for another motivational Monday! I will try to be positive today about going to work, after all I do get to see my lovely work chums :)

    Lauren x x x

  4. I feel the same as Claire. I am currently working in a clothing store because I am saving money to move to London. My job is awful, the environment at work is so tense and cold but I am staying strong for my big dream! :)

    Lisa x

  5. Your posts are literally the best thing about mondays, please never stop writing them, I looooove them!

    Much love xxx

  6. Again a brilliant post for a Monday morning! Thinking positive is so important and having made a big effort to do this for the last month or so I have to say it really does pay off!

  7. Love this quote series, really inspirational.

    Carina xx

  8. After being informed my internship in the UK would not be possible, I felt so bad, but you're motivational mondays helped me through. It's not the end of the world, it means I can keep my current job in the Netherlands, I don't have to leave my friends and I'll be home for my 21st birthday with all of them to celebrate. Negative news doesn't always mean the end of the world. Thanks for this series Louise, it's great!

  9. this was a great pick-me-up to the beginning of final exam week, thanks louise (:

  10. Love this saying, I have definitely been harboring too much negative energy. Time to let it go and let the positive in!

    Lottie x

  11. This is a perfect pick-me-up for me this week as I have a resit exam, it helps me to have a positive set mind so I won't freak out and be able to achieve the best I can achieve! Thank you for another brilliant motivational Monday

  12. Some positive things in my life are my sister and some friends are graduating from uni this week! Even though my uni journey is going to take longer than I planned, I'm happy that my friends get to be real people and start their "grown up" lives :)

  13. Louise, have you ever seen the Disney film "Pollyanna"? (It's one of my absolute favorites!) You remind me of a modern-day (much cooler and much more stylish) Pollyanna :) I love the positive-ness! xx

    I am happy to say that everything in my life is positive right now (even if I have final exams this week, I'm glad that I at least have the opportunity to attend school).

  14. Love this I totally agree with you! Great start to a Monday x

  15. I've been in such a rubbish mood for a while now and this seriously put a smile on my face! Negativity sucks tbh, i'll try to be positive for this week, hopefully it will turn out better than last week (that was a terrible terrible week for me)

  16. I believe in that saying with every bone in my body. I think people should spread more positivity and not focus on negativity around them.

  17. Dear Louise,

    For the past couple of weeks I've only been able to think about all the sh*tty things that happens to me lately. I've been very sad and not been able to enjoy my life at all. Or to at least enjoy the small things that I always used to enjoy. So thank you for reminding me that behind all those clouds the sun is shining.

    So let's leave the nagativity behind and concentrate on the positive things in my life:
    - I am fortunate enough to have both of my parents here with me
    - I am fortunate enough to have a roof above my head and have plenty of water and food every day so I don't have to starve or dehyderate.
    - I am fortunate enough to go back to college in September (I am really looking forward to that!!)
    - I am fortunate enough to have a good camera where I can capture the beauty of the world with
    - I am fortunate enough to have all the luxery I could have ever asked for
    - I am fortunate enough to have the medication which will help me to stop being ill
    - I am fortunate enough to have a job interview today (hopefully I get the job!), and I am fortunate enough to be (an unpaid) editor at a website for teenagers.

    And now, after I've thought about all these pretty amazing things in my life I feel so much better. After all those months of being very sad and ill, it's such an increadible feeling to just feel GOOD.

    I can't thank you enough for giving me that feeling. I hope that you have a great day today. <3

    Lot's of love,

    PS. Please excuse my bad grammar, I'm from the Netherlands so English isn't my first language.

  18. So true! And I feel like when I'm negative, only negative things come my way!

  19. This is so inspiring!

    Check out my OPI nail polish giveaway!

  20. Love these posts Louise, I tend to be quite a positive person 80% of the time but you really inspire me to keep this up.

    Something I'm going to look at positively today... Was annoyed at the fact that I need to rush out in my lunch break in busy London to oxford street to exchange something I previously bought (probably in the rain). But instead I'm going to think of it as a nice opportunity to get some fresh air during the working day and get out of the office :)


  21. This is one I've been struggling with Lately... Been negative is defiantly draining for yourself and others.
    I have made sure i am changing this and think about all the positives in doing everything and how happy ill feel at the end!

    Carrieanne x

  22. Louise, you are a gem. Please keep doing these posts for as long as you can keep thinking of more inspiration! :)

    Lucy x

  23. Thankyou Louise!
    I have four exams this week, one of them today and now I can see them in a more positive light! Instead of feeling out of my mind scared for them, I've now decided to see that they are what's going to get me on to the next step of my life after A'levels. I'm fortunate enough to have this education and if they don't go as well as I'd like, there's always re-takes ;) Thanks again for this inspirational post! xxx

  24. I love these motivational posts from you Louise! I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said :) I'm staying positive at the moment in my goals to lose weight and also with my study! I'm nearing the end of my semester and that's when uni gets mean and awful and bombards everyone with giant workloads... but I'm staying positive with it all by looking at the light at the end of the tunnel; holidays are just a few weeks away! And then I'm moving to LONDON! Ahhh! I'm a mixture of positive and negative on that one, but I know it's going to be an amazing adventure and change is always uncomfortable :D

  25. I love these posts, I have 5 exams this week but I'm going to take on all this advice and look at it from a different perspective!

    I would LOVE it if you would check my blog out and maybe even follow too? :D

  26. MOTIVATIONAL MONDAYS!!! Haha aw Louise you're so nice for doing these xx

  27. This is so true! I love little motivational quotes :)

  28. I love motivational Mondays! Lovely post! xx

  29. this on one of the best ways to start the week reading the motivational monday posts! x

  30. Both you and Zoe have been so inspirational to me. I'm going to take more risks with my little blog and write about the things I want to write about instead of what everyone else is writing about :)

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  31. Lovely. Love these motivational Monday posts, they always set me up for a good week :)

  32. this is the best thing to read on a Monday! love this post x

  33. Such an excellent example you provided! I have been here before myself haha! Whenever I order out I always buy a steak or food I like, I don't really try anything new but do when shopping in my super market, great post :) x


  34. So inspirational, love reading your blogs!


  35. I totally agree; this has been my mantra for years. I'm currently living back at home with my parents and working retail despite having a first class degree because it's all I can afford at the moment. My twin brother suffers from lupus and can't work or even walk some days. The whole family's struggling money-wise at the moment, but my brother and I really try to keep positive because if you can't stay positive, you'll wallow and have a miserable time. Our problems don't have to mean a wholly negative life; in fact, my brother's the most humble and optimistic person I know despite suffering from a life-long progressive disease that means some days he can't get out of bed. Life is more enjoyable when you actually determine to enjoy it. :)

  36. I love these Motivational Mondays! It makes me ready to start a new week, and this one and next week's will help me get through high school exams. :) By the way, Happy Belated Mother's Day from the US!

  37. I like this quote a lot and I really try to remember this when I'm in a bad mood! x

  38. This is a great one, Louise! And negativity is so draining. Cheers to positive vibes!
    - Danielle

  39. I really love this post, thinking positively is something I really need to work at!x

  40. If you wanted to get all psyco babble, you would call it 'internalising your loci of control'. Look who remembers something from her studies and is flaunting it on the internet? Don’t mind if I do.
    Lovely post.
    Gwen x

  41. Love these posts, always have the most beautiful sayings! xxx
    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  42. Reading these post actually brighten up my monday's.

  43. Negativity is easy. It's the staying positive and finding silver linings that's hard. Daydreaming about how you'd like to be more like the positive people you admire doesn't mean a thing if you carry on with the weight of your negative thoughts. You've got to put the work in, sure, but it's so worth it! Life's just better with a sunny attitude. Thanks for sharing this, Louise! xx

  44. Positivity can definitely be a hard thing to have if you're used to feeling negative all the time. I'm in a great place right now, accepted into university with an unconditional offer, almost finished my exams, a family holiday to look forward to and a music festival I have always wanted to go to but never had the courage to actually attend. There are a couple things though in my life that are happening which make me feel incredibly anxious, but I'm trying to look on these things in a more positive light... And it's actually helping!

  45. i always look forward to mondays because of your motivational posts (never thought i'd be saying that) and i always take something away from them so thank you Louise X

  46. Positivity is a huge thing in my life, I always try to find the positive in everything. The people in the world who only look at the negatives and can always make an okay situation seem horrible is always annoying to me. I don't understand why they would choose to live life that way. It must be a horrible way to live.
    Thanks for this Motivational Monday post, it's a good one to remember :)

  47. So true. I find myself being negative too often because I get myself into these ruts and it's tough to get out. Motivational Mondays always help me look on the bright side and look at the better things in life. They make Mondays a little less gloomy!

  48. This is the motto I try to live my life by. Mostly because being sad or angry just isn't fun! And life should be fun! Always a pleasure reading your thoughts on life Louise. xo

  49. I love this post as it makes me thankful for everything I have thank you for this motivational monday x

  50. i love your posts like this!!
    beauty/fashion/lifestyle x

  51. your posts always make me so happy Louise, motivational mondays are my favourite:) I want to start writing some extra positive posts now because I know how much they can help someone's day! Thankyou :) xxx
    Beauty/Thoughts/Lifestyle blog xxx

  52. At the moment I'm doing my finals so I'm just remembering that although they may seem annoying, difficult etc., I will appreciate going out and spending time with my friends and family so much more when they're over :) x

  53. Hi Louise! This is my first stop on your blog and I am hooked! So, I came into work today late because I was caught up by an unexpected train. I was lucky to beat my boss in but had to park in front of the building in order to do so. Then when she wasn't paying attention, I had to run down 3 flights of stairs, move my car to my normal space (5 blocks away) and then practically jog back and hope she didnt notice me gone. As I ploped down in my seat, glistening from sweat, I read your blog and I thought, least I got some exercise in today! LMAO! thanks for helping me see the positive. Your the best and I will be tuning in tomorrow! sending much luv from Florida!!

  54. i absolutely love these posts! They make me have such a positive outlook on things!

    Love it if anyone could check out my blog!!:-))xx

  55. I love your motivational posts! xx

  56. Lovely post :-) I have recently come back to the blogging world and having a 'fresh clean slate'...I'm not really getting anywhere so have felt quite negativity about it. But as I genuinely like blogging, you know what, I'm going to be far more optimistic and positive about reaching a few followers!

    Thanks Louise.


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Thanks for the motivation Louise! I had an issue with a sandwich cafe that left out a half of a tuna sandwich from my overpriced order. I didn't realize it until I got home and I was almost about to forget about lunch altogether. I went back only because I paid so much for it and I am not letting them rob me and leave me hungry too! They actually gave me a full sized sandwich and threw in 2 chocolate chip cookies for my troubles. So I guess it worked out & I got my money's worth!
    hashtagphoebe on bloglovin

  59. Really enjoying your blog and channel! My youngest son, age 4, has his best friend coming over tomorrow to play. The problem is that the bedroom he shares with his older brother is absolutely trashed. I've been viewing us picking it up together as such a negative thing because it'll probably take most of the day , will probably get all messy again next week, etc. Trying to be more positive, I am looking forward to having it done and getting that great feeling of accomplishing something I have been dreading. Thank you!

  60. I know what you mean, I had a little 'Zizi' moment the other morning and let it snowball into a stupid mood that ruined my whole day, never again! x

  61. Today I handed in my final university assignment of the year! It was such a relief and I took the positivity from that as encouragement to get lots of revision done for my exams next week!

  62. You've written true words. x

  63. Love your motivational mondays, I need to take this on board more

    Ellen // A little bit Unique // Facebook // Bloglovin


  64. I really needed this post today, I always end up getting bogged down with negative thoughts and end up worrying myself sick! I love these posts as they really give me something to think about throughout the week - this one will definitely stick with me x

  65. Nice advise ..x

  66. My dad pased away in January, and even though I adored him, he was the most negative person I'd ever known, and miserable for a good deal of my life. Although he didn't have an easy life, I don't believe he had to be that way, and being his only child, I try hard not to fall into that trap as well.

  67. I had my first GCSE exam today and thanks to you I was not stressed and just got through it! Hip Hip Hooray for reaching Motivational Monday #14! xxxx

    Bea from -

  68. i love motivational mondays! I had my first A level exam today and was really nervous, instead of getting stressed though i concentrated on giving it my best shot and think i did alright! x

  69. I love your Motivational Monday blog posts! Thank you for inspiring our weeks!!

  70. I love Motivational Monday's, they always give me a bit of a boost! xx

    Leanne | Seeking Serendipity

  71. yay for Motivational Mondays, I'm really going to try and face this week with a positive attitude!!

  72. I know this is probably a first world problem and I'm overreacting. But i went to a one direction concert this saturday and sunday and most part of today I have been so so sad and sat crying in my bedroom because it was over and there will go so long time until i see them again. But then realized, don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. I had a great time, and was very lucky to be there! xx

  73. It's exam season. There is no room in my life for happiness at the moment.

  74. I love Motivation Modays that is why i write them now every Monday too :) i will try to think positive this week. Love you Louise!

  75. I love your blog Louise, it is truly inspiring and has encouraged me to start my own! You always say such wise things and I just wanted to say thanks for always putting a smile on my face!

  76. Very true, something I live by!
    .Georgina Clare.

  77. I've been having a dreadful day but this has just made me feel a million times more positive about life. Thank you Louise!

  78. I love your blog so much that I nominated you for the Cosmopolitan Blog of the Year.

  79. This post is so relatable! Especially with final exams con up so shortly it's nice to have a little reminder that everything is for the end. I understand that I could take that exams as a joke and not study instead watch all of your videos on repeat. However, I do want to get through university and still study hard to maintain all A's. Thanks for this, Louise!
    Lottie xx

  80. words cannot describe how I feel about this quote. very true. could not be said any better.
    love you Louise.

    - Janine

  81. this is just what I need to hear! thank you <3 x

  82. Today I went to my friend's apartment to take care of her cats. When my friend first asked me to take care of her cats I said yes without hesitation but then thought, she lives farther away from me and I have to feed her cats. Thinking positively, it gives me an excuse to go into the city, enjoy the outdoors and play with cats.

  83. i love this post! so true.

    I have an International 750 Follower giveaway running Check it out >>Here<<

    BreezeyBee Blog

  84. This post really helped me :) I'm in a rotten place with my parents right now and it's all a bit horrible and depressing. But I'm seeing the positives in today and in my life. I have a wonderful singing teacher and an opportunity to be a successful opera singer in my life and the fact that God has given me this talent is something to be thankful for :) l

  85. Thank you for sharing this. There is never too much positivity in tanks world--in fact, if needs more! :) This makes our Mondays a lot better.

  86. Thanks for the great read. It was my birthday May 13th and this year was very different than any others as I started off my morning with a goal to make others smile. All I did was smile to others walking by and just to feel their spirit lift was so amazing. I really love reading your posts, I hope to see more chat type videos to hear your thoughts when you have the time. Keeping up with your blog as well as youtube must be quite hectic along with being a mommy and wife. The encouragement of your posts helps loads. I don't like that glassslipper has copied 'your Motivational Monday idea' -.- None the less all this motivation is GREAT. wow this was a longer comment than I thought. Have a wonderful day, thanks for lifting my mood with your cheery personality shared through your videos. xoxo

  87. Louise, your Motivational Mondays are just what I need, although it's Tuesday by now. I tend to be a bit negative in my thinking and unmotivated especially when it comes to paying attention and being motivated at uni. But thinking about it, learning all that stuff is fascinating and I do feel privileged to be able to make these experiences.


  88. Always an inspiration Louise :)

  89. Best motivational monday! :)

  90. forever in love with you.

  91. HAHA i just wrote about Monday Blues and this is such a better way to look at things. The mind is very powerful i think we all tend to forget. Good read!

  92. Attitude is everything! Every day you wake up and make the choice as to whether or not you're going to be happy!


    Follow us on Blog Lovin'!

  93. absolutely love your motivational mondays xxx

  94. Hey Louise! I love your motivational Mondays. Please check out my blog about being self confident!! I have an intro posted so have a read :) x

  95. I love motivational mondays, even though it's Wednesday I completely argree with everything you've said. It's always great to stay positive and focus on the good things you have in live and to 'count your blessings not your woes'. x

  96. Such an amazing quote :) xxx

  97. i recently had a huge argument with a girl who was one of my oldest and closest friends and obviously i looked at the situation and be upset or angry about how it ended and things that were said or done but after reading this ive decided to look at things in a better way and now when i look at the situation yes im sad ive lost her but i will always have the memories and it was probably for the best so thank you i really love your blog and channel and id love it if you could take a look at my blog im 14 and only just started but i try my best to make each post good and hopefully one day have a successful blog like yours thank you xxxx

  98. Yessss this is exactly what I need to keep me motivated during the next few weeks! I have all my gcse exams, and also I am taking part in a production of Wizard of Oz (opening night is the weekend after my final exam), so I am sooo stressed right now! This, and all of your other posts, really help me stay positive when I need a little pick-me-up so THANK YOU LOUISE!
    Ps. Your youtube videos about body confidence and staying happy are truly so inspiring, you are literally amazing:')


  99. I love motivational mondays! every monday morning in my lesson i have a quick peep at this and it gets me through the day! haha :) so lovely!

  100. Love reading these every week! Thanks for taking the time to do them! I have a wonderful husband who allows me to go to nursing school full-time and not have to work. He's amazing and supports me in all that do. That's one of the many positives in my life :)

  101. thank you so much for this post.
    i suffer from horrible anxiety and depression and i recently realized that i need to stay positive and know that my story is not over, although sometimes i do feel trapped.
    i absolutely love your motivational mondays!

  102. Thafor this post... picked up my crappy mood I've been having! Positivity and mindset is key!

    Natalie x

  103. This is so true! It sounds so cliche when people say it to you but it really does help, thanks for this post xx

  104. Hey guys, I've been reading Louises blog and watching her on youtube now for ages :) her and Zoe inspired me to start a blog after they did a video about it and I would love it if you could take a look, I did a post about NCS :) Would mean the world to me to get a follower

  105. These are great Louise. Really enjoying the motivational monday posts :)

  106. Excellent website you have here, so much cool information!..
    positive thinking


Thank you for comment!
Sprinkleofglitter xxx